The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, July 12, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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    County Paragraphs
Edited from our exchar«»« by
Mr». I. V McAdoo
(Left ever from ie»t week)
I-a*t Thursday Frank Hughes. air*
Joseph Doiexal has entered final
proof upon his 39 acre homestead
tietween Scio and Lacomb.
At the annual school «lection of
th« Up-river district near Harris­
burg Sam Taw ver was elected direct­
or to serve for the next three years
and Joe Hayworth was elected clerk
to M-rve one year.
Lone Pine Tree troup No. 4 Boy
Premium lists for the 1923 l.inn
of Albany was presented the
County Fair which will l>e heid at
Streamer last Thursday
Albany September 3, 4. 5, C, havi
a reward for having in­
been mailed.
creased their membership 25 percent
The road from Gate« to () ,rt.
at the end of th* National Round
vi le mine». 1» to be improved thi»
up campaign which ended February
lummer. 2D men are now employ­
ed at the mine and it in < xp< >’ <d by
Stenberg brother» received 12 ton»
fall that the camp w II lie rm ning
at full awing. Considerable r < »' R ay al Anne cherries in one day
chincry will l>e taken in during th< last week.
■ummer which wi I greatly augn-nt
After mure than a year's idleness
the production of gold.
the Albany fruit cannery opened
W. E. Burton of Scio was a*■ last Thursday.
cd a fine of $5 by Jusiic Victor
According to word received recent-
Oliver for having but one hi a I lig> t
the road to Newport from Albany
and failing to dim.
is in first class condition.
At a meeting of the school board
The fund which 1» being raised to
at Mill City Monday evening Fr< i pay the expenses of erecting a mem-
R. Oliver was re-electc-: director
rial monument in the Providence
and Deliicrt B Hill war elected clerk, cemetery in honor of Rev. Joab
Rudolph Hocluli, aged 71. died at Bowel and the pioneer residents and
hia home In Ixibanon Thursday night member» of the 1st church in Linn
following an illneas of M-ieral • >unty is receiving contributions
Riley Shelton of Scio is a member of
the committee.
Due to heavy rains in the m >un-
It is reported that the crew at the
tain», the road to Caacadia is at*» >.
lutely impassable for cars It is not Ix'banon cannery hu been doubled
thought that cars can get througl lhi» week.
The properties listed below are all under-priced
and are quoted at what the owner would want
to pay were he the buyer. I hev must be seen
to appreciate the value. Write the S io I ribune
if interested in any listing and owner and lot a
tion will be forwarded immediately.
31 acre», mone or leas, clo«» to good
town; 21 acres in high »tale of rultiva
lion, and all yiver bottom land, g <«1
house end other building». 2 acre» in
loganberries, | acre m ml raapberriea
IP««» cash, baiai < at »>
jwr cent, would co«i»i<1« r trad« t><t email
Address FZ. i-arc fieni Tri-'
I5h| acre ranch. 100 acres In cultiva­
tion, with fair building», a good barn
ard other bu l ling» water pn-d thru
out Complete el of machir < ry goes
with thi» place. Pncc SMI.'»» p. <• acre;
45.<»X> ca«h. t .Ja- <- tl'n.
I) » i»
of the best buys ir. p>< Fork-, of the
Hantiam. and shouki be gratde-d up im-
mediately. Addr«-»» JU. care lh< Scio
One block on South Mam »treeI. In
Scio, with good H-room modern h<ai»e,
barn and outbuildings, wainut and fruit
trees. Price 52»»,V for a Quick sal«.
Thi« i» an exceptionally' good buy. Ad-
dresa V, care ficio '1 ribune.
For Sale In city of Scio, 3
acre« with gwxi modern house, barn
and chicken house; 1 acre in raspherriesi
and lot« of other fruit, price i» $■<£<*>, a
£i«ri buy. Addr« » E 1, care Sei" 1 ti­
ll ne
For Sale Mt acres good black Inani
lami, all in culti» st »on, one «., •• firm
town and high school, railroad and milk
condcniw-ry. extra good l<--nrtng orchard.
3 end buikling«; farm well fen«
airy farm
Price 5110 i<r aci>- for
quick sale. Address AA, care t-cio
Ninety »ever, acre«, all tillable ex­
cept 15, 1» well drained; to acre» now in
crop; 2U left to suuiner fallow in »pring.
family orchard. (¡--«I »room hc,u»e
with baM-nient, good t.irn ami out-
buildings, all farming implcrm nt«, tool«,
etc ; • head of ' • ■
■ h- I < f hor»«-«.
4 hem! of bog», beta
telephone and ev.rvt! n ¿to »tart fann­
ing. Hill give |«o • »ion nghl away.
Pnce $9.500, Addre«» TG, Scio fribum-
SI4 acre«, Ml in cultiva'lon, balance
pasture and timtx-r; 4 mil«-» from rail­
way station, 6 tn: •» from g ...,j town,
14 miles from
h. I, 2 mil*« from
church, on ru<al mail route, well wat­
ered, «ms'! rum .
