Review at Legislature (Continued from peg* 1.) Wshave purcbaasd U2.0U0 pair U. K Armv Munson last «ho««. ■ d to 12. which was th« sn ' r« nurplus «tuck of oms of the .rg«»t U. S. Government shoe r money promptly upon re~ lueel. tu 0&ml!fro appoint'd foU -w Inf CWe I last «asslon of the lsgialaturc The bill contemplate« th appoint- ! awnt of a cor.miaaiou of five m«mber« to pans oa all bonds proposed to be voted In the state, arrang- Mr a sink lag fund to liquldai«- the obligations supervise Che cert I ft«-vitas of evld- neon of ladebtednee« with the «arm«, tho manufacture and sale of which has increased rapidly In Otegon during the past few years 0->trrmla--d off is w»r- made to muster strength enough in the house to rwoonslder the vote by which Sena­ tor Kddy's bill to r- -:« h.- high school course« of study was defeated The bill passed the senate after a prolonged det-ale. was reported out of the house committee ua < •! . >tl« n » .-b a divided report, and after the minority report la favor of tbe bill had be»a subatl- luted tor the majorlt» report against It. tbe bill was voted down by twenty­ eight voles against tw. jtyslx with ala With the tbrem of th- governor** vsto htwiglng ov» i th- bankl-ig rod- unlaaa amended, by giving the gover­ National Bay State Shoe Co. nor the power to appoint the bank .»'• Broadway, New York. N. Y. superintendent, the l>. m- fall- d to ro act to the thro» and t • -> th- bill without a dlaa- ntlng v >t. and without a selltc.ry am-nd . nt The aenato pa»--d the bill by a vote sbasat. of N to 4 Legislatlv« Brovltlsa Senator Brown's sterlllMtlon bill Representative Parkin on b-b.lf of Second st. Portland, Oregon rsasril the hou>- with only two die the house members preent«-«! to Hp-ak- seating vote« Kroney and Kubll were er and Mrs Kubll a beautiful rncrared the oaVy two members to vote again«- We want the farmers to ship sterling sliver service of five piece* It. Differing from the former steriil . us their With only 30 dlee-nung votes, th« aatlon bill. It applies generally rather bouse passed house bill No. 313. In than to lutnst--» of state In.'Itutlon. crosalug tho state las on g»MH>l|llC alone, and baa tor It. purpo.e the star from 2 to 3 cent« a gallon !l. ;hest Oregon Quotations paid, » IltMtlon of any person who may pro The senate by a vote of 3« to T pagate the unfit. f. o. b. Portland pasea-d a bill Introduced by the retn The senat-- try a vote of 2« to 6 mltlre on military altairs authorising panned Rspr*a«Kitatlv« Hurd , bill au an appropriation of ll&Odtt annually I thorlilng an app -prlatlon of VISO.OOo for the maintenance of the battleship for th. flnan lai rsll-if of the city of Oreson In th» Portland harbor Astoria Under a bill passed In the senate In Alb per cent and tier cent Under the proviaton. of the bill -arporated town, and ell lee of th« bond, would tw Issued by the stricken Anderson & Rupert state ar« prohibited from Issuing a oily and the»» purrhwd by th- .tale license to alien, to conduct p »1 balls, Or - gon Building Salem, Oregon at par The SMaritlM • aid draw « dance halls card rooms, «oil drink in M IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE par eent Intrreat aid ■ .