Thu Scio Tribune General News WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY i Tomorrow Student Body Makes Announcement Now that warmer weather is here, the high sch<»>l stu­ dents are going to start giving dances in the gsmnaurn again. The first dance will be given March 1. We are l r- tunate in obtaining "Polly and Her Pals” to furm h the music for this dance. We trust the people of th s corimum- ty will support these dances, as we are anxious to deer < a-1 our gym debt materially this year. The new gymnasium committee is putting forth every effort to make these dances a success. Come and enjoy good music, a good floor, good eats and a go««! time at our G m Dance. March 1. Thanks, business men of S cm , f ■ your generosity in donating this space to us to tell of our ambition • And there will he special program rendered at the high school, to which the public is invited, the program start­ ing at 1:30 p. m. Parents should go and after the pro­ gram, or before, inspect the building from cellar to garret and something might be learnt' s. per sack tire Featuring lieal Bargains on Staple Merchandise Jonteel Eace Powder, regular 50c. special Toilet Paper, regular 10c roll, special 3 for I Gokien Glow ¡»airy I red, per »ack Dmimorv I>airy Feed. |>er Mrk 1.3» Millrun. per Mrk..................................... I.Ä Brun, per tprk .......................................... LOO 2 0U Middling» (white country), per «ack Corn, eatlem. per »ack ..................... 2.10 2.20 Corn, cracked or ground, per Mrk Hehrr'a Chick Starter Maah, per «ack 3.10 Kelly’s Drug Store OUR Premium Tomatoes, regular 18c per can for 2ft size, special 4 for Saturday ..................... ......... I Jv Diamond W Bulk Cocoa, best grade, regular 20c lb., special for Otp Saturday, 3 lbs. for...................... ¿JI Highest Grade Bulk Coffee, per lb .... Fieher’a Chiek Food, per Mrk ............... Flahar*» E kk Producer, per «ack ... . «Ml Meal. V’ per cent, per »ack ......... Soy^l . an Ural, 43 |wr rent, per tack ('«*<>« Meal. 22 per cent, per sack ...... Shell, eastern, per »ack ............................ Sall, stock, per «ack ............... . ............... Salt, dairy, (wr »ark..............................«... Land Planter Nevada), per ton ........ Scio Mill & Elevator Company BARGAINS SATURDAY No. 1 can Palace Car Apricots, finest grade, regular 3)c, special 4 r „ for Saturday.............. I Jv ¿p | ,OU Large size bottle VanCamp’s Ke ehup 30c Good grade canned Peaches 21 size, per can ................ 25c Good grade canned Apricots 2ft size, per can ................ 35c Saturday Specials Galvanized Pails. 12 quart (only one to a customer, and no phone orders accepted), each Milke our star your head- quarters alien shopping in Scio, whether you purchase anything or not. 40c R. M. CAIN Lang Ranges J. F. WESELY, Grocer Universal Ranges ■, JJX. ■ ll HIBLER Q, GILL CO In the Name ol lhe Law" and ‘ >R1 > ( ; A UA(ih FRED T. BILYEU. Prop. '.-. îk tires For Special Bargains Saturday, see our Display Window For Eord Service, PHONE! 27 » - When you want REAL SERVICE, on your car The Scio Garage Is the place for you to get that Service. Merle Cyrus, proprietor - I Jia f ‘