7 ’ e •I w • .*’ I • • m a .* • • f * % eTike a ■ « - i • » I I * ■* /. /s » •* — .’ e ■ • 4 .• * I • Í * * A . ' JI- • .a ■> . • ■ • • • . • • ■ « <•» . A ■ - : Î* •• Locai .Vries and Classified LOCAL BREVITIES "Î J. A. Craft was in Albany Friday E H. Hobson wa« an Albany visitor Tuesday. Mm H. E Tobie went to Salem Wednesday to visit her mother w«r« I uesday le take treatment from Dr. tears for rheumatism hia in hand* ELECTRICAL Domanco Electric Iron $5.00 The electric iron that will NOT burn out. Guaranteed life time. I hink It Over. ............. 1 2. SO Electric Soldering Iron .............. y SO Electric Curling Iron Electric Percolator ........... IS 00 9.50 Electric Waffle Iron 5.(10 Electric Toaster 9.25 Electric Ih-sc stove (3 heat) 12.50 Electric Round Radiant Grill G.5O Electric Ovenette R. WI. Cain j I I I Frank Crewdsott, who has <|>ent the week at the Frank Thayer home, left Monday morning for his home in Waterville. M ash. Mr C’r« vd- son is athletic instructor in the high school there R B. Walls and wife, who •re ! moving from Portland to Us An* ; gelea. stopped in Scio one day last ¡week to visit Mrs. Mails' brother. IL A. Balhn and family. Mr Walia has bought an electric store in L<* Angeles. Save money on every acre plowed with the Fordson Give yourself an 8-hour day you can with the Fordaon ! 1 •*! t '|r*r» JÍL’Ifi ß r n At \rr Id H •vanovsky's aa'e- Rev. Ostrander of Eugene preach­ i.. check book. bank book and'bill ed a very good sermons at the Fed­ I <>k Finder please leave at the erated Church Sunday. The con­ ite Bank. J. H. Quinn. gregations have been larger than usual during this summer. For Sale Perfection oil range, ¡hr«- burner. Inquire at the Don't forget to attend the meet­ Tribune office. ing of the Forks of the Sanliam community club at Crabtree next For Sale R sen rye from machine, Monday night. September 3 Busi­ fl i) i» t bushel; also cheat and ness of importance may come up at v hmix« I. Herman Zeller. R 4 this meeting Crabtree always fur* mahes excellent entertainment at For S . e Library table, oil stove with «.ven and heater. Inquire of theer meetings, so everyone who at. 11 1 Tobie, Scio, Ore. tends is assured a good time Wanted Good woman for general Mrs. I. V McAdoo returned Mon­ work. Wages small but good home day morning from a visit to Mr. for light party Inquire either McAdoo at Portland Surgical Hos­ by letter or in person, Scio Ho­ pital and W. F McAdoo and wife in tel. Scio Ore. ir Vancouver. Mr. McAdoo is improv­ ing slowly. He is now able to ait Wanted Four cords of wood -fir up a short time each day. preferred. Mrs. Jane Compton, Fred Von Behren and family of Wanted 12 cords of big fir wood, Aumsville; Art laiyton and son of lfi inch lengths, and free ________ from Bordaux. Wash.; S A Schuman and kr -ta. Inquire at the Tribune family of Kingston; and G. L. Flan­ office, agan and family sjient Sunday on M<>m > to Loan at The Fed- Crabtree cn-ek above Clark's mill. ei.i 1 and Bank of Spokane. Wash., w I make loans through the Forks F. B. Studnicka has rented his f the Santiam National Farm ranch to Mr. Edwards of Corvallis, I an A -ociation in amounts and is ill again embark in the cream and produce business. Hr ha.