.-4 '5 ■* : tv- • .. ..Aiw.'àj The Scio Tribune Country Correspondence GILKEY STATION MAK£ • July » | > our Xext Goal You have finished high «. bool and, like all wwe awake graduates. ar» loosing to col The Slats o fers you the b mg and a coll gre« in the 1« ■ulta and prof follow»; I ■Mrs. Jennie Lovejoy of Dallas aad Lila apent the Fourth at Dellas came over Friday accompanied by They met Ivan of McMinnville there Mrs. Rebecca Morris of Scio, who and old neighbors from \ amhill: has t*en in Portland the past three county. They report a large crowd 1 weeks with her son. Fred Randle. Mrs. Maude Shaw and daughters, Haxel and Ethel, and twin babies, I Ralph and Rev. of Yamhill County returned home Sunday, after a week's visit at the parental home of the W. E. Serf!mgs E. F. Gilkey and Alvin. Murrel, and Mariam drove to Portland the Fourth to sec the big man who live» in the White House and guides the Ship of State. Mrs. Chai les Hornbuckle, who lives in the Ten nr district, was calling in these parts last Thursday. J G. and T M Doit. W. A Gil key and wife and Leonard Gilkey at­ tended the funeral of M C. Gill in Student life at the Col leg«*ia rich in opportuni­ ties for leadership and personal cultnrs. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 2». 1923 For information write to THE REGISTRAR Oregon Agricultural College Corvallis Scio Saturday. 0 O.L. Holt of Portland fqwnt the week-end here with relative» E. F. Gilkev transacted business in Albany Saturday, returning Sun­ day. The following attended the con­ vention held in the big memorial tabernacle at Turner Sunday: Mr. Burkhalters. W. A Gilkev and wife. Marion and Franklin Gilkey, Lucille and Loette Sommer, and Leonard Gilkey and family. Mra. Katherine Kester called on Mrs. Orville Gilkev and Mrs Cora Smith Sunday. Carlton Chamberlen of San J<>«e Roadster $525 f. o. b. Toledo ia visiting relatives here. He is the second son of Mrs. Rose i.Mespelt) Chamberlen. Mias Rosa Hauct of Eugene visit­ ed at W. A. Gilkey's and S F. Zy- sett's homes Sunday. She is train­ Merit Wins New Honors People have rocogniaed in the new Overland a higher standard of automobile value. Longer tinea a higher hood, an all-steel bedy, Triplex Springs (patented/, a dependable, economical engine have earned for Overland the greatest success of its history. Bartu Motor Co. Scio, Oregon CITATION Does a General Banking Business. Interest paid on time deposita. F ob S aijt Old papers. bundle at tbe Trtbuae who passed away aa a result ot a stroke of paralysis which ho suffer-' rd about two months ago. Mrs. Morns returned to her home in Scio Monday. Elmer Griffin came up Saturday from Salem, where he works at the cottage farm. The Scio Hotel was represented at the Santiam Farm getting a full «upply of fruit and vegetables. Sun- | day morning. George and Clifford Griffin called in Sunday for a square meal.such as What It Really Means • •* It mean« Genuine I id Put- .‘>0 per cent of which retail fur less than 10 cent« It means a repair shop where Expert Ford Mechanics perform the work. It means giving lloncst, Courteous. Prompt atten­ tion to the Fortl Owner’« every need. 2 It means to const .nil It supply you with a Fortl Ser­ vice that will make you alul keep you all enthusiastic member of the great Ford family. Wr arc Authorized 1 < rJ Ih-.ihr. beef steak, fried ham. eggs, mutton chop, and raw turnips. Cucumbers for desert. Newton Crabtree called in Sun­ day noon, as we always run a free lunch counter. Mr Hannon of Portland called in for a supply of vegetables to be ship­ ped to Portland. Mrs. Mav Leltenmaier and son called in late Sunday