The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 22, 1923, Image 4

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It Hit by Southern Pacific President in
Address to Live Stock Men
LOS ANORIKM (HpwrlaD Neither
th« TranspurtaikM Act of >.V nor
say other law. «tale or federal «war
aalaaa any lacoms whatever to th«
railroads, Wm Hprvuls Pr«»l<1«t>t if
the Southam Pacific Co tn pan, pointed
out In an address before th»- Am«o
ran National Live Hloek A •aoc la t Io u
• hleh has Just cemplalod Its ¡St.»
aaaual convention here
■There is nu guaranty that any rail
road «hag earn aven one per cent
said Mr Hproule
He showed tl. •
of IMO "msreh
(Oa U'itb Laaghler)
make« a declaration that If any rail
, road hapt-en« to earn up to a certain
Howdy full* " Ilu- Ureal Divide” percentage I Pled by the >•■«• »».»<•
Commerce Commission at -
-A Standard Oil dividend.
the value of the ph,steal property
need for transportation p ri
■ III not be considered In excess of a
The motor fiend who*« dodged by men reason a bl« return'
When he g«»i< rushing 'round the
Han nothing on the gossip when
It comes t< > running people down.
I m»nv letter« in
I have r<
my days. ”»• y« a friend,” letter« of
But 1 have never
ab >ut all kin d
yet ri-ceiv» d one with tear stain«
on it; th»>ugi< 1 have hail letters sent
me «» ful' -.f . . rv cu*s word« that
the envt ipe was almost scorched
brown. ”
A bachelor avs the average re«-
taurant bill <>f fare is truthful. Just
mall steak" listed and
order the
•ee if they do not tell the exact truth
On Wby«iaal Valuation
Htoeke and bonds of railroads have
nothing to do with th« figure upon
which they are perrntttod tn earn n
reasonable return If they can. un<! >r ,
ecoaowlral and efficient manvrsmcnl.
Mr Hproals said
A rati rued may have outs' 1« pr -r
Ilea, hut unlees the pr>>|»eriy Is s< t ally
devoted tn railroad busts» «a It 1« no’
considered In filing a valuation upon
which a reasonable return 1» | • r
mttleo. Ihe railroad pn b at
Mr Hproule reviewed briefly tbe
war time «xpwrl«ncea of tbe railroad*
that loaded them with Increased
operating expenses with which lbs»
are «till Israel) burden«»! Ke n-ferr«-:
also to* the co Ila ¡»si- in Ir in»«,
generally that followed the s»r
"Uradially this country, with the
capacity for survival
belongs Io a new and »l >rl as and
progressive nation, tv« «■» ir»- up until
A won .)» »»ent to a lawyer to get
a divorce tin other day. "Why do
you want tn get a divorce?” asked
the l«»i ;ii 1.Hit. "({«-cause I am
married,” in ■ informed him.
wife’s clothe« to keep hei from run­
ning around. No one noticed th»
Vai N I n<
ljue< n Bird. Goofy.” difference.
Hal O W<»»n. "Say. he’« so nutty
that every time a clock cuekooa he
She—"What is thi« dark hair
think« he’s taing paged."
doing on your coat?”
Ho —“That is the »uit I w »rv last
I expect the hair has been on
“Do you r<* idze th’ t it’« only a
little m<»re tl •
twenty year« «inee it ever »ince you were a brunette,
the fir.t automobile« we<e brought dearest.”
he roocuni
"Is that all? Some of the taxi«
“How did you get your moustache
look aa if t’ < v must have Imen in in thia condition?” asked the Imrber
u«e for at least a century."
"Guees 1*11 have to take it off."
“All right. I tried to »teal a
rinni.KH and r i tn taw
from a girl who was chewing
Another <t< finitiott of a chump i«
the fellow w* > make« a diet of candy
and nu no
gsand fruit cake and
pope- tr i
and then is mad be-
ca is* in- •
»n’t feel aa tit aa a Addle
■ays a <• ■ ■
And by the way. he
goes < ». ?»• remark, whaddve mean
by li i
a« tit as a fiddle? We
never uw » Add <• that didn't have
to he ».veth » i •
and tightened up
and have it« «j .irk plug« cleaned -
whili tin-
I • nee squirmed — be­
fore it was r« idy •<» go.
^db dP ♦ »»♦ ♦ > ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ***♦**♦*« ♦ ♦
(Editor’s Note We are glad t«
give «pace to the people of our com­
munity on topic« of the day, but
ask them not to become personal or
Each contributor must
sign name, not for publication, but
for our protection ]
When a u d thing is put over
Glass Houses
in our town there are a hundred
Scio. Ore.. Feb. 19. 1923
people ready t» take the credit;
Editor Tribune:
when <• mellimg fall« flat you can’t
Lincoln once
And anybody who will take the blame.
