THE SCIO TRIBUNE Vol. 2î Dr. S. C. Browne Start* Silver Black Fox Industry Taking Orders’« ( Dr. S. C. Biowne i» to receive a pair if Silver Black Fox from Mr Dale M Haskings, who is the pro prietor of I h«r Silver Black Fox farm which is locate-1 about a mile west of Newberg. Mr. Haskins has just received a shipment of twelve pair ■ >f these valuable little animal», from W. K Rodger* of Charlottestown, Prince Edward Isles, Canada. Dr. Browne's pair of Silver Black Fox cost him $1M)O.OO and $9U.00dutv. lie will have them here In * few day s, he expects to raise tlieae valu­ able animals. They are valued at fiom $1.000 to $2,500 per pair, they litter twice a year and have The report cards for this six weeks will be given out this week. Thia is the last week of school before the Christmas holidays. The school board has not announced the date for reopening but it prob­ ably will be January 2nd. A school Christmas tree will be held in the High School Auditorium this Friday. It will be for the entire school this year, instead of each room holding a se per at* tree, as has been the custom. A pro­ gram will be presented and every one is invited. On Dec. 14 th a double header basket ball gime was played at Scio which proved both a victory and a defeat. The Scio girls out­ played the Turner girls and won 16 to 20. The Scio boys were defeat- ed by the Turner boys by a score of IK to 10. The well coached Turner team proved to much for the locals. Edward Gath, the captain of the Turner team, proved t<> tie the beat man of their team. Scio’s entire score was made up of Held goals made by Tom Smail. Another double header will be played here Fridav between the from 1 to 10 pups, or average five. fhe Silver Fox Industry in the I'. S and Canada is valued at over $20.000,000 of which about $8,000, i OOH represent* the U. S. We wish Dr. Brown« succvm in his new undertaking. Ute of Chrittma* Tree* App By U. S. Fore*t Service > * I-argv ouanities of young Douglas firs were reported to have been -hipped from this state this year to California and Hawaii to tie used as Christmas trees. Oregon's firs will thus help to make It seem like Christmas in balmy Honolulu.- In the I nite I States 5 million Christ- Lyons girls and the Scio girla. and the Scio boys and the Alumni. Verne Neal, a former student of S. H. S. refereed the girla basket ball game between Scio and Turner. He is a very efficient referee. The second issue of the Sphinx is out. It is better than the first I mus but It is not as good as It will be the next time. On Dec. Is th a teachers institute was held for this part of the County. The meeting took place in the High School building. Mr. Hur»h of O. A. C. and Mr. Sweetser of IJ. of O. were the speakers, in the morning Mr. Bursh delivered an address on, "Rural School Problem»" And in the afternoon he spoke on Intelligence Test*. Mr. Sweetser delivered an illustrated lecture on ’’Plant Life in Oregon ”. After th* addresses the teachers held round- table discussions of school problems. O- ••••♦♦♦♦<••-W GILKEY STATION . « »..........■...... .»»»«4 Dec. 18 , mas trees ar* used each year, and in the eastern States with their re latlvely dense population. I tree» Saturday afternoon. Key. Clarence H. Hedrick will Mias Ethel Zyaset was hurt.«’ ft m preach at the Scio Baptist Church, near Lacome for the week end both morning and evening. Sunday A »on and daughter of Mr. and Dec. 23. Mr». Fred Schwartz arrived at Gilkey Wednesday morning ft ml Ruttel Hecker Mutt Hang Canada. Mr. and Mr». Peter I’etri »n were dinner guests Sunday at J. G. Holts. John DeWalla have rt.