Vol. 2« THE SCIO TRIBUNE 11.75 th« Year FARMERS TO VISIT EXPERIMENT STATION tliv Year Si lo ORKGON, THURSDAY. ATRIL 12. 1923 City Council Meets “Don’t Kia« The Cook” Thistle Fight Patriotism No. BUSINESS MEN TALK FOR BOND REDUCTION Last Thursday night the ritv When the senior class of the High Patriotism is the stuff In us that council met in regular monthly srs- School presented its play. "Don't m,ke< “• w,,rk far ’»*• welfare of •ion. with the mayor and McAdoo Kiss th« Cook." at th.» school audl-|***- ourselves included, when it is torium last Friday night, the room *0* to cost us a real sacrifice bight- Interest in Relieving the City eric oí June 11-16 Set Aside absent. was well-filled w ith interested per ‘ (-enada thistle will mske There was not much business be­ e by O. A. C. Extension Ser­ of Much Interest on Bonds sons who came to «•»* and learn bow demand on our loyality. fore the meeting, except the first vice for Inspection Monday Night's Theme. It is a splendid The man who, whether he be a reading of the "nuisance” ordinance the trick is turned comedy, taken from th«- story "Come farmer or landlord. Is earoleas or in» County excursions to 0. A. C. to This ordinance will make it a mis­ Out of the Kitchen. ' and the cast ¡different about cooperating with his The main topic of the Scio Rust- inspect the purposes. methods and demeanor for anyone to maintain an presented it very well, considering neighlM'rs in this important fight* n«-->« ---- --------- -- ------------------ . Men's Association ----------------- la«t Monday old or delapidatrd building, or al ­ results of experiment station work the vicisitudes through which it had jrsnnot be called a real patriot. tho, night was the tax question, and how low rubbish to gather and become will be made bv farmers and their The class numliers but he may be called a variety of other best to relieve the city of so much families, conducted by eounty agents, a menace to other property, ami to nass ¡indebtedness and also stop the ex- will carry heavy penalties for same five, and of course had to draw things. in the mid-June season. Field crops, When the county commMoner» «salve interest bearing bonds All for each day they are allowed to re ­ from other classes and from out- fruits and vegetables and even live­ present were for some sort of plan issued the call for all farmer« t» main unmoved. Well siders. While everyone was stock and dairy cattle are making the play would have meet in their respective school that would reduce the bonds about The «everal regular monthly bills pleased, al out their supreme efforts of the brought out more applnus»» and houses on April id. to discuss and $28,000 ami thus stop the interest entire year at this time, while farm­ were read and allowed adopt plans of thistle control, they on that amount. er x have a little breathing spell just The work of repairing the water gi cater satisfaction qivtm if so much thot chieflfly of keeping down the The business men feel rhat the before the bulk of harvest work. tank or replacing same will be lie- prompting had not twen needed. tax burden And since the thixtle time has come when the city of Sc»" The players should remember that I h tailed information on just gun ax soon a« possible, according a well spoken play, property accent­ fight is wholly a farmer's fight, they must do something to bring people what these visitors may expect to to the water and light committee. ed at the crucial time, will bring can evade a further tax burden by­ to us f«r homes ami a suitable place «• in thv.se excursions will be sup­ aplauae to a much poorer play than giving their whole-hearted support to live in ease and comfort, but plied by ths department head«,** Drives Without License I "Don't Kias the Cook." The gross t<> this project. thev were confronted with the ever- »'■ W. L. Kadderly, assistant proceeds from the entertainment At the meeting mentioned above, present tax burden and the fact that Rob Studnicka of Scio had a car county agent leader, in making the was in the neighborhood of $70. the school board will be provided it was the "wild animal” that was ann uncerr ent. "The general plan In Albany being repaired It being with plans worked out by the coun keeping taople from locating here. u :ll i v similiar to last year’s pro­ finished he started takmg it home, ty agent in connection with the The business men real ire» the debt Patrons, Take Notice grams, with such Improvements as by having it towvd by a truck for county court and these plans are is of the city’s own making, and .the car carried no 1923 license plat«». were suggested by experience.” only a slight modification from tho*e that the city must reduce it —in About the lath <>f April 1 expect Counties now expected to send Arriving at Jefferson, however, the other wolds those already here and of last year. katb ns are Columbia. Muitno. truck went on into Marlon countv to leave for Fastern Oregon on an We believe that the patriotism of who are responsible for the indebt­ mah. Clackamas. Washington. Yam­ after a load of hay and Studnicka extended trip, lasting probably eight edness must put their shoulder to week«, and all th<>i»c who are con- the farmer a« well his calibre will hill. Polk. Marion. Linn. Benton. drove the