The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, June 14, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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a .¿t
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Country Corrtspcndtncf
Tl>« Scio Tribune
with her sister. Mrs Gaine», as
they are both old timer» of IMS
Mr. Chandler and Mr».
of the Scio hotel came out to the
Santiam Farm for a supply of cat-
Juno It
Mr» Rebecca Morns cacao
'* able*, as the old
from Soo Saturday to attend the garden
Pioneer's meoting at
Fancy Veal.............................. 12te
Top Block Hugs....................... lite
Heavy Hena...............................lie
Light Hens............................. .14«
Springs- Rock, and Red,.
It pounds .....................
leghorns. 1| pounds ....
We have a good outlet for heavy
anil off grade bogs aad veal.
Write for tag». Try us for quick
Moore Produce Co.
284 W..»wt~ St- PORTLARR. OSL
I Ml
fur the
Henry Preevcr and wife came up |M«t winter, arc spending the »urn-
pects of getting »omctlu g t- •
T. M. Russell and his Lruthcr-1
11 j in-law, Earl Lathrupe of Portland,
j left foe Marahtield Saturday on a 1
Parrish anti
In the County Court of the State of '
Oregon for Linn County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Geor-
gianna Dugger -CITATION.
To T. L. Hugger. W. J. Henderson i
and Kay Henderson -Greeting:
In the Name of the Stole of Oregon,
You are hereby cited and required to i
at>i>car in the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Lion, at
the court room thereof, at Albany, in
said county, on Monday, the 30th day
of July. 1923, at 1 0‘cloek ia the after­
noon of that day. then aad there to
»how cause, if any «list, why aa order
of »ale »hould not be. made aa prayed
for by the administrator of said satato.
for the »ale of the following described
lands, to-wit:
Beginning at the southwssl corner of
the D. L. C. of George L. Crawford.
Not. No. 2631, Claim No. 59. ia town-
»hip 12 south, range 3 west of the Will­
amette Meridian, in Linn t'ouaty, Ore­
gon, and runni ng thence Met 40.36
chains to the southeast corner of said
claim; thence north 2122 chains, thence
west 40.31 chains to the west line ef
said claim; thence south 21 0 chains to
the place of beginning, containing 36 W
acres, more or tees, all situate m Linn
County, Oregon.
Witness, the Hon. B. M. Payne,
Judge of the County Court of
(I..S.) the-tate of Oregon, for the
County of Linn, with the Baal
of »aid Court affixed thio 11 th
day of June, A. D. 1923.
K. M. RuaselL Clerk.
By D. D. Babb, Deputy.
wife of
run for the big show in St i > S.itm
dav night, enjoved it tin«-
Mrs. Anna Hiruna ul
1575 U?
planting quite a |Mt«h
Ed Kalina cut his clover bay anti
dandelion Monday and liaulcd it
C1 iff ord Griffin has a fe.irtul boil
on the back of bis neck, which ia
her i
Touring* $525
John Ransom of O. A. C. left foe
Marahlickl Monday, where he has
f. o. b. Toledo
a job with a aurveving crew.
John Wolf and family were via-
Merit Wins New Honors
quite painful.
the oki
lit Mimr
U. 8. I-and Offia, Portland. Ore.
May n, ma.
Notice ia hereby gives that George
1.. Curry, of Scio, Ore., routs L who.
on August 6, 1918, made HcaMsteed
Entry No. 06914, for the NKM SW’l*-
NW', SW., SWi* 8WI4L and SEI*
SW1.. Section 9, Township 11 South.
K.nge 1 East. W Meridian has 0ed
notice of intention to make Three-Ysar
Proof, to dabliah Haim to the tend
above described, before the desk of
the County Court for Idea Coaate. at
Albany. Oregon, oo the Nth day of
June, 1923.
Claimant name» as witnesses
John L ltev.nport, of Scio. Oro., r. L
Rockford White, of Scio, Ore., r. 1
Benedict Schmidt, of Scio, Oro., F. 1.
George Itevia, of Scio, Ore.. r.L
ALaxssnaa Swssa,
Act 6-9-1«
RK ici fer hMtcitea, hRrtMi
U. M. Land Office.
Notice is hereby given that Jseed
Dolesal.of Seto Oro.. R.
