The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 22, 1923, Image 5

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    ♦-•♦ —***«««««e««««*««««e4
Larwood Items
Ed Kalina made a run to Soo
Saturday to have hia car repaired
. *od o buy a new dog from Tony
Holub to fill the place of the dog
Fab to
that recently died
The Pi# Eater
Wilbur Flamlwr. of Mt.
went along t» be in the wag and
I’r pect. and Mrs Jeans Chaatina
bold the new dug, a* that was all he
wera viaitm« at the home of Wm.
was good for.
Smith and wife last Wednesday.
Our Sunday school and church
Sid Strincer and wife motored to
'services were well attended. Rev.
Set last Saturday on a business and
Butter, of Crabtree, delivered an
pleasure trip.
interesting sermon.
The rock crusher ia running full
Mrs. Mary lx*v called in Sunday
time and several teams have been
after church to visit Mrs. 8. W.
haiJing roek. making very much
' Gaines, who ha* been under the
needed repairs on the roads
' weather with a cold, but is feeling
Grandma Hassler and Dr. Shell
fairly good at present
hav< been on the sick list for some
Mrs Gaines has received a letter
time. We wish them a speedy re­
from her w«n. John, who ia herding
prisoners at Salem. He ha* a good
Mi«* Beatrice Gaines, daughter of
job and is enjoying fair health
Mr and Mrs. Lee Guinea, who left
Joseph Kalina has returned home
thr< «> weeks ago for Loa Angelee to
from Portland, where he had been
take a course in trained nursing,
working for th« t»a*t year, a^d ia
writes that she is enjoying the work I
now cutting cordw>H>d on his farm.
very much. We all join in wishing
He found work hard to get in Port­
her success.
land at this time of year.
Wm. Smith and wife were callers
Ed Kalina has sold his fat ¡ng* t<>
at the home of Frank Bartu. ar.,
Tim Kelly at a low price, a* price-
last Saturday evening.
are on the decline
There is no pay
JetuutChaatine butchered a 500-lb.
in the hog busin-w now, and an us­
porker laat Sunday.
ual the farmer has t<> take the short
A flu epiiiemic has attacked sev­
end of the bargain
eral of the employes of the Clarence
The Pie Eater and son. Theodore,
Cameron sawmill, but none reported
a short visit to Scio Monday,
finding the city flourishing, with fu­
Eli Ramer waa over from Crab­
ture prospects of having a fir e saw­
tree laat Monday.
mill and a short railroad to the
Waiter Woods, wife and little
which promises to make
daughter, of Lebanon, were visiting
at ’he home of Mrs. Wood’s par­ Scio a booming little city; the hotel
was running on full steam »nd on
ent., Wm. Smith and wife. Sunday.
Hurrah for Sein!
U-e Gaines and wife called on schedule
Wm Smith and wife Sunday even­
a a a a
♦♦ ♦♦■♦■♦«I w
Feb. 19
The women here are loyal tn their
dub no matter how far they have
to go. This waa proven Thursday
when a truck load of m< mbera
driven by John DeWall, and several
car load journeyed to Albany thru
the cold for an all day ae«aion at the
spacious home of Mrs. Elmer Whet­
stone in Sunrise addition. Mrs.
Dwight Peterson was joint h<>st ms .
Well filled baskets were takrn and
a bounteous luncheon enjoyed at
the noon hour by the following:
Miss Nora Holt, Mrs Minnie Smith.
Mrs. E C. Smith. Mrs Anna Wick,
Mrs Ed Smith. Mrs Dwight Peter­
son and Joyce and Margaret. Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Whetstone, all of
Albany; Mrs. Tina Ih-Wall, Mrs.
Pansy Shepherd. Mrs Peter Peter­
son. Mrs. Wymma Kellv. Mrs Irma
Wruk. Mrs. Hattie Kelly. Mrs.
Francis Bartnik. Mrs Ida Yunker.
Mrs. Mary Holt. Mrs Anna Mespelt.
Mrs. Myrtle McDonald. Mrs S. B.
Holt, Mrs. Effie Sommer. Mrs. EL
to get proper lumber service. as we are about to
operate our mill, and cannot attend to local
trade only at our convenience.
Scio Logging & Lumber Co.
Pure-bred Bulls
Valuable Asset
Dairy I Urda from Pure-bred Srea a ow a average in­
crease of 48 per cent in tinancial rvtur » over dairy
hcida produced from acrulm. according to U. S 1 ^¡tart­
inent of Agriculture.
Start the New Year with a pure-bred bull at the head
of your dairy herd.
Oregon Milk Company
dors Stewart, Mrs. Anna Holt. Mrs.
Hattie DeWall, Mrs Edna Gilkey,
T. M. Holt and Fred Sommer. The
Condenaery, Scio, Oregon
afternoon waa spent with businees.
fancy work and a social tune. A
«melling contest was *taged. Mrs.
Ralph McDonald proved to be the
most efficient in
Attorney at Law
Real Estate Rrolfer
the prize for naming the most med­
Notary I'ublic
Cusick Bank Bkig.
icine bottles correctly.