ear on toward home. the wheel and remove the "animal” He was stopped by two deputy ' templating having their teeth at- be indicated by his presence <>r ab­ Lincoln, lane and Douglas. They from our midst. w! be grouped according to con­ •heriffs who happened to be in that ■ tended to before I return, should sence from this meeting. The plan most talked, and which venience. and the lower valley and country and came back and reported ace me immediately. seems tne only feasible plan, is to to Justice Victor Olliver that he . Appeal From Judge Payne Dr. C. Ficq. Dentist. Scio, Ore. Columbia river counties will lie vote an additional M0 mill tax and given Monday so they may ¡start had been told to report for driving raise 112.600 for the next two years We wish to call the attention of without license tags (llliver had' A fair sized crowd attended the Sunday if they wish. and pay the first bonds and the out­ all lJnn county farmers to the meet ­ Th»i Week, June 11-16. will be not seen the deput■«*• and was forced su|>erb picture, "When Knighthood standing indebtedness when the to ssk his willing prisoner to post- Was in Hower,” at the Peoples ing <>n April 16. at MW) p. m. to be one of the quietest of the whole bonds become due in 1926. This pone his visit to the court *“ Albany Theatre last Saturday and Sunday. held in each school district of the college year, between the third procedure would reduce the interest Herald. The house should have lx*vn |«sck««l county, jwrtaining to the control of term and the opening of the sum- tax some $1600 a year, ami would to see such a production in Scio, for the Canada thistle. m.-r-«-don. This will give the in­ make the next series of bonds that Arm is Broken We believe that every forward it is seldom one so meritorious can structional. experiment station and 1». coinv due in 1032 an va»y matt r lie shown here. We want at this looking farmer will endeavor to co­ extention service staffs opportunity The little two year old daughter time to acknowledge the proffer >f operate to his fullest capabilities for to pay. so thought the business men. t<> direct the field tours and meet This would make for the city for of Mr. and Mrs. John llowem. «»f two tickets from Mr. U«--»»ly to wee three reasons first, tiecause the hundreds of farmers to discuss of the Jordan settlement, while at- this picture, but owing to having benefit he himself receives by having two years a millage of 170 on the special problems with them taxable property in Scio. 1 he exact day allotted to delegates tempting to walk last Wednesday, made other arrangements. were uo- land free from this pest; second, So far. the business men pq|nt from the several counties «rill be April 4th. accidently fell and broke able to accept, It is the first time iiecausr he has. ot should have, some out. there has l>een nothing done her right arm, or rather the large sines we have been m S< io that a regard for his neighbor; and third, determined and announced soon. toward paying off the bonds as they bone of the arm. Sh«» was brought free ticket to any entertainment has because the purchasing of land become due, and as history is a Altwrt E. Bond. a pioneer farmer to Scio on Thursday arid the arm lieen offered the editor anti hi« wife, where the thistle does not exist is good thing to g<> by, there would set. The child not having made anv m««ss attractive to the prospective and thi« little remembrance natur ­ of East Knox Butte, for more than never be any provision made, and SO years, died at the family home strenuous outcry with the break, ally makes us feel quite kindly to buyer. No man. knowingly, will this would keep the taxpayers con­ the parents did not know of the him. buy a DMO* of land that is foulad 1 ue«day morning, following an ill» tinually imyiug a high rate of taxes break until th«»y noticed that the with thw .weed, unless he can buy ness of several weeks. He crossed Subscribe tut Trihon«---$1.76 a yrtrr for years and years The Tribune it at a veo reduced price. the plains to Orsiron tn 1860, and arm wascror t. fully. tí. M. Payne, Co. Judge A family reunion was held at the IF. T. Thayer home Sunday. when I nearly all the children were ©resent. Those present were: Mrs. V. T. Wiglr«worth)arid child' ren. and Neva Thsver, of Portland; l-'reida 'Thayer, of Oregon Ci tv, Mrs. C. Wirth, and children, of Vancouver; Mrs. Floyd Shelton, of Scio; *nd all had a moat enjoy a | • time. Mrs. Lawrence H. Rowlby. of Al­ bany waa badly bruM«f W aterloo has The KtxaU Stare ©mind to add two weeks .term thiajenr. t^o their Admission 10c-25c default. Jane Compton was grsnted a d voree from C D. C •mp- ton in the circuit court of Albany last Monday. Judge Percy R. Kelly, presiding. Mrs. Compton. besid*« the divorce, gets $16 a month ali­ mony for two years, or until Lucy, a minor. becomes 18 years of age. She also gels the place in which she lives, by a recent deed executed hv C. D Compton. Verna Huck, of Scio, was also gi anted * divorce from her husband. I Florian Buck, <• the grounds of desertion This also was a default case. Thyes other divorcee were also granted op Monday. I adira, Attention We have stocked a few ladies hat«, and have priced them at 13 60 to $6.00 See them before you buy - they are exceptional i