SV** The 9Ho Tribune ■ *.l ■■■ I Cnun try Corre »pondenee ■ County Paragraph» DEMONSTRATION DEC 3 1 construction HeeHee its general appeal and ] Sodatol, the new explsnvie th st h gh qu lity aspect, the Tudor «edsn is being secured for Oregon farmers has several new features which The county rock crusher is soon at liras than half the c->t < f dyne- promise to win immediate favor to commence crushing for the mile will be demonstrated ir It- nt The two doors are unusually wide Brownsvill-Harrisburg market road. on county on I»eeeml>rr3 ? I’. M. n 2hf inches to lie exact, anil are se A' ut a mile of gravel will be lhek Kiger*» place on Ktg««r I and at the front of the car. hung in spread >n the Knox Butte road and Kiger Island i» ab >ut three mil«*» exceptionally heavy frames and about a half mile on the Browns- south of Corvallis A but«*n. imum in ventilation After -Pending ail day Thuraday. Unn ,nd Une ^„,„1,^ dur ,hr Exterior appearance is i enhsnced Thursday night and Friday They fact that the two later c-mti-s »re by a windshield Visor, cowl ventilator gave up the hope that the owner or will be without an agent, s«e and secure rear fenders of new would return. They then searched being pooled by County Agent C R. design the brush and found the worm and Briggs at Corvallis Interior arrangement of the Tudor cooler hidden in the brush away A» nearly a» can I m * describ- d thi« Sedan meets all comfort require­ from the other parts of the still. new explosive acts like forty p«-r ments both for driver and passen­ cent dynamite, equal in strength to ger» The driver’s seat is of the. The state highway commission it. and works atmut the «ame wav I- oucket" design, with easy cushion has stationed a drilling outfit at under the stumps. there is n > h< el- and back, assuring restful p>»sture. the bridge site in Harrisburg where ache with it, however, all sort« <>f There is a noticeable roominess in there will Iw a crew from now till •tumps are available for trial on the front with plenty of foot room. the bridge is finished. Island and a number of different Die tilting »eat opposite the driver ■ type of soil, from the very light folds c-.mpaetly out of the way •«> ones to fairly heavy * that *: me* a . i esd till >Ug.i ihe Linn county’s e urt passed a general order limiting weights ot vehicles traversing county roads that are unpaved, to prevent damage to them during the winter months The order reduces maxium weight to I tMM> pounds until further notice, and decrees that notices to that effect bi ontel at either end of each road affected; and at other places convenient to the traffic. start The demonstration will promtply at 2 o'clock and who may need powder should attend and see it shoot the stump* It is expected that the carl md. for which there are nearly »ifficient orders now will be filied ou immediately after the demonstration and the order sent in The cost of thi* new explosive is $7 53 per hundred down in Corvallis. laid Last Friday the people through out Linn county were lieginning to Ore. Provides Thanksgiviug t> ink that they were due some high water, but the rain soon ceased and Dinner on S. P. Diner». the rivers and creeks soon showed that the fear was all in vain, as there is no snow in the mountains Roast turkeys rai*-d in < )r«*g>>n. t<> melt at this time of year. crants-rry sauce from th»» Oregon marshes and mince pie flavored will lie with Oregon appl«- cider E. Pratt, who operated the the big features of th«- menus >m More and ('amp grounds at Cas- Southern Pacific dining cars for cadia until recently, has sold hie Thanksgiving this year. business and will engage in som«- Southern Pacific ag«-nl« have kind of business in Albany. been very busy for several weeks locating and purchasing select Ore gon turkeys Hundreds of birds have been secured but the«- dining car agents will purenaa«- only ihrme •elect birds weighing lietwr-vn 14 and 16 p *unds large and roomy door is easily and c nveuiently effecteri by those occupying the rear seat which is amply large for three persons Because of the location of the door, the driver has convenient