wr ä** 1 x t > •»* •/ <• -.*••• * / -«•' ; < ** a * J a ’ «w * ■* SV«^ Local Sews and Clarified Page 6 The fWai'Tribnne ~TT Globe - Albany Satorda» 1 LTXAL BREVITIES ¡‘ J G. Gill and wife of la-banon Ijrhanon orchestra. Mr« J W Wella waa in Albany >n bumnew last Wednesday Sunday Monday Machine Shop Opened Rmhardaon Gap Dance. Salurday, »*•* Scio visitor* Monday evmmg June 23 Grand Larceny” I« Joss Rodgers and family were in Corvallis oyer the last weekend. Mia* l*ulene Kealer Irft Sumtav lo vtoit relative» incentrali*. W*»h H R. Johnston haa returned to Scio and opened a general repair shop at hi* reaidanre. acne* the afreet from the J. F. Wcsely home. I am now prepared ¡pared t«> tn File »-«nr »our Saw*. Filin* and Gumming, and do all kinds of Turning in JWood and Iron Mia* Marie Sket Irft Saturday for Minneaola tu *p>-rid Ih«’ summer Mr* Fred Me» pelt and daughter*. vacstion. With Opal «nd J «unit* were »hopping in M m * Ette Mortosi haa g«me t - ber i Albany last WedMedy. home in Correlila for thè aummer ; M im R ‘*e Chromy, who attended vacali on Tupadsy - Wednesday eeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeaaeeees 0. A. C. the taut year, ha* returned Mra P. H. MacDonald returned Those We Love” to her home in Scio fur the sum­ home Saturday from a week'* stay With Lon Chaney and mer va.'«lion. Betty l^mitiaod in Portland. I have th«* best market for Fat J. D Densmore went to Portland I .it mt mi and Sheep that can be had. on business Sunday, returning Mon­ So before »riling, call me for price*. | riil BAIJt Old |>*p*r«. lor per day evening. I J I. Rodger*. 34tf bundle at the Tribune office T. J Munker* and wife of Port i We Must Apologize land spent the week end with Rilev 1 Lorna Doone H. S. Johnston, Prop 10 Big Stars f ried Young Chicken Dinner, with Strawberry Short Cake andl^l Icc Cream, at Scio Hotel Sunday For Sale- <>ne Registered Jersry Bull, 2 vents old. Price 135. Shelton and wife. Somehow and in some manner we Si e I., P. Arnold, route 3, Scio. Or< gun. It p l^asrl Cyrus and wife of Portland r««crived the wrong information con­ visited at the 0. B. Cyrus home cerning the Children's Day exercise* Foil .Sale Pot a toe* for seed, table at the Christian chtrch. for we an­ over th« week-end. or stock feed. Price $H.OO per nounced it as having taken place on ton. S« M C. Kelly, route 2, W A. Ewing attended Grand Sunday. June 3. with a big basket Scio. Oregon It p Lodge of the A. F. A A M. m dinner The fact ia. the exercises Portland this week. will take place next Sunday at 10 For Sale Chenu Ml acres of good land. Writ« or call on Mrs. Lou­ Jorie Game* and wife were here o'clock, with a short program, and ise Ga- ner. route 2. box Hl, over the week-end at the home of Rev Fawm will pre*ch at 11. Bear Stayton. Orey <>n. 44p W F Gill and wife ¡ ' this ‘ ............................... * you can. in mind and attend if Wanted 15 Iw-rry pickers for logan­ Rodgers and wife were in Port J berries and blackcaps, 4 acres al­ Iiellwrt Rodgers came over from Mr. Rodgers «hip land la»t week together Highest prices paid. Albanv Sunday to spend a week with ped a lo«d of fat lamb*. See E F Krebs, route 4, Scio, his unde. I ioerg* Rodger*. Oregon. 