The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, June 14, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Scio Tribuni
Page 8
General Xew»
——B M-L ■
—' '
MN* a SMBWiaaitv aehool. he carrwd j
out. Sha gave a timely «onile to 1
saying It is now like the farmer wh<>'
builds a bam but no house wrhav»-
a community gymnasium, let's have
Large Sales :: Small Profits
immunity school.
Gift» for the 1'ndergrs.luatc"
subject aoder which II K. |
We are anxious ia extend our scop«« of acquaintance throughout
Linn County, and have »elected the Forks of the Santiani ns one
section most desirahle. We carry the he-t ltn< » of goods such as
any uptixiate grocer should catry on his shelve-« ami it is clean
and fresh. We awll on a narrow margin ami turn our stock every
fill days. We know we save you money. Bring this ad with you
and prove our statement of “large sales ami small pr fits.
T»bM gave some timelv suggreti-m»
to the large audience
He enumvr
eted th» list of thing« given to th.-
aehnel. n»o»lly by the young p*-ople.
such m the rose buahe«. the ahowt-r
t>athe. ate., and the community
gym. He then naked some question*
and answered them
Who make* a
school’ Young people! Do w<- at>-
preciate them’ We should, for they
are our greatest uwt the men and
tRHOce of toniurrow Mdlt'ity «h<>w*
Hello. Good Friend».
appreciation b> all rd r.a<-i«-rvil mg
the open d<»or in China that in rw-
PM ei b lr for their happinrwa ami ad-
•punsibl» for the «uccessful getaway
vancement. You nay Mill City has
of the bandita.
• million dollar district and ran do
When you walk
M. Tru». but whose fault la it that
And when you file
we don't have auch a district?
Ixxik both waya -
Prof. J. F. Page, of O. A
And try to live.
‘ If your leg ia I oom , gat It tight­
ened.” «ays an ad tn th» Bremarton
m was m>tn»diately introduced, und
Evening Searchlight.
delivered a fine add re« on “Pull
Many a man with <>a» foot ia th»
vs. Push ” It wa« a plea for ambi­
grave doe« enough kicttag with U m
tion and euuragi-, using illustration*
other to make up for it.
from history, such a» The Roman*.
A good name f»ara net biaabmatt. D»mo»lhene«. Webeter. Washington. I
The difference between th» people Lincoln and others, and end««d hi«
and the politician» ia that th» politi­ discourse with “The loafer will
amount to nothing there is no such
cian» know what they «rant.
thing as luck, it’s pluck ” Mr
“When your truublM try your
Paige leaves next year to work for
»oul.grab your hat and fiahiagpola”
Doctor's Degree at thr L'nivenuty
hinu our anglers as off they m N l
of Wisconsin
“Look at me.” »aid th» man who
Canning Time Necessities
Ball Mason Jara, pinta, per down... I .70
Quarts, per dozen................................ 90
Ball Ideal, gin • • caps, pints, doz .... # .90
Quart», per dozen ........................ 1.10
All acccMonea. if you need them, at a low price.
Get Acquainted Prices
Currant», 15c package«, two for
No. 1 soft ahell Walnut», per lb
leerileaa Ranting, bulk, per lb ...
4 lha. Blue Rone Head Rice........
Sugar Crisp Corn Flakea. pkg
Poet Toastie«. 13c pkge, two for
I .25
. .31)
. .15
. .25
. .10
.. .65
Shredded Wheat. 13c pkg. two for
Stay ton Elour, per sack........................ 1.66
Olympic Flour, hard wheat, aack .... 2.10
Course Graham, lo-lb .««acks .............
Sunny Monday Soap. 8 Imra ............. .25
Wool Soap, for hath or toilet, per bar
Wasson’s Coffee
Guaranteed to Pleat* or Your . 1/ >n y Hark
3 lb cans (a Japanese i »quered tin container free)
1 pound cans
Regular price of thia gixxl Coffe«- i>
« -
$1 15
White Cash Grocery
County Paragraph*
is in favor of tb« ab*Hahia« th» di*
vorce; ”l've l>een married 3b yagr«.