afternoon for a short visit with her two aunts and cousins. Mr. M cAdoo and wife of Scio call-| ed in lat*» Sunday evening for a short chat and a very few vegetables, aa hr is a small eater and there is few vegetables he can rellah. (»eorge G riffin took hia brother down to the cottage farm, where he has a good job herding the boys. Mr. Forge and wife and son and . Mrs. J. F. 1 Vesely and daughter. Frances, calledin for a supply of vrgetabl« s w hich the old man had already packs d to ship to Mrs. C. S. Hanson of P ortland as she is run ning a boarding * houae and wiah.s to get her supply up here Everybody is wild in the hay fields scattering hay rl ght and left as it ia wet amost to t he bottom of the i shocks; a hard jo b without help and still threatening r. sin to lay the dust PIE EATER. Tires! Tes. Tires! We have a Tire to lit your pocketltook. also your F ni. Chevrolet, Maxwell or Overland, laith Conls and Fabric. Buy now before they advance in price. Red Crown («.•-..¿il i . the World' standard—-21«' a gallon. The prier of ga«olinr ta mea«iurd in cents |'er gallon, but the cost «I •ul«l lie mr.iavred in miles. Start youi engme today witli Ri.w and watvh the résulta. A«k for a coupon book. FRED T. BILYEU Authorized Sal«-« and Service Scio, Oregon Phone 27 ■■ SHELBURN NEWS Produce Shippers! ♦ ing for nursing at the Eugene hos­ pital. Mrs. Ruth Hvde and baby uf Cor­ vallis are spending a week at tRe S. F. Zysett home. When returning from Turner Sun­ day the Leonard Gilkey family view­ ed the famous Pickard Jersey herd at Marion. They »aw the World's Champion Jersey cow and many oth­ Larwood Item« er gold medal cows, also a m w cow ♦ receotly sent from Jersey Island and a yearling calf which has been sold July H> to an Iowa man for |6.0O<* The home of Rob et t Elliott burned Everybody busy as bees picking down on the 3d of tl lie month. All of berries and haying hia household goods an d clothing were We are paying f.o.b. Portland. These prievs also include Monday's receipts July 10 J. J. Ransom and family retun • <1 ' 14«- Fancy Veal.................... .. from Mar«htl«ld ami other »uutii.Ti iip- Tup Block Ilogs................. places Monday afternoon They nj . >t ‘ Heavy Hens, 4 It» or over 21-22c ...14c the rain was general down there »« it Light ilcn«, 3 Iba Springs Rocks and Rods, waa hero. e.'«- H |»iunds .................... Mr. ami Mrs Arrhie Russell ami fam i Zie Leghorns, 11 |H>iinds .... ily of Graaa Valley were visiting at th< We have u good outlet f« heavy T. M Rusarll home Thursday after:--.r and off grade hog» and veal. on their way to visit Mr. Russell's j Write for tag». Try us for quick ter, Mrs. Vs Ma Lents, at New Grand returns. Ronde G. M Hirona and wife and George Caldwell and wife of Salem wore call 70S WasMasteslt rORTlAND, (Mt. era at the Alfred Powell hum* -umlay afternoon. T. M. Russell left Tuesday for Marsh Notary „ _ I Kes. H1R12 Arid In tbe interest of the Northw« «t ... I bones • MM(Mnwul 137 Public had his bouse Bund Co. tanta at 1300. eon II. C. ROLOFF J. L. Oglesbee ami wife were stay the Portland Fira ton visitors Sunday visiting with eon Mrs. Marion Brown has liesn ill with Secure your date early unity lately tonsillUa, but is improving now. tumoc ' home from |s>ck Box 51* I.avisos, Oaaoov • ho wa • employed Steps have been taken by the r»a• ,r.. and children of committee of the Albany Chamber g the «u. "nmer vis­ of Commerce to acquire title to the Real Estate Rroifer ge L. Q irry and destroyed. Mr. Kill insured for |7W and I Nevvs"From Lyons* CapL French, of I Apartment, has b . Steve Tichnor and fi July IU John White has re King's