The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 14, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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The ¿ció TnbllÜfi
General .\'eu'9
"The Cowered Wagon
Name Plates
You live in and near Scio, so
advertise your home by placing
a Scio name plate on your car.
We have them at
per set .................
Bartu Motor Co
Who sell their whole milk get paid for every
ounce of butterfat produced by the cow. No
loss from poor or worn out separators. Why
he burdened with the drudgery of turning
and waahing a separator when you can save
money besides time and work.
Oregon Milk Company
Condensery, Scio, Oregon
Women's Misses and Children's
Clothing and I iaberdaahcry
We have a large quantity of
No. 2 Dimension
Surfaced two sides.
This includes
sizes from 2x4 to 2x I 2
Price $12.50 per Thousand
i irst come, first served
Sun»« <d«a of the amount of plan­
ning required for "The Covered
Wagon" which playa an engagement
at the Globe theatre Albany-Thurs ,
i FrL, and Sat., Feb. 21-22-23 can be
gained from the fact that it was
necessary to search nine Western
Stales for location. The ararchem
went through California. Utah. Nev­
ada, Idaho. Wyoming, Montana,
New Mexico and Asiiona
This wa«
while the continuity was being
prepared. The meo decided what
was wanted from the descriptions in
the book.
As a result of this searching it
was finally found neo »ary t - f t:>
the Buffalo Hunt on Antelope Island.
Great Salt Lake, the long trailing of
the wagon train in Nevada and
Globe Theatre, Albany
3 days, beginning T‘ ’ir>4ay ®v< nthrf. Feb 2lst. twice daily
thereafter st lP.30 and
p. m.
M ail ORDER# N ow All Scat. U-->- rv-d. Regular bo» office
sale Feb. IS. Mail order* houkl I* a -C<vnpankd by check
or money order and self address’d stamped envelope.
The World'a Mightiest Film Spe taele, depicting the
Glorious Drama oj the West.
Jr*** I.. 14i»lty ptr«cnU
A Pars-
t i’r •
. «rt-
d Orrht-’ra of lb Musicians
Muy "The i <>v>
I W i.
> ’
.. .
- th«t every eitisen of
southern Utah, the gold hunting in
the nstiort sh'-uld •••«.- Joi. i W. Nt iron. Seattle Star.
the mountains of California, and a
hw If ytMi hav< >.• : ■■ • n ' '1 ;>r ( ■ .ere'
do so. For the first
hsr produced a classic
few acenes in Oregan and Washing­
W. B McLaughlin, J-vallle l- a. t’rier.
ton. I**e than half of one percent
F) •
of the production wa« made in
I 1CPS ’
I ntire Orchestra
Entire Orchestra ....1110 1 I »»vvo.
i ■ -I ■ row- Balcony* 1.1’»
Entire Balcony........
Balance Balcony................66
Among the Government author­
ities who cooperated were Col. J. T —
Mel oy. U. S. A. bringing do^n
1 lln: n.oi, who wa» born in
week. A chirkm pii« supper wm
four trtbea of Indians fr >m their
11 v< »rs ago and died from
served at 6:30 followed by a pro
Wyoming reservations, all ’.he pub­
gram, Mumc was furnished by I’ol*
> h in Portland last Wednes­
lic officials of the countries included
ly and her Pal« <>rch»-stra of Albany . day . wgs
1 at Lebanon last
in the locations; A E Shelton. Sup-
Sanday. ‘
erinlendant of the Nebraska State Fork« of the Santiani Ccenmumlv
A Mr» Northup and two chiid-
Historical Society for data and
Club was present and made a talk.
ren were
■ri uidv injured on the
photographs of the Oregon Trail J
between Tangent and Shedd
The city council has gone on rec­ I
sad Eunice G. Anderson. State Hu-
ord in favor of a community house M i ia> night when Die truck in
torian of Wyoming regarding Fort
; th. . were moylfig from New-
to tie erected on the pru|ierty for­
Bridger, and other historic forts in
rg to C burg ran olf the highway.
merly occupied by the city hall.
Wyoming. There
probably hu
— Harrisburg Bulletin.
tir t. meeting of tone one of
never previously been a picture in-
. n*S ate Tea -hem’ asaocia-
Dr. Clark of Harrisburg i« »aid to
I volving such wide ealiaboration.
