• a Local XeuM anti Clarified hab lent» wate rwportad durlng the week OC als OREGON STATE Ä*—- IN GENERAL Su Ime rii»« for the Tribuno (Continurd from page 1.) According to worg from Aanator Me Mias Hazel Howard was in AI Nary, fund» to tuutpiete the Howlte ban y shopping Saturday. I burg llaedapurt eeciioa of the rand from Kooeburg to the mouth of the YES! we have "600" Score cards ’ t n.i qua will bo appropriated by the 2|c each. At the Tribune Office. bureau of public ruada and work will •tan Immediately. Mr. G DaLaobay and If A Step- An appropriation of l^SSOOO prob anrk were Albany visitor» Sunday. ably will be »»k*-d by the Oregon dalo Mr. and Mrs Glen Holland came sat Ion for the completion of the Tongue Point submarine bane al tho up from Portland to spend the weak ni"Uth of the Columbia river The end. Ini-la) appropriation will be Mrs. Don McKnight ami Mrs «■ihausted by April The Kugr > city ordinance whleb Esther Ray are visiting in McMinn- gtvea the council power to condemn • villa. »nd rase old and dilapidated building» When you want yonr Saws filed was de<-lnr*u unconstitutional and void by Judge G F Hklpworth of tho elr & Gummed, see Harry Johnson. cult court, becauae II does not give tho 4-tp 16 ¡property owner an opportunity to be ’heard Hager the jeweler has been The fourth fatal arcldcnl In Klamath receiving another fine lot of county road construction thia season spectacles. i occurred at (>unn and Haker'o rock quarry on The Dalle»California high Mabie arxi Eunio* Brock were way near Fort Klamath wheu Manual visiting with home folks for the lacatia. a Mexican lalwrer. was caught week-end by a dislodged boulder and kllled In •tantly. Mary Harmon and Ullian Vest- Governor Pierce baa pardoned Milan ecka attended the dance in Stayton Hapa’ovlch. now »ervlng a term lu the Monday evening. Oregon state penitentiary for obtaining money through fraud, oo eondlllon Meadow Shade is the liest, so 'hat he lvav< the ftnlted Htwtea and have it Th.nksgiving and help US; ■ lever return The convict will be turn- ad over to federal officials and will be all to be Thankful deported Mr. F. Ballin of Portland we. Approximately 100 dtlxena, bearing visiting hi» non H. A Ballin Ihr with th«-m a petition to which nearly JOO nami-a were affixed, appeared be first of the week. fore the la Grande city commission Mrs. Ben Thayer went to Portland trs and d'-matidrd that drastic step» be Saturday, where she is visiting aken Io curb and eradicate alleged va­ leting Immoral »nd undealrable condl with her sister Mrs F Thayer loti» In la Grande » colored town Mita U ta Couey and Mia» Pilla The year now drawing to a close Ji roch spent the weekend at Eugene ha» teen the m»«t eurreaaful ftnan and attended the football game. •tally In the history of the Oregon itate fl»h commlu lnn. according io a Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hunt of lx-b- l-ort n.ttd. by Carl 1» Hhoetnaker, rg an»n nn> the day“ Isn't hat even If Indirectly »l|*re*eed a tee spirit **f thankfulness? And tl < re ire atante» tn 'My Triumph' the very tawtxw of noble thanksgiving: POR SALE 3 horse gas engin. go>*d as new guaranteed to be in 1st das» condition for $75 if taken et once J P Kukacka Ifitf Kell to the alngere* Hall te the hre?e light brtngera' Fn»e»«?4 | rearfe an* «hare All that the» otn# anA Aero |••« th» great l4 of lhar I waa ve|»erlalty »truck this tltne. by • »tanr» I'd rather read |>a»t. before Any girl in trouble may communi­ cate with Ensign Ixe of the Sal­ vation Army at the White Shield |{<>me. 565 Mayfair Ave. Bort- land, Oregon. Registered Durham Cow and Bull I* ' >r ».ile. with papers Will trade for sh<-ep. J W. Merrit*. R 3 15 21-p “Th»» there Is this «terr nt «y M. L. V. Ihiilhiiiiiiüiiiniiiiulhiiihi i i nui mi fû to. Ha (»ter» »m» t. «• f-.r Thaakagi ting, as usual M*«»i of the famine» <*C I he «tr«-rt up la that way. es ept thoar «Ini "go hack to i ha old horns f**r Thauks (I«lug" Mra i'enalman aa.l I would foal lost without Iba Berater» After dltimrr w» »al »t*ou: the «>|.»n Hr» In the library, and t»lk«-d with Intervals of ailcocw That la Hagjter talked “T»s been thinking a great deal to­ day shout thankfulness ||'» all right —the ordinary, coa««*ntlonal thank» giving for food, drink »n-l all I **«• running through an old Authoiogi of Paetry- that »tarted in» Hau av» per fee« loo Fsrfoet 1 -«II Thy »I»« Thanh» >.ii lay to be with her. S. B Holl has sold Edward Uff- oid of Lacomb, a «tart in registered Hut «»oilier «tante of old Whit- tier'» has been »ticking in my 1 ■ nd in »pile of m P the««- t!