• • * F'W * • 4 «, • • « Z * • 1 • • •: f 1 «W ♦ % / « . • * A :■ ì * ; t f. » T a r • • . • * *, ’ ♦«>’ • 'A • s** * > • -F *• iu'-'"' t W“ vC each. aao • «<»•» »K < urraal tally “ "MtSvodld.' Heaa w«d i reiucti ifi >»f 2 Si pound« of uaraalf to contribute two pie« Ano. t«t eornpared with AiNfuaC. rhe net g «in waa •'•» reduced 73 cent« Hriggs made herself rvapoaail.te for per cow. Tina decreaae, no spread them generously M«r IU I The summary follows: toa agreed to bring potatues !.. r I («eel an,I white and • t>« bag« -f «•gar Iteulah Aebbrwg th< tight t t Average i Thaakagltlag dinner • «• la- • ■mph-ie 1 went Highral for 104 • It bout eranltero «au.-e. and m»-l» Cowl ih-rd Herd that her donation And little Rian, ' >■ MontEly fmi c<«st per mW 72 7 20 8.16 Wehater. «ho waa rather younger tt n Labor coat per e<>w at 30c an hour 5 2 2 91 the otlars. and the pet of the cías» Total fesui and labor coat at 30c at> hour 2 33 12.20 6 9M rolunfeered to make mdse “If they September Dairy Su n n iry Shows Decrease in M >nth*s Butter Fat The Thanksgiving Pumpkin 4 *», .a .* I MM hit walte««1 w (Ml. )«•( • S F«qu»r»dl. HI»« •»( *Aimly talk »4 The Scio Tribune General S‘eu\i Page 4 walk • tt4 no »• -<>• lea» »a ••ih»-4 • nd more «hs'll ab-orked ft«ie to eomb the willow lows lot th« <>h. It wa« «"<»4 talk but It mad» ua tlr»4 Th» »t*l»ndl«1 truth (hai • in tr»» ■h» blurred tfw* daintily and rttiw»r4 «nd tn » l»«fy »oft | Mh« «rapped th«» n»a»k«d hi« tyw»>r tears grast hora (he ■ummaZ* ar« bar 1 ou know litt la In Martan'« grada «now a« I know Lina, but r I mlltt le« Thera'« a per of them, •II pretty near r. like a hro-nel that Qtteea gather wa« putting on flesh atrnillly “It • the only thing alio e» er ha* il--Be the way «he should." «he Mid “She * Keen an absoluta failure, eirept tn getting fat“ Tile afternoon before Thscksghlng they met at Hertha a house to pack the haakrta. more than one Iw-iag needed for Mia« Halley, the tea- li< had contributed a dosen orang.-« «nd an equal number of beautiful reti apple« And aa the girl« worked, Bel tha'a mother calle.! from the a«»t rtKifn that alie would suggest tlo­ girla cali thetnaelvea a «warm of i.uMlng >eea With the hewag baskets the girla made their wa» to the little cottage which «haltered the fhdlftlr family They plated their load up- n the step« ■ nd all the girla but He»« who «a« the fleeteat of the lot. made their way ‘•ack to the «better of a tnml'le-l-iwn board feme And then It. •» k»>>< k< I loudly upon the door «ml tle<1 «< r<,»« he anow «■ lightly •• a frlghtetied abhlt. fmai their refuge behind the old «•tyre they «aw the door |«-n Ttie) •aw Mr Ihdlttle a lighted lamp r 'ila hands «t»nd thee looking ihout ’•Im. and call. “Mother " They ■»« Mr« Í«olittir come hurrying, and th<-a rhe children fltr-k out. the little ,rn-» n thetr nlghtg-,«\n« and the atirlrk« of rapture «a the haa*.,-ta w.-r. rough! in. nee.le.1 no Interpretation t'ntll the door cloaed n,-t a word '■a «|>oken by the plotter« hrtdnd the fwa.-e Then Reaa. who hud h«-.-n kneeling, watching the acene thrntigh a crack, aroae and «hook the «Bow from her drea« "I don't know what tira rest of you think " «Ir.- -aid. “hut I feel •■ If I'd had all the Thanks giving I dewerve right now." I t n cu-ríe out with thlK ’Oh. know Tt>ank*gl»tng It'a the A PRAYER OP g i*t> Waststn K«w«pse«r L'ai-a > HM MORGAN“—Hertha psum-d under th« win­ dow where her friend« mother «at sawtiig — “where's HcseK" "out with the ch k •n*. I supi--'««.'' Mrs Morgan la.-.'-,-! •“That'« where we always I wk It >e can't dad her.” With a hasty »«rd vf thanks Hertha barrleil -n h The g rls looked at each other "She mu«t I t- a nh-e w -man.