"There is so much gocul in the worst
"How i« it your parrot «wear« so of us. and so much bad in the best
By an oversight «he of u« that it scarcely behoove« anv
waa left near a telephone booth.
of u« to «peak ill about the rent of
ua." These word« were true in hi»
“We will b« g ad to hear of any day and are true in our day. There
impertincr.i'c or lack of attention on is so much idle talk going on them»
the part of
.ir employee.” sava a days that one hardly knows the
bulletin i-u<d by one of the big truth when he hears it. Married
rganlzationa. That*« women, married men. young men
right. Try t-> I* pleased, no matter and young women-'even those who
have no thought of committing a
what happen«
wrong are all made targets of a
We can 't *••• the reason for wear- i
tongue, and usually them»
ing long skirt« they're hidden.
tongues are manned by parties liv­
A man never realize« how many ing in a glass house
It «eem« to
things he disapproves of until his the writer, and we are a victim of
own daugnt* r reaches 16.
them, that if each one of ua would
To make the thing appropriate ponder over the words of Lincoln
•ome feller« should be buried in, there would be more peace and good
their smoking jacket instead of a feeling throughout this glorious
country of ours, and especially here
A Sufferer.
A shrewd obw-rver recently said: I
"When 1 Ami a man who like« his
business I have found a man who
is well on his way to making money." I
la New York a man burned hto
t< sy y ur < hairmaa informs yon that
the cattl* l»u«twesa Is coming into
It» ow i irn Th« railroad bualneea
Is i
silt eosnin* along until we
ure In b«»i «« hut eo far It la only
U> ho » that It too will come Into
Ila awn again
> in i be m«antlme it Is proper
that I ah > Id aay to yon that the tn
r nMi tMt
o , ir operating costa ha« been
s»> great and the Increase In tasatloa
hi i
n so great that It la 1mpo«albla
f> - tl
■ 'i .ds to make eubetantlal
r«- ’u.
us or for the authoritiee of
gor» ci i -iT.t to prodaco substantial
r. . . th :.» in th« freight and jwaaenger
rates of this
■ intry. unless we ere
» in' v a s«w set back
»n >•« would share
sa well as our » «rn
Succeed Together
All '
-« of <>ur national life
; r >* t
I .11 we 1 rogre«» Inset her.
We go I » k together we fail together.
There I ■ ■» i- < h thing la this coaatry
»• ■
»-«a >b«re Is no such
II tnr
»-»a of one Industry
■ « i ■ fl»iun<l«rlng. un
tts- abnormal conditions
created by war "
After referring to some of the prob-
len:» <»f the rattl« Industry. Mr.
Sproul« said the Southern PaclAc Cuos
. ill ng the perishable nature
of '
■ nta. la Interested
In f
»king Industrie« with the fast-
*»i i I . -it ■ • lent transportation
service In conclusion tie said
■ W e . «0 ‘»th settle down to a basic
fact that neither i an flourish unless
» »»f - us.-i'.aule returns
and aa w«> accord to you that right
ws « • ■ ly ask you to accord to ua
that !>»'-
rli' l
We can all work to
lb* <
Iasi« of creating that
stat« i
i» l ««rvlae and of jus
II ■ tn the nuhll mind which will re
a >rd
Just returns*
We have a call for a large list­
ing of real property, at the low­
est price you can quote, either
in large or small tracts. Bring
in your listing if you want to sell
F or SA LE
The properties listed below is all
the deeietiption calle for. and
really modest. They are bar­
gains. and the eheape.«t in the
Willamette valley.
Write ua
about either of them.
T he S cio T ribune .
One block on South Main »trvet, in
Scio, with good »-room modern house,
bam and outbuildings; walnut and fruit
Price I2OUU for a quick ««le.
Thi* is an exceptionally good buy. Ad-
drea* V, care Scio Tribune.
For Sale Five head of Durham rat­
tle, one row. three heifer» aixi bull, all
regirterod but one, and it will be; pnre
•75 per head. AdOrvas B-l, rare Scio
For Sale In city limits of Scio, 3
acres with g<««i modern house, barn
and chicken huuse: 1 acre in raspberries
a>»d iota of other fruit, price is <37Jo, a
eood buy. Address K I, care Scio Tri­
For Sale »ill acre« good black loam
■and. all in cultivation, one mile from
town and high «ehool, railroad ami milk
condenser,. extra good bearing orchard:
good ImiUling». farm well fenced; ideal
dairy farm
Price SI 10 per acre for
quick sale
Address AA, care Scio
Ninety-seven acres, all tillable ex­
cept IS. is well drained; Ml acre* now in
crop: Sil left tn «uumer fallow in spring;
family orchard. Good H-room house
with basement, good barn and out­
buildings. «11 farming implements, tool«,
etc.; 5 n. ad of cow«, 8 head of homes,
4 head of hog*, tx tsren 50 and 00 hena,
telephone and everything to «tart farm­
ing. ii ill give piMMMiKSion right away.
