The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 14, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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Or»F* Mi bai laittia, Tint
A great surprise for the home knitters
of Oregon, but still a fact Further­
more, thia yarn Is aboolutnly virgin
wool yarn; the wool was grown in Unn
county, sold by Mr. Seniler» to the Ore­
gon Worsted Company (mills located at
Sellwood), made Into worsted yarn by
Roy T. Bishop, son of C. I*. Bisb«p,
proprietor of the Woolen Mill Store of
Salem. Oregon knitters try this yarn
out. All colors. 45c per ball of ? oz»
Hampiss sent on application. Address
C. P. lilt hop. Bo* 76. Salem, Oregon,
TiltTU-IIAY. Feb. 14. 1924
Jim Reed. senator from Missouri,
has announced himself as a presi­
dential candidate before the demo
erotic national convention. If he Is
nominated, he will get a blank vote
from the world war veterana and
bone dry elements of his party. Jim
is for Jim, even though it is pretty
hard for him to control hie own vote.
P&TX1C13I ani Sow
(alls Attended
Day or Night
past several years, and there is a
reason. In the first place, we have
a commissioner from this end of the
county, and second, the county court
has seen to it that real work has
been done for the money expend«-!
Now, if the court will get busy and
work out a yearly program of hard-
surfacing the roads, similar t> Ma­
rion county and pav for each year’s
work without floating bonds, their
G. F. Korinek
Scio Meat Market
Holeclivk Bio»,
What has become of the peace
plan Investigation started by the old
warriors in congress?
Did thev
hear from "back home,’’ or was the
name of the winner of the $100.000
prize <iffer«*«i by Mr. Bok the knock­
out drops? Will the "investigatore"
please i eport on thia and tell how
much it cost the government to.
attract the attention of congress'
from performing real service for
the country?
Legionair Pleated
The play put on by the Sokols at
the Z. C. B. J. hall last Saturday
We have
night drew a large crowd who were
\ I- \«TVlhiuv
well entertained and well repaid for
their attendance
While the play
was essentially a Christmas story, it
Is the cause of many
HUMAN 11.18
was replete with pleasing situations
and performed tn a manner that
would put to shame some of those
Optical Company
Now that Fall. Dohenv et al have who fo*low the
,or • ,ivdl*
313 W. 1st St.. Albany
l>een "spotlighted,” attention just h‘»od. The scene where the little
now is being directed to Forbes, the f*H°w started out to find his father.
Veterans Bureau director, who has who
»*•" in lhe
,or ftve
A. Ewing.
T. J. '•linkers. robbed the world war veterans of f»®^* ,n<l *hete the little one f« ll
Vi.-e Pt
million- of dollars, lligher-upe be- *n •*bauetie« in a enow storm,
E. I). My ara. Cashier
came <> accustomed ta robbing dur- brought tears to the audience
ing the war that they have no con- *ttings were pronounced the finest
science, and Forbes ie as bad aa a I e*<r
Another play
murderer if the charges against him ( *“1 »* Put on by the Sokols about
The Scio State Bank
Does a General Banking
Business. Interest paid
on time deposits.
are true.
In other words, the par- March 8th.
ties who pulled off the Teapot Dome I
and Pearl Harbor naval oil reserve Speed Boy« Would Like This
leas. * am* robbery of the veterans
are traitors to their country, and
If all the electric energy now gen­
Real Eitalt limber
should be m> treated.
erated in the United Staten in one
and ¡\olartj Public
year could be hooked up to a mod­
Chinili OhaintJ, faamtnej
passenger train and locomotive,
The road» in this part of Unn
OREGON county are in (tettar condition now it would spin an express train like
for this time of year than for the the Shasta limited, the crack South­
ern Pacific train. 80.00(1 times
around the globe at the continuous
Sallaf*n«t«urited Milk and ('ream. Mm
rate of 60 miles an hour.
dew Shade Rutter, and all Fruita anil
Riley Shelton
Scio Creamery Co.
Try us.
Ed Holland. Manager
osad ■uccaaeruily la ttw trsatmrni ol
si««» of an Olntnxr.l whirs Uufc kly
R«l>«v«s by l-K-ai applicai u.n ar>>1 lb»
Internal M-dl-lna. a Tonic, whl. h art»
throush Uu Blood on tha Muroua Kur-
far»« thus ««ducine th« inflammation. •
AoM by ail Aragetata
r. J Chañar A Co.. Tn|«do Ohio
Bring Your Job
Printing to I ribune
Contagious DiseasesReported
The itat* board of health report­
ed the following number of conta­
gious diseases for week ending on
Feb. t:
Tuberculosis 18. diphtheria 36.
scarlet fever 26. smallpox 86, meas-
lee 412. chickenpox 17. mumps 8.
septic sore throat 1. erysipelas 3.
pneumonia b. influenza 2.