August 1st. 1918. wtoao Bo—y
Entry No. 06160. for the Let 2. section
81. township 10
range 1 »-»
ndian. has filed notice of inteatiee to
make three-year proof, to QOCaOSWa
claim to the land abevs dsacrfbod, bw
fore the clerk of the
Linn county, Oregoo. at Awaay, Ora.,
on the 21»t day of June. Iwa-
Claimant names as witnesses:
Joe Bartu. of Seto, Ore . route
John Rockwell, of 8rm. Ora. rootsL
Ed Mepanck, of Scte. Om. route 3,
Prank Hotah. of Seto. Ora. route 8.
People have recopus«*d in the r < w Overland a higher stand­
ard of automobie va ;•
r hues, a higher hood. an
si 1-8 tee I body. Triplex Spring- (patented), a dependable,
economical engine have esrmd for Overland the greateat
auccesa of ita history.
Eraneea Higginbotham of Silver-
is visiting at the home of her
grarulparvnts, the W. E. Bertlings.
Leonard Gilkey and Mrs. Cora
Smith went to St ay ton Sunday to see
their aunt. Mr». Sylvia Titus, whois
very ill from a stroke of paralysis.
Ralph McDonald entertained his
»ch ->l Sunday with a picnic. A fine
dinner was had and a good time en­
man anti go-»! w fe up to Provi­ ton
dence to the annual June reunion
of the old pioneers, also in remem­
brance of Rev. Joab Powell, found­
Linn county.
Baptist church in
ITr old man had a
time of his life meeting old friends
long forgotten, which was the hap­
piest day of my life.
was lovely anti interesting, with a
table 100 fret long It
able» of the best
2000 people. Estimated to have
been 1500 |>cr»<>na there fr«>m all
quarters aa far as Prineville. All
who failed to go missed a treat of
their lives.
The crowd reminded
me of old
times in the 't>0*, '7<K
and '80», when the house was lilletl
joyed by all.
T. M. Holt has returned from
Jacksonville, where he went to at­
tend the funeral of hi» oldest sister,
Mrs. Padline Hines.
Will Mespelt and son, Rillie, have
gone to California. Jim Reiley and
wife accompanied them to viait their
daughter. Mrs. Earl Brock at Loo
and more outaide.
Jtmcph Kalina ha«l his renter va
•££. Bartu Motor Co
self Sunday by fitting up his kitch­
en with a new stove, also arrang­
bring his txst girl from
for his future mistress, a» batching
, ■iL'itratli Obtained, Examined
in a crowd
clothes on. his shoes whitewaalie»!,
with slicep
both eyes knocked
into one. «sic
wh-te eye same as a »hepherd
thinking he was some soap on a
pump handle, as lie seldom
He felt like a loat dog
a bell on. and he often winked hs*
blind eye at the women when they
could not sec him.
Uncle George Bilyeu i* stocking
up his farm with fine sheep, as it
is far better }>av than farming.
* ai Yivro ou, Wirt
•«J gn-MKM NA KIM k.«V
mrca. arautTs tn rumuiu '
CO lusami »
ern railway was delayed an hour and
• half last Wednesday afternoon be­
cause of caterpillars. It is said the
caterpillars were several inches deep
oa the track and a foot deep in
places where they had rolled down
the embankment. Sand was used
oo the track, but did little good.
The train would go a few hundred
yards and then have to back up and
take a fresh start. In one place the
train crew had to get out and clean
the track before they could proceed.
It is said that one man in the com­
munity had to move out of his house
ef thew.
The Pacific Coast Rescue and Prv>-
b-etnre Society requests its friends
tn remember the girls of the Lewtaw
Home and the babies of the Alber­
tina Kerr Nursery Home when ows-
rMvg fruit and vegetables thia year ,
The IxMiise Home and Albert in, I I
Kerr Nursery cared for last year rw -
spectively one hundred-forty-few
unfortunate girls and one hundred
eighty-two homeless babtae aw
youngsters. The babies and girl
were committed from twenty-«»«*
counties of the state.
Pleaae send a note statin«
many jars you will fill so
freight may be prepaid and
City Dairy’s
>'> Second St., Portland. Oregon
W b want the farmers to ship
us their
Eggs and Cream
Bigheat Oregon Quotations paid,
f. o. b. Portland
The seventh annual group ga/nrr-
ing of rural Sunday schools will be
held at Waterloo on Sunday, Ji tne
24th. Thia extraordinary open- air
meeting will be under the auspfc vw
<>f the American Sunday Scho d
Will You Help?