Mrs. Anna
ÜbluintJ, Examined
Wick succeeded In pinning the ar­ Al.BA.VY
row. blindfolded, nearest the eupid'a
Oscar Pomeroy, wife and daugh­
heart which hung on the will there­ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoOOOuO
ter. Mrs. Wayne Con r. of la-* a-
by winning that prize
The day
non, are visiting Unde Tom Smail
will l-Mig be remembered by all pres­
and family. All are enjoying life
ent. The next meeting will be at
the liunie of Mrs Francis llartnlk.
F'r»»sh Smelt
March 1.
Wilbur Fleming descended from
th< pinnacle last Tuesday. "Rill"
i* i ways a welcome visitor.
1 he spooks and hobgoblins were
carrying on their nocturnal deviltry
Mt. Pleasant
on or about the 14th inst. One
would naturally infer that they must
have had the dates on their calendar
Feb. 20
very much confused —thinking that
Nina and Harley Darbv wont to
Hollowe'en came on St. Valentine's
Mill City Wednesday, returning
At any rate, the little school
hoys played quite a prank on Rock­ home Friday.
Gny Glenn went to Stayton laat
ford White by carrying ail the old
after a load of feed.
rails, logs, limbs, brush and debris
A farewell party was held at the
of every and all kinds and descrip­
£d Elierhardt hum* Friday evening
tion and did deliberately and with
in honor of their cousins, who left
malice aforethought cast same into
Ev. rvonr
the aforesaid Rockford White's road, Saturday.
and di«i build same to a great height
Marv Hara returned home from
which did so enrage the said Rock­
Citv Wednesday for a f» w days
ford White that he did scatter said
with her folk«
rails, logs, limlw. etc., to the four
ML Pleasant young folks are
winds, resembling very much th«
a play which they expect
«■d’.-cts f an Oklahoma "aiy-cooa,"
It will also I*-
as the niggers would say. Little
boys will be little boys.
Senz Bros loaded a car of lumber
W« notice that Coo Westenhouee
Kinsgton Wetin« lay
is quite busy plowing now-a-daya.
Spencer Long and wife visited al
getting his land prepared for spring
Robert Darby home lad week.
Raymond Leffler has quit school
at Stay ton and Gladys is now wtay*
ing with Montgomerys in Stayt-m-
Mias Nina Darby left for
City Sunday where she will wo rk
F eb. 20
for a while.
Riley Shelton
Scio Meat Market
Christina MeCola, formerly of
rennenter District, has joined her
mother at the Mistletoe orchard,
and entered the Oakview school.
l.*onard Gilkey in*taih*«l a hand
power water system last week.
The meeting* are still being held
at the «choo ¡house
They will con­
tinue until Wedm-sday night, poe­
I*. OIL H.f«»«'l M
Fresh and Cured Meat—
Bacon Lartl Sausage
We buy your Veal and
Dressed Hogs
AIM« >
Winter weather make* frtrn<l* to»
it»« coal rang«
Su If the bouse ba»
uu fuma<e, ur the kitchen la fur an)
lloleclit'k Bi r , Props.
reason unhealed, Jtou will want to b*
Scio, >re.
rvaily t«> «hop intelligently for a c<>uh
A A es
^F^FvF^F^F^F^^F ^F^^w^F
. a*
stove that burns coal.
And a coal sto»« can be a disappoint
uihu I In so many different ways. Il
Netlci Ilf Piblicilioo. OtparintRl if
should be selected with unusual « are.
Hi lilrrtir
sibly longer.
Too much importance «snoot lx
U. 8. Land Office. Portland, Ore.,
Miss Mabel Zysset ia teaching her ghen to the o»«n. It should be thick
January XI. BBS.
wall«<i> to bold heat, and of ample pro
old school n«-ar Sidney. Marion coun­ portions f«r ordinary ami ocenakrtwl
Notice ia hereby given that • a«mond
ty, as the tmciier who tirgan the needs. You should also see that lb« l»ecator Miller, of Scio. Ore., K. I, who
healing Hues run ail aroum! the ova* on duly 30th. IVH. »mule H<>m«»»tead
term, resigned U» tret married.
for E| bW L section
so as to brat bottom and shies as wel Entry No.
.Miss Juanita. Mrstielt is ill with as the top. For myself. I think a ther 27, township 10 * . range I E., W. iih -
ridian, ha» filed niitlc,- of intention to
a cold. Her nivAfcer is substituting, 1 moiueter in the oven door la to«» us. fui make thrrryear proof, to establish
to gat along without.
claim to the land abo*«- iteaerttied, be-
for her at the DeV.vney school.
Of course the Bre-I».» must be largl for« the clerk of the «*<iu>ity court for
Mr. and Mrs- Ed Smith and Mrs.
enough to keep a lingering tire, ami l< Linn county, Oti gon. I, at Albany, Ore.,
Minnie Smith, of Albany, visited beat I be stove w«HI without being ful on the "th of March, IITXt.
Claimant names as witnesses;
Sunday at the Fred Mrsi«eit home, j 1 of coal.
