The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 21, 1924, Image 1

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Vol. 27
Why is it?
Letter Goea to Governor
Crown Mine Show* Good
Attend« Meeting
No. 28
Making Ball Park
About 10 days ago a letter was
The grade and high school boys
Editor McAdoo attended the win­
In writing to J F. Weaely, R E
addressed to Gov. Pierce,
;tc«l Peery says that the work is pro­ ter meeting of the State Edit-rial of the local school have been engaged
by the business men of Si<», ask­ gressing very satisfactorily at the Association in Eugene last Friday, >n leveling the city park across the
ing him to render all ¡».«-.«.iblc id ! Cr<>wn Mme. and that several feet and there learnd a lot more about «treat from the school for the pur-
in helping the local road omrnit- have l«een excavated recently. The hi« calling
It is the best possible i •■•*«• of making it * practice diamond
tec in convincing the State 11
<- letter also says that two old-time way to understand one's busin«-«« by for baseball. The old oak tree in
way Comrrltssion that a p.i«<•>! r>>.«<l miners are now on the job. and thev mingling occasionally with tho-e the center of the park has been cut
is needed from Green’s budge to think so well of the prospects that who are engage«) in the asm-- line, down by permission of the osmer.
Why is it thus?
In the summer lime all roads are Scio to assist the farmer in having each have purchosr«l 2000 share*. in fact, one is better able to serve ami the ground otherwise placed In
worked and Iota of money spent on an easy way to get his produce to I which speak* well for the mine, and his patrons by learning how others good condition. The grade bovs
these gentlemen are backing their perform the service. Much good will sell the wool out of the tree
them, hut in the winter time, when market.
' results from these gatherings, and to anyone who will buv and u«e the
This letter is also a reminder to i judgment with their money.
rough n«age is given them, there is
It is to the credit of the men hare, >»ne learns how other communities proceed« to purchase baseballs. Here
little or no work done on them, when the governor that he |>r. mi si this
that is the time cf year when they help if the legislature would pn»- who have unuauntrd faith in the are meeting with and overcoming ' i* a chance to help the boy« while
helping yourself, if you need the
should I* worked and woiked all vide another cent tax on gasoline, outcome of the mine, that they have ’ obstacles.
the time. If the roads were dragged
Prof J W. .Miller has been the
during the winter months just after
spirit in the undertaking,
a fain, there would be no chuck practically finished, .«nd that t or- proved their judgment good, with
he will receive the joys
holes ami they would be smooth ists and mercantile compaiue-. ha« < the report that men of experience taken a picture of ail the material
Why is it they are not worked’ free use of the highways every «l.<> have taken hold and will help in ' coming tn his office requesting pul»- out of the park that is his due. Mr.
lication of certain article* for she Miller used to be some ball player
Much money and time would be and no auxiliary lines li.ulin to bringing the mine to victory.
enlightenment of the public and hiin«elf. and of course i« interested
saved bv this process and good road« the rural distri« t*. that th--. six
where and how one could get such in this kind of sport.
mile* is the logical place to begin
would be the result.
Mr«. J. L. Oglesbee
snd so sb an article
This picture
Besides, the small towns are con­ doing for the farmer has been
One of «»ur most esteemed neigh­ showed lettsra 4 feet long arid 3 feet
siderably to blame for this negli­ done for the tourist.
Loa* is Great
So far no reply to tlic letter ha bor*. Mrs. Frcida Helen <)glc*l>ec. high, and had been received in I«-**
gence upon the matter of having ■
good roads leading into town instead been received, but no doubt will passed away at her home in Shel­ than a year. This was slways asked
By Franklin E. Gilkey
burn. Feb. 10, after a lingering ¡li­ to be published free, while th«-
of away. Why do thev let roads I be replied to shortly.
