The 8cio Tribuft« ■•■•«■■■**suso«« LUDENS In potential possibili les. a» well aa in the numlw-r of dairy cattle, : &ha,nfa ; No — nor any more j a • NATHAN HOWARD GIST • <«>• J « • coal or ashes for anyone t»>lug! The convenience and efficiency of Pearl Oil-made heat means comfort for everyone— fire-tending for none. 1 L-at by the roomful at the touch of a match! Simply turn the wick high for initial warmth —then low to maintain And it. remember. Pearl Oil bums clean —it leaves absolutely no odor. For best result» your heater needs more than just kerosene. “Kero­ sene” or “coal oil” may mean any kind of kero­ sene — “Pearl Oil” but one. It is the highest- quality kerosene only, the result of years of research and study, and refined for heating and lighting purposes ex­ clusively by the Stand­ ard Oil Company’s own special process. Your dealer knows Pearl Oil —ask for it by name. STANDARD OIL COMPANY irisfcwü) Baked Apple«. IIIE ext of aaylns Tbnnka' Is not very great But It •onirthn»» mat a a • • -• That person Is llkr a w. on light un a «lark night II <» a | ■ a» ur» to »»r«r such a -nr The «ms who lark» thl« t'n. ■ • r I» to lx pltiCtl. Il«* "I, ! t anlatr Non.- irr for hr Is unapprr.-»tl.r II IP- < atlaarabls IN tires «• hr I» to-trr awake to thr fa> t t lntlrr It gl»r- m t ti. too oftsn do wr sa, “Thank» T ar a sou »Iso suggrata that > •- o > well mt ■‘Thank you Th» r»|.- — n. that sentiment »» t nr go -I Hr from W hom nil l> - • . » r - tv tied to an ripr.-«- on f o-ir gtn'lt l<- Thai la man« • hlrf l.l >-sin. t •• ,>■ •« •nc» of an Inlt' tr < -I ■ him. in Whom man II»»» ml mo» — and lout hts being and to Wh.mi hr again shall go Melt tn thl» holy pil’lbxr « m t b*»Hh»r man I n.-h on» «I t ilt' ’ •■ grateful In Ilia .1.1 » of t ■ Cr1«»> for fell •» «■• i> about, anti for *>••• tppt '' ■« ■' les Am >n< Ilf. • t.r.-«< those which ' lain, our d»«uti««a an- owr al.srw of the world« w < W» should h» tl nkfi < I,stall mor» than for pm«,w«i<» Tit» >•• • discipline com.-« ' lie- - t Ir nusaUnm That I th i »-- i te mo Wupartor lumber ... from tri • th. have Ions b een . b.-l ■« ‘-rm ..a trm|o-st. Without hard Hit«. • ml bit term»» men w. ihl cattle, grailn, ku.. OW. will. no row. rni in. I no a. hle>. nwwts worth, of nt.*r» i «» ol- . r-ir». disappointment hard work pnt that man un hts mattls anti bfr- ght .mt th» twat ha had N«W all of Ufa's bls«» n. . nr» th- «» msasurrd h, h.-alth fort mr i-»f grwtb lode «»thsrs III».. t -«t> the appiro Hata until too» Suecean in cootrollin; fruì tre». and piar» a ceco« ut marshmallow n unti! ihr tuaralimalhi»! rarht A f»w having ever, thing readv at th« rhop|..wt hlckno nuts tua, ha sprtaadad right time. Overhaul the sprat »«ri top li alr.uatL I outfit and arrange for spray mater- When you patronize our ml ver-1 iais no they will be ready for use in tiaers you are patnsuzinf mutasi 1 the spring. irwrds f Willamette Valley P omi b le Dairy Center O. A. C. Home Pointer* Around the h'amilv Table 1» nnoth«-r department where folks mav swap ektieriem'v« and MENTHOL COUCH DROPS ror ncse and throat Give Quick Relief wood . to pack/ P«e«3 General New« di«cui«a the prob­ lems <4 life as th»v com«’ up THE FARM JOl’HNAL. 1*1 n sorse meal» around a hot tie of n...k instead of a pound of meat. the great national farm taper, is unlike An adiajuats m»ai for anyb-aiy-— th«' VS 11lamette Valiev is the .>ut- any other pa(«er It is practical, wh- .«- wheat bread and m.ik. ai sudi ng daily asclioti of Oregon, always h<>ne-t. clea i, faithful; full ■.-cording to Alfre«i I. laimaa. of sunshine and gumption Believes Sandpaper ami an ordinary black- profraaor of foreign traile in the in fair play to all, ■» full of g»><«d. ta>4id eraser will keep the kitchen who has Univeraity of Oregon. solid isfurmation. w«»rth while artic ■love clean with little effort. ma«ie a compr.-hensive study of I s and special features, worth ten state resources during the past ttm«*a the suixcription pru’«- Every A white sauce is the foundation year issue, of over a hundr«-d i>ag«-». are of half the recipes in sny cookbook, Willamette Valley's poasibilitiea crammed full of go.