aecss to his seat without folding up the extra seat along side. The ga*>line tank is located under the drive« swat making it unnecessary for him to disturb any other passen­ gers when filling the tank Interior fittings are attractive The upholstery is in special Ford fabric of dark brown with floor rug to match Both the doors and side windows have tieen «-quipped with revolving type window reg­ ulators of the same design as those I iiwfd in cars of much higher price The Tudor Sedan, which is now in production, ia price«! at 3590 at Detroit. Examination for Commission ___ , I An examination of applicants for appointment as comissioned officers in the Medical Corps of the Regular Army will be held in the Ninth Corps Area (Covering the Pacific l-oSHt Stat«*») during the period; A great many turkeys have l>«*en I January 21, 26th 1924. < To I m - eligible tor appointment the applicant must I m * between the ages ot 23 and 32 vears and must be a male citixen of the United Slates Further information on this sub­ umpqua Valley it is estimated Up ject may lie obtained by calling in wards ot lU.lhlO turkeys will be person or by corresponding with taken to market to satisfy the de- Major Thus. J. (weil. Recruiting mand of a turkey hungry public. i ' Otfieer, U.S. Army, whose offices purchased at Roseburg. Oakland and at other places in th. Um|»qua Valley in Douglas county which is one of the most famous turkey districts in the west. From the Globe-Albany Two Days Only SUNDAY-MONDAY, D€C. 1-3 The world’»greatest comedy ••Oa the Screes at Last” Potash and Perl- Mutter” with The original stage cast R«*member the Date. COMING S T. FRENCH Or»-»»«» Oa in the m.irket fvrt Round I ogs. I ngs Slabbed .ind Canted, Random Side Lumber F. O. B. Car». Furnishing ot flat cars assured. They will also buy lie», limbers and Plank, cut to order tor «• «»tern shipment. f.ïHMK \l( lit WITH H. WILKINSON Care ALBANY MILL PHONE: 542 R for barnyard manure. I The Ford Motor Company today announced an addition to it* line of,. cars the Tudor Sedan which brings to the public an entirely n.w style of Ford enclosed t»>dy. ■ It ia a distinctive type designed I to carry five paawngers in complete F.M.French ¿Sons ator standard n«i all Ford ears, gave Jeweler» and opticians Ford designer» an opportunity of effecting awwt greaceful lines and lime a most sturdy Mrs. Fieklin is reported III. AIJiANY, OREGON U. G. Shipley Co Outfitter» to w omen, Misses ant I Child ren Quality Merchandise Popular Price* Salem. Oregon TAKE THE TRAIN COMI OR I and SAFETY plus DEPENDABILITY Low Round I rip Fares reduce the cost of travel. Roomy, well-heated and ventilated equipment makes traveling on the Southern Pacific a pleasure. You know that irrespective of rain, fog. snow or orther ufavorable condi­ tion», the train can l>e depended upon —that efficient and courteous Southern Pacific men will look alter your com­ forts. As- agents for » Southern Pacific time tabic and for information regarding fares, etc , or write JOHN M. SCOTT Ass’l Passenger Traffic Manager, Portland. Oregon. increase» in yield almost as large as Ford Motor New* With ORttXIN Lumber and Logs WANTED! H comfort. The roof line is low and straight which with the larger radi­ ALBANY * with a like number being held tor alv Rooms 201 and 202 New Post the Christinas market Office Building. Portland, Oregon Officials of the Southern Pacific, Dining Car Department are plann­ Many Willamette valley farmers ing to carry the spirit of thanksgiv­ buri, their straw »lacks in the fall. ing into the dining ears lor the A t of ordinary straw contains thousands of travelers who cannot practically the same amount of enjoy their Thanksgiving dinners at plant food material as a ton of home and in this endeavor the barnyard manure, but ia nil so turkeys from the Or<-g<>n farms, quickly available. When straw is orehardsand marshes will play no adued to the heavier soil and thor­ small part. oughly dished in. the soil has given SOON I « W Griffiths •THE WHITE HOSE” ■ •-4’L Southern Pacific Lines How About Your Stationery? We Specialize in Job Printing. L