>-ut «•atabltshmenta or -nga«- In th« pawn­ I A l I OF OREGON FOR THE year« Alth- t -v vat or la brokers' buslncaa COUNTY OF LINN would pay ik . ti ■ . , dr» Th« senate adopted house concur­ •li year, of tdin Ilf. of the bond«, this In th«- Matter of the rent r«-wolutton No 3. which provides Guardianship • ' Order to Six ihwwWP ««action by tb« would be In- that a rommlaelon be named to confer eluded In tbe deferred principal pay- !b ana Shank ink and .nd I I Cause Cau* with a like ootunilsalon from the stats oienta All of the money to be derived M> vin Shank, minors I of Waablngtoa to Investigate Into ths -in this day come« Harry Shank, from the sal«- of th bond« would be feasibility of building an Interstate pt. < rdmi'a > »¡> urrent <- 1 Vir>K to »«id minor«, to-tati: an un President Upton a b- autlful silver s»rv ration to divided two seventh intereaU urw ovur- resolution author i >>< a . Ice tea s«t Th« | ■ -- ntatioa was . h. in and to the following ba formed to put <»u a world'« fair al made by Senator tiddy nlied real property, to-wit Portland la 1327 - a «■ -i In both «O——" 1 h<- Northwest quarter wad the Waif The roaolu'ton would make half <>f the Northeast quarter and the houe«« O. A. C. Farm Reminder* ' n.>*« und to H| Amwricaa periment station. The program i West. Willamette Meridian. Lian cuun- war vetaraa. and to Oregon soldier« ty. Oregon, and containing in all 3M* gives the time and method for con­ who. anUcipntln« the war. went Into acres. trol of peat« and disease« of apples, Ar . it appearing to this I'amrt from tho army prior to th»-»-- now b< ne flted petition that the incume____ from by th* act. and also op-nlng It to sig paar, peach, prune, cherry, plums vuch property ia insufficient to eupi-ort nal service women, who hereto tore and apricot« Mai minors anil that it a neceeaarv and When going East you may include would be t-eneficial to Mid minors that have lx »« held to have b> «u clvl. laa A special feature of the Bulletin trip to < alifornia at said r« al eitale be sold. employ««, was adopt-d by the e«nat r that longed-for longi the arid and is a -w-etion davoted to It i. then-fore ordered that the next practically no «< Id it ion al coat. A MU lntrodui-1 Ip th- h-oie by of km of such minors and all persona Reprwaentalive Ballev tn pr< vent ail ina e»-mi arid region« east of the (Raa­ You may cbooae one of several de­ i: '.ei> .tcd in said rotate appear before lightful route, each distinctive in itaelf. Thi« bulletin. K m - ti . n -he County Court room in the [ not eligible to cltu nehlp In th- I Ml cade mountains. i urt House in Albany, Oregon, on the ted Stat-a from holding any inlet vet tension bulletin No. 366, mav be ob-, Then, too, you have lilieral stopover '»th day of March, 19B3, al the hour of to real property In Or« ► -on passed the privileges. lained free of cost at the Cleiical I'» o'- iock a. m.', and then and there Four "Shaata Route** train« are at senate without a dl'-'ithik vote 1 tie show cause, if any there be, why a li Kxehanrr. room I. commerce build­ your .ervice overy day. bill Is said to be Identical with I Se c. .hould not be granted to Harry i- • VI • guanhan. for ths Mie of such |«rt your local ticket agent furnish law. already In «tff--«t In Wasblngt tei ing. 0. A. C., Corvallis. real estate detailed information, time table, and and California aud will forbid Ort- a- AFAIIMt t'HANGK 8I*RAY TIME It is further ordered that a copy of booklet», or write tala frocn owning or leasing land Lt The delayni dormant spray is ap- tin - order tis pubhsbed once each we»k Oregon J ohn M ecott . - thr«< «ucceeaive weeks in the Scio plu-d too early for maximum effi­ I -i i- e, a newspaper published and The «berlffS* no rap--miatlon bill, .pon (reiterai passenger Agent, ciency In aphis control, a« indicated cm Inting in said county, beginning sored by 8- nator KI- i>p« 1 wa. killed Portland, Oregon. with tn« issue uf February H, 19ZI. by evidences accumulated during la the eenat- Th-- bill would have A Good Time '■ ■ ■! Ali-anv, Linn Coonty. Oi provided comp-asm lop for .b«rlffa or the last two seasons by the O. A. C. g -i, th s 2d day of February, 1923 to Visit the li