The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, December 20, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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The Scio Tribune
that there are between l.tOOOO« and
B.MM.009 pounds of old prunes unsold
at the present time
The question of whether the legisla
live act creating the county supvrvts
tag and conservation rommissiona te
Brief Resume of Happenings ol constltntlocal
probably will eater
prominently tato a mandamus action
the Week Collected for
filed la the supreme court at Rilrm by
Our Reader*.
Umatilla county, to compel R. O.
| Hawks, oounty assessor, to levy a
The JO th annual meeting of the Or* obe mill tai for cooperative marhM
gon state board of health was held la road coa st rue tlon
Ashby C Di.-kson Portland lawyer
A Joint meeting of the banker* of ' was appointed by Govern.>r Pier... t<
Washington and Yamhill countlee was 1 succeed John II Bell. Judge <>f depart
j meat No. 1 of the district c.urt
held at Carlton.
Multnomah county Judge n | h.-
The state and county tat lery la
resigned to leave office on January I
Douglas county w1U amount t* It I
B O Roberta, who was sentvnea.1
mills. Assessor Calkins announced
at Roseburg to serve five J..»r In th-
The annual meeting of th* Otego*
atate penitentiary for the part h.
Wool Growers' association will be held
played la the op- ration of an allvg.
in I'endleton. January II. I* and J#
' liquor ring at Reed«port. Dougin»
A total of 44« case* of meant*« was county, haa received * conditional par
reported to the state board of health don from Governor Pierce
during the week ending December I
The Oregon public service commie
Prohibition enforcement eipense* alon has granted ths Columbia Stage*
for Jackson county for November and operated by A Jnloff. and th.- Roy»
the first ten days In December aggr* Blue Lines permission to <<>ntinu<
gate 1114140.
reduced fares put Into effect tw,
Th* basketball schedule In th* Coo* weeks ago The two stag« Hr - opcr
County high school association tor this ate between Portland and Astoria
The bonded Indebtcdnc«» of th»
winter Include* 41 game* and eight
state of Oregon <>n December 31 l •
participating team*
Guy Cordon of Boeeburg has been Including stats highway obligati.'“» t
appointed district attorney of Doug the amount of 137.394.250. will aggr
las county to suceeod Cart Wlmber gate 159.943424 7*. according to the
annual report of th» stalo treasurer
ly. who has resigned
which te being prepared for presents
The spread of diphtheria In th* city
tlon to the governor
of Portland haa not been curtailed as
John R Connelly and Fr*<l C
yet. for record* In th* health bur*«*
■hows that there are 111 case* under Schulte, former deputy sheriffs at
Reed spurt, who were convicted of ac
eeptIng bribes to protect a ring of
Hr. Jay Tuttle, for more the* 40
bootlegger* and
miH>m>hln«rs at
year* one of Astoria's moot prominent
Reedsport, were sentenc«^! to penlten
physic ians and surgeon«. died at th«
Gary terms of tsn and seven year
hospital following a few day*' Illness,
respectively by Judge Hamilton
at i he age of 41.
A California butcher ha» negotiate*:
The Southern Pacific Friday ran
with the Klamath Indian service for
trains over the branch line between
the parchase of several thousand
Marshfield and Eugen« tor th« first
horses which run wild on the Indian
time In eight days The line had been
range to be roundud up and killed
Hod up by recent storms
for chicken feed and fertiliser. Owlug
Representative Elton Watkins, the to their number*, the horses have be
naw democratic member of congre** come a menace to th* cattle rang«
from Oregon, was assigned te the com
Oregon Is gradually taking It* place
tnlttee on Immigration and e spend I
aa one of the big butter producing
turn« of the war department
state« of the union and te no* ex
Judge John Wesley Bell of depart porting more than 2.350.00* pounds of
inent No. I of Multnomah county haa butter a year, according to the an
submitted hla resignation to Governor nouncement of M M Boney, president
Pierre to become effective January 1. of the Oregon Hutter Makers' a»«»
Judge llell la T4 years of age.
elation which held its convention In
The atate and oounty tag levy for Portland.
Lane county thia year la 11.1 mill*, ac­
Automobile owners are urged by
cording to announcement by Hen F Sam Koger. secretary of state.
Keeney. assessor. Thia la two mill* apply at once fur their 1'.'4 aut.-mo
less than the levy of last year
bile licensee, and thus facilitate the
Representative Sinnott of Oregon giving out of these II» <-ns«s and pri­
hut been named a member of the ven! the great congestion and Its r<-
house steering commit tee. which pula •ultaat delay which has been et|*r
its stamp of approval on all legtaia lenced Immediately after January 1
tlon to be considered by the house.
on other years
Governor Pierce Issued a full pardon
About one-quarter of a tulle of new
to Charles W Purdin, who on Decern macadam road 1s being built by the
ber 10, 1*11. killed hie divorced wife state on the Oregon Washington high •
and a stranger whom he found with way The road will b<- the cutoff to
her in their former home In Portland connect th« north end of the n«w
Portland Is one of the M of the larg bridge, recently completed by th»-
er cities In the United B'.ate* which state over McKay creek, with the old
showed Increased employment tn Nov highway The bridge Is about sis miles
emb«r. according to the survey of th* southeast of Pendleton.
Vnited Stale* department of labor Juet
Completion of the Jordon Valley Ir
rt gat Ion district, under a plan outlined
A contract for the car« and custody by the state Irrigation securities cum
of the legally adjudged Insane of the mission probably will be undertaken
territory of Alaska was awarded to within the n«st few months, accord
the Sanitarium company, operating teg to representative« of the district
the .Morningside hospital al Portland, The district within tb« neat few days
will advertise tor the sal» of bonds
by the Interior department.
