« * ?.. . * C V ♦ *?• r*. ’ ** • -*> •• ’e/ J ’ •' A- •> LOCAL BREVITIES 1 < ¿-st* I Albany rtti-.-ns held a mass meet* ing .M >nd«y night In an effort to bold the Far West Manufacturing Co. in that city. J. D. Dvnamore was in Salem For Sale or trade Heavy horse, Monda* on business l»r. A. G. Prill spent Thuisday in about H years o«d cash or trade Salem on business and dropped in Leo Zeller was in from the farm for other utock. M.C. Kelly, on the legislature and brought bark route 2. Scv>, Oregon. 28-p Tuesday on buaineaa. with a new sedan car. For Sale rhe Maule Spring Farm Mrs. E. 11. Hutieon was in Albany The republican« of Indiana have is f»r Sale. 103 acres. Anyone last Friday on a shopping tour. notified Preaident Harding that they wishing t.. buy. will give satisfac­ J. F. Kukucka was on business in are opp»«-*« <1 to Senator New's ap­ tory terms at 5 per cent. See Frank Summers, Scio, or write to the county seat last Wednesday. pointment as u>«tmaster general. C H Wain. Junction Qty. Ore. Practice makes perfect Just «ay 17tf Mrs t’hcster Coffee and daughter "Meadow Shade" when asking for Fran.*«, of McMinnville, are visit­ An Out-c <«» will improve the farm flock, but ciperi* * butter. ing the former's mother. Mrs. V. A. average i_—-------- — merit« have shown that to main­ W. A. Ewing and W A. Gilkey McKnight, and other relatives. tain the efficiency of a high pro­ ‘Vr’a’in, th^y" should" be wer* “» Alban> on road bu“n*'* Miss Winnlfred Ferris, a gradu­ ducing egg < W»* have a mating | Monday. • ate num- from the Scio hospital, bred in line. in two ycai old hen« from Han-! but who ha« t»een away for some-1 Misses Vella Brenner and Dorris son's White leghorns, ms tel in tin»- is here >n a short visit with line, and kept pure. Cbffl all, Weddle were shopping in Albagv her many friends. •oi l until April 1st. can Spare a few last Thursday. eggs until latter part of March. G R anj a . L. Brock * Ralph Hollis was confined to his |*Lgus $5 per 100. it C. I rttlt. . „ ’ ar» the proud owers of a new Mar bed th»- lire» of the week with a. Scio. Oregon. r , light attack of the flu. He will not- car. recently purchased. be around until the latter part ofi A small crowd attended the dance the week, however. at the Z. C. B J. hall Saturday Gl<-nn Holland and Leslie Thayer night, but all had a good time. were unai'h- to lx* present at school Lime and Sulphur in the bulk or Monday an was hail by all the members. co/tòr/fon^ from the government Represents* Mrs. Mart Bilyeu, well known live Hawley introduced the measure here where «I m * has many rulatives, Do you feel physically well? in the house and Senator McNary Are ) u mentally depressed died in Albany last week, where in the senate. When things go wrung ? she w «« buried. She was one of Then thia is the aign that F. W Haskell came down from the old pioneer* in Linn county. laèk the necessary you Portland Saturdry and returned amount of nervous energy. Every farmer, as well as the busi- Sunday, taking his family with him. Our methods restore robust m- — men. -* uld use printed sta­ Mr. Haskell is vice president of the vitality. tionery. KM) letter hea»la. 100 en- Columbia Distributing Co., with vel»>|*e* $1 50 for a limited time headquarters in Portland. Phone for Consultation. at th< I ribune office. A real bar­ gain. Fog S ai x Several pieces of furnit­ The Scio High School debating ure. Also some fruit jars In* quire at the Tribune office. trains met ignotninous defeat Tues­ l'abi er Cniropractors Room« 114 419 V. -. hank Building For Sale- Three Grain White Clover day nkht.Loth hen- and at Stay ton. Telephone 87 Seed Oats, guaranteed to grow scoring not a point. The question Osai tow 2|c tier pound. Sex* F. T. Thayer. d»d>at>‘d was 'The Graduated In* i 2htf. come Tax.” Scio, Oregon. ■•♦eeeeseeeeeessessssseseessesseessseseseeees♦*♦♦♦♦♦« SUITS Chiropractic Talks J "THE KIND REAL BOYS WEAR” Lada that go at top speed ought to have onr kind of clothes. — First places for performance and sure dependability at every stage of the gam«. — More than ordinary wear resislance in these suits. Ask how to get "The American Boy" Free All wool Oregon (Cashmere Suits —The newest styles — Browns. Grays anti Popular Mixtures. Fancy Mixed t’ashmcrec—Suits that the boys will be proud of ami the mother* will recognise ar doadly strong values. Suit with extra knickers- ..................... SI I os i« SIS oo Suit with extra knickers— ........... »10 00 t. »12 SO Same with one pair knick­ ers ............. »» 00 »12 50 Suit without extra knickers .......................... MW n »7.50 I Silk Hose ALBANY Drs. Scott & Scofield OREGON 4 Brown’s • r~p’ »» in 1 own |)on,t forget the basketball game at the gym tomorrow night. It is a doublehea»l«-r, l*rl>anon girls play­ ing the Scio girls, and Gates boys It ->ught to I m * a good game on tioth side«. Presented by Albany Cnllgfe for benefit of Scio High School at the school auditorium, on Mrs. Oscar Pomeroy and dnugh- ter. Mrs. Wayne Conear and little sou Murice, of Ix-banon. were viait- ing their mother-in-law and grand­ mother. Mrs. Almma Pomeroy, and other reiativc« in Scio Sunday and TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Admission, 25c and 40c Monday. that pays its ukn' — J Dy Stoving Juel Awood ia a ilrictly wood burning Designed especially for Western onditions, its construction enables it to cut lavi costs to u minimum. Make your next stove a Lan^wtxd and cut your fuel bills in two. LA NG’S Lanÿ w< t ' «-rrowAe Th# •vp-nce wu.’f LA NG WOOD «.>/ es U u GUARANTEED m« as C Willard TMACMI “Ak* «tßiltiato •••••• Battery Service Station..... ixL Bartu Motor Co Scio ..... For Chinese Noodles THE SCIO HOTEL LOWE & MORRISON RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS All funeral» given personal attention by Mr. low« .•ervices and Prices Guaranteed to Satisfy Every t uaturner lady Attendant if desired S. I. Moaaisoa i N. U, Lows Agfa Phone -Hay. »7 ' Lebanon Phone —Night, .’■4 J Pbooe 9 < » < I