» '• • • • y I / J' r .L 2 •.* » •• Is a ■ *■» • » • ' • >" *• • '•» • <• ♦ • • • îam * 11 » r • < • • • ’ V * a •• 4L» • % ' • -, a • 4 • ✓ re • . -• *, * 5v < >'«MAJLteteiii i iMk i i O RIii i i irfM É»‘ ■ a - • •- «! * •i 4 1 « « j : > I / '• ! f't /' f it / 1 he Rein Tribune fTrn-rt' JIArttT» Page 4 QQQOOOOOOOOOOOOO QOOO OOOOOO StUl Urtit A|Mt ItHrtBMt HOW TO SAVE MONEY WHEN SHOPPING C. K -»»«Me«, Market A gant ••• » U. A Willamette Valley farmer gives a By MM HARLAND H ALIEN striking illustration of the multa s OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oOO of grading, in a letter to thia office .« IS8S Hart*»« I« Sitae I He has shoal 200 hens He »hip- ON BUYING FURNITURE {■of tw<> cases of egg* to * commta­ in house in Portland, filling the The important thin« when you r- to eelerf furniture for tte home I- '• ca«e« as the egg* came from the know good furniture »her you . • it nesta He received 21 cents per doz­ and thia cenuut be reeoen >»•■«! • t>‘<- en for the two cases. |12 80. price alone Th«* following week he packed the It I» tnu.-h loOtwr to bui a f» v «I pteres of the I o - m m<>|. I» and > < <-l small, dirty and miahappen egg» to­ teui workmanship, than to have i nr gether in one end of a crate and la- home turned into a queer holerp. of III assorted «<»•• Nullability se t« tede-l the real of the egg» as graded Result. 45 doz­ staa shape aud weight ; aa to .-oiofort "white henneries'*. 4 stylo and use; the service verb st-I. en >>f graded eggs he received 24 .,.t I* will give, the c«s»t. and the pre -lllly I-« nts per dozen for and 21 rents per of nmovetiub all fhew mil»! te 31 acres, more or kwa, ckier to good house. 3 good barns, best ty Is-li­ d *rrn for the 15 dozen culls- a total taken Into account. town, 21 acres in high alate of cultiva­ near good market fur «jaity pn- u. t»' That the |>te«-e you contemplate if 513 Id» a» against 512 00 the week Would divide Into «x-vcral fair.» tion. and all riv« r bottom land, good buying be aullable for u»«* In your Pries fiho.uuo. Addrv«» IT. u« I ri house arid otter buiMings. 2 serve in before, at the same market price. I home la more Important th»n that It bune. logariterries, 4 arre in red ra»pb«rnea. look attractive In tte display room The difference in price in these two Price U»>. I i -*<• caah. t«al»nrr at 4 7N acres, well improved, two seta of of the Store Do not be led Into loi» per cent, would eotisider Inule tut small dupments would have meant success buildings, on mam counti r. d I mile acreage Address ! Z, care Scio Tri­ Ing "sets-' or "«ulte«" or ••period" fnr - r failure of a commercial egg plant to good sshool.. 1 mil«' to f ■ ! ata bune. nlture when your b<«nn- la neither tion. 3 hours from Pori .u, : n .«rs< 1», on a large scale. large enough nor turni«!»-« th.- prop acre ranch fOO aer.-s m cultiva­ fine river bottom s«ul, rut >• -tr.-:.m! art ting for such furniture I wo main features of the new tion, with fair bulkin g«, a good barn 4 servo of bernes. ful! i nr family The »1er and shal»* of mH» pie- <■ and other buihlitigs, water piped thru orchard. Price ' !--> •> state market law fur improving mar- out. i ompiste < t of machinery goes long time. Would con-i-i- a part considered In relation to the «(>«. l>> with thi« [dar. pt <• fNi.OO par acre. payment. re«»!- the room whore you Intend to u»«< It. keting conditions are cooperative 45.000 cash, balance tinw thia mi one ban acreage, in gu»»1 tow r rity m Is the most Important point Very organization» and standardizing, la- of the beet buys m th.