« not nom 4100 t<> 925. OOO, for a per­ iod of ó to 84j years, on first mort- yet decided on a location but hope* to be located in Scio a« he had a gag« - curtty. Inquire of W. H. McLain, Sec-Trees., route 2, good business during hi* laut two years here. Scio, Oregon. lip Gladys and Gracie have visted at the Jess Rodgers home for several weeks, will return to their home in Kelso, Wadi,, the last of the week. The girls are rel­ atives of Mrs. Rodgers. We carry a full line of groceries, chinaware, shoes, clothing, dry good«. and millinery. Yotira For Service. Hibbler & Gill Co This Value Has NEVER Been It taken something beside« engineering to furnish a Tractor like the F'ord-in to ell at this astonishingly low price. That something ia owner confidence, built on p-rnia - t satisfaction. There is over 170,000 Fordson Tractor« in use-wherever Power Fanning is being done Fordson 1« showing aupenor service. If you are not using a Fordson now. start m ht. The working ability of thia remarkable power plant ia cutting fanning cost in half it. al­ most every Kind of work done, at the draw bar or from the belt, ask us for all the <1« taiis call, writ* or phone. Fred T. Bilyeu -C uT 2 Mt«scs Mildred Couey and FJI-eoa M vnhatt and Russell Mr Dona d and row ATOM AKE RIPENING nicely I c your orders and they "Buck** W iitr went to Albany Sun w ■ I sat «fartortlv. and at day night to see "You Can't Fool pi< >g prices Guv McKmght Your Wife.’* NOTICE Multiply the work of vour farm tool« four to six times with the Fordaon Cut your hours in the field over half, with the Fordaon J*. Mrs J N Stitcha.Mrs Ed Myer«. Mrs E H H ibson.Mrs V J Phillip- pi and the Miaaes Vella Brenner. D»rr* Weddle. Let* Couev. and Hazel Phillippi left Thursday morn- mg for a week's outing at Newport. Not! -e During the almMMV of John Jiroc from the city, anyone More than SI,000 has In-en subacril»- wishing to rent the Z. C. B. J. hall ed by the Albany Chamber of Com­ l-lraw call on Joe Boyan<*vsky. merce to defray the expenses of How about a pound or two of Farmer* Day at the Linn County fair. The money will be us»-l to "Meadow Shade” butter? It is l»ay the expense of a barbecue at made fr«-«h every dsy from pasteur- | noon and also for entertainment on ixed cream Get it from your gro­ that day. cer or at The Scio Creamery Co. ordson. ■ Tractor j*. »V ... ->-< J The Scio Tribune F. B Studnnicka plana to hold a M¡ss Bertie Cary is staying with Miss J'»sie Kulan during the absence public saie at his farm two miles north ami two miles west of Scio of Mrs Frank Gill about September 24. W’atch for Mrs !> C. Thome it hom* form Mrs Ocar Lindley. Mr*. F‘ A a six week* outing at fialtair, <> regon Wagner. Grace Bdyeu and Eiden Ulla. on th«» hila n » ik baa-: i . Vaughn went to Albany lo** «ee Mi*ae* Freds. Neva and Bobbie "Fooltaii Mothers’’. Friday night Thayer and Mr. Frank Crewdera Johnnie Denam >re wen! tn Alban y Mrs Florence Everett. »h-> >s as dr>>ve to Staytan Friday to call on «aturda- nfirrn »>n to register for Mias Evaim Hayworth ac- i staling in the llomeetie Ari dejh-Md at rutnpanied them h«»mr. returning to J N. Weddle went to Portland i Chema *«, «pent Sunday nt h<>ma her home Monday morning J L Rodgers and family Albany visitors Satu rday. ml Guy McKmght a<> I wife Misses J arte Kot an and llcrtb- and Frank Gill were guests of Mrs. "BUI" Ring came out from Port­ Frances Ko tan at her country home Mrs. Stella Flanagan and daugli­ ter. Dollie, were called to Albany land Friday to help Scio keep her Suuday score up in the Albany-Scio game Monday. Sam Stoller took the household Sunday. goods belonging to Mrs. Inez Stnd- Mias