' •ar“ ; M» 5 4 THE SCIO TRIBUNE nt» tb« middle of nett October. tn demy of tlato to aero for th» 1*34 beet ron RAILROADS SET EIGHT RECORDS IN YEAR 1923 The Association at Independent Col- rgea of Oregon will meet this year at d< Mlnnvllle aa the guasta of Idnfteld oliere In Ila annual tn eel I ng Nov»ni- ter 30 and December 1 V«I> mw STRIK IT 5 TOASTED * K PLANS MADE TO CONTINUE FINE RECORD OF EFFU CIENCY WITH AID OF SHIPPERS how good ■ cigarotte really can too ma you must try • 'w * > t “I c?1- Or, n « anti when land law la to be •nt •■•• Ths amount of freight service rendered with each car tree *11 tona earned one mile dally durtag 3 moatoe of 1*11. Which exceeds toe record of any previous year and eurpaaaee that of 1*13 by over 31 per cent <71 From January 1 to octehsr 1 ths number of tons of coal dumped by al Lake Krte porta for boat to lb» North w set was greater The pro than in u> pre «loua year gram o< p ..tiding coal for the North uch »writer lhaa Wrst was completed In »li» previous >ear thereby making available additional locomotives aad care (or other < omaserelal tatersete during the fall and winter asoaths » (*1 A greater amount ef rail roe. i coal has bcm placed In stockpile ctor ft Gl<-a Southwick. who liven on a •aneli mar Salem, won the ribbon for h» beat «Ingle ear of corn exhibited it the annual Marlon-Polk oorn «how it Salem MORE FREIGHT TRAFFIC HANDLED DURING YEAR THAN IN ANY SIMI­ LAR PERIOD T least eight sew orda la traaaportatlaa ■arvlco to the pebUe bava bees eat by toe railroads this year Thia was disclosed la tbs r»port at Utracters el lb« Amr risen Hallway AasosiaUoa just received by ths Aeutoora Paatoo Company reviewing renette ef too program to turnlab adeguato teaaa port-tlon to Uis pablta. adopted early tn 1*11. and telling of plans to conttnuv this «uod work ut the year and tn 1344 Th» new records sotaM follows tl) The railroads, from January 1 to October 1 put la eorvtoe U4 434 new freight cars and 1.443 new loco- motboo a larger number toaa la say similar period during toe last tea years di A larger number of looomoUves and cars here been repaired aad pat In serviceable condition tosa s furs la any equal ported (3) Tb« railroads beagled freight business b»twsea Jaa aad October M toaa la nay epondlng previous period. The unto bar of oars loaded with revenue freight was «0 4«4.»3v. Thio ooaapareo with 14 110.434 In 1*13 aa laereaae ef 1« per cant and with M.4*3 4M la Itti) the previous record yeae, or aa incr. aa» of 10 p»r ceaL Tbs box car surplus la toe graia produ mg »talea baa boon too greatest la history (4> Tb» average miles moved hy each freight csr daily la too Are* * months of tbs year wee 37 4 tottaa, and in September reaabed *4 3 altea This compares with 134 miles la the flrst • months of 1*33. 33 miles la 1*11 and 14 4 la 1*34 Thia tlgar« Is based upon th» total aeashsr ot Nu 16 ‘if ' ■ 'iifcv. V’.í*- _ /*; T'r • ' « Mr. W H Booth of Ashland has a Vhlta (»shorn ben that has laid dur nt the paat 13 mouths 33A eggs. aver King 34 egg« a month which la sup »* d to break all record» An "pen competitive »«amination «III tie held by the Called Staten civil •rvice coinnilaalon «.»on to fill vacan­ tes In the bureau of plant Industry of tie department of agrlrulture f’redauiry animal hunters In the Oro- >n district killed a total of 44» pre latory animala In October, according <> a report made by Stanley <3 Jewett, ‘•vernment predatory animal ln»pec r. C M tTeave«. Juatbr of the peace i.d p-'»tm der at Cr< ent. pleaded ullty to a complaint which he hltnwlf id signed and was fined tSoO by Ju» I. • of the Peace Ullaon of Bend for lling liquor. Three engineers. It U Watt. E G lordon and C H Paddock. of Portland, re In Salem lai eetlgatlng manufactur- ng plants with a view to eliminating hr cinder nuisance, which has can »ml tiy protests the past few months The Auto Freight Transportât Ion aa ■■ Intl.m, with Oregon beadquarters In ’ortland. has adopted the western . • The railroads have spent II 'I. •44.Me tor new squlpm-at and ul -r faculties this year up to Oct >«r 1 a rwcord amount. In addition to these expenditures the Class 1 roads In 1*33 expen«* I1.44S.473.7TI for mater 1»11 »ul sup pile» used in operation an. ->i uni. n anc* and this year will have «pent tl «ov.M4.vov b> ths and >t DoaeOthM tor thia purpose Altogether the Class 1 rou te In 1*33 «rill have spent over thro* bi n <1 lam tor equipment sad fa. »t tar la is and supplies Tl is m«b* ■ gons to ths ladustrtes of th« ..... aad la one of the prim, c .