«d things for all. la-ain how to make a perfect while as a dairying center, he says, are 9t«««ih in­ for sweetening. "Foremost in the number of spiring and instructive lairy cattle in Oregon la Ijnn coun­ I'BDFLE’S FOI’ULAK MONTHLY ' »V hen tablecloths show wear along ty.” continu<«d Professor Lomas has long ta-en known and rec ‘gi.iz.-d the crraiwa it is well to cut an inch This county la developing rapid- aa the magazine of home and cmn f rum one side and one end of the |v aa a producer of dairy products munitv service Serial and short cloth and retinish th» edges This oi.l may I n - cited aa a typical ea- al. rie» with beautiful colure i illus­ will bring ail of the creases In a i ::ple of the opportunities which trations are a d«TI i-"i feature of new piace. thia whole region affords. this magazine Krcipe« form an Marion County, however, is the important featur«« Each month, premier from the standpoint of he«-p vandw iches fresh by wrap- house plan», community ■■ iter lam ■p.alitv of ind.vidual animals, having ' t ing m a dry napkin, then in a cloth menta, nre.hewoik, patterns, gard I rung out of cold wal««r ami pul ieveiuped mure record Jerseys ttian emng. all p< >i I* ■ illu«'.i ■ -I .iiy section of the world. Tnew either in the refrigerator ur icelea* make it p<>»«ii‘l«' to render a -<-rvic. lt«te«i in the Jersey Bulletin and . cooler. to thus, living in th« i irai dl»tricu Dairy World, are captioned under and small t«wns, through the col­ lie highest Jersey Butterfat re- Natici al Appi Aiata! ti AtaiMstnlm umns <«f thi» great magazine eorda ” .See add .- «ewh.-i • Nuli c ut heri-by given that tlwuii- llx-w wonderful animals, seven in 1« i- ik 1'««! !<•« b»en ap|»»inl»d sdminls number, pi ace Oregon first on the | trutrix ot Ih« «»tal«- ut ixwi» A. t obb, Fashô»n Denwndi Drcsie* .<-< us. l, i>y ih.- « ounty Court «>f thè list as a bre«-«ler of highest, pure Mal«- ot Vrvgon tur l ino i «winiy All bred cattle Since Hie announce" clamai agalnsl «sid . »tale are h«-r»l.y ia»litimi lo preseol ■lent of the above, another Oregon Ilio «ain« «lui, verili.'d ami with prula-r • ouclurs lh»rvlor lo thè umiersigne.l al cow has broken the world's record ' h«-r huitH n»»t i.juiw ut lami tbuoly, in ail claa-Tva tor the breed, so that Hi«gun, ut at il.» vili«* of V. I.yle Me in rea.ily thia state nolatei! ami Arsi | ubh»b«-«i Ihia l.'.th ‘ lathe County, on the bast» of its lay of Nov«-inb«-r, l!X£i. Iwna Cobb pure bred nerds of dairy call It is , Auiuitiiairalrlx uf llx calale of UvwiS laying the foundation for future |A Coi«-., «Ireea»e«i. i \ l.yl. Mei ruasvy pr >»|M-rily. Clackamas County also Stay tuo. or« goti 1« incoming lietler known as a Attori««', for Adminialratna. 14 >t (tube pnbllalieU mu consecutive laaucs) c -inmunK) which lielirvea in breed mg high class stock, so much so Mr ami Mrs, (' hat it is aide to send many of its animals to other parts of the UniltHi ■ ia «-s for breeding purposes Not to tie outtloiMS by the a nolle southern V alley, Bilyeu made a iiusibeM trip to Itluany Monday. .vii W III- John Kelly wa» an Aliumy visitor Mofuiay. Oregon For icsny a year sull» have lw«»n ih» De r T Ta«U Pr N. 0 H.lawr in»m«1ny of Ih» iipti. dal» «uman a ana area suitable lor dairying «animi.», bui ihla fall titola cloth t Astern Oregon, to is developing. rtunit> to save money on their ■ • ading matter lor the cimiingyear. batch publication is a leader in its class and the entire combination hie the neeiis of the average family at a price you can afford to pay. menitiet, even He- though your sub­ scription to this nnwspaper naan t ekpired, it's «economy to Henerv Now as ail renewal subscriptions will be «xtended from date ot proaent ea- piration. Don’t pass ! up i ItEFULl.Y CONDI CTED VISION UHVEYS shosra that <2% of ail chid- ren between thr ages of six and sixteen have defective »yes. Most of these children ar* being forr»d to do sc I kht I work mwier the handicap of a constant nervous strain cause«! by neglect uf eyre that need help. And the pitiful part Io that the parent's ignurenee of the conditions “OM not save the -hild from the penalty hr is constant., pu»4lg. this op­ portunity- Send your order today. I tit-. HOt BEHOLD is just wnai it’s name implies—B folksy house­ hold magazine chu*k full of gix>d cheer, entertaining stories, 0 pt&m elrtat. beauty hints, patterns, recipes aoa house­ hold hints of general interest.' HAROLD ALRRO. Manufacturing Optlagi*