Trout of Hubbard is spend dart to Portland Monday Mrs. mg a few weeks with Mrs. B n Rev J. R Parker held services at Stoddart will make tier h>>me in Thayer. the Baptist church Sunday, A good * Portland for the future Herman Zeller took a load of ever­ attendance is reported at both ser­ Mrs Frank Gill went to McMinn­ green blackberries to Salem Wed­ vices. ville Friday On Saturday she left nesday. A baby girl wax boro to Mt. and in company with Qieeler ('»ffee annday from liattle Ground. Henry Stratton and wife of Albany spent Sunday with Jt-sae Hildreth Saturday night and Sunday visitors Wash,, whetc they went to aMist He with Mrs. Merritt’s parents, Mr. ' Bronco Bob" put on a show and wife on route I. having splendid succvm ; and he and and Mrs. II. R Haasler. Art laiyton and eon Ralph of Mrs Bob send greetings to their A big pageant will lx the attrac­ ; friend* at Scio. Bordaux Wash , are visiting relatives tion at the Linn county fair on Wed­ and friends here. Dr. Tweed and Mr. McGuire of nesday night. This will lx under Lebanon attended the ball game L B Hixon and wife of Albany direction of Jerome Shaffer. Sunday afternoon and railed on Mr. visited at the Roy Hixon home Sun­ Dr. IwH’d and Mrs, Paul Lardon Mrs. Henry Hanaler visited with day afternoon. and Mr. Lardon are old school her daughter. Mrs. Johnnie Merritt friends Dr. W. B. Richardson and wife -me day last week and assisted In of Jefferson were gueets at the H Miss Haxcl Hall of Albany, th,- cooking for the threshers. R. Hamler home Sunday. ____........................................................................................... domestic Science teacher. Mr» Irma ♦w^eeeeew^ewee^ew, .________________ so {'* ' , ' 1 ' a »■ ' ■! - I • primary teacher have all engaged to tioani with Mrs. D C Thums this ! school year. Harold Hassler is suff«-t .ng (r 4 .. V . » a ..j »■ • • *-*.k *’ '• ». a • • ’•* *e * . ... ’ • Insurance Company H « -r Ort a- vow«tn Powvuahse DIRECTORS A. I A1II.1.S Portland, Oreg. I’ri-sulent ihrgen Mfe Presl-ient first National Bank ADO! PHK « OLFK Portland, Ore. First Vice-President Oregon Life Pr- nub nt l.ipnian Wolfe & Co. LOUISG. CLARKE Portland. Ore. S. -, : d Vice Pres. Oregon Life Pra-aidenl Clarke. Woodward Drug Co. Wu POLLMAN . Baker, Oreg. Third Vice-President Oregon Life Pres. First National Bank. Baker C I ADAMS . Portland. Oreg. Treaaurvr Oregon Life Pre« lent Security Savings A Trust Co. W. P. OLTH Portland Oreg. Prc»id<-nt old* Wortman A King Trustee R«-ed College J I T l I' »ISON M Y KBS Portland. Or. Attorix-y-at law .Wrmt*-r Board of Regent* on-gon Agricultural College A H DEVERS Portland, Oreg. Pre«! ’»nt Cloaaet A l>evers If. L CORBETT Portland, Oreg. 4 apitaliat JOS. T. PETERS Portland, < >reg. Capitalist J. N. TEAL . Portland, Oreg. Teal, "«free, Johnson A Mctuiloeh LEO I RIEDE . Portland. Oreg. Capitalist W I THOMPSON Porthnd. Ore. Vi< e-Prc-nlent First National Bank J. If BOOTH R<-arburg. Oreg. Pres. Douglas National Bank ( ■ OLT Portland. Oreg. \lc« Pr«» F irst National Rank Member Board of Rogrnta t’niveraity of Oregon D. M. J ohn . Agent Corvallis, Oregon Scio Hotel &, Restaurant Meals at All Hours LOWE & MORRISON RELIABLE UNDER I AKERS All funerals given |»-r*onal attention by Mr. lows Services and > riees Guaranteed to Satisfy I Very t ustomer lady Attendant if desired N. U. l-owa le-henon Phone 9 Auta U* Equip M. I. Moaaisna Phone—Day. 397 I hone— Sight, 396 r