V<>|. 27 THE SCIO TRIBUNE More Sign L**he Grand Cad*. who lives Community Fair in the Prairie community, la the •eeond to *ign for mem be rah ip in the cow testing association. which it n»w twinir promoted. He haa ten pure-bred Jerseys which in another year he hope« to put on official teet Mr. Cade haa just completed the • recti >n of a new dairy barn and la building an S rnum bungalow H. M. Goulard of Brownesviile.an owner of a large number of pure­ bred Jerseys. haa sent it application to enter 16 cowa in the propose«! cow testing association. Mr. Goulard ia a dairyman of eonauierable prom­ inence in the Browneaeille commun­ ity. He already haaaaplendid herd that averages high in production, at present hs has a tine hunch of purebred bull calves, which will bring him a good price when proa- pective buyers know the quality of their dama. Comber A Sanford of Crabtree have sent an application to enter 20 cowa in the Cow Testing Association. Mr Com tier say a that he has been eagerly looking forward to the lime when Linn dairymen would form such an organization, and haa sent in his application among the first. Farmers owning 44 cows in the vicinity of Knox Butte have placed applications to become members of the cow testing association. They arg: J. W. Chamber, with 12cows; S IL Knox with sexen eowe; Carl M Miller,eight cows; O. C. Karsteas. nine cows, and Walter Plagmann eight town. R M Hutchins who now Ilves on the Hull>ert farm in the Orleans community has placed his application to enter 20 Jersey* ia the proposed cow testing association. IN MEMORIAM Whereas, the Great Ruler of the Universe haa removed from our Sunday school our beloved brother. Moyer Ewing, by the messenger of drath. we bow our heeds in sorrow as we submit to the will of Him who holds the destinies of us all in Ills hands. Be it therefore Resolved, that the Scio Union Sunday School haa lust an u prigtit and faithful member. Resolved, that we do truly sym­ pathise with the grief stricken fam­ ily in their lereavemsnt, and that we commend them to our Heaven­ ly Father, who dosth all things well. Resolved, that these resolutions be «piead on the records <»f this Sunday school, a copy thereof trans­ mitted to the frmily of the docsaae«! brother, and a copy published in the Scio Tribune. Seto Union Sunday School. Let the Tribune do your printing. 50 GOOD CIGARETTES No. 3 >< H» • »RF.GON .THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, $1.75 the Year Entries Coming Fast Albany Again Winner Rebuilding Mill The biggest crowd of th<- wa»<>n H A Balltn has begun the work Fifty- seven new entries were re­ witnessed the ball game between Al ­ of moving his saw mill It will l«e ceived for the Linn county fair by bany and Seto on the local diamond i< cate«! a mile farther back in the manager E T. Dorther Monday Sunday afternoon. This was the timber. Mr Ballin ha* worke«! the morning This brings the total to fourth game lietween these teams road from the Rodgers place to the 75 at this date. this w-aaon Each had won a game n«-w location of the mill and it w it excellent condition for the their t»e*t flower- frut-. < -cl bard I« make the opening day of the day they played a third game at Al­ hauling of material. bany. which resulted in a > I »--re New machiner) is l»eing installed, vegetable« The chiolrvi c i fair a successful one. Prises are for Albany Not being satisfied U> j dutch ovens are being built under make a g<»>d showing bv ru ting m>w on display in the windows of stop with this, they arranged an-J the boile ra. the flume is being re­ their pets. dog«, g >*ta, rat its et<- the stores in Albany. other game fur Sunday built and the capacity of the mill Premiums will I* giv<- bi ih< A carnival will tw conducted by There were fat s present from Al-j will be greatly increased It will merchants of :«" >. ’«* S i- j Albany College, under the manage banv. l*-l>anon. Mid City. Crabtree, require about three months to com­ Imentuf Mi* C. W Green, wife of burn. Jordan and I > Shelbutn and other places. The plete thi s work. premiums will tie well wortn the the president. gate receipts were $1 13 and a« it time and trouble of any n in pisc­ The Jersey breeders and Holstein was a " Winners take a ri ne. it 28-Hour M. il Service ine an exhibit. Premium lists will breeders will each have a booth was Albany's g««»! fortune to get, be ready for distribution in a abort which it is said will be fine. the |1 Id. lu««t vv<-dt"'*dai ihr first trana time. Watch for them. ¡0 innings were playt-u, 'in Mr. Trotfiter urge* that all en- - ntincnfal air mail plan«« from San* tries be in as soon a* p««s*ii>le so score liemg '.