»tn .". a-<1 nti-
merou« spring«: <<»«! 7 »<- m boi.-c.
toxtio foot barn, ot' .-i oiifl-uildp , ».U* «t
of hill land. Would ■’ <* " to two or
more places Pri<
Slo.OXi, Addrcae
12. Scio T ribunr
3X2 sere», 3M> in cultivation, balance
pasture ami timber, n. ,»r good town
and »chool;2 miles to railway station;
small orchard on place; good 7 room
houxe; 3 good bams, heat quality land*
n«-ar gtxxl market for dairy products’
Would divide Into •»■vrral »mall farms
I’rirc fbo.iM«). Address fl, Scio Tri'
7M acres, well improved, two rets of
building», on mam countv road. I mile
to g<MM> school,; j mile to railroad »ta-
li<»n. 3 hours from Portland markets;
fine river liottom n-il, running stream;
6 acres of Is rri< «. full bearing; family
orchard, Price $16,000. | ca»h. balance
long limo
Would con ■ !<*r a« a part
payment. reaidenev property or aubur-
luui acreage, m good town or city in
the Willamett« val!«jf, Yakima valley
or California. Aikln-sa Gl, Scio Tri­
2h acre», river bottom. fine»l uf gar­
den or la rry land; rui.nitig »(ream,easy
to irrigate; six acres of logantx rriva,
raapberriv«, Mrawbcrhe» ami blackber-
ri-», full bearing; | miie to railroad «ta
li<>n, g««»i rnarkt >
I rice i.'i.taxt. part
ca.-h, balance time. ACdrva« G2, Scio
M acres, river bottom. practically all
m cultivation: w<-ll improv«!; two arts
buildings; on mam county road. | mile
to railroad »ration, 1 mils to school, 4
mile to gotxi town; an ideal dairy or
. ■ ’ . <■■ ■• half
CM»h. l-t,lar-< lurg t.n.v. Address 68,
Scio I ribune.
Nine room Lou»«, with t ath, on two
largi lots, plenty of fruit and berries.
Al! m««o' i n c mveniencea. Price $1700,
and worth twice this sum. Address K
K. ra»>.' S'lo Tribune.
l»niry ranch of 75 aeree, ß& seres in
c.iltivation, baJa .cr in «»ture it'd Some
tiir.ber. house. 2 bari s 2 »hicks« hous«-i>
ami garagi ; all f* . n- <1 co »» fi r rwd
with woven wlro; creek runs through
place; live aprine J mile to town and
2| mll*a to r»’‘roa<! stati' >i.pnee
Addrt-ss JZ. care Scio Tribune.
¡'>4 acre*.
nfrom Shelburn; 7
m bung -«Io .*, prm t: ally new; all
ng» good and insured for $1
acre« In elov< r, vetch and oats, orchard
etc; Al ground; on Scio mail route;
good conveniences. I-nw price for Im-
mediate saie,
** would trail» fur
Albany. < *>rvalh« or S»l< m property.
Address IM. car« Selo Tribune.
17J a. r. « of Santiam river bottom
land, H nule» • a»t of Albany; fair house
and other buildings; 10 acres in cultiva­
tion, '» «er» cacti in Monger raspbrr-
’ ■
• pirrdld buy and a big bargain at 52750.
t< r particulars write HR. rare of Scio
Dr Bruce Miller and Dr. Lang
Mack of Ix>banon have purchased a
Curtis armv airplane, the first tobe
owned in the community.
After 31 veer» as attorney in
II. Dilmer who live» nenr All»«’ y tlruwnsville. Amos A. Tuasing ha»
had hi» eye injured while milking, turned over his law practice to hia
by the cow switching her tad in ho
n. Aubrey S. Tuasing and has
face. The hair on the end
f li e opened an office at Halsey.
tail had lieen bobbed and it i« be
J. II Filk«ns. n pioneer resident
lievrd the »tiff hair penetrat. d the
I ii.a county and a member of the
eye ball.
Albany G. A. R. post, died al the
A new Hupmobile loaded with
Soldiers' hem« in Roecburg Friday
passengers enroute to Albany from
the pioneer picnic at Brownsville war
Midnight Saturday night marked
wrecked at the end of the pave
17th anniveri ry
_ of the closing
ment north of Shedd at an early
of the saloons in Albany and Linn
hour Friday morning. The car turn­
ed over twice, crushed the top, one countv.
front wheel, the windshield and
steering equipment and pinned the
driver to the ground beneath the ear
The steering gear held the driver
to the ground and was demolished
by those attempting to remove the
car. Strange as it may seem, r.u
one was injured. The car was taken
to Albany where it is being rebuilt
8< io Tribun«
Miss Lucille Shedd
McConnell is the retiring director.
14, of Mill City «tabbed Ted Fox.
ago 12, in the bark. It is thought
a grudge between the two wm the
motive for the art. Young I i
l-exter McClure of Sweet Home
went to the hoapital for medical aid
was finnI 55 for driving an auto
It required 12 »tilche« to cl ee the
without having a driver's license
and R T. Fleming of Brownsville
C. E. Mager», a «witchman, was was fined 510 fur transferring li­
fatally injured in the Southern Fa- enee plates from one ear to another,
cific yard« in Albany Saturday morn­ ih the justice court In Albany last
ing when he jumped from the rear Friday.
of a group of car» which were <
\bout 500 persons gathered at
ing »witched and stepped directly in
he grove above Crawf irdsi ille last
the path of a moving freight engine
Tuesday to honor the memory of
Hia left leg was cut off at the hip.