- Forks of the the Willamette valley. Yai ; > . i. «■> large ptet-vs will n«q only overrm « d b. ’-ng and grading of products. Kantlarn. and should in- grabbed up im­ or C-allfomia. Address Gl, ' in your room If II Is small but •■»•■rj mediately. A.Mr- a Jl , care the telo bune. i ’ alifornia is showing the world thing else In the root!! will actually Tribune. 2N acres, river bottom, fit. -i of gar­ arem dwarfed In contrast to the ma« what ma> te done along thees lines One block on South Mam »trret. in den or berry land, running »tr< *n, . say Stvr apt rance. It has 33 cooperative organiza- Seto, with g.»<«i Sroom m<«lem house, to irrigate; six acre» of I m , ChoOtw auch pieces a» are •• «■) f raspberries, strawl-crn. - ar l i- » - -r barn and outbuildit ga; walnut ami fruit i < «. controlling from 30 to 90 per move They should river a «,•»-.< <.f trees 1‘ncv 43»si for a uuick sale. rive, full tearing, j mil« to rm m at least live Inch«-» between tin- c»-nt of the different products, and Thi» is an exceptionally garn 50 acres, river bottom, prsu-ti. ally all Lhe products are grad- that thee«- are removable. >-ni) to ;n-• luct« and chicken btfuaa, 1 acre in raspberries in cultivation, w-ll improved, two s. ta clean, and lnei|«enslv«» tn renovate <--l am! standardized and the labels, and lota of other fruit price to 43&0U, a buildings, oo mam county r ,«.i, ; n He Avoid those piece» which have a good buy. Address E I. < arc Scio Tri­ to railroad station. I mile to -.-h«H«l, 4 ind briucis are l»«*comtng recognized high pollali and a lot of overt.- -« bune miles to g.««i towt .« fruit farm. Price bnlf -ver the nation. tion In the form of excr«»l>e . nr. •«, Fog Rale fill act.-« g««d black loam cash, balance long titnv A |.lr«-e < m . Ì They aho» a>-rat>-h.-n easily nod r«- \\ >i«hingt<>n is following Califor- land, all in cuitlv alum, one mile from Scio Tribune. quire more wnrh I« k«*«p clean town anti high *<-h«f turni ur> condenaerv . extra good tearing orchard, Nine room house, with bat) . on two st «--ns, while Oregon has but X. good buikflngn, farm well fmcetl. ideal measure the amount of service II >< II large lots, plenty of fruit and borrir». dairy farm Price >110 per acre for yield against tl»e »pace It feltra up In n 'in* of which is strong enough to All modern eonvenu-nrus Price 41.UU, quick sale. Address AA, care helo anti worth twice this sum, Alidi«-»- K the r.nMu A library tabla, of whirl- have very much influence on market Tribune K. care Scio Tribune. the top Is the ■•nly part you run | dove lean to pay It» rootnr.nl tl ,i prices. Nin. ty-srrrn acres, all tillable ex- iMilry ranch of 7 « acre». tV> acre« Tn cept 15, is well drain.-d, hi acres now in one with drawers and underbill' I h«- Oregon market law gives cultivation, balance in |«a»tu- at H •- too crop, 31 left to «num. r fallow in spring; book shelves. for Inalano- f.«er« limter; house, 2 terns, 2 - * - - it ..- « t .««I pow« r« t<> lhe State Market family orchard Good * room house place of furniture that rr»« » a and garage, all fenet-sl and cr< » fence«! with tauM-meiil, g<««l bam and out ­ \gent in defining his duties. He double par|MMr saia» buyln« an. t!,«-« with woven wire, ctvys run tli buildings, all farming implements,tools, art Irte place- live apring. | mile t«> to.- a -I « empowered to help orgsnize pro­ etc.; 5 head of cows, 3 head of horses, 2| mile» to railroad »tati ptr L*-«st 4 head of h<<«. telwcei. «land fill tetia, ducers' and oinsumers* organizations Address JZ. care Helu Tn! . telephone and everything to start farm­ and work with them along the lines Providence Church ing. Will give istasesslori right away. 40| sere». Ij miles from .Shelburn; 7 Price .Mwi A.idrvM TG. Scio Tribune if n arki te, distribution, standards, (Continued from page 1.) room bungalow, practnalh i> *. all buildings good ami insured f«>r Itesi; 7 314 screw, mu m cultivation, balance The meeting appointed a «<>ni- graiics, laliels, etc. acres in dover, vetch ami al», i I ml pasture and timber; 4 miles from rail­ An organization controlling but mittcc to raise funds for the <-n ■ etc; Al ground; on s ' r«.:i . way station. 