* to 7 In Albany's favor. Francisco t>> New York made the that all preliminary arraogvments I Scio made 16 hits and Albany !>. flight in 28 hours This is declared • GILKEY STATION tray be completo! before 10 o'clock Alik >ugh Scio oulhlt Albany two by Assi-dant Po-tma»ter General, Monday morning September 3. the 1 to one, breaks >f the game were t’olonel Paul Henderson, to be a Aug 20 ggainst us Several times during greater success than h«> department opening dav of the fair. the game Scio had the bases full hnd e ver hope«! for. The womens Thimble Club gave I but lacked the necessary pep to pul their annual entertainment f r their Two Win Soap Fogs that came u|i m rtlv l-ef«-»a over any runs. husbands and families at the -h u •lu«k and at dawn weiv th«- only Scio's line-up was as follows; difficulties experienced b) the fivers. Monday morning J. B Couey of house Saturday evening A large French, c.. Ring and Rai. p . Hol­ Henderson's aides pointed out «•.:»* The Peoples Store opened the liox crowd was present Mrs Walter land. I b., Sulhers. 2 u ; Cox, 3 b . these delays, because they came containing th* guesses on the pile Morris presided After the pr<- Doty, S. S.;' Ballin I. f ; Weller, r. daylight, cannot lie attributed to gram a b«»unteoue *up|>er w.«* rv- of s<>ap which had been placed in the ed. The men sprung a surprt* window. The «»ne guessing the f.. Wesely and Camsrun, m. (. night dying anil might not happen when they brought >n two large n«-are»t the numl»er of bars of soap again in a score of Hight*. Since last Tuesday airplanes have freezers of ice cream. A g'»>d time in the pile was to receive a box of SIDELIGHTS OF THE GAME made right tri|»s across lhe country, was enjoyed by all. Th • pr -gram 100 cakes of Sno-Lltc laundry soap We note that E’hil Arnold who four trips from New York to San was as follows Piano solo, Mrs S free. VS hen the t»ar* were countwi umpired the game, wa* able to be Francisco and four trips fr«»m San B. Holt, recitation. Alice Burkhalter, it was found that there were 366 in out Monday morning. Francisco to New York in testing Archie Lindley had guessed trio. Violet. Lucile and Fluid Cren­ the lot Paul lardon and his meguphone the foasildllty of carrying the mail shaw Mias l>>la Wat*, n of Crabtree, 867 and Mrs E. D Myers guess was were able to get off the ground in from coast to coast by air. So they decided to divide it safety. pianist, recitation. Opal M« jwlt 365 recitation. Mabel Burkhalter, proph and each took 50 bar* "Bill" Ring almost had to face a esy. written bv Lucile Cren-haw, Dntc Again Changed The boa contained 80 names The charge of murder Monday lx-cause read bv Gertrude Younker. trio two closest guesrs to the winning one of the Albany play.-rs stopped The date for the Crabtree elec­ Crenshaws, piano solo, Lado Wat-on. numliera were 863 and 882. The one of his ‘fast ones' with his chin. tion hu» again lx-en change«! anti in recitation, lone Morri», duet, plan two farthest away were 1178 and 1*5 Ring, Ballin and Holland seemed now set for September 7 at 2 o’clock and violin, tn Mrs Will M<-pelt and Five peop'e guessed 325 and two to firui the Albany plavcrs easy pick­ in the afternoon. Miss Iron Holler. put their names in without making ing. each getting four safe ones. On September I the union high The poems recited bv Opal Me* any guess school will meet and vote on a peti­ Southard made the longest hit uf pelt and lone Morris were written tion that has l»een presented to the the day. a three-bagger lietween