Mike Bilyeu, of Scio, Ore., route I.
n»r beet grate for four is* »!<•'»
<» E. Wirth, of Scio, Or«., route I
Mr* Minnie Smith ia will there.
will be uno that cuts the bottom Cress E. F. H lxmg. of Sci«>. Or«., route 1.
Mr and Mrs. E. F Krebs were the are with a slight turn without dis Henry Neal, of Scio. Ore., route L
Art 6 »-16.
AL8X«XUM mwb . s
Snuday dinner guests at W. A. Gil-■ turning ths coals The Increasing me
of anthracite coal In range, makro th«
poker less aud Im desirable
William Me ipelt is now aide to
Thera must be a perfect draft, ant
tie about some .
perfect draft control. Htudy the «lamp
era carefully : If they are well pla< «<1
ami you know bow to use them Io heal
advantage It will rconomls«- fuel an<
liealers in
greatly lucreaas the healing efficleacy
of your stove.
A. McCrae ami Miss Alice Winer,
There should be convenient o|s-nlngl
both of Linn county, were married to dean the rartmts Bure -rape, tally
We buy
Frank Hora ar. is on the sick list by Rev. H arvld H. Milas at the under the oven. For the ashes and emit
Our v<>ung folks are still having
V« a and Pork
.Methodist parsonage in Jefferson on must be kept fr»m clogging tbese |*n
their -<>eial parti«-« among the neigh- this week.
Roas Chrisman made a pleasure Tuesday Horning, Feb. 13
It will
l>< ra to pass the long dreary nights.
An Important Item la to see that th«
to Mill City la«i Sunday and re­ b«- remem bered that two years ago ,ftro draws under the top so ns to heal
E»l Kalina lost hie favorite stock
H all over. A store top Is an expen
, dr McCrne’s former wife was killed
and farm dog he so much prized porta some muddv r vi»
. sire table, and that's all It la If m«
Ed Roberts vuuted with Roy Pear- b
I t a Sou tbrra Pacific train at the ' profwrly bee led.
Must have been poisoned.
i hi flhway emesintf be tween here and
Many women think that a provl.lot
Geo. (¡riffin and Oscar Flilpot eon Sunday.
lor «lumping the ashes right Ihrougt
Al '»an y end tha/ he was badly in­
have finished repairing the 8-room
the kitchen floor Into the ba«wm«ni It
jur sd at the same time, Mrs. Mc-
h >u«e they receotly purchased in
imtl«|>enaable. ft does greatly help It
Cra< » is a mster of his first wife.
keep stove and kitchen cleun. and '-at
l^ebanon. with the assistance of
They will he at home to their friends t* arranged on moot any make of stov» ; HUB CLEANING WORKS. INC
Henry llasaler. of Scio.
by a clever mechanic.
Maairt Dyet* and Clean« ra
.1 lr. McCrae's farm, four miles
.Mejularnes Hannah Ray and Leone
A liberal vised tank for hot ware«
1)5 Lyon A.. Albany. O»«(on
Munson l<aat Shoes to ’M>uth
of Jefferson
Jefferson Ko­
Ray cilbM in Friday evening for a
is a great rvn.mleirr provided th«
be sold to the public <*r««t.
Ttw.c V)ew
heating arrangement Is efficient.
short visit with Mrs. S. W. Gaines, shoes ass l<W> per rent sohd Lather with
If you have bad experience with •
and to fill past promisee, and enjoy heavy A»et>!r *oi«« «ewed sn<l nailed.
’ Ixwal Arent, Mrs, Nell Hollis <
(<s>d warming oven you will want mu
KA ’itetMiwek was In town Satur­ with the new etovn— high enough fruit
one of those old-faahioaad chats like ■ The upper, are of heavy ehrome leather
Vid said he had ât laat finished the stove an It will not gel too hot <>i
arith t>eBows tongue, themby making
olden times.
ita new location be In the way are good points to look |
The old man made a run to Crab- them water proof. Th««*• shoes are mov «re his house to
T. J. Mlinkers,
selhng very fa>t and we a< you to He
a local house for here The warming oven serve» W. A. Ewing.
had employed
tree Friday tn see hia eon. Cola, who
Vice Pres.
tuMt when II will keep things warm bu' President
order at once to insun- y«»ur order being
E. D. Myers, Cashier
mm wr to do the work, but amnwhow doean't hake them.
had the misfortune to spill a quart flOsd.
bouse did not move fast enough,
of boiling water oo hia foot. Ia re­
The s I mo are fl to II. all wi dtha; price ths
took matters into his own
moving the woolen aoek from the
d Cured Meats
Shelton & Co. Props
or send money onter.
Money re- han
foot, the hide came off dear to the goods
funded If shoe« ar« not sa-Jsf actory.
a d
ends of hia toes. He will moot like­
Tbfl U. S. Sior«-.s Cs).
ly be confined to hi* home for two
> and completed the job in just
M and a half. It is now li|.e a
4» the Tribune do your printing.
Mdl Braadway, New T«gk a ty. N Y.
». he says.
Does a General Banking
Business. Interest paia
on time deposita.