Red clover seed can be nd of
ne*« of a year,
manufacturer or dealer would reap
take people away from them and
buckhorn or plantain by soaking the
benefits from such publicity. From
Mr*. Holub Die*
not bring them to their town? Good
*e-ed for live imnute« and thoroughly
many. lulv 10, 1876
Came to 12 to 20 such letters reach the I rib-
roads is the liest investment possible,
mixing with dry sawdust.
age atul une office weekly, and are consigned
and why should they be neglected?
buckhorn «red coal Is musilaginoua
Holub, accom|M«ni>-I by her son has lived here until her death.
i to the waste basket.
and will »tick to the sawdust when
Anton, retur-.e«! from I ie. ««licit
Was married to I lerman Steidel
Editors don't need to live, they
Albany Win* From Scio
it in dried. After the seed is dried
she had l>ecn visiting him for at Corvallis. Oregon, in May PHI». are just for the use of the public,
th«- clover can lx- «operated from
some time. Soon aft i her arrival Four children were Imm to this hence the demand for free space i*
In the game of basket ball last Fri­
the sawdust with an ordinary fan­
Anton came down town and s!i< union:
Anna Marie Russell of - immense.
day night between Albany and Scio
ning null. If the sawdust is handled
started to do some chores and Went Crass Valley, Orc.; Frcula Clara
--------------- " """
high school teams. Albany came out
much before the sawdust i« removed
to the wood shed whete she c< 1 Bates of West Stayfon. Myrtle
Will Recruit in Albany
victors, although bv a small margin.
from it some of the buckhorn «red
lapsed, and her moans attract««) Wilhelmina Bates of Shelburn, and
Une of the local team had been sus­
will lx- broken free and go in with
the attentian of John Shindlc. w! o Richard Herman who died in in­
Sergeant Barney Dvxure. from the clover seed.
pended from school on that day, and
After the death c»f Mr. the Regular Army Recruiting office,
this, it is said, weakened the locals ♦ook her into the house an.I a pl .«- fancy.
it 1« essential that the seed be
1913. she was married Eugene, Oregon, will be in Albany.
It was a good game throughout and
dried a* soon m possible, after be­
many thrilling plays were witnessed. was not able to withstand this last to J. L. Oglc*l»ce on Feb. 13, 1917. Oregon, on recruiting duty from ing mixed with the sawdust, to pre­
Mr*. Ogleslicc was a devout February 23rd to 2Mh inclusive.
In the game between the local shock and die»! aL ut n> >n «ester
vent germinsti«>n. This can lw done
memlier of the Lutheran church. Sergeant Dexure is authorised to
girls’ local team and the Crabtree day.
by «preading the sawdust thin and
At the time of going to pre- s we Funeral services wete attended by make enlistments for practically any
girls, the Crabtree team easily the
n->t attempting to clean too much at
victors. This game was also well were unable to get any particular a great concourse of friends.« num­ camp or station on the Atlantic or i one time.
played and drew forth much ap­ as to the time of funeral • -r plac> ber from Marshfield, Gras* Valiev, Pacific coasts, Mexican Border, Phil-
Buckh un is the common cause of
of burial. The deceased leases Salem and Albany, Service* were ipine Island«. Hawaii or Panama.
d- ckage in red clover. It cannot
several children and many relatives conducted at the Presbyterian
eusily Im cleaned, mechanically, be­
to mourn her loss.
church and at the grave by Rev.
cause of the nearness in six* to red
Card of Thank*
The Tribune hopes to gi«e com Wm. F. Rodemacher of Albany,
clover. The loss from buckhorn in
who paid a glowing tribute to'the
plete obituary next week.
Rev. J. Y. Stewart will preach in *e«-d growing districts is enormous
\Vc wish to expresa our sincere
life of the deceased. "To know the Christian Church Sunday ev..... and can lie lessened bv planting the
thanks to the dear friends who ao
Card Party hnj- yed
her was to love her.”
Thia will lie a patriotic service need free from buckhorn.
kinilly assisted during the sickness
Interment took place in the Mil­ and the sermon will deal with some
aiul death of our loved one. also
A very enjoyable card imi I i w . ler cemetery. Besules her husband,
phase of Washington*!* life. Every­
for the Ix-autiful floral offerings.
