» • C ,-»■< • ■ f ► •-! • • • I V * • 'et V < r .. /. * » /• 'n *- r - •V : .*•*> < '■ •• * • ■ 'F , a I'S’ *.< Editoriale The Scio Tribun« THE SCIO TRIBUNE from the factory FSISH Th« Glass of Fashion. tha Runlesa Colo­ nial, witti «it!>< r Fit-r or i'hur-on ah*l- te» MoUOtioZ > "!-• ring i» ll«li«ving. Let falbvr an l moUier s««your ChruH- mas j»r« • - ' tinm Kryptoas, th« one-pter» tofo »! t1.1» AI.BR0. M .-iiifaeturing Optician Havr Your Eyes Examined ; S T. FRENCH Gr« 0|Hom«|ri»l ■ 1 . .......... —'"■■■■...... who deserves votes usually ia the one who d«es not get them. THriu«PAT. April 12. 1923 Poverty ia th<- mother and father Bible Thought Today of many efforts which have done TllK 1>»RI» St'gTsi.NH Why lufíer with Headaches? ; ■ I They that much for the world. wait upon the l»rd shall renew their "The light of my life has gone strength, they shall mount up with out." said the jilted one, "but I've wings a* eagles. they shall tun and struck another match” not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint — Isaiah 40:31. Men barn their tint the kindergarten their lessons in last Irsaons in court, «vs a victim. With Mother Earth is now taking ea her As long as a salesman continue* celebrated the 2Kth anniversary of W B Blanchard, aged 91 years, to t." I in a satisfactory line of or­ ! nice, fresh end young The or­ the local organizations at their hall for many years a reaident of Browns­ Jew« lera and Opticians ders the "old man" isn’t likely to chards. the fields and th< pastures ALBANY. - OREGON in Altiany Friday evening. ville. died at Gladstone .March 31. worn much about the kind of pleas­ are lieautiful in their blo»-~>ming of ure to *hieh he turns. Wiber Storer, of Oakville, was ’ white and pink, and driwars of Statiatit if Owaershii seriously injured last Tuesday after­ A Scio w < i»n says too many wo­ Jr? Orfc n MMt H mm I wuih Tim» if«*n. ________________ Management, Circulation, etc., required noon when his tractor overturned men look on their husbands aa mere by the act of Congress of August 24. A great» rt>rt ■ forthvhome knitter* and caught him beneath it. Hr was 1912, of The Scio Tribune, published of Or- n. 1 • till s fact Further-J It will probably I m - quite earn ft automobiler accessorie*. more, this yarn >» st-solulely virgin 1 itadly bruised, his face was cut and weekly at Scio, Oregon, for A phi, 1923. An old maid suggests that you wool yarn tl wool was grown In Linn ' all the schools of the state l<* clow the bones in both legs were cracked. eountv, »" ! Mr -< t. ivrs to theOre- for a half holiday on April 14, for buy your cha|**rone a pair of State of Oregon, I O’Sul- R imi Worsted I . ; nny imill» located at T. A. Stellma^her of Albany has County of Lum, i M s II wimm I), >’ . I- -io sorsted yarn by that is on Saturday. A proclama II vans. They'll save her seven Before me, a Notary Public, in and Roy T ItiShi-r, ---n of C. P. Bishop, tion issued recently by Gov Pierce moved with his family to latrwood, for the state and county aforesaid, per­ thousand «hocksa day. proprietor «>f the Woolen Mill Store of where he will work for the Cameron sonally appeared 1. V. McAdoo, who. balvtn <>r •< per l>all of 2 om to properly start the Portland base­ Lumber company. law. deposes and says that he owns the bample* h < nl I- cation. Address I wanna he famous. S ch > Tribune, anti that the following is, ball club off right with a big at­ C. P. I iilcni, Oregon, (Tint Gement of Jefferson suffer­ I to the best of his knowledge and belief, I wanna look swell, tendance and on the road to the ed a broken leg last week while bank a true statement of the ownership, I wanna l»e paged ! management, etc., of the aforesaid pub- pennant this year, and railed for a mg logs on the river near Dever. | lication for the date shown in the above In a big hotel. half holiday by the schools. caption, required by the Act of tugust But I ain't got the price Friends of John Huke of Gabs 24. 