6 mib-« from good town, good convenienc>-a. Low pi . for im U miles from sch<«>l, 2 miles from tion of a monument to cnininenu. 1<) per cent of a product would have mediate sale, WOO, or woul li « for ebureh. on rural mail naite; well wat­ rate the pioneer» who founded ll.i very little to «ay about its selling Alteri), I .-rsalli- > r er«^, small running stream, and nu­ Aitdreas TM. egre Scio Tribun. merous springs; good 7 room house; community ami the Providence price, but if that association con- 4MxflO foot barn, other out buildings, beet trmled 80 per rent of production of church in particular*--« nn«*t wot I7j acres of Santiam river bottom of hill land. Woukt divide into two or land. H mite» real of Albany . (an l> •'<• mor«- place- Pro115,US). Address thy undertaking. The committee the pr«Miuct it could dominate the and other building«, 10 a. r< • in cultiva- T2, Scio Tribune. i* composed of leflcreon Myci» of market to the extent of a fair price tion, 4 acre each in Mui » »r taapber 3X2 acres. 2UH in cultivation, balance ne», strawbeme» arul luganterrit A And the same Portland, Riley Shelton ol Sei«, to the growers apiendl«! buv and a lug ter, »in at «2750 pasture and timber; near good town |h«wer of organization, through its and W. L Jackson of Albany It and set lea t® railway «tatioii, tor particulars writ« KK. «an- of Scio Tribune small orchard on place; good " room i» thought $I(MM) will lie sufficient, •tetr buling agencies, could elimi­ and a goodly sum was pledged at nate much middle-men profit and « xiM-ii-w- and lessen the cost to the th» meeting. Rev. Allier» annoumed that th«- consumer. The legislature clearly contem­ third Sunday of next June had lieen selec ted for a similar meeting, plated ’hear results in the market at which time it is h<«|icd to dedi­ .«. «•nt law, but it is entirely up to producers to take the first steps — cate the propiwcd monument. organization. The State Market be prepared limiting weight to five her going through the pockets of Green’s Bridge is now ready for op­ Among those from different part*- Auent department stands ready to tons or les» and placing the »|w*«*d their clothing. As a punisnment eration of the state present, whose nam« •. -< i»t in every wav at its command limit at 10 miles per hour some of the boys took him to the we were able to secure, fo.lows The City council at Harrisburg to help organize co-operative associ­ water and made him blow bubbles has gun«- on record ¡u favoring the T J Munkers and wife, Jrffer Mrs. Martha Forgey died at the after which they paddled him and a removal of every old »hack of a build­ son Myers and wife. Miss Myrtle ations or build up those already or- home of her daughter. Mrs A L. l>art of them sat on him while the ing in town and as a furtherance of .Myers, Riley Calavan and John gamzed. to better the conditions of Ramsey, in Albany last Tut-lay others went for an officer. Smallman, of Portland. I). I* Ma­ the priMiucers and consumer» of thia have a«ked she «tale fire mnrsh- She was 75 vears of age and crossed son. J- K. Weatherford aiul wife. Oregon. al to come and condemn such build­ Andrew J. Taylor, one of the best the plains with her parents in 1X52. Hub Hryant. Dr. R. A. Curl and known men in Manon county, pass­ ings as he considers unfit