M P ats «, County Juio* deputy «hertffs Injur-d In th- perform- Kxpariownt Station. The standard aaoe at th-lr duties or to th«lr de WEST COAST control for apple tree aphid« ha« petitton-» In the event th-ae official, M Ct «1 HUfllf If Rill fcct'Jt --OF MEXICO »been the addition of nicotine at the were killed Wi the performance of their Notn« i. hrreby given that 'gw final rate of three-fourth« of a pint to Low Round Trip count uf Anna M. Foltx. as tdMSnis- durtro tratrik <>f th« eatato of H«maa C. 100 gallona of the regular delayed Raid Highway Soard Is Defeated. Tickets on Salo r ti, ici eaiwd. has been fllad., in the The bouse of representatives for th- I »iormant lime-sulphur application. county court of the state of Oregon for Feb. 14th-March 31st sereod time thia s -aaon hns voted dowi I The ideal time of application for I i«.n county and the Ittb- day ot March. 1023, at the hour of i'i o'clock a toll to provide a paid highway oom maximum aphi» control is apparent­ in the morning of said day, tip tbe court BiSBtoner It defeated a bill Intro room of said court in the court house in ly at the very early pink stage. dc-yed by Representative« H>-ase and Che city of Albany. Oregon, haa beea Where aphis control is a most im­ before the leaf bud» begin tn ooen. »ickneux within 24 or 36 hour, after­ Adams to appoint a highway commis­ fix- <1 as the time and place for the hrog- ward. «hould be killed at once, be­ uig of objections of such Anal aaootmfc sioner to be paid IIO.Ooo per year. portant factor It seems desirable RGU AND CHICK FOINTERM «< ttk-ment thereof, jon ar be­ ta u-e there t« danger of the whole The house also deb-sled a bill to re­ therefore to delay the regular de­ Hatching« of heavier breed« of fore which time any person intnraatw-d quire a fifty fifty apportionm- nt of may .pl-ear and III« objections to sue* layed dormant application aomewhat chicken« «hould t>e »tarted in Febru­ flock becoming infected from a »in­ filial account In writing and control Mto coats of overhead or und -rground rail or elae to apply the pink spray aome ary, and for layers March and April gle caw. same. A»»a M Fours. road croon Ings on state highways be­ Ak anplication, main reaaon. for failure in the poul­ highway commlsn-on and c -unty and mature in time for heavy fall V. I.vis Mi< soesav. Atty, for Adaan Stay ton. Oregon. Mrs Simmon.' bill to require physi­ making it the aphis spray, rather production when price« are rishi. try bu.ineaa lice in not getting egg« First publication Feb. 8. 1923 cal examination of pentone, both m-n than the delayed dormant. | Feed and rarure condition« are not hatched In time for the fall season iut publication Mar H, IRP sad woi a. seeking marriage ì I ««nsc«. •o good for later hatching«, the in- of high production and high market HBKAY MI ST RE EARLY passed th. bcxise Th«- Scio Tribune actually esai The pear and apple leaf blister vigoratine influence of the hot prices. The bill ba. b-«n amend«-<1 by tack- you only 3} cento a week, delhrwe d tng ea the Since heavy Breed, of chickens aduni itou** to refer mite is best controlled with the dor­ weather «eaa>>n ia mia^ and full to you by mail. Where else eg n R to the people at the text general mant application ot lime-sulphur. benefit of the higher fall prices is are slower in maturing than the electton Also the provision pre veal- you so profitably invent 31.74 light breed«, they «hould be hatched Indifferent fasulta in control are due i loat. a Ing marrUto- Of p«-rsou« whose n>«-i year? Subtcribe today, you w| II Any rltieka afflicted with diarrhoea earlier in order to arrive at produc­ principally to careless application. tAllty 1« not ewrr that