1912. embodied in section 443, Postal MOR'I K IANS were surprised the other day when I awi ard Regulations, printed on the For to grab off thia joy. There is a growing need for more reverse side of this form, to-wit: they were apprised of his marriage For it Ink«-« a nice 1. That the names aixi addresses of houses in Scio, and some of our Best of < rv • t>oih Prufesaiotially Big tip for the boy. in Portland a few days ago to Mrs. the publisher, editor, managing editor, and in 1 iki . ral Conducling. people who have vacant lota should and business managers are: W<»oley Publisher, I. V. McAdoo, Scio, Ore. tiegin the erection of residences to Definition: Prudes, persons who Lady -t.. t alwaya, Best of 3. That the known bondholders,mort­ Equipment and Prit-i-s Ituaran- Sevral new prune orchards are be ­ accommodate those who are seeking hold their hands before their faces gagees. and other security holders own­ t«*any man has already com­ buy idea» on. a purely price baais. DR. A. G. PRILL plained that he cannot get away; he Piinici tß aii suneoD weighs between 320and 330 pounds F.M. French & Sons ,7 1 / Í spring wearing ap|>arel and looks \X right & Poole ! r i 14 « ' ? Calls Attended County Parayraphs Day or Night 'tiw »’10 7 ■■ Howdv Ji* f. : (L-,* ■ 1/. ft 11 t* p t DR. I ICQ I >1 XTIST Office Hours: 9 to 12 A M. 1 30 to 6 P. M March 31. it was found that seven marriage license ORE. ■' / In checking up the records at the clerk's offie on Friends, Responsibilities naturally gravitate to the person I who can shoulder them. NATVHK FAKEK l AI.t Ell Edited from our exchange* by Mrs I V MrA.loo Ed I. had been issued during the month and six divorce proceedings started. Ayers, of Harrisburg, and C. W. Boetticher has just l»een his son. Pain er, both died the same elected city superintendent of day. last Tuesday, from the Hu. schools in Albany for his thirteenth A sweet little damsel named Day ken Mi* I'- e Friedman of New successive year. Was asked If she ever read Bacon, York, holder of the world's typewrit­ The quarterly conference of 24 Said she. very sweet. er championship, visited the Jeffer­ Ixitheran churches in Western Ore­ "You cannot read meat. son high school Tuesday. gon was held in Albany three days So snap to and cut out the fakin'.*' Bruce Burton, of Brownsville, was last week. All men have tasted defeat the thrown from his horse last Tuesday. The district convention of the WAYTOS. . - . OREtlON successful ones are those who re­ He fell on the pavement and his Pythian Sisters will be held in Al­ Calls at on.l Psy or Night fused to swallow it. thinks Fred head struck the curbing causing Yulwreulln Testing bany May 1. 500 delegates are ex­ Bilyeu. l slight c•*•♦*•»»♦»ee*»♦♦»»♦♦♦< Frank Bartu says some men are : Scio Meat Market born unfortunate and others buy Fresh Smelt ; Fresh and Cured .Meat— Baom Lard- Sausage ; We buy your Veal and Dr towed Hogs ! Holvchvk Bios , i Pro}»«. Scio. Or». «««««a...................ssewessw and busmens meeting. The Cameron mill al larwood, which has been dormant or partly in Does a (renerai Banking Business. Interest paid on time deposits. We want your Fat Lambs York City, action for several mooths. opened in Will pay th« highest market price See used cars. us before you sell. board of trade has whiten the own­ full capacity last Thursday. 33 Now that the skirts are longer ers of th« Far West Manufacturing men arc employed in all departmenu SHELTON & COMPANY how are we to know that the poor plant of Albany, of the city's good of the work being conducted. girls have knees. I am in the market buying points and asking that it be consid­ A Cmsaan, of near Albany, took Panhandlers are warned by au­ ered for a location for the factory. In to the Albany stores the other day thorities that they must go to work Eugene is also trying to get this fac­ a load of broccoli At the rate Bring me your Mohair and or leave New York. Hut a lot of tory to locate there. which he received for this load hie Wool- will treat you right. them own property there MemU-rs of the Woodmen of the ground would produce for him an G E. Rodgers, Scio, Ore. The Jamaica. New Mohair and Wool D. G Tbeaw says the candidate World and Womew of Woodcraft incoow af about |M0 per acre Week, and Twta.