People are still writing to Famous have a rose bush in his gurden which j ti . ... announced to take place in
' Play ers l«aaky Corporotion, giving has buds almost ready p> come in-. \ bn v Saturday afternoon at ths
4l"kh ’ '»''*1 building.
> bits of family history of pioneer days t<> bloom.
A cat Juven by .M ihm Mary Fake,
' that they would like to sec incorpor­
¡years a resident of Oregon, died at • f he \i my Re 1 Crons, carrying a
¡the home of his daughter, Mrs. C.| patient t > the tubercular hospital
! V. Clodfelter. of Jefferson last Mon­ at S i in, backed off a ten-foot em-
i>snk -ii-nt four nnle« south of Salem
day.—Jefferson Review.
County Paragraphs
i iit right «ide up in the ditch.
The Oregon Petroleum company,
men say the accident was
The boundary lines of Spicer owner» of oil leases and a partially
¡drilled well in the vicinity of lx- unav -ids i<- as the rear axle had
school district No 17 and Tallman
bruk- n thu* rrniier-ng the brakes
district No, 7 have been changed so comb, i« preparing to resume drill­
i.-•.« —
A passing car took the
as to include the home of M. Aver­ ing in a short time.
I trt>■ on into Salem. No one was
Mr«. I*. A. Young of Aliuiny.
hoff in the Tailman district.
injured. « ven the patient is said to
by other local people, has ta­
Two women, said to be from the
ix- no w -rse uif for tiie shaking up.
Corvallis neighborhood, are held in ken steps leading to the organiza­
, the Linn county jail pending an in- tion of a humane society in that city.
r. ! he Strio Tribus» and gat
Mr«. Joe Watkins of Sweet Home. ‘
veetigalion of a charge of ahopiift-
inc at the Hannhon department 88, resident of Linn county *<nce
TTiey IKV2. died al her home <»n February Mr». Crs'xisU ilo»«) Tuli» ilow Sh*
- store last Saturday afternoon
stoppo«! Chirken Losaes
are held at their own requeet until 4. following an illness of one week
"l . ■ >,
" -or luto « hfcà. WUS
the case can be inveetigated.
♦ **
HiO l«wl
»Vi ...... ..
leing held al Tangent this week. l»-,vparta,' p ■
!*»•» <« «
George Pugh had the misfortune
• *a*U < IUtm ‘ tUlSa»p>< «par.
About 60 delegate from various Ulrm .au -Ht- M Ite. «.V II .'I
to have 43 of his flock of 57 full-
Visi «ad |auaala«l b,
churche» in the valley are in attend j
blooded W hits Ijeghorn hens stolen
■■*« Drug 8n re. Scio. Oregon.
from his ranch two miles east of
town Thursday night.
Brownsville i
Scio Logging & Lumber Company
Read 1 ribune ad on page 2
Now booking or-.ore on Sprat Material for later de­
livery. Special low prices on advance oidt-rs. It will
pay you to contract your m ed- now and get delivery
out of first car load.
There is going to be n big detnand for grass and clov­
er weeds and prices might advance soon
The low
price of grain ami hay is making a large demand for
pasture grasses and clovers. It will pay you to buy
now. Send for price list.
D. A. White &. Sons
Bids have been asked for by the
State Highway department for pav­
ing the highway between Albany
and Corvallis.
Work is progressing fsvorsbly on
ths new road being built between
Detroit and Niagara. A crew of 90
men is working oa thia ruad
Louis Viereck. barber in Albany
for 3H years, haa sold his shop to
Otto G. Nagel of Long Beach. Calif.
Mrs. J. H. Stevens, age 66. resi­
dent of Albany since 189N. died of
paralysis at her home there last
Wednesday, following an illoeas of
one week.
The Order of the Eastern Star at
Lebanon celebrated its twenty-fifth
anniversary last Monday night.
Organisation of two s roups of
I Camp Fire girls hsa just been com­
pleted at I>«l>anon.
About 50 people from Albany and
a number from other communities
were guests of the Oakville com-1
munity dub Friday evening of last
a lav
1 g r~
*• i
261 Slate Street
Salem, Oregon