Price 30,600. Address TG, Scio Tribune
One of the fastest games of the
season was play»-1 on the local floor
edne- lay evening between the
Scio |. » and the Willamette fresh­
men, The Anal »cure was 11 ta 9
in favor of the frruhmen.
Don’t forget the doublcheader
ba»»k>-i ‘»all gam«- to tie played here
314 acre«, HO in cultivation, balance
pasture and timber; 4 miles from rail­
way station. 6 miles from good town.
U miles from school, 2 mile« from
church, on rural mail route; well wat­
ered. «mall running stream, and nu­
merous spring»; good 7-room h<»u«r;
4Kxtk> foot barn, other outbuilding»,best
of hill land. Would divide into two or
mor« places. Price 416,000. Address
Ti. Scio Tribune.
Friday evening lietwt-cn the Scio
and the Ix-lian n girls, and between
the Scio boys and Gates.
Arthur Mclaun, a student of the
Aumsville high school, visited our
school M< mday.
The S< i<’ girl« were defeated on
the local lb »r last Wednesday. The
score *«i h-9. in favor of Turner.
The Scio B»»y« defeated Iwbanon
last Fridav '»3-3. This was a alow
an»i rough gam<- I m ^ wum » of the ina­
bility of the referee to call the
The girl* met one of their worst
defeats ia*t Friday, »«hen they were
defeated by the Ix-banon girls 6-32.
Albany College*will give a play
here Tuesday, Feb. 27. the title of
which i» "Brown'« in Town.” Thi«
sounds good, doesn't it?
A l‘arent-1 eacher meeting will be
held next Thursday (tonight). Feb.
A «|>< rial program will be ren­
dered by the grade pupils.
M im 1 Milan a Sutherland has been
abru-nt froir school l>rcau«e <»f an
attack of ap|«»ndicitiB.
A holiday * ill be given on Wash­
ington’s birthday.
A letter from Ki Chra. who is
now at Austin, Minn., says they had
a foot <>f snow >>n the ground and
the thermometer was registering
10 below zero
Hi» also say« the
winter haa been very mild back there
so far. He says he cannot get along
without th»- Tribune and sent along
the simoleum» neceamry to enable
him to read hp* own |>a|>er
Dr. W B Richardson, of Jeffer­
son. was in town Saturday. He
«ays he ha* been at Spokane for the
past year, ami while the city la pros­
perous. the country around about
Score Cards—Get your "600” «core ha» been pretty hard hit for the past
cards at the T wrl 'NK office. 2c four or five year« on account of poor
per card, or 2è cent* percard by crops and «mall prtcaa for wteat tbe
farmer did raise.
W seres. 200 in cultivation, balance
paatur»- and timber; near good town
and school; 2 milea to railway station;
«mall orchard on place, good 7 room
howae; 8 good barns, best quality land;
near mad market for dairy product«
Woulddivide into aeveral «mail farms
Price »50.1)00. Address Tl, Soo Tri­
7H acres, well improved, two seta of
building». <>n main euunty road. 1 mile
to go»* ¡school,. j mile to railroad ata-
tian; 3 buura from Portland market«,
flne river bottom «oil. running stream;
6 acres of berries, full bearing; family
orchard. Price lld.uoo. j cash, balance
long time. Would consider as a part
payment, residence property or subur­
ban acreage, in good town or city in
the Willamette valley, Yakima valler
or (Jiiifornia. Addreaa Gl, Scio Tri­
2K acres, river bottom, finest of gar­
den or berry land; running stream.easy
to irrigate, «lx acres of loganberries,
raaptiemea, strawberries and blackber­
ries. full bearing;^ mile to railroad sta­
tion. good markets. Price S6.U0U, part
cash, lialance lime. Address G2, Scio
60 acres, river bottom, practically all
in cultivation, well improved, two sets
buildings, on mam county road, j mile
to railroad station. I mile to school, 4
miles U> g»»d town; an ideal dairy or
fruit farm.
Price I12.IMJU. one-half
cash, balance long time. Address G3,
Scio Tribune.
We cannot and do not guaran­
tee a sale quickly, but there will
be a sale if you really want to
sell. Give minute description
and the lowest possible price.