“ H»- m •aid. tin. »-hi u!ly, “to bring her children up like that ” Yr» '>ut. He«- think of people an­ ting '--»n to Irish stew <■« Thanks glvlhi tiny, an-l trying to he thankful their leg« aren't broken i to rm- It's time somebody got The s-Hiii-t-orty. of courae. ti.. -n' . »elf and lb-s« They were She h-rgut bar err a ad when It-■»• emerged from tlie dilckan ynnl a gtx«1 •iiwl fowl In Mther band \* they swung haad duwnwaril tb-t wings partly apr>-ad and tlielr i-»- - ■•» •p, n. Hertha cried. "Are they -I. a 1 1 "N'a. Indeed Hut I'm gulag to shut them up to tstten Ihstu for Thm » gtsing They're th. moat n,,« >nt bena." Mid Heaa, ar»araly "Th- black •be »tsrted to Mt and then after two weeks ati. abandoned her n<-«' and I'd bate lost a whole netting of eg. * If •nether hen hadn't been wanting to •at luat at that minute And thè ara» brought off a •Ire bro«nl of elett n an«l killed all by •tepi-'ng un tliem Father when shout my work today I aak that Thou wilt haer ma as I pr«> Thia Is a prayer of thank« for little things Th» beauty of th« «wallow « «bimano« wings My garden with It« ftowaaa bright and fair That lift sweet faces In the •unlit str Ths frase ihat ralee up iriri of pr.ta» to Th»«. aballar me Th« rv-> glow of ds w ni ng tuai b-aun Or golg-n glory of the «inki- g «un The light In eysa that shin* with I for me. Tbs little h»«g asleep on mother's knee For th»»e eng much bssldea dear Lerrd I pres That Th»n e»i for I lb. fat was lAbor c<>at for I lb lat wu> Total t«“ni aiui ¡Mlwf for I il> fat Mmuti-a labor for 1 ih fat Tola, c «at of food •• d labor jht row fot month Net ifitin or hut« per cow fur month Net laftor income per hour for month Net return per dollar expended for fe»»«. .24 25 49 .50 Fr<»m 15 to 25 .lb .15 .30 .27 & 51 .24 ......... 26 .65 6 61 8 56 .74 84 Over 25 Ibn. .18 .13 .31 .27 7 38 5 32 .72 2.55 Ford Trucks Are Bought On Performance Records They know that under the endice« grind oi daily aer­ v.ce thè lord atnynoa thn y-b n» :h in and mondi out, wiih very httle mr chanic.il care, and with practicaOy noexpcneeior rvjvira or rrplicrmrotk Thry w< tuidciT; pìlwWlre th< vali ti ia uuck dona» not ita initial coat. fur J 1 FREI) 1. EiEìEU, bao, Ur FOOR TURKEY» As — Well •tump, aid bey. tha turkey« are »•Ing ta get thelra today. 1. ! T? Apparently Bertha «ai noi Inter Bated in tha accotint of thè tao no The bcio Tribune ,O.A.C. Farm Reminders 4 And Than »««a Knocked Loudly Up«n the Poor. In the same > la«aew at «eat mate« He«« n,-third “Thay'ra the Moat Na Account Hana, •aid Baaa »avorely. Chart li you were lo aak a hun­ dred or a thousand—Ford t ru < k o w nera w h y t hey uae Ford trucka, in pt< ia-twee to all other«, thry would likely nay, "Beeauae the Ford Manda up." THANK» OM» '«hat did tha Htlld mettlT “Mi -n, i. knew, of co urea, •ad the ot. <-ra began to queathm her. ••<■ w> Lina ekplanrd. expl« nrd. She aeld oom< !•••• i : oi-l turkey for TliuUk«gl»lng l-ut they only had Irlah Blew Hut thelt mother said they ought t» h» tlmukful anyway, for It a»uld Ite au much Knot- If they had Kruken their legs and couldn't ait up • t Iba table io r-at tlielr stew.” lirirna income per n>w for month Net gam or Io-» pt r co for month Lt-«, fat prr cow for month Net lab'ir income per hour after dciuetinK coat of feed Hcturn per dollar expended for feeqj Hour» labor per cow for month < •chool. and a It pay« lieekeepera to overhaul their equipment in the winter All extracting combe «re looknl over, graded and patched with worker foundation. Ekcewa comb and bee glue are cleaned from all part« of the equipment. Part« that need renailing and painting receive attention. •• there in no time to “flood Idea. It«-rtba Wall »1 up I do theae thing« when the equipment the iMilttlea a Ihank«gl»lng dinner, Material which 1« be- i is needed. «nd well rrelly gl»e wbat we em< yond further une in bent diapowd of ■ nd not a«k >ur folia te help a ML I II gi»e H«ther" in aome way. All of this in in pre­ "Whatr paration for invoice to lie taken <>b. Qu.-»-a K»lber That'a the name about the flrat of ’he year. ■ >f the «I»- klrd ben I named her when «l-e waa • pullet, before I knew how ahe waa ger aome g’««!” cvmbinatKm of good been, gì» d account" bons Mhe looked at bar frleod thoughtfully “I put up a lot of iwgetaMea frwaa "It's queer yon should he.e aald j r-i> gar lien ' said Hell* anything abont Tbankaglriag beekeeping, good equipment •nd Magazines and-'' OUR NEWSPAPER AUS For One Year CudVt 60 *r ' - < rwr »»• r*»r JTBO «Set» 09 jtü53EnS( InventIgatc this npt-cial offer before it passe* by This is the first time this paper has ever been able to secure such an offer for its hundreds of readers. Act NOW. I