r* •» «“‘i* Local News and Classified 4slnt durtas tbe war thst th» profese! nal Woot PUat soldlers hsd a anoaopoiy ■•« th.- s*T» »ofl joba A pro pos. a West pvMatar rwl has tbo rea* uf csptsl*. aald to hl» rolorsd boy tho otbor day ' -Wo4l. Jaba It luoka as If we tnlght hato aaothrr war vooti Wbst wlU yon do «h»t hosttlltiss brrak otitT" “Ah guras Ah'll stay rtght boro at boros wld you. ssh ” That a full measure of prosperity Mrs. J. W. Kinser and son Lyle health, happiness and success will C«nssls<>sn In Jail. of Crabtree were Scio visitors Tues- make for our friends and customers "Ttn-rs* <■<>. convois t Ion la beles In dav. a very .Merry (*hri«tmas and a jail.“ Mild (h»> prlvoove to th. «.«¡lltut Mrs. G. Delxiunay and daughter. Happy New Year is the sincere wish eomntlMloner -What 1« lhatr Thelma, were Albany shoppers last of A W. Hagcy. FUR SALE Wheat $1.00 per bu. delivered, Sacks to be retamad STRAYED— from my place three Cora d shape. i mi <• South of West Scio. 19-tf Call at the house or phone E H WANTED - Washing» by the dozen Hobson. Scio. Oreg 18-21-p or piece, at my home. Jane Com­ pton 19-lt-p FOR SALE! Potatoes $1.25 per Hundred Delivered Chas. Chrz FOL SALE Italian prune tree« Scio Phone 19. 17-tf five * L>gan Farm Nursery. R 6 Box 121 Salem. Oregon. 19-lt-p Any girl in trouble may communi­ cate with Ensign lz-r of the Sal­ vation Army at the White Shield Home. 565 May fair Ave , Port­ land. Oregon. ATTENTION FORD Owner» Jl'ST THINK! RUCKSTELL will FOR SALE -3 cows. 6 7 and h Yrs. make your Ford a four speed car. old due to freshen in t-ariv spring F ur I* ahead. Think it over. E. F. Krebs Scio R R 4 16tf A.k us FORD GARAGE "Thee*'« nobody Io *ake you up In Saturday. Come to the PEOPLES STORE th. tnlddl* of th. nl«ht to tell you to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sutherlin for vour Xmas candies and nuts, to down and bo .ur. th» baecn for the past three months. the H. A. Ballin home. The Rebecca Lodge will have a Dont miss the ** West Bound Country Store. At the I. O. O. F Limited'* Monday and Tuewlay nt Hall On the evening of Dec. 21st the Peoples Theater. Birdelle Sticha and Vella Brenner Hazel Philippi came home from w< r>- ¿hoppers in Albany Saturday . 0. A. C. for Christmas with home Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morrow have folks. return* I from Eugene after a few FORD Ruckstell Axle 4 Speeds stay, with their daughter ahead. Ask Ford Garage about it. Mrs. Monty laudey, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shelton of Salem Herbert Shelton started businees cam« up to see Mr. E. C. Shelton ¡n hi* new Meat Market at Slayton who is quite ill. Monday. Stayton is getting .one ' J Attention to the car owners on and after Jan., I, 1924 the undersigned Garages will charge $2.00 per month for Storage. of our moat esteemable business Jefferson Myers and wife of Port­ men, never the less we wish him •o It Go.* land were guests at the Ed. Myers success in his new location. Hv a.S. a peer lavv.tin.nt. Mist.......................... t.ll home Sunday. 11. took It f.r aa opening Mrs. Beulah Ijirdon was in Port­ Hut get lato a hoi. Mrs. R. L. Hixson and Mrs. John land the first of the week. While Weeely were in Salem Tuesday. Added Attrsctlee*. there she went to hear Albert Spaul­ landlord — y*a. this house surely Ford Garage will tell you all ding. the noted violinist. eught to np<*al tn any woman about the Ruckstell Axle, 4 speeds Pveeper'l»» Tenant In whsl way. Adolph and Agnes Soucek return­ low rents? ahead. ed from Beavercreek, last week, Landlord- No, It bas mirrors ea Wnen you intertain, let us furnbh where they had been visiting their every wall you, with 500 score carbs. sister Mrs. J. D. Tinker and family FORD BARGAINS— One Touring car $135.00 One Coup.- $400.00 Subecribe for the Tribune Joe Holub is the owner of a new Ford F'ord Coupe, which has the "Ruckm Ford tell Axle** making it four speeds ahead and two reverses. This is a great improvement. Wise Poetpenemant. “T enderatand that Maud has re­ called her wedding invitations '* -To«, she haa decided to (ostpone the wedding until the Chriattea. holi­ day. are over and pe< pie have money to buy present.” Quick Thinking The Scio Tribune CTttsea -That's my car. The ” ■ • is )•«< flair»« a blowoat. Policeman All rishi, HI (v an