44tf E D. Myer* and wife attended the Oregon Banker* Anociation con-1 J. Mack Vaughan and wife of For Sale -Two 3-months-old Du roc Jersey pig*, male and female. North Platte. N«-br.. are here visit- vention at Albany Friday. Splendid individuals. choicest Ray McKnighl left Sunday ft,r i t»* ^mer'. mother. Mr. E. J. breeding and priced right; regia* Wiseman tered. L. Gilkey & Sons. Mill City, where he will work till Mrs. Hazel Sims and title son the beginning of neat school year. For Sale Two 6-months-old Poland have returned from a week’s visit China a«'** eligible to registry, Jefferson Myer* and wife and Mias, with her »i»ter. Mr*. Dale Poindex-. which will tie furnished purchaser. Mvrtle Myer» of Portland »pent the $20 for them »ingle, or $35 for ter. in the Larwood settlement. week-end with E D. Myer* and wife. rhe two. R S. Thurston, route Mias Freda Thaver waa in Albany 2, Scio, Drag >n.. 44p L. L. Calavaa. C. C. Calavan. and yesterday taking the teachers exam- Wade Calavan and famine» from 30 Log*>^ -'rr.y Pickers Wanted — )n (nation She will teach al Oregon, Good camp ground, wood and wa­ Washington were visiting City again next yearat a $IU raise in ter free; good clean patch; 6 mi. Monday. salary. from Albany. Write L. K. Con­ I. V, McAdoo and wife ner, Alban . Ore., route 2. An­ Mr* John Sims is in Stayton. | swer imineriia'ely. 44p Vancouver. Wa»h. Sunday where she is assisting in caring for I their ton, W. F McAdoo, celebrate ‘or Sale I haw 3k acres, all in cul­ her aunt, Mrs. Sylvania Titus, who F< Ma birthday. tivation, situated right at Thomas suffered a stroke of paralysis about station; go 1 K-rdom house and Don't forget to get your supply two weeks ago. large barn g > d as new; give easy of berry boxes and crates now while terms. Inquire of Mrs Hertha Mr* Julia Bilyeu and little daugh wa have a full stock. J. F. We*c- Price, box 45. route 4, Scio. Ore­ ter, Betty, who have been visiting gon. 44tf lv, the grocer. Mrs. Bilyeu's mother, Mr* M. J. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Weedy and Fieklin. for the past thr e weeks, Wanted .Loganberry pickers; food yard on- the Pacific higlyvav, four daughter. Frances, left Tuesday af- returned to thier home in Kalama. mile* north of Jefferson. Good ternoon for Portland to attend the Wr*h.. thia morning. camp grounds. Will pay Ijc I Rose Carnival. with J cent b nus to those who Mr*. Leonard Gilkey, who left stay through the picking. Must Miss Myrtle Myers of Portland about three weeks ago in company bring your own tents. For fur­ visited with relatives this week. re. with her cousins. Letter Smith and ther informa'ion write G. H Ray, turning by way of Jefferson, where wife of Anacortes. Waah.. for an Jefferson. Ore,. ,r 1. 43t2c she visited her sister, Mr* Weid ■ automobile tour through California, For Sale Ail im unable to work. T J Munker* and wife and Jeff- returned home Sunday. She aay» I offer inj farm of MJ acre* for eraon Myer* and wife of Portland she had a fine trip but was glad to sale. alwHit half under cultivation; fair building«, good orchard, for were visiting Scio over Sunday and get home to Old Oregon. the low pric* <»f $4.’ 00 an acre. attended the ei ercises at Providence Prof. Perley Spaulding. Plant Farm is III «alien ea«l of Scio and Sunday. Pathologist. U. S. Department of 1 mile* south of Jordan Addreaa Mike Ih-utach. route 1. I nix 56, Mr*. Edna Cox and daughter. Agriculture. Washington, D. C. and , j Prof. L. H. Pennington, of New | Scio, Oregon. <>r come and ace it. Joan, of San Francisco and Mark 44t3c j York State College of Forestry, of Peery and wife of Springfield. Ore The Fed- were week end guests at the home Syracuse N. Y. were in Scio Mon­ Money to Lian at 54*A eral lait I Bank 1 Spokane. Wash., day to look over the collection of ' of Mr*. Sarah Morri* will ma*«- lûaoa through the Forks bird*, animals and botanical speci­ of the Santiam National Farm There ire many Kind» and make* mens in thecdlection of Dr. Prill of lx>an Association in amounts of butter on the market, but there this city. from $100 to $25. 