It ia «aid that Mr« W. A. Smith
Ye», air! One of th« first Isaaoa»
my father taught m« was to take of Dallas, the Aral white child t»«>rn
my punishment without MtMaliag.” in Marion county, will attend the
Pioneer»' picnic at Br«>wn«vi!ie
“Butterfly kissing.” aacasgiag to
Mrs. Sarah Helmick uf Albany,
evidence offered in ■ Ixmdoa enurt.
ia »aid to tie the oldest per- >n in
“la kissing not with th» Mgs. bat
section of Oregon. will r> . •>,
with evelaahe»." How »xeittng, «•■
birthday July 4th. and the
l«eciallv if the girt hapgawa to be
of the Modern Traveler» >♦
croaat yed.
club are sponsoring a program in >♦
It is a long Lover ’a Lha» that hM
honor of the event
She will tie the
no turning.
guest of honor at the Chautaqua in
“It seem» that a womanshawMba Mto afternoon of that day.
allowed to talk to her hosbaaff at
J. D. Fountain of Oakland. Calif I
any time, but th» win» waaMBh” aw
is visiting relatives at Harrisburg
cording to a Scio victim. ’*should
He la ia hia NOth year and he was
cea»e broadcasting white hat hua
graduated from O A. C in 1M71.
band ia shaving hunMtf.**
Phone 3OM
712 West 9th Street, four block« weal of the (’oil« -«1
500 Letterheads, $3;
500 Envelopes, $3
Mow and the Future
N ►
N 1
M ►
No. Eliza. motoreydM arsn*t used
for motoring but for sxsreisiag.
If Uncle Sam's job holders war»
placed end for »nd, it wouldn't
serve any purpoM except that of
making end» meet
Jest Lika Msr.
-Maa.” Mid the w.muin ateraly. -will
wake ap one morning <a<l And that
the world is batng ruled hj women."
“Vwr aaeered her hu»b«nd "Just
Uke a woman, that "
"WteCs )ust Uke a w.mxar »hr de
"Wbr.* to »MWer.-q
L ist week you read in this space about the
have gone through in the past lew years
I •
The robin ia dearer than all the reel,
•ah» edvMtagw <»f a man when
Th«- ¡leacock can boaet of the finest
Meapa“—Kaum» <3ty Star
I he little yellow canary can sing th«
Mrs V J. Philippy, and daughter,
laael. took Alma Philippy t > Salem
But the etort w the bird with the Hondav where thev are having her
biggest bill.
arm attended to that was broken
about four year« ago. It seem» the
Every husband should toll hie wife
muscle of the arm contracted and
about hia peat ama. thinks a friend,
left her arm in a bent condition, and
a«« *h«- will have something to talk
ahe ia now receiving treatments,
about when «he has a headache.
which oeceawtatea a plaster erst.
Whwi Eve first aaw th» bttto hoi-
Mrs. S. A. (»entry and « Jaughter
Andrey, of Portland «per ,t Sunday
(Continued from gag» M
in Scio th» gurkt« of th-
Ze I ma Piatt willed th» shortcoming*, and unde. J. B. Couev
They were
the tribulations, th» hooM and th» tettmpaaMd by Mr.
Lhrk of the
successes of th« clam to ths oom aaam city
who are tn take their plaesa.
Hazel Defying was vaisdletortaa.
and »he was exceptionally good. Tha
Stop and think what the change is going to be in the
years conning, say in ten years, if we allow the greatest
asset to our prosperity slip from our grasp. Health no
doubt is that one essential that means more to everyone
c>f us than everything else. So. throw away all of your
prejudice and let us
I >•
Help You With Chiropractic
Spinal Adjustments
Nearly the entire
population of ;
cio attended the U*banon straw-
barvy shew laat Frtdny and Satur- |j
valedictorian ia 1MI. 4h» aaM. te-
< ag. which all auv wa ■ the beat ever
questoti that a gymaaalWM ba bottt
staged by our netghl >oring city.
as a valedictorian in ff29 aba ww
Lvto J. Fiekltn -passed through f
pr<>ud to announce that th» vagwaat
had been complied with 8ha begad ®a«^«in*aday oo hia «ray from ,
► ►
U m requMt W tMs efcaa. tbgg w
Now Let Us
Mias Esther Humphrey left Sati 1F.
low between Adam’a collarbone aod
morning for Portland, wh erv
shoulders. uh» doubttam thought it
ah» will »pend the lummrr vaca' jon
a nice piare to cry <>o.
for aunt, Mrs. Hov«md«r.
' That wa« the hardest blow of whom Mw live» wa« her gi
all.” «aid Little Boy Mo». sa ba lefo for the week-end and
blew hia nom.
panied her to Portland
Pluck, Not Luck
There is a Palmer Chiropracttor who visits
Scio Hotel Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Evenings from 7:30 to 8:30
................. aaaa