to leave Commencement eie retami were wife. A R McC«ll anil wife, \\ They have also ordered ed away at hie home at Mill City on standing C ounty Paragraphs held at Mill City Friday night, when A. Kimsey, Lenore Powell and June 2. He was born in Marion the weeds cut as they are a fire men­ four were graduated from the high mother, of Albany; Mark Pow» I county 73 years ago and sprnt all ace. school. Killed from our exchanges by ami wife ami Oliver Powell and his life there. Stavtnn has a movement on foot Mrs I V McAdoo A picnic dinner was held at the wife, of Prineville; L L Calavan Hunt Bros have announced that for the establishnu-nt <«f an auto and w ife, of Tacoma ; Claude Cal­ George W. Smith, 82. a farmer Cnriatian church in Jefferson Sun­ they will not open their packing plant camp ground an I bathing pool at avan and wife ami Wade Calavan rt «iiling aoutheaat of Albany, died at day as a farewell to Rev. Apple- in Albany until loganberries are ripe. the M m -. hiic p it k ami wife of Auburn, Washington; his home laat Friday of heart failure. bury, who is leaving Jefferson. Mi«« It tn. » Walker of Lebanon Linn county's apportionment from L. L. Bur tend law ami wife of A big loganlierry meeting Linn County io mode defendant Won ii second prt •• in a state-wide Council, Idaho; Mark P« • ry ami was held in Albany last IV-sdav the state for the county fair is II- in u 825,000 damage suit filed by F. Msay contest h M .« (he Bankers’ 479 59, Counties which do not hold wife, of Springfield. Oregon, «Mr» P Ellis of Portland because of an night. After hearing the subject county fairs apply thia fund on good Association oi Oi - j .«i ,,n the sub­ John Grisam ami Mrs. T. I Han­ of orgonizati>>n discussed, all pres­ accident on May 4 at Murder creek, ject, The Ihi. k a I It* Relation to nah. of Lebanon; W. P Ellmore, ent signed up for state organization roads in which he mstained a torn knee­ (immunity bey«- >pn>ent.” The of Brownsville; Columbus l^e, ol 75 decorated autoo participated in prize si op and other injuries He daims The sixth annual Convention of Dallas and Samuel MeElmurry, oi **'*•>'*’ 4 4 that the county neglected to place the B. P. O. E. will be held in Al­ the parade in Lebanon Saturday, Emily Ann Howard, 83, bed at Independence. Oregon, Wm. May which is said to be far the largest proper warningsand signs at barri­ bany June 21-23. $5,000 has been her home is Sodaville Sunday, June ami wite, ot Salem ami Mr». Pom­ cades i r raised for entertainment of the visit­ num! er ever entering. 3. after a ling« ring ll'nsta, eroy’s sister, of Newberg, On-gon. ors. On the last night it is planned The 50th anniversary of Grand The bridge over the Willamette 2 n Linn County txiya and girls to have a 51,000 display of fire­ Prairie grange will be held Thurs­ have won sehoiarsh.pa to O. A. C. The McDowell creek bridge across at Albany ia in a bad condition, ac­ works. day. June 14. summer scteoul. the Santiam is now finisher! and open cording to a report made by State While ewimming in Bryant Park The large paving plant which has to traffic. The bridge wa« washed Highway Engineer, Roy Cline, and Unn county's net imlebtednesa is out durtag the high water last in accordance with thia report signs swimming bole the other day a per- been set up at Jefferson for the pur- reported U. be over a half million are to bo pieced as sees aa that aas< ra The properties listed below are all under-priced and are quoted at what the owner would want to pay were he the buyer. They must be seen to appreciate the value. Write the St io I ribune if interested in any listing and owndr and loca­ tion will be forwarded immediately.