Hendon users of electricity ar« con I* the lunount of 1400.000
At a meeting of (he old anti new
gratulating themselves because th*
municipal plant whloh com th« city Y. M C A. dire, torales of La Grande, I
something over 150.000 has found It attended by W W Dillon. stat« st re
possible to reduce the coat of service lary. August J rttange of La Grand»
from 17 cents per kilowatt hour to It offered to pay the Indebtedness of the
Institution and give the "Y" officials
The cost of supplies tor the stats until March 1. 1*34. to redeem the
Institutions for the eti month* start- building, thus saving the Y M C. A
ing January 1. 1*14, will be practically from being sold by Gw> sheriff.
Representative* of the upper WII
the same aa for the first ala months
of 1*13. according to blds received by lametta valley high schools met In the
the state board of control tor furnish Albany high school building Saturday
morning to divide the state Into dis
Ing supplies.
A report of Traffic Officer Murray triets for athletic competition R.-prw
of Hood River county shows that 14* eeatatlvre from Corvallis. Eug«ne.
arrests were made from April 1 to Ro*eburg Cottage Grove. Lebanon,
December I Accidents on the Colom­ BUvertoa. IdcMInavllle, Forest Grove.
bia river highway and valley roads Belem aad Albany were In attendance
Oregon pensions have b»«n granted
reached 174 Twelve persons were In­
as follows
Jim*« H Vanderpool.
jured. one fatally.
The action of the Coos county tai Agate Beach. 111. Herman J Glee
commission In lopping off the appro man. Reker. 212. James H Robinson.
print ion for the four free ferrtes in Portland. Ill; Robert A Merina. Re
the county 1a causing a flurry among lem. *11; Jfrancts J Welsh. Heaver.
rancher* who ar* depeadent upon |lt; Sarah E Rad alm ugh. Roseburg
these for communication with the cea |t*. Annie McReynolds, Cottage
Orove. |S0. Mary M Wants. Portland.
ters of population.
|M. Sarah B Brown. Boro. 13*
There will be no material sales of
Kieervlce men and women and rel
1P13 prunes until th* 1*11 crop la
cleaned up. according to Fred Drager. Stive* of dead veterans who were reel
dents •< Grego* at the lira* they en
*«lem /acker Mr l*M«r
General News
tcrvJ tTe service Tor tEs worTJ e'er
and who consider themaelv** elifiblt
to receive either th* cash bonug qj
the loan benefits dbder th« Oregon
soldiers' boons te* must 111* their Ini­
tial or first application tn th« office«
>f th« bonus commission at Salem oa
or before December 11. 1411 Appli
cation blanks received In that office
oa and after January 1. 1934. will not
be considered, the secretary of the
ommission said
The greatest slaughter of beavers
•v»r known tn Oregon has l-oen and
is taking place sine* the la* passed
by the last legislature, opening th*
«cason on th* little fur-bearer*, went
into effect
Stanley Jewett of th«
United States biological survey, after
* trip around the southern and cea
.ral part of the state, brings back
word that tea traps for every beaver
m a wide area covering mor* than
!00 square miles are set and that with
a two years there will not be on* of
he industrious animala left |f the
Resent rate of dr- tmation continues
II e Extend our Readers
and Patrons a
Merry Merry Christmas
The Scio Tribune
"Vb»--' *.<•
Where th* Trouble Lay.
“Did you have any dtffi.-ulty with
ruur French in Pari*?**
' N<» but the French people did.“—
Karikaturen (Christiania),
Io Demand.
"What becomes of the married flap-
p«r? I "*•* elie go on the shelfY*
"No. no. Hhs te In great demand as
« chaperon.**
Merry Christmas
Th* Hardest Cure*
"Many <>f your patient«. I «tip posa,
have complaints that are Imaginary."
“Ye*, they are dull.-ult. but w* try
>9 cure them "
Happy Neu) Year
Ernest—If ! try to kies you. will
cell for fatherT
Ernestine—Y se. but he’s not at
Light an ths Subject.
"Is tobacco a weed7"
"Well. It won't grow 11 self,“
he •*4»ecco farmer
Ford Owners Attention
Christmas Specials
I I 7-'»
Arvin Hfaieni For Your FORD
Automatic Windshield Wipets -Two Makes-
Hand Win<lsliiel<l Wijiera. For $L0O and up to
Rertr View Mirror* $2.00
8 A M Spotlight», Beet on the market i’.'.'>o to
K H Spotlight
Good rich Tiru Fateh Kits
Trausmisai* n Lining* FORD Set of three Lining*
Tuft Tea Lining 8et of three
Eagle Twill Traiipmission Lining
Ford Batteries Ma<le By FORD
Ford Battery Boxes
Ford Rubber Cam* Batteries
Cliumpioii X Spark Fings Four to the container Kit
I 1.00
2Oc per ft.
16 60
" too
We Have Many Other Useful Accessories for Your Car
Motor Oils
30c j>er Quart
UY VIS Eastsrn Motor Oil
Valvolme Motor, None Better
Golden Shell Eastern
Golden Shell Eordaon
Zerokne Motor Oil*
Shell Motor Oils Western
Fisk Red Top cases 30x34 in
Premier Cords 30x3j
Fisk Ninety Six 3x3j
Fisk R< d top 30x3
Fisk Black 30x3
1 1 .7»
• I
• •
• •
• I
• d
• •
12 00
W hen in Need of Parts or Service for your Car call on us
Ford Sales and Service
Phon« 27
*.W Sèi»
i *< *