<>v--«l into their garage, it is a g i laige one. They now have electric light- Leo Zellar. and Mr, Yunkrrs a — > have them. Tom Shivelv of Eastern Oreg on is visiting his uncle. J. De Wall. The women’s club of this place gtvt a miscellaneous shower for Church Notice Mrs. John DeWall, laat Tuaed»v afternoon. A large crowd was There will be service Tn th* present The present* »»ere useful, Christian (*hurch both morning and substantial. and numerous. evening next Sunday. Dr. L e, of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McHenry of Albany, will preach In the m rr > g Corvallis were here Sundav looking and Rev. J. Y. Stewart, minister in after property Interests. Mrs. Mc­ charge, will preach in the evening. Henry visited Mrs. Cor* Smith This is the Sunday before Christmas while here. and the services will be in keeping A large crowd attended the turk­ with the season. ey shoot at the Riley Preever place Sunday. Mrs. Wm Ralston of Albany, visited nt John Shepherds over the week end. Mrs. Arthur Kelly and children and Mist father of l^imnon, were here Sunday. Word reached here of the death of Clarence Rex in California. He suffered a second stroke of paraly sis and it took him very suddenly. A large crowd from here attend­ ed the baxaar in Crabtree Friday evening. Mr. Iwonard Gilkey, wife and family, Mrs Cora Smith. Ronald. Lucille and Loe tie Sommer attended the plav Human Wreckage in Me No. 19 My American Wife with GLORIA SWANSON Fir»l Round ol Leather suitable fur use at Christmas are Ix-c.iming scarce. This year th* New England crop was shut off on account of a quarantine against the -pread of the gipsy moth. On the Atlantic Coast it is reported that It ' i* becoming profitable to grow Two Proposed Electric Linet ( nristmas trees. Some day we may come to that in the Northwest There is a petition now being circulated among the farmers be­ tween here and Crabtree by way of the cemetery Hill and from John Holt's place to Crabtree. If the farmers will all sign up they will On the evening of Dec. 21st Former Albany boy loses appeal ! get the proposed Electric line. Come to a Country »tore. Buv t»> Supreme Court, following con­ The Mountain State* Power Co., vour groceries and Christmas gifts. viction. for murdering musician . are trying IO get the farmers Iw- Every one invited. i rank Bowker’s death will tie paid tween Isdianon and Crabtree for for by Hecker's life. their Co. Why not take advantage Ed. Myers. Dr. A G. Prill, J D Mr. Hill, one of the attorneys of the petition and help the Scio i Dmsmore, W. F. Gill and J. S. for the defence, said he could not Electric Co. Sticha attended a community meet­ state until he see* Judge Harris* ing in I^banon, M> nday evening opinion whether or not further steps NOTICE can l>e taken to save Hecker from the gallows. Heroic Act by Aged Man NOTICE P. A. Brant of Mill City, wu badly bruised Saturday morning.' A runaway team was coming down the side walk when Brant, who is All those knowing themselves in­ Quite elderly, noticed a little child j debted to the Scio Creamery Co., please call and settle up at once as directly tn front of them. Regard I am going to open up another leas of his own danger, he ran to the child and throwed her to one Creamery at Dallas, I need the side, but did not clear himself. money. Scio Creamery Co. One of the horses struck him. rend­ ering him unconcioua. He was taken to the nearest house and after regaining conciousneas. was taken Xmas Eve and to his own home. Night Mary’s Hospital where she has l>een nursing Mr*. Simmons for the past and Johnnie Jones Cxwnedy week. Mr«. Simmons is reported to be getting along nicely. Admission 15c-35c Admission 15c-35c People’s Theatre Peoples Theatre The two Sundav achrolt will meet in the I. O. O. F. Hall Friday night to string popcoin and to fill Xmas sacks. GANG COMEDY Safaris? Saaday Toilet Set* $1.00, $7.fi0 Manicuring set* $2.00 12.00 Perfumes 25c to S3.00 Safty Razors $1.00 15.00 Doll* 25c $4.00 Stationary 50c 14.00 Book* 25c 1200 Ivory Goods 50c $8.00 Ktxiaks $2.60 $30.00 ladys Purse* $2.00 $5.00 Mr*. Kester i* home from St. | “WEST BOUND” LIMITED PUSHERS with Reginald Denny and Gift Suggestions for Christmas Monday-Taciday Miss R oot Cromy it home from O. A. C. for the holiday» YOURS FOR A Merry Chrittma» Kelly’s Drug Store The R exalt Store I