< -v. ■ • ÍJ _ . »-re .ri«M The Scio Tribune Albany Pa 4? following business Hrm* uf AIbath are the 1 I im County, and urge every communitv to ’.u> f Page 3 i the Hub of I.inn County. Thev are real B , |.v . v.-rv enterpr’«.« in its borders, but cordially U .y (»operator« for the growth of vi-.t t hem when in Albarn. County Pai .»graph* s o o -a CZj Die 1» full > f ; ■ I- lie» for doing what wc to do. The tnore'rty’e r< ■ <• observes a cr.iti more creditor« the i Star Cars ■ All Standard Unite The manufae tin cannot be arresto I ' >r ing just because they in., out of tin. N. *,ort “Fashion“ frame, the A bany Garage Alluringly Attractive • Merry tone on the Crystal Ask to see the «ample« c>. i:leade A (Dptam elrist. That income tax d •'. - w:-. his way out of jaii prob.•• a return next time Alnanv. Oregon ■ I ■ >•• Why »uHcr with Headache*? Hare Your Eye» Eiamined After a man gets wn t • bru i tack« he find* they ar< . . RUG S. T. FRENCH Gr« Will« Oftto>m«trl«i With K M.French J. Sons lera »t d Opto mot ALBANY. . - OREGON j .. Jewelers In New York ■ w n «n i ashop window- She may a hat just like hers for iem ■■ Stall Market Agert Oe|Mlaeat C. E. nr» v< Market Agent m There ia on- way. and apparently • >nly one present way, for the farm­ ers of Oregon to make their industry permanately profitable, and that is by united ef fort by operating as the big indui tries of our country ■nt I» » pretty safe ruroo.” «aid the One reason why mi] . oiulng »alroiuan in the carpet . I, ••that the avrr» -■ « solns t<» »»li f.>r » rug In the doctors don’t 1« I a l in. « !. e. utml «h»e. or operate. Peuple <«n. or dull iones of blue. What ia the I* -1 pi »t r f I here ¡«at p re«ent apparently only i. . ••.-i»in thing» »nA aak for them, matrimony? a»k« a j • ■• way for tl ie consumers of Ore n1 « til have them If possltde." . . 1« moM Interesting. In view of sister. The answer i- gon to buy fon I and other necr«s- t .- fact that a few years ago good roll. me» at fair pn r<-». and that ia thru • r- ti i- i »nd green« were the i»«t •trong co-<>i*ralivc the same means A lot of folk« kn->w a t fri» . I rotors. Interior ile«-or»tom ; i ».-.I to be responsible for than they are woling t , organization. the «•■gue of the dull »olid The growers receive hut one-third a lot more are willing n < ■ • : ’ - • :»r in the tint place, and Judging of the average once paid by con- they know a lot more tl >r i- . th- demund for them In all ear- •unier» so «late ! r>e o mer nr- too i i ny ele«»--» of mar- «.-II liked In the flrwi place, they a few of them their way with anything Ono can be w ket»; too much J uplicate distribu- -ited from the living room to tl* The situation in Am--i ru M im­ - . t. many r«x die profits, none I ,4t) or from the dining room proving gradually. I ver propie <-f which a id a dra c of value to the •■ in lairlor at will, and without nnvbodv'a «en«e of ths up- now say "You tell ’em " products. Ton n.i.r remember bow If many of the middle expense« Even In these dry tl” • « ti I I« P&MV 1 or green rug of other days and profit« were sit, mnated and div- to get roakeij after th. »tl «tuck ¡ • 1 pi-nfe ' tn the “red room” .. en rvw-ni." whero It re- salesman learns your addre- > • I lefwr.-o the pre •>! -ccr and eon- j ns It had life enough r. both would I* greatly ben- We have mislaid th- - protest. (fitted. reason favoring their young man wh>> hold, t An«< i z.t.g success <>f California <• that mtwt of the room» tn record for spending io n are »tn»II today, and a r hr c ■ rn! .-g - 'arm products from Increases the apparent six* by someliody else. are harv.?«te»i until the hour they ■r spnes. You have noticed You can ’ t enjoy mai . t a thev reach the KMMiMf. b awaken- irf !• ISStMd of nigs are .