Local Xews and Classi fieri Page C I LOCAL BREVITIES ] V. J. Philippi was in Albany Mon­ day. Pick your raspberries at Everett's and Hodge’s. 5c per lb. Marton Arnold has purchased a Star car through the Albany Garage. F. T. Thayer and wife and C. W. Beard and wife were in Albany Tuee- day. Roas Ray is sporting a new Star car, purchased through the Scio Garage Maher & Grosh pocket knives are of the very finest quality liagev, the Jeweler, has a fine assortment at all time«. I have the beat market for Fat 1 And>« and Sheep that can be had. So before selling, call me for prices. J. L. Holger». We wish in this wav to express our appreciation to the friends who so kindly responded to our tire alarm. Mr. and Mrs. It. S. Thurston Waldo Zimmerman of Mehama yesterdav received through the Bar- tu Motor Co. anew Cletrac tractor, with all the equipment, totalling something over 31700. This is the largest sale made here in a long time by any garage. Resolutions of Condolence Big Gym Dance Whsreas, God. la His intnlte wisdom, has seen fit to call from this temporal I-odg» our beloved brother, Matthew C. Gill, to that C sleet l sl Lodge above not made with bands but eternal la the Heavens. Therefore be it Reeolved. That the members of Seio Ixxlge. No. 3». A. F.A A. M., extend to the bereaved family of our beloved brother our eincereet sympathy, for the toes of him. for whom we deeply mourn, and whoee kindly counsel was an maepiraUon fer higher thoughts and nobler actione. Be it further Keeolved. That a copy of these reeolutMMa be spewed upon our records and a copy sent to the bereav­ ed family. P. H MacUmaM. E. L>. Myers, The next big dance to be given at the gym by the high school students for th* benefit of the gym fund, will be on Saturday night, July 14. musie to be furnished bv a !>rbam>n orchestra These dances are grow­ ing in popularity, and we predict the large gym will be packed with lovers of the dance W a . Awing. Com trutte«. ItXDâTMOWAT Glimpses ol the Moon” Hi With Belie Daniels and Nita Naldi TN ('MADAY- FAIDAÌ “The Christian »» With Richard Dix Don’t Mis« the Roundup Resources loans and discounts, including rediscounts shown in items 29 and 30, if any ......................................... Overdraft» »ecured »nd unsecured ............................. U. S. government aecuritie» owned............................. Other bonds, warrants and »ecuntiea, including foreign government, »tale, municipal, corpora­ tion, etc ......................................................................... (sb) Cash on ham I in vault ami dur from banks, banker* and trust companies drsignated and ap­ proved reserve agents of this bank......................... Checks on bank» outside city or town of reporting bank and other cash items......................................... Total....................................................... ........... • 69,366 4? no io 66.U00 00 26,37» 46.715 » n 77 »«.VT» M »4 Liabilitlss 16. 11 IX 1». 23. 26 Tt. Capita) stock paid in........................................................... I I 10.000 00 Rurptasfund ......................................................................... 6,000 00 (■) Undivided profits (b) lass current expenses, interest aud o taxes paid ............................................ 637 oo Reserved for taxes, interest ami depreciation.......... Daman* Dapaslta. other than banks, subject to reserve Individual deposits subject to check, including de­ posits due the State of Oregon, county, citwe or other public funds .............. ............................... 163,4»! 71 Cashier's cheeks of this bank outstanding payable on demand . ..................................................................... 4.646 M Total on demand tieixxiite. other than bank de- posits, subject to rreerie, item* 23 A 25............ 1166,136 36 Time an* 8a«le*s Deeestts, subject to reserve and payable on demand or subject to notice: Time certificate* of deposit outstanding. ................ ». 666 00 Total of time ami savings ifepoait* payable on de­ mand or subject to notice, item 27 ......................... 42,666 00 Total................................................................. I sail.»?» State of Oregon, County of Linn, a*. I. E D. Myers, »«bier of t: . alioi.- named bank, do solemnly l th* above statement io true to the beat of my knowledge and belief K. D. Mvaas. Cashier. Subscribed »nd sworn to before rn« this 6th day of July, 19SX R Shelton, Notary Publie stsetea aspèrse Fob 14. IM Mr H. S Johnston has returned to S a «nd opened a general op at hi» re < ro the at revt from the J. F. Wesdy home. 1 mn now propircd to File your Saws. Filing and Gumming, and d>> all kind- of Turning in Wood and Iron H. S. Johnston, Prop. 14 eoe*e*oeeseeoee»»ee»eeewf Scio, whu partici pated in thè Dalla» round un 1 on thè 4th. and in thè parade, drew flrit prive in thè Plug Ugly divisi n. thè award tieing |4U. He repn « tit- ed "ikey” and waa riding a mule. I At Scio, in the state of Oregon, at the close of business, June 30. 