0o0, for a per­ is only one “Meadow Shade'*. Al­ iod <>f 5 to ó4i years, on first mort­ ways ask for It wherever you trade. gage aeeonty Inquire of W H. Scm Crramerv Company MH am. Sec.-Trena.. route 2. Scio. Oregon, lip Will Weotenhouac and family of For Sal»} Three male Duroc Jersey Salem. Mr*. John N*al and daugh­ I XiW Hou«.. ruadv Tor delivery June 20 ter of Crabtree. Dell Weateohouae For Sale- Good Feed Oats at 2e per to 35. eligible for registry; very and wife of Scio »pent Sunday at pound. See Frank Thaver for beat stock- obtainable. Granddam the home of George Weatenhouae. your needs. K P cost $S50, plbk expresa chargee east of town. from Minnesota; sire weighed For Sale—Five Red ping*, seven 1034$ >«in>ia> .Riga will be weaned W. A. Hunt and wife of Leb*n«>n weeks old. See Frank Kukacka, ..nd able to rare for themselves. 43 tf Scio, Oregon. were Sunday dinner gue«la with th«- , and ^/rill weigh fmm 35 to 50 family of their eon, Charle* Mr. For Sale -Kale plants, 11 80 per pteiúfrk early Price $15 each, in- cludiag xegiotralion paper* See Hunt recently waa elected a vic* 1000 in the patch. Guy Me- Knight, route 2. Scio. 42tf Max 43tf president of the American Barred Plymouth Rock dub for the state of Oregon Bathing Suits What is enjoyed by all more n t’V Jantzen or Cascade Bath­ ing Suit Catchy color*, will r. at and blending stripes. Some plain models. Cascade J nutzen ... $5.50 Cadeb<... Mi**r* ... 5.50 Women’» $6.50 & 6 75 Men’*........... $6.50 A 6.75 ’’All Wool” Cotton Suits for . l/< a ALBANY Cadets..................... Mim« s Women's................ Men’s ..................... ’•All Wool” H 14.00 4.00 . 5.00 . 5.00 omen ant! Ch if Iren” BLAIN CLOTHING CO OREGON 4th of July At RICHARDSON GAP Nice shady grove. Big i ;«ti tic parade at io *. m. priate exercise*; Speech«-*. Song*, etc. Appro­ Brass Band Music Thruout the Day Numerous free-for-all foot races. 3-legged race, sack race, (Mitato race, tug of war. pie eating and ladies' nail driving contest*, and m.i iv other xtunta to amuse you. Cash prize* will be aw arded all winners of race* and contests Grand Display of Fireworks in the evening and a regular Fourth of July Dance in the hall. Come and celebrate the Glorious Fourth with your friends and neighbor* in tl <• 'ood old fashioned way. EVEHYIM >1 >V 1 WEIX OM E Where Will You Spend Your Vacation? - ^Ortion Outdoor»” It/.'d Outing booklet trill !u Ip yon to decide 'T’HIS new 40-page illustrated 1 booklet ia brimming full of details about sandy beaches, mountain resorts, camping place*, hotel* and cottage*. A- v our local ticket agent for a cop^ or if more convenient wa will send you one by mail. Low Round Trip Ticket* Now <>n Sale! to the wonder spot» in Western Oregon. For further t>»rtinil»r« uk your ticket agent or write to JOHN M. SCOTT. 'rr»l P«MW>ngrr Agent I‘ort land. Oregon. Member* of the Santiam Fi*h and Game commianon will be guests of the Ash Swale Hunt dub Friday June 18 at a banquet which will be ; given at the school house. Mem 1 i ber* from Albany, Lebanon. Scio. Rrownaville and Harrisburg sre ex I