Editorial fi The Mo Tribune —• Notice of Final Settlement HIE SCIO TRIBUNE Notte» ia hereby gt ven that th» under­ lutimi, a» administrator of the e»t»t«- of Solomon Gnme«. ctec»a»«!. haa filed In th» County Court of Una County. Oregon, hta final account aa »uch ad ministrator and the said <’ourt ha> fixed Morulay. th« llith day of September. 1*23. al the hour of two o'clock m the afternoon of that day. a« the lime fur the hearing of objection« to «»«I final account and the settlement thereof. Any and all pet*»»» having object > >»« to »ail final account are hervbi n««tim-d to be present at «ani time in the < ■ «• i > Court roo«n In the l.mn County < • irt House, tn the city of Albany. I ■■■ County, Oregon, and then an Aug 21 Th» w»ath»r i« «till hot. th«» lher- OKHMlvr rrgi«i< r»»l aruutid «•’' o to So o Thr«-»hifig ha« brrn tt»f In th • locaUty A« th« ywki and pete,- arc «b -it the producer haa a rocky road to travel. W<* believe in our town, community and its people; in our store its goods and fair prices. We believe that horn tx • not only the best policy but also the only means to »ucc. and hsppinrsu». He believe in courtesy, kindm ¡-s. generosity, good cheer, friendship and honest Competition. • hi mti< h to in* made solely n matter of dollant and cents. We Ix lirve sue» - •' shou | In* the aim of every man and the measure of his ability. We b> ii< < I -»tore sno Cd be judged by the quality of its service. \\ believe in adi ri »it Teat it is not wisdom to Me» p on« i light under a bushel. We belh .• ii ,■■■ ' w I ut we preach, and that if you get acqiu • d ••• 'h » ' <1 the business principals for which we sii ’and up at all times for our store, our town and our community to your full measure. All the rw-igbbor» ». re Ut »nj'-ving Ihvnurlwi Sunday after the l»»t two month» of hard labor. xir Georg» I orge, a ft «' «I a<»n alao Rudolph Wrvtey, wife and two daugh­ ter« came <»ut for a vteit SiitUay T hi KMiiAY. Aug. 30. 1923 -1 ~ Mr Theraterc Gain«» of I’orttend. can.» up batvday I»» »•■» m» fattier. He rvtunieU the «ao.- » Mr« l< • "tud- dart and h«r children return« » in Mrs Sto>idart will make her h«>«>> in the metmpoli* OrifM Midi N«IM WR Tsms PERMANENT ROADS w Th® old man after two week« of eonvale«er«cr made a trip to Scio to m A great surprise far lheh Y«a I have tomatora anti »weet com gon Worsted Company imiUa ■ I at highways be built with perma­ on th« Santtam farm. Call when hungry. Sellwood), made into wor»t«d yarn b. nent "hard” surfaces. The sug­ Mr«. Ida Graham and daughtei* of It may Roy T. Hiahop, ton of < P Bi«M> gestion argues itself. Monitor who wa* xi«ill her brother proprietor of the Wooten Mill Stere of be permissible under some cir- < tin. ' - to construct less M. C. Gam»«, of Crabtrw the pa»t Salem. Dragon knitter» try thia var expensive roads in less travel­ week, «he al«o vi«it<-l with her father, ••♦♦♦♦*•***♦**♦♦«♦♦♦*****»* out. All colora, it* per ball of 2 ed territory, but for the chief S. W. Gain«* aiwi Wm Garland. Th® Hamptea a»nt on application. Addir arteries of travel permanence latter rxwute« in Scio. C. P. I'iahop. Ho« Tt>. Salem. Oregon. « a «♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »eeeeee ♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦ Hi LA I LU. 9 J # »aaeaaa P*K« 2 the Knight i» HI III ' gj IteeauM a ear coata le»«. ‘ t ’S paaa it up without invi-aUiiati ■ art vova a Mt caa aa » WILLYS KNIGHT BARTU MOTOR CO . S< .... Or. The Day of the Knight la II I KI Shelton Bros Wants all your Poultry Will Pay Top Price* SHELTON BROS.. . SCIO, OREGON Code of Ethic* One of the many characteristic thing« brought out in remembrance <>f Preaident Harding ia the little code of ethic« which he once sub­ Calla Attende«! mitted to the staff of hia own paper, the Marion Star. Here it »•: Day or Night "Remember there are two aides SCIO ORE to every question. Get both. "Be truthful. Get the fact*, mis- i take« are inevitable, but strive for accuracy I would rather have one «»»»»♦♦♦♦»♦•♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦a** < •tory exactly right than a hundred < half wrong. "Be decent; tie fair, be generous Boost don’t knock. There's good in Fresh and Cured Meat everybody. Bring out the good in Bacon - Lard Sausage everybody and never needlessly hurt We buy your Veal and the feelings of anybody. Dressed Hogs "In reporting a political gather­ ing, give the facta: tell the story Holecliek Bios, Prop«. aa it is, not a» you would like to < Scio, Ora. have it. Treat all parties alike. If < there's any politics to be played, we will play it in our editorial columns W. A. Ewing, T. J. Munkera, "Treat all religious matters rever­ President Vice Pre» E. ». My»ra. (ashler ently. If It can possibly be avoided, never bring ignominy to an innocent man. woman or child in telling of Does a General Ranking the misdeeds or misfortune of a Business. Interest paid relative. on time deposits. "Don't wait to be asked, but do it without the asking. "Never let a dirtv word or sug­ gestive story get into type Real Eitate Proper I want thia paper so conducted and Notary Public that it can go into any home with­ .•Ibitratl» Obtained. f.wmlnrJ out destroying the innocence of SCIO » • » OREGON any child.” i * 11 The flr«t net mil for the imports- lion of the egg* of gatm- bird» un­ der the regulation« governing their: entry under the new tariff act wu GRAIN GROWERS i«aued by the Biological Survey of the United State« Department of Agriculture <>n June 27. 1923 Ho importation of 39 canvaeiiack duck Get Our Price Befóte Selling Elsewhere i-gg« from Calgary, < .mad*, t«« So lake City. Utah, wa» allowed. i If you an r ( r< .i s» i,. -■ I. ,w will store your wheat, and give you a receipt that is negotiable. To know how good a cigarette really can he m»d^ you must try a LUCKY STRLIL DAIRYMEN1 IT'S TOASTED DR. A. G. PRILL Who sell their whole mi'k get paid for every ounce of butterfat produced by the cow. No loss from poor or worn out b< parators. Why be burdened with the drudgery of turning and washing a •«•parator when you can save money besides time and work. Pbniciai ani Sma Scio Meat Market Attention Ford Owners Alemite high pressure lubrica- ting system for your Ford Insures Oiling No guess work. Special for Fords. Guaranteed. Special for Ten I> iik $5 <4 GET YOURS TODAY Oregon Milk Company Condensery, Scio, Oregon FRED T. BILYEU Authorized Ford D aler ♦♦♦♦»♦• ♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ » ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•www INSIST ON GENUINE FORI) PARTS Lumber DAIRYMEN! WOOD-LARK FLY REPELLANT Rough and Plain 1 p. , ’ Raa *,K‘2 rbon*’ I Buon»«. 117 Notary The jaaator of the Plymouth t ongro-' Public gational church of Oakland, Calif., haa > haiided in hi» resignation, «aying: "The church haa been outstripped by other agencies in «en ing mankind and there- : fore i« a failure In every walk of life the crying need of people ia coopera­ tion. «o why shouldn't the churchea combine to give cooperation’ What difference doaa it make bo* maa waa I Subscribe for Tribun«—31.73 • year. created?" H C. ROLOFF Auctioneer I ' ■' * The Scio State Bank Riley Shelton •* * * a * * a a * a * a * * a a * a a a a a a a a a a * * * * * * Tb« Day ought to be a fundamental con­ sideration. U e are in the midst, or per­ haps at the dawn, of a motor age. Highways everywhere have become motor roads pri­ marily. and the number of ve­ hicles rapidly increases. Build­ ing perishable highways is as hort -ighted as it would be to erect houses without roofs in the expectation that no rain will fall. Highways must be built not only to support pres­ ent traffic but the traffic that may be confidently forecast for the years at hand. Permanence means smaller bills for maintenance, thus re­ turning to the treasury some of its additional first cost. If a road is in continual need of repair the indication ia that the work was of a wrong type or was improperly done in the first place. Our idea is to put more money into original con­ struction and thus avoid th«* tire«1 utv of putting so much in­ to maintenance. I J. F. WESELY, Grocer i > i • i • 11 11 $14 00 ' - 8 1" and 12 inch. | . . »14, all Ail sizeil charged $2.50 more Notice ia hereby given that the undef* signed haa been by the County < <»uA of l-inn County. Oregon’ duh appointed administrator of the e»tat» of Matthew C. Gill, deceared All persona having claim- agnmat •aid estate are hereby untitled to pre­ sent th« same to the un • .tl west of Scio. Oregon i ’ •♦••••••••••••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* »♦♦«♦******<» MBiuetratai's he lice : 14,00 16.00 '♦♦♦♦♦«♦a aaaa a »a»»»»»»»«»»>.......tf*** [ have taken charge of Albers Bros. * warehouse at West Scio and will be in the market for all kinds of grain and hay, and will pay the top market prices at all times. C. L. Donohue Phone Scio 16 o—oo w ovvavv v »a»***»oe» Scio, Oregon ;