1923 11. was 25. 1923. Price 315 each, papers furnished Unrelated to any stock in thia community. See Max W< i-ly 48t2c Reserve District No. 12 The Scio State Bank ». Keaneth Sims visitor Saturday. For Sale—Two Large type male Duroe-Jersey pig*, farrowed April We pasteurise all our cream before churning, that's why Meadow Shade Butter is good butter. It has that full sweet taste which lingers with you. Fill up vour refrigerator with ice from us—get what you need, in 25 Ibe. or over at lc a pound. Scio Creamery Co. REPORT OF CON DITION OF 2. X 4. day. The next meeting of the Forks of the .Santiam Community Club will "Aunt Becky” Morris returned to be he'd at River View school house, her home in Scio Monday after an formerly known as Riverside, and alwence of three weeks spent In will be Monday night. Aug 6. All Portland, Kelso. Wash.. Oregon (Sty. are invited tb remember this date and be prrarnt. Dallas, Salem and Crabtree. Charter No. 1W 1. E. F. Gilkey was in Albany Sun­ Machine Shop Opened Spark Cause* Fire Alarm la-ganl me« For Sale 2c a pound Mrs. I. V. McAdoo was in Albany in ¡ itch ts. Inquire at the Tribune and Roy immediately sounded an office. Fred Bilyeu and wife were its week. alarm. Quick responi»’ by neighbors l«rbanon Tuesday oo business and I S.. L i Red Polled Angus Charley Hunt is painting a fine «aved the houar and content«, and iLih dumiy ‘dock animal. Extra visiting relatives. alga on the window» of the Shelton but little dumage resulted. 'gv. priced for quick sale at 375. Pick Walls of Portland is spending meat market. Wilbur Funk, on Scio-Jeff era >n a few weeks at the home of his The roads in Richardson Gap are road. 4‘.»-p The heaviest rainfall recorded for being wprked, Riley Shelton over­ uncle, H. A. Hallin. July in this section of the north­ For Sale Pure bred Duroc Jersey boar, a - ■ a gilt from the same Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bennett of seeing the job. west in the la»t 21 year», fell last litter, Brod in the purple and Portland were guests of D. C Thoms Mias Etta morcom. teacher in the week Much <1 a tn a# u to crept anti prtcsxj to sell. and wife a few days last week. Scio school last year wasshopping in fruit is reported. I-eonard Gilkey & Sons. — Mrs. D. C. Thoms vrill go to Albany Saturday. Wanted 15 berry pickers for logan- Saltair. Tillamook beach, this week The late rams have about ruined b :t rind blackcaps, 4 acres al- to stay several weeks with her fath­ the cherry crop, so reports coming t , tiiw the weeds oo the vacant lots and along the streets so thst they will not topple over and be a menace when they become dry. If attended t<». It will help to leasen the fire hazard. An ounce of prevention is worth more than the insurance that will be received, in case of fire from such cause« During the ball game Sunday H. A. Ballin was struck in the back with one of the balls, which is caus ing him some discomfort Hr has been spitting blood ever «ince. Dr. Hobson examined him and says hr fears he has a broken rib. Mr. and Mrs. Bsllln went to Portland Monday afternoon, where they will have an X-ray taken in an effort to learn i the extent ef the injury. For Sale Two Thor Electric Wash­ I or Sale Maxwell gasoline engine, ers, in fine condition, cheap. ■n line condition, with good bat­ Albanv Steam laundry tery. Engine has shaft and pul- ■\ attached; will make first class .Mu«» Wanted Anyone intending to power plant for ranch purposes. gather moss this season, write or Albany Steam Laundry phone 0. K. Howard, Scio. Ore­ gon. lt-c H v t • L un at 5j‘. —The Eed- ■ral Land Bank of Spokane, Wash., For sale —Fine big Jersey cow. due w i: ake ins through the Fork» to freshen July 20th, also a few of the Santmm National barm good pigs,weigh about 751 bn. each. L> an A -ociation in amounts See F. A. Hough. t >m $loo to 325, 000, for a per­ For Sale 24-inch liar Scott thresh­ il'.! >f to li years, on first mort- ing wparator, in fair shape. g ii -urity. Inquire of W H. 1 ‘ri<-«- # loo See II at I. ' 1 McLain. Sec.-Trea«.. route 2, on route two, Scio. 49p I Scio. Oregon. Up A A A -*■ -w- a a . a a a a a . ” ” ” ” “ æ ▼ w ▼▼ ▼ 0 w * LOWE &. MORRISON RLUÀBU UNDEBTAKKRS All fur»-rah given |>er»onn| attention by Mr. la»we Service» ami Prices <ani»<>s Auto I «‘Canon Phone -Pay, 397 Equipment I’honi- 9 Phone—-N ight, 396 Your Vacation where to spend it Newport Tillamook Beaches ■■Oregon’» « i|