>.ng> »»-'d like tw have otherwise !'•-• de B Holt. J S. Funk. A .Ian«.Titer was l>orn .Mrs. and Mr W. Ernest Nov. 19th Freitag. Jiasie well. Mother and l>aby are doing S B H It has tieen having hie h -in- remodeled with a new roof and «torn • r windows. Wat- r above the atmosphere of Bert. Is now he world's common legacy.* Well, iarf Crabtree and T. M the work Mr Thanksgiving joy» will »-on o*pand; Mrs and Will Holt Th» thought that m»k«s a hit Is an »»tons'». menu and An appetite to ht T. visited at Holt and M Elmer Whet­ stones und T. J. Bullera in Albany Hundgy. Mrs S THING» FOR THANKSGIVING B Hop clerks in Mrs. Wirt's «.ore in Crabtree Tn have ««me Nonti« tn Äom» kindly friend» to luVtt OfrsR trt«»a be nt a th ur fr«*t. lilur • an I »!«'• 4»b V«. Mom» dally taah» to <>o KnouyL io oat af»«1 »*sr Th* ho|*ea of each fit« day Tb» • ’ -r —»Thomaa K Mo»» and li it Friday ra h of Tuesday week Mr. m engaged in teaching there. 1 he pui.iic «ch-H>l Mini the Sunday School are |danning a Xmaa. prog­ ram. LOWE &. MORRISON RELIABLE UNDER TAKERS 'll funeral» given |«-r»on»l attention by Mr. I owe Service» arxi I nc«» t*uarant«ed to >atiaiv 1 very i usturner I ady Attendant it desired N. I'. I"«« I « bamm i'hottr ii V I. Musatone Phone—Bay. .W I'hone—Sight, :<*•.'> Anto Iqnipmrnl Ford Sales and Service Genuii < Erd I' t • \\< • $18 00 Basket Ball Scio Gymnasium their I ihv «- them are: Fred Summers, Joe A b a rveult of the recent supreme There were five fatalltlea In Oregon tue to Industrial accidents during ths veek ending November 33. according o a report prepared by the state In lust rial accident commission Ths vie- Ims were: II D Fountain. Riverside. **1. logger: Floyd Batentaa. Vaiaeu. took lender. R S Duncan. PortlaadL 'orrat patrol work«*; Jam«* McDonald. Ostaeada. labors*, and Jamea Hrm-ht. having pur- chawd four head Pr > Wells Nov. 30 j I ♦ • • • J K* ilv. Fred Mespalt and * Kelly. “ Twa» the last part I mean— -ourt d't we owe to them! Tho»« of the left for California Sundav night, •lly of Astoria the city will be cot» pool those of Die present. Th**«e of where she plans to stay for the tolled to pay the plaintiff* Judgment <>ur friends- thowe that ws know ..nly ind internet, amounting to about $:6iW by report And how many of them winter. the three r»»ee were brought to re- have g1»en the glow of their warmth Postmaster Sticha has just been over damages for Injury to property to this land since the colonist» anuth ■ nd north hold their Brat Thankaglv- advised by the postal department, -»suiting from a landslide on Hum. ; Ing' And they've m-i been lived tu ivenue. owing to the increase in the parcel vain! Longfellow was right: There 1» not the tllchteet touch of poet busineiM he would P m * allowed Monxollod to the Armenian rare, it Wk»»« »r • aoble 4>»d I» «»ought larger quarters. The room formerly • as emphatically stated al Washing- is !.»»• w te »pok«n » noMs theugbt. Our bsarts in gi»4 »urprte* occupied by Dr. E H. Hobson has on. D C-. by Dr Ale» Hrdllcka. our*- Te higher levels rise or of the division of physical anthgp- been Secured for this purpose. mlogy of the national museum, when Th» tMal «»vs of 4»»p»r »owls Mr. arid Mrs. E. D. Myers accom­ isked conri-rnlng the test case now Into our Inmost boina roll» N*4 lift» na. uno wore». a. and the real, of the pest • en Thomas Voigt. Parkwood. Ill; Agnes ury. ere mentioned, hut well I A. Weller. Portland. 1-10: Samuel H in old fashioned person I'tu afraid "No are we ell old fashioned, Crabtree Boys oulkenwn. Portland |1>; E>*na K Cay. ewnaured him He went on: Portland. 130. Kmnia Hebestrelt. lea vs. 'This waa from a poem of 4 Tian lure. |30. Frank L. Kalt. Portland, ilng William Kllery Channing of Scio Bova ill; minors of Charles Hurd. Plaewr. »horn Whittier writes: 'A man whose M; Fdearif M»- land. Ill Ife beautifully end truly manifested After an extended visit with het sister. Mrs A. Shelton. Mrs The Srio TriSuo« — Ford Butirri«-* Rubber nt*-»- $22.00 BA1IFR Í3 RI PA UID FRED T. BILYEU FORD GARAGE SCIO