» T"v e • ■ % « • • . ’ * * ► ♦ • —1 • •■>v. • /v. ,* ,■ * * • 1 « • ** I > ; ■ » » L_t» •< ‘ ». • • - », « a jt A’ 2— ¡ft at ns» aft « • • • ’ ■ ! . e' • , ■. **T »7 ' » •- » ■ • 1 ■ k V < - V*' r .».a*'- •; • J # . •.'a * A z ■* '••'Î* >1»-«- i• «i*. » X* « U * 7 -t •*« « • < - A The ftcio Tribune Local Xeirs and Classified ------------------------------------------------------------- r fl •< Time to »pray with lime and sul­ J. F. Weeely was in Albany on phur. We have the beat in bulk businewi last Wednesday J. F. Weaely’s grocery. Fred BIFeU and wife wer« In Mis* Vella Brenner was unable to ¡ Itebanon Monday afternoon. I b« at her poat at th« Kelly Drug J, 8. Stich» was in Albany Tues­ Mrs. Sarah Morris is visiting her Store • few day* last week on ac­ day. daughter. Mía* Besa Morri«, at Leb- count of illnea« J. F. Weaelv was on the sick list anan. I. V. McAdoo end wife and Mis* the latter part of last week. M. Donovan and two son* left R. A. Whitecraft of Albany were Mias Mildred Coury was the goest 1 Monday by auto for South Bend, i Sunday dinn«r gueata of F. W. Ha«- of MI m Erands Wgrrike in Albany W’aan., on a bmines* trip. kell and family at Salem. Monday. J. T. Brock and daughter, daughter. Mabel J. L. Kelly and »>n. Jack and I. . . . -------------- Mrs. Kathryn Kester Is home from have returned from a two months C. C. Bilyeu and wife attended a Albany where she was nursing Mr, stay al Loa Angeles. Calif. I family reunion at the home of Mr. Bilyeu'« mother. M. Hay* in Albany W. A Woodard. E. D. Myers and wife and J. S. Sunday. Sucha and wife attended the Auto­ Clement, young son of Mr. Will Richardson, on rout« 3. ia mobile show in Portland Surtday. Mrs. It. M. Caln, is confi ned to doing «ome extensive improving on home with measles. W W. Harder and wife of Port­ his home. He ia inatalling a furnace, Mrs J. W. Densmore Is in Albany land were Sunday guests at the rebuilding fence*, painting hlahouav. at the bedside of her son John Jr. home of P. H. MacDonald and wit«.. and other improvement* who I" ill with intestinal flu. The Mutual Creamery Company' Fred Axe and family moved over Miss Mattle Irvine of L’bsn >n is of Crabtree has closed out their from Lebanon Monday and have at the h >me of her niece. Mr* Floyd busin«-*» an! turned their customer» taken apartment« at the Scio Hotel. Shelton asaisting to care for Mrs over to the Scio Creamery Company, Mr. Axe la employe I by th< Scio Shelton and children who have the J cm Rodgers «hipped • car load L.gging St Lum tier Company mewale* of cattle from the Portland yard« Mr*. Floyd Shelton, who ha* been Saturday. Mr Rodger« is going in quite ill with measles and a nervous strong on cattle, but he still has a breakdown, it reported th be rec-.v- large flock of sheep and »ay* ha in­ ering. Mr. Shelton's mother at end* to keep them permanently. Lebanon ha* also been quite ill. High Class Pheteplsys Only John Densmore, who is attending Mis* Haxel Philippi, who is attend­ Albany college wa» taken ill Monday ing 0. A. C.. spent the week end at >i mday -M onpay -T ukspav afternoon. It was at first feared the home of her parent*. Mr. and E kumpasy 17-19-1» he had pneumonia, but it ia now Mrs. S. Philippi, near Scio. MI m The-picture the whole world thought be ha* intestinal influenza. Peggy Shumaker accompanied her. is talking about: He is reported to be improved at E. G. Arnold and wife entertained this time. Jo Sunday dinner Mr* Arnold’s Yesterday morning while rutting mother. Mrs. J. E. Cyrus of Albany. With an All Star Cast wood for Con Donahue on his ranch C. W. Bragg »nd wife of West Scio, thr» <• mile» eiuthwest of Scio. Gerald and E. W. Holland and w ife of Scio. lb ! I Y our Breath Hantler cut an ugly gash in hi* left Dr. E G. Cary is visiting at the hand with a saw. Several stitches Scaramouch« were required to lie taken to close home of his brother, F. G. (‘ary near Is (kuning , West Scio. Dr. Cary is enroute to the wound. 1 New York city where he intends to ’ enter a hospital and take up research ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦«♦«♦«♦♦♦«ea »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•>»»»»••»»»•••»•! work. » Mr». D«ryl Au*tin visited friend* RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS and relative* in Scio last week. The All furerai» given peraoilal attention by .Mr. I owe Austin» went to Palmetto Dei Verda Him« and I re • » Guarani. to Satisfy I very ( ustomer Island. Mexico.about two year» ago ady Attrfxinnt if Q «nd »huuld be d«- and transact business. .kter mined before the vine« ar« Grape« l.lee-i If pruned Joe and Fanil and Misers Jo»u- wire! and Rosie Ko tan drove tn Portland when the «ap 1« flowing. Thi» Wednesday for a two days* visit ind nerewutale« pruning them before the »ap flow «tart*. Grape* arw to attend the automobile shww. u»u»liy pruned «ewrelv. Tuesday was the 116th anniver­ By Fraii kJ in E Gilkey. Scio sary of the birth of Abraham Lt»- student at O A. C. coin, the Great Emancipator. and in observance of the day the local When you patronize our adver­ bank was closed all day. tisers you are ¡utroniring mutual John L. Davenport was in from friends. his home in lar wood Tuesday, lie says Lacomb is preparing for a big If you want the new» sub­ crowd of community boosters on scribe for