New dlackamith in Town
given by the Pythian
iters last I I (Iglesl'cc, two stslrrs Mr*.
body is Invited but a special invita­
J. I.. Oglesbee.
Thursday evening in
c K ot I*, Winkler of Nashville, Oregon, aiul
tion is extende«! to the American
Mrs. Winkler.
la-wis O. Porter, who waa em-
hall, which waa bra itiiully dr««-ra­ Mr* Co»»kc of R¡«Idle. Oregon, two
la-gion an<l the pupils of the high ployed by C. E Kendle for several
Mr*. Cooke.
ted with | m > nsv wi -««. red heart sisters anti one brother in Germany
Mrs. Anna Russell.
month» last year, has decided to re
aiul ret! shadc«l lani)»*. carrying an«l the above three daughter* ami
Mr*. Freída i^ates,
turn to Scio and open up a black­
out the Valent u- de««>i .itn-u ap­ eight grandchildren survive, Ixrxidc*
Mr*. Mvrtle Bates.
smith shop. Mr. Porter is from the
This is Some Egg
propriate to t' e day.
other relatives aiul many friends.
old sch'K»l of blacksmiths and «ays
Prize* f< r high scores were
The «incere sympathy of the
he know* the business from every
Poorly Attended
awarded to Mis. J. P. Mlinkers, community is extended to the l>e-
He has secured his place of
Mr*. Herl rt BaUin. R. M. Shel­ reeved family.
biggest egg of the Mason that we business in the back the Bartu gar­
The Albany Salvation Army Corps ton ami (. on Donahue; low scores
have seen. It was laid by one of age, and says he will guarantee all
came to Scio last Friday night to to Mr* B. A. Ilolteen and I luui
Theron M Russel and wife came his Plymouth Rock hens lhat day. hi* work to give satisfaction. The
put on an entertainment and pie Holland.
from North Bend last week to at­ and meastrea t’<A inches around and I ribune welcomes him to Scio and
social and they were greeted by a
Dainty refreshments which car
the funeial uf Mr« J. L Ogles* 3j inches long. It weighs 3 J ounces. to its busineaa interests.
mighty poor house, it is said that
ried out the decorative scheme
by. rheron say« he like* North Who can beat it?
but 10 pies were brought and that were served by the committee in
Bond «nd that businexa I* good down
W. E. Arnold received alelegram
with their own company but 70 charge, bringing I tic evening to a
there. While here they «topped
evening from I-owell, Ore., say­
l>e<>ple were present. The program pleasant close.
Preaching at the Baptist church
with Mrs. RuaaeT« parents, W. H.
was very pleasing, and it is hoped
Sunday. lx>th morning and evening, ing that John Carroll, a relative,
Mclann and wife.
that if they ever return to Scio they
by Rev. C II. Hedrick, the pastor. «as very ill. Mr Arnold does not
Wilbur Davis spent with
know the nature of the illness.
Sulnu-ribe now, SI.75 tier year.
will receive better encouragement. hi* parents in Corvallis.
Everybody 1« cordially invited.
Nearly all the road« leading into
all the little placaa like Selo, Leba­
non. Brownsville. and others, are in
a moat deplorable condition all the
year around, while the road« lead­
ing into larger cities are almost al­
ways in good condition. If not paved.
Bit ;
DA N ( ' 1C
At Wesely Hall
B’EH- 23
Music by "DreamUmd Six”
Orchestra of Salem.
People’s Theatre I
Saturday Sunday
Presents in
“The Name
of the Law’’ I
also ■
Stan Laurel Comedy
The undanrigned will open a blacksmith shop
fnr general blacksmithing on .Monday morning.
Feb. 25. in the rear of the Bartu Garage. Scio,
Oregon. Bring in your horses and let me shoe
them, and other work you may need in my line.
All work guaranteed.
ADMISSION .... $1.00
Tax included
Admission 10c and 25c
Lewis O. Porter,
The Blacksmith
i ■ ....... I