-<•» < .-i trlbutlng to their expan. and ti emptoymoat of labor » i< h n 'urn baa bees a major factor i> 'h a creese la dom-etlc demand for b l the products of laduatr i.iv t*r.i. Fair Ineeaae deeded The Association point« out th st . owstlnuan.a of three en.iri' us i|l tai osp»adllur»e which are -ar if too public la to be ad. iu Italy a* r>« I depends on such net ini'. » l< toe earners as wilt periH a f > r r< turn on the property n » urvotad to toe public aarvlc« gad will m. ke It possible to secure the ns-* capital which la Imperatively a»ed» 7 and N Y re. old due to ireanen in earl* spring E h' Krebs Scio H R 4 l«tf Juhnie Wewly Salem Sunday. was Brief Resume of Hemenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. The Hottthern P <-lf|c company ha» reported to th» pt eri Ice commie «Ion that It has a surplus of 4N4 care The first annual Hood River rounty '»»ultry show, with more than 4« ex­ hibits of fine ehlik.-ti» was held at Hood River. Dr II resident. ’harhiiiin Governar W Coe. promlmnl Portland hns he»n appointed state of the liardlnr memorial by Pierre. Ruslneea In the lumber Industry ha» Improved to such an extent that the night shift has been restored at thr big mill at Valseti. Madford has Just l>c-n dlvld-d br 'he city council Into four ward» In «end of the.» end now baa seven roan ■Ilmen Instead of six. The l*actti. power A >»« petitioned the rlty council for a -eneual of Ils franchi«, al II. mh I Itlver visiting in for a per led of 50 yearn More than 5o appti'-alIona for |><>al- dona In the state lnrom>- ta« depart- nent have been received bv Karl wieher. state tai commissioner. People’s Theatre THOMAS MEIGIIN IN Near Do Well Poet Office I on >*e tor Clement made hla regular inspectt >n of the local office last Friday. Mr. Clem ent has been Postal inep«H*tor for a longer period of years ihan an* i other inapector in the Halted Slates OUR GANG COMEDY Mioses Vella Brennt r, Dorr>» Weddle and Mrs. J. 8 Sticha went , to Portland last Thursday to spend Admission 15c-35c toe dav atooptung. CF SPECIAL INTEREST DOGS OF WAR Saturday S ax ' s ? William Howard Mmlth. one of the »set known pioneer ranchers of Dnuc aa county, died suddenly at hla home ìear flntherlln of heart trouble. The Deboco national forest this past «neón had only nl- fire« doing dam ice pf le»e »han •* and roaring th» ’ureal service 3144 43 to estlnaulah If Pr. »Ident Coolidge approves the udge' as now made up. Klamath Ir Igatlon project will receive 34*5.000 nd I'matllla projet Ivto.oOO from ongrrae for continuing construction nd maintenance during the coming Imai year W alter L Tr congreM to convene according to formation given out at the Interior .part ment. (Continued on page 6) For Kidney and Bladder I roubble use NY AL Stone Root Com pound Guaranteed. O- orre Cas tty of Hood River, ared ** FMrs. has be. n ernt>-ne* d to 11 north« In the penitentiary on his plea >f rnllty to a charge of forcing ch.-cks I .eon ar d Couch of Wallowa suffered l severe fracture of a leg recently •h»n a horse be was riding slipped on ba froten grounY and fell with him tl la now certain that Prineville will lave a sugar Rtctorv ready for opera- I Inaurane» companies operating In tregon no longer will have the privi •K' of Insuring automobiles against ■ nils. «iloti f»r th» transportation of Iquor a> . «riling to a bulletin Issued y U III Moor«. etale insurance tun daaioner y, T'. Í* Kelly’s Drug Store The lit .rail Store ■T* -J6* .1___ • •