the Tribune. Monday night, March 3. Prospect* Looking Better R. E Perry has gone bark I«’ the Crown mine, in which so many Scio and Lebanon peoo’e are interes'ed. to proceed with the work in bring- Ing out ore. Mr. Perry save th«-y cut a five-foot ledge which looks mighty good. hut that he doe» not yet know what it will assay, tf looks count for anything, and that is all one can go bv, the Crown mine ought to lie a mint, and we hope it will so prove Klavern Receive» Charter The .Scio Klavern of the Ku Klnx Klan received its charter la«t Thurs­ day night, it having been brought to thia citv by Rev. V. K. Allison, who ia the State organizer for the «tat* of Oregon. Before a charter can be issued to any Klavern. there muat be 50 charter member«, and thia number, it 1» »aid. ha* heen paused here. Delegation« were prev­ ent from Portland. Albany. L-banon and Silverton, the latter putting on the work of installing. 1’ ia said a large numlter from here who have With over 200,000 orders for Ford Cars and Trucks already placed for delivery during the next few months we ate facing a record­ breaking spring demand. Each successive month this winter has witnessed a growth in sales far surpassing th.it of any previous winter season. This increase will be even greater during the spring months, always the heaviest buying period. For Sale Registered Jersey bull calf. Beat «train. Price $35 for qUK». *aie. See Cun Westinhoua« • al \rl Cai: - farm. 26-c For Sn!» Anybody wishing goose L all ■ • ■ . ,.n get them for »1.00 a pound; firwt cla*« feather». See Mr«. R. C Pettit, Scio, Or. 27p For S»h>r Due Durham cow: heavv milker: ♦ ve yea»» old; due to freshen ■ -1 Price »65.00. W. R. Kuikcn. Scio, route 2. 27tfc I * 1 ■ I young brood sow wi h »even young pig», Sow will weigh about 300 pound», Inquire «f R. II. McDonald, route 4, Scio. 2612-c A’ -. , irl in trouble may communi- cate with Em>ign l-ee of the Sal- vuti .n Army at the White Shield 11 n.e. ..r>.'> Mayfair Av«., Port­ land. Oregon. M Madge IteL aceauv of Al­ bany n d. «iroua of establishing a tn ic «■ 1«« in Scio for instruction in the nt< .t methods in piano playing, and am one interested will plea««* see Mrs, J W. Parrish. become memlier* in other Klavern«, Money tn Lan at 5|'< The Fed­ will «n transfer their membership eral Land Bank of Spokane. Wash , here and the local will aoon number will niatye Ivans through the F'orks ..f the Santiam National Farm aliout 10O memlier*. I V-Hviali.in in amounts from ' ■' 1 ■ »2 i.OdO, for a period of Will Organize Club to ¡|J year-, on first morgage M.-urity. Inquire ofWH. McLain, S. <>, Fres- , route 2. Scio, Oregon. About thirty of the ba*e!iall fan» Julv 17-p. of thia community met at the citv hall Friday night to discuaa the question of having a baseball team in Scio the coming «eawri. After •bowing how well the team played laid year and with the name material a« last year. th . at Albat i, O’ ■ t’• 9th day of March, 1924. Claimant name« aa witpeaaea: .K,.i>h Wideman. Ellen J. Wideman. i»'th Ol Roule I, >eai, Oregon. " . J Reran, Anton l.iaka, both of Scio, Oregon. N iio will published for five con- • << utiv. weeks in the •’Scio Tn bn ne. “ 6-9-tfi Waiter L Too««, Sr., l.inn Co. Register. Pruning Time Now Notice «f Agaoiatmeat al Eiicater The pruning work about the farm 1« being done now by the careful farmer of the north west, before the ruah of «pring work come«. The fruit tree* are being pruned to remove all dead branches and limb* that are across the center of the tree. The limb* will be thinned •0 that sunlight will reach all part* of the tree. Many di«ea*rd con­ dition« of the tree can be prevnte i by the presence of «untight in th* tree. Il also give* the frnit a letter color. Old orchard* are benefited by a severe pruning. The dead litnba are removed and the live.me* th nm-d to give room for the development of new growth. A severe pruning will atimulate the tree and give It a new tone. The moss on old I trees can be removed by soraving with lime-sulphur winter strength juat before the bud« l>egin to «well, The lime-aulphur will alao conlroll I he twig miner. The berriea will be put on These facts suggest that you place your order early to avoid disappointment in delivery at the time desired. It is not neceeeary to p«y ca«h for your car in order to have your name placed cm the preferred delivery hat. You can make a «mall payment down, or you can buy, ii you wish. under the convenient term« ol the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer Notice •.« b- reby given that the un- dt-riignrd ha» !«■•■(• appointed executor of the h«»l will and the estate of J. E. Y<- . .«n. d< ■ «-» ..-d, by th»-County C-ourt of th* ’•talc <>f Oregot for Linn Coun­ ty All 1» nt ■oe having rlaim» againat the »1 1 • late are hereby notiflrd to prwK. nl tlir muih - duly verified aa re- uuin il . a utw to the undersigned at the farm t a«1 J E Yeoman, deceoaed, in I r County Oregon, or at the ..flice of V. l.yle Met roekee at wtayton, Ore­ gon Will in six ni nths from the date of the tin.I publ.cation of this notice. Datci and first published this 24th dav of January, 1924. George Ke«-ch, I < ■ eutor of the estate of J E. Yeoman, deceaaed. V. Lyle McCrtwkey, Stayton Oregon Attorney for Executor. Kelly*» Drug Store. Seid, Oregon I * 4