Attorney at Law
is getting okl when he ha* a fine I
house and good farm.
The okl Pie Eater was out Sun
Real Estate Eraser
and Notary Public
Seventh Annual Gathering
Many rural Sunday school ■
are cooperating in thia Waterlo« •
group work
There will be but one
platform and one program thte rear.
A portion of the morning period
will be devoted to Sunday schools.
They will each use the allotted lime
in their own wav.
Dr. J. J. Staub, for 31 years pas­
tor of the Sunnyside Congregational
church of Portland, who was the
leading speaker last year, has an­
nounced his acceptance of the call
of the Waterloo group to speak
again thio year.
A new feature will be a large
young people’a chorus from Albany.
They will sing from the books used
in the Albany evangelistic campaign
last fall. Everybody ia invited to
join them in the opening of the af­
ternoon song s < rvice. There will
be other special singing also. The
morning program is to begin a t
G. W. Rohrbough,
Missionary A. S. S. U.
Riley Shelton
the return of the fruit.
The !>■ te
should be addresea-i to the general
office. 196 Burnside Street. Portland.
cate his house, so he amused him
If ih Mimr.
The old man hail to return the
U. S- l-and Office, Portland. Ore.
May 10. 1923. I lady of the Bummer’s 1 Io
Notice is hereby given that Georgs
1) H ebb. nt ■ ck>. Ore. who, on Aug. Scio Monday,
12. 191H. mode Home.lead Entry No.
Ed and Joe Kalina are planting
iMJBb, for the NWi hW| and 8W| 8W|
Section 3. I ownship 11
Kangs 1 £.. potatoes by the acre, as they made
W Meridian, ha» filed notice of inten­ a good thing on potatoes last year
tion to make I hree Year Proof, to so-
I by giving them away and feeding
tablish claim to the tend
above deessjb-
ed. before the Clerk of ai
buahels to the hogs.
Linn County, Oregon, at AI be f
on the 26th day of June. 1923.
We had quite a rain Monday
Claimant names as witnesses:
too much for the g<xsl of
John L. Davenport, of Scio, Or»., 1.3
Rockford White, of Seto, Ore., ».I
the crops.
Oliver K Howard, of Scio, Ore., r. •
Benedict schmidt, of Scio. Ore., r. 1
A lbi an mo Bwooa.
Act M-ll
The train on the Corvallis A East­
IKict Ilf hUlttlM BwMN tf
June 13
Geo. Griffin was quite gcncroua,
ing things as he ia intending to
Neiict ttr hWMtm, MRrtmt N
i—................................................. ..
'*4 ?•.>:
in Saturday.
A little early, bu»
iting relatives near Albany Somliy
he wished to save hi* dan«leh"ii
er of the first
Cusick Bank iU4g
W . A. Ewing.
T. J. Munk er».
Vics 1‘rrs.
E. I». My«-rs. Cashier
The Sein State Bank
lh>«>8 a General Banking
Buftineaa. Interest paid
on time deposits.
J list receiver! won! from tin- Aluminum < ooking
U ten ai I Co., manufacturera of
Wear-Ever Aluminum Wear
Th lit ire Could give L0% discount on all Preserving
Kettle* and that they would absorb the Iona.
saving of 10%
■ ade to pay
. a . ; ♦ <t,
-,. ■
farm near Shelburn.
Kalina a for »ml |»>tat<t -> .«» hi- i»
» o.
is »(irntling the summer oa
aa he came by and
T r*-
Scio busincaa trip.
¡Called in for a supply <t lettux
E. F. Powell and family of Jef­
it is rather «.arve in Ni<
ferson were Sunday vieitoes at the
Ed Kalina, wife and sun made a Alfretl Powell liomc.
mcr at their home in Stayton.
Ira Trrxler and wife, who have
liccn living in California
day . was delighted with tl <
We are paying fo-b. Portland
These prices also include
Munday'• receipts
June It
man ha» a tine
* for a supply <t vegetal <■
Produce Shippers!
( >vorlaixl
NOW at a
’ :
*A ’
• -1