► of one solid color on ad- girl with a forty in > w . une log ths farmer« «f the entire nation « always gtve» a sens* of there’« no getting to the necessity »( neoperativejmar i mi mtr»»«» and unity to the keting to sav • th« mselve«. On< ■ Of .»nurse the rrorfewf Nearly all of the 11 > • ' re Is given hr an unbroken eon« living in the Unit i si half of the to u* products of that ■ • new. Tf plain material Is used, state are contr- »led bv co-operative l>een careful while cr< a room a i fa-sr» hirgvst which Is rar- rd the hn«me«a men organ zatioos, i nett If a single large rmr >• When a girl tr.n »for ■ I and »mnf’<-«t when broken up of the Ltg ci tie • .( the state work «I amali rom. Furthermore. lions sue frequently doc» It i • 'h the grower« to hand in hand i 'n no- like s pla'n wall set off with her powder. ■mxstions powerful. make thetr org • > advnnt*rv whatever furniture may People should like to fly. Oregon is f. ■ bdMctf ' aiiforms •., i, the room Jn gwirrnt the |»m and WaiMnsito a in thi» movenwmt, • -I the floor -covsrins the ought to remember a i reamration« do not hi -i-nnloss »nd restful the up in an aeroplane, their f«-ars arc and Ha eight r •vf the products to whole w ill be. control enough • e objection la offered to the groundless. have needed m »< ket strength. !o-o»1 rue» and that I» that gt-ers must come alive Oregon prod Charier Hunt and Hurry E i t t1 , show dust and footmarks ¡ necessity of cieopar- to the absolute . > i n It I» claimed, however, that ■ were discussing book* th- o «. tjxi in marketing If stive orcamza th In the dull neutral ahadoa do | ¡and Harry asked Charley what « - go-r. They must run they Would pro f t(>rlnts an plainly as ds his favorite book. ’The Check Book. 1 vite you to visit their I- irnitnrv Store when Quality Groceries hi* arm was broken v-: hi« auto. Priced Right Owing to a numlx-r attractions the date f-i convention of the Knu" as and Pythian Sister* w in -h have l>rrn held at Hr w • - last week in Jun<- ha to a .n» r ■ i . to find out what became f in.. HAROLD A LB RO. fashioned girl who tn . br­ Manufacturing Optician ought to know how to • .v i, ■ r <| : keep house before n ..rrv . A 1 3003000000000000000 don’t know wher. this jam- i-u- X HOW TO SAVE MONEY we suspect «he is now the old fashioned young • -.»n -,i ■ . WHEN SHOPPING thought he ought to |. t By MRS HARLAND H ALLEN have a bank account and a j..i> O >000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fore proposing till. H«rl»«4 M MURPHY. Prop. -v'.’S’•-ligi Tom McLain of turned home from w During thi he ha» been the VI i cidcnts. First he *u ken riba; and next » hi* left hand wen- fri. Howdy, friend»! t'oried the Mid c.r leu Look» they have • : CD He an-wend. their own bust h pe. ■fi '•<*') W. First »L. Albany, Ore. .Mr». Sarah Krum, »pent nearly all her lif. ity of Brownsville of her daughter, »haw. last Tuesday ^2 ¿to-'« (. H William Jame» K nn dent of Albany fme of hi» - »t. i ley Small, in that city la- night. D2 E Imperial Cale July 12 to IB. o □a Good Eats Arrangement» are nini rii and program» are or” tr ISth annual encampm. nt partment of Oregon I ' War Veteran«, t- Ö0 sms it m Pavement between Sul Stay ton in Marion count > w this week and is to I m - i > road which John D -wn neer of the ’70s, constru said that thia present* a m eating frat in engineeri'., Edward Goins, former resident of .Albany. and brother of John H. pohi G ins of the Albany postnfRce, had n plo th. h nor of serving a* fireman on It ii tin- b>i-. motive which drew President liiirding1» tram from Pendleton to I' rtlnnd <>n the Fourth Mrs I J Phillips of Albany was tv-n a eirprmr by a number <>f stives and friends on het i9th ‘■lav A feature of the occasion i < a huge birthday enke containing ‘ > 79 lighted candles. Sho hn« been a resident of Albany 45 year». Members of the I on I i er»’ aaaociation met in Bi- Monday evening E. T. Trofitter of P been elected manager of th County Fair for this y ir J More than S.OOti the seventh annual Sumi i group meeting at Walei Funeral services for John B. Me- Dowell, 79, were held In Alltanv I i..-» iuv He had lived in Oregon • *2 and in Albany several years. Ths LaSalle drier in A drying between four and i-. • loganlierries per day for 1 • t ber» of the I igaoberry gr i.v. • . SOCIMtloO. (hir advertisers arc (jood IxMwt- t-t.. Iles an li.c cream of the