Valley, where Joseph Harry, wife and children re turned home Sunday, after «pending a by the Spaulding Ixq Mr«. Gee. Curry, j few days in ‘alem with relatives. Portland are «pendin Gihles Thomas of Stay ton was a bust neea visitor in our neighborhood Mon iting here with Gem family. day morning Ed Stringer, wife i ewl family a f Fort - Miao Mabel thiwning receive«! an Sth grade diploma last week, having taker ,*'‘J h“*e ’•‘■•ntlyh wti visiting 1 '»re at Rex the June examination. ***• "f 8. P. itringer ana L T. Titus of May ton called at th. lr.rTy » of Mr«. Daisy Elllutt J. H Johnston home Sunday evening ber Mrs. Alta Hodeker and parents, also Portland «pent the » >rt father bim I mother, Mias Eya Hiatt.spent the 4th al Granta and wife. Paas. returning Thun lay evening Csrson Devenport 1» building a n* w Mrs Ed Trask « aunt. Mn. Mary barn thia summer, ■ba father la' M - Franklin, from the East, ia visiting stating him. here for a month. Mrs. Roas Elliott, and a party of Aldred Martin was a Portland visitor friends of Albany w< we picnicking here last week. Hia mother is in the eity taking medical treatments. She ia ex-1 on last Sunday. Hen Schmidt and wge (pent Sund ay pected home thia week. at the home of Geo. Ttetjen. Mi«« Hermce and Donald Dsvenpo rt Globe Trotter Pleased were visiting with he How arda on laa« Monday and Tueeda The school boar I has employed Mias* Old rich Peeks, the globe trotter, Hasel lie I x>ng of Joedan to teach our pleased a large crowd at lheZ.C.B J. achool the c oming ywer. hall Saturday night, nit ao much Jr«a fhaaPnr. wtw haa been a very with hia talk aa with hia hypnotic I aick man, ia now s om e better. On the 2M of leal month the legal stunts and mind reading He ia voters of Berge n Hollow school held an making a tour of the United State« election for the. purpose of voting un a on foot, having started from Chicago union high ecttool proposition. Returns , about three months ago. for «aid election veer« declared null and vokl aa they were out cerlitied to by the tellera, (I mo . Craft and Jes» Chas- The Albany baseball team defeat­ tine. nor endorsed by the chairman of ed the Shedd nine by a score of V to the board of direct ora. Henry Ikoloxal. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. In the Matter of the Estate of Gaor- gianna Dugger -CITATION. To T. L. bugger. W. J. Henderson and Ray Henderson - Greeting In the Name of the State of Oregon, are hereby cited and required to You arc apiwar in the County court Court of or the State state of i irrgon, fur the County of Linn, at the court room thereof, at Albany, in •aid county, on Munday, the 3Uth day of July. IKS, st I o'clock in tbs after­ noon of that day. then and there to •bow cau«e. if any exist, why an order of ».de «bould not be made as prayed for by the admit istrator of said estate, for the «ale of the following described lands, to wit Beginning at the «outhwest corner of the D I. c. of George F. Crawford. Not No. 2f.3l. Claim No. », in iown- -hip 12 south, range 3 west of the Will ami'tte Meridian, in Unn County. Ore­ gon. and running thence east 40.36 chains to the southeast corner of aaid claim, thence mirth 21.22 chains, thence west 40.3! chains to the west line ef ■axi claim, thence south 21.22 chains to the place of beginning, containing M.M acre«, more or lees, all situate in Linn County, Oregon. Witness, the Hon. B. M. Payee, Judge of tbs County Court of (I. 8. > the-tele of Oregon, fee tbs County of Linn, with tbs Seal of «aid < ourt affixed this I lUi ur 99c Choice ■ Scio ' Oregon lOe per J • io a game io Bryant Park Sunday Subscribe u> th« Tribuno it* • f. *t.