Rev W. R. Bishop, who in the early
hi» left arm at the ellx>w ami the
davs. taught school and singing
right foot waa cut off near the an­
school and preached in that com
kle. A blow on the head rendered
him unconacioua and inflicted a deep
During one shift, from 1.30 p m
scalp wound. He wan rushed to a
p tn.. last Sunday 417 auto­
hoapital where he died within a half
crossed the ferry at Harris
hour after the accident.
J a met Montague Wad»w<>rth, civil
At the annual school election at
war veteran, aged S3, died at th«
Butte on June 18 Q. E. Propst
home of hi# daughter, Mr« Nina
Wadsworth Kahler, at Mil) Citv last wu elected director and U. E. Kan-
agy clerk.
for the next 10 davs or tw> weeks
even If the weather should l«e clear
Men sre working on the road«- at ■
it is expected they will U- fit d.
by Julv 15.
General Xews
la Ijindstrom, 66, a resi-
dent ■ f Lebanon fur 13 years, diol
il h -p:tal last Thursday, fol­
Mr. ami Mrs. John A. Shaw of nt a !
illness of several months.
Albany celebrated their 50th wed­
ding anniversary al their home Wed­
Better Than Arrests
nesday evening by giving a dinner to
25 relatives and friends.
restaurant out of the earning« of jeeted into the b-vs ntirm by
mad hornet».
It is estimated that Marion county
will tie loser to the extent of $;’«>O,-
000 thia year because of inability to
market the loganberry crop
It is
said that this is caused by the fruit
not being well enough advent i»- 1
One of the largest «ales h«l<l
Linn countv for several years was
hc|d Bt ,h‘* " A- ^*ry home near
waa prepared for 1,500 m >p .■
Five improvement projects total-
A. N. Pietrok, who live» near
Kingston, has patented a new model ing 563,230.58. was () K’d bi the
Albany citv council last Wednesday
gopher trap.
evening at its mee.i g
Mr» Sarah J. Helmick of Albany
The Junior class of the Crabtree
celebrated her 100th birthday on
the Fourth.
She is the oldest high school has voted to use the
known person in Linn county. She proceeds of their play. The Gypsy
has lived in Albany 45 years. The Rover, to buy rings for the cl««»,
The Salt l^tke school house, situ­
ated about half way between Lel-a-
non and Lacomb, waa burned to the
ground at an early hour last Thurs­
day morning, origin
The building was valued at about
52.000 with no insurance.
The city council of Brownsville
ha« passed an ordinance prescribing
a maximum penalty of a $50 fine or
25 days imnris onment. for violator.«
of motor traffic laws.
11 e
of Yakima.Washington
have -I i,-till a campaign to prevent
*bile accidents by testing and
improving brake«. An ordinance in
that city provides that all cars «hall
be at • to «t<.p within 5n feet when
g ng nt a speed of 20 miles per
h ■ ir
T' <t« «how that many cars
in- t do thi«
Regular testing
• urn and »trevt.« have been anruiun-
c» i i rd officer» are prepared to
make te»t« with little inconvenience
to motorists.
Mrs. Belle Trit««, 67. died at a
Boundary Changed
hospital in A bany early Sunday
morning after a short illness. Mrs.
A in the boundary of
celebration was sponsored by the
Victcr Ericson of MilP City fell Tritea was born in Ireland and had
»’rict» 45. Rowland, and 47,
Francis Barnes was fined flO i' members of the Modern Travelers from a tram car one day the f.
lived 33 years in Oregon.
have been made hy the
the city court in Albany last Friday elut. A reception was held on the partof this we»k and in falling «in k
J. H. Bikman of Albany has pur­ c< aity boundary board upon petition
for selling cigarettes to a minor. I front steps of th« dwelling in the
^¡a (>n n «harp edge, sever- y
chased the property located at the of a number of residents of the
City Recorder Bodine »ay a that tho».- af ternoon. The aged pioneer waa cutting it.
corner of first and Ellsworth streets, northern part of district 47. The
who violate this law will be given presented with a birthday cake upon |
William Garrett of Brownsville adjoining his present location, from
petit1 n was signed by a large num-
the maximum in fines from r.ow on. which waa 100 lighted candlee.
was almost stung to death by h rn<
J. K Weatherford. He plans to I- r of th« patrons of both districts.
Al the annua) school election at
Starting with a capital of only 10c on Monday. The service« uf a phy­ erect a modem building to be occu­ There was no opposition voiced. The
Shedd last Monday evening Uneoln la cash • year ago. Mr. Goins of sicsan w«r« required to overcome the pied by his of iartit •’ rea<iy to I Districts are northeast of Harria-
St. Joha waa aUcted director and A-UMJ! has bought and paid far a stupafyuur eriecU of the pomun m-| wvar and a stuck of dry goods.
j burg.— Albany Herald.