24 a 15 í
The Village Complete
a traewimg
•¥ «
,■■■■ ——
Scaled Bida,
Bids a n tie received by
« >urt for 360 cords of
old fir nr>«i second urowiA fir, 16
at. I 24 inch lengths, to be delivered
2<>0 <
at Shelburn rock crusher
and 1'0 e<>rd« at Scio rock crusher.
It u must be In l«y Feb. 16. when
name will be opened. The court
r< grv.s U > right to reject anv or
all bids.
Lino County Court
"I Co< Real Mad when I Lost My
Satt.-,. Hen ■ write* Mrs. Hanna,
N. J.
wr bar»
I g * fT<1
i«s*a<e J I
»al« I Hjltn raw»» aWrnil
• ■ « <
• > et
fsGi'M No «
ft . <
’ ife.&Sc.Sl 21«
Kelh « Drugstore. Scio, Oregon.
E. II. Hobson M. D
Physician and Surgeon
Salem. Oregon
Bank • ! Commerce Building
- *.
R«-s Phone 757-J
7.00 p. m. Saturday
Tickets Good, Matinee or Evening
Scio. Ore.
VegstabUs in season.
Mid to a man on th« street, an we
are informed
"It has been 20 years since I «a»
here last
Many buildings got»- up
since thenf*
"No,** replied the risident," none
that I know of.**
"Any gas or electric company
’•Planning for any?"
No. ••
names would be engraved in gold on
"Well,” said the traveling man.
the pages of history.
T ve been all over this country, ai d
this if the first town I have sceA
Two fool jackasses (s*y, get this
that is what you rrnght call actually
dope) were tic«l together with »
piece of rope. Saul one to th« ;
other, "You come mv way, while I
The above or similar remarks are i
take a nibble from this ucw mown
heard every day. and are knock* ■
hay.** “I won’t,** aaitl the other. •
against the town in which you five.'
"you come with me for I to > have i
Don't do it, it k«*ps your tax«-» high |
some h*y, you see." So they got)
and prevents the sale of your prop-1
nowhere, just pawed up dirt, and
ertjr and holds back needed improve­
oh. by golly, that rope did hurt.
Then they faced about, these stub-
Ixtrn mules, and said. "Wc'rc act -!
Subscribe now. II 76 (<er year
ing like human fools. Let’« |«ull
together. I ll go your way. then
come with me and we’ll lx>th rat
hay and like it, too." and swore to
l< critnradcs good an«l true. As the
sun went down they were heard to
bray, "Ah this is the end of a per­
fect day.”---King City News.
Politics (a a queer thing
If you
are a democrat, a national figure in
Authorised Auction Sale anil Interstate the republican party is the bunk
and his rearming faculties faulty,
Phones:—1‘ alare Ff «i ’ ><d. IH J and the same rule applies to the
R rlíder re. f<< R
republicans toward democrats. The
The Grim Reaper
only difference auparently between
Continuad from par«* i )
ths two parties is that one ia' agin”
what the other is "for.** In rotten­ day n.ght ot Jame* M. Calavan.
ness. both are equal.
James («Javan was barn in Ken­
tucky in 1846 and crossed the plains
About UMi attended the commun­ I to Oregon when a small boy. His
Calls answered l>sy or Night
ity meeting at Oakville last Friday . parents located on a donation land
Tuberculin Testing
night. people attending from Cor­ claim in Linn county. Mr. Calavan
weeeee»eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* vallis. Yr«, the interests of one lived for a number of years on a
community is the interest of all.and farm in the Jordan neighborhood
when we get to understanding that
Mr. Calavan lived at one time
thoroughly we will all prosper. Our on
faim now owned by
money will circulate in Linn county I Frank Prokop, five miles southwest
Fresh and Cured Meat
for the things IJnn county produces of Scio.
Bacon — laird Sausage
and will only go out for the things
We buy your Veal and
we cannot get at home.
Mrs. J. L. Oglesby of Shelburn
Dressed Hogs
died at her home there Sunday even­
The Scio Tribune
Page 2
The Sc io I ribune wants everybo dy
wherever the paper circulates to see
Harold Lloyd in his latest picture
“Why Worry”
This picture will chase the blues out
of your system and bring joy into your
heart—we know for we’ve seen it. If
you want to see it at either perform­
ance when it comes to the Peoples
I heatre on the 16th and 1 7th, here
how you can do it:
I*or every new subscription paid
advance, one free ticket.
Lor every renewal and one year
advance ^mounting to $5.00 and over
two tickets; under $5 one ticket.
Price of Ticket Is 35c
This is the best offer yve can make
give you nearly tvvo Lours ol real en-
joyment, so its up to you. What say?
The Scio Tribune
Speaks for you and your community
and it can speak as loud as you per-
mit. w e should ha ve I 000 subscrib-
ers Will you help us att.iin the goal?
$1.75 the Year