by Mrs Morris and evoked much NOTICE boundary board aaking that Schiatl left and center. This hit. with th« laughter. It was about midnight District 114 be excluded from the aid of a squeeze play by Holland, when the crowd disperwd. The Scio School Board announces union high school, district one. 0. L. Holt and son. Nolan, <>i that they have the entire faculty enabled Scio to tie the score in the Portland, were week end visitors at ready for the opening of school. eighth inning. Infant Dies I. M. Holt*. Dr. Hobson and John Kelly were Rumor has l»een afloat that they A crowd went from here to Silver were without a principal, but this kept busy chasing balls. We are Ellen Fay. the eight days old Creek Falls Sunday. glan that at least two weople take daughter of Walter and Blanche has l»een satisfactorily adjusted. Miss Audrey Ferris, of Kel»o enough interest in lhe game to keep Miller, died at the home of her par­ Wash . arrived last week to v other things going ents Saturday. August 26. Funeral Date Changed sister. Mrs. Orville Gilkey. Mi»- Roas Ray seems to have Albany's M-ri ice* were held Sunday and burial Ferris* recently graduated from th* In last week s issue we announced jinx, as very few bits were collect­ win in Franklin Butte cemetery. Kelso business college Mrs. We heard She was their second child. that a numlier uf meetings would I** ed off of hi* delivery. Mr. and Mrs Leonard Gilkey held in the county, looking to the several Albany fans calling him Miller was Miss Blanch Pruitt be­ paid a farewell visit at the II E organization of a cow testing aaaocia- 'x-ray* and we might add that they fore her marriage. Tobte home Sunday evening tio« . On Thursday morning we re­ needed an x-ray to see his fan one». Mr. and Mrs. W H H .kins and ceived a telephone message from We heard John Wendy say that Mr. and Mrs. George It -kins of Albany that the dairymen had met he couldn't hit a left-hander, but Tillamook came Sunday for a visit Wednesday night and decided to we note that he got his liingle just at the Fred Sommers home G« postpone these meetings until the the same. Hoskins was one of Mrs. Summer* Fly week following the Linn county fair pupils in the Tillamook country A look at one of the clubs after The rea* n for the postponement when a young lad tame should have convince«! one is that the farmers are just now in that Jack Weltet can still hit 'em. the midst of threshing and other- Card of Thanks Much of the credit for scheduling ire spending all H eir time in getting the game and getting the players We wish to extend our m st sin ready for the fair. Watch for furth­ together must be given our new er announcement. cere thanks to our many friend», Kcepa Your Cowa manager. John Kelly. especially Mr*. Idella < Miller» Van Meter and Mr*. Hannah Kav. for Contented Son-In-Law Dies their kindly assistance in the sick­ ness and bnrial of our infant «laugh Mrs Rebecca Morris received the ter. We also wish to thank those news Saturday evening of the death who assisted in the ringing and for at Eugene of her son-in-law, Ge«>rge the beautiful floral offering Harris. She went to Eugrne Sat­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller urday night am! accompanied the and daughter. Ruth. family to Albany Sunday where the The date set for the Community Eair.which will be under direction of the Forks of the Santmoi m munity Club ia Saturday Septemier 15 and will be held in Sei" » I g Gym Wood-Lark Repellent We Guarantee It Tuesday was the hottest day of ths s< mmer so far in this section Thermometers regtatwred from W> degrees st Astoria to t>6 at Oregon City and Canby. At Portland thrv registered 68 al seven a. m. and 87 at seven p. m. The hotte-t hour of the was at four and five o'clock when 1 theamometers stood at 85. At five o'clock Scio thermometers register-I ad M ia lhe shade, funeral was held and the remains were laid away. She retuned to her home in Scio Monday nignt. Crawford Peaches Place your order now for late Crawford peaches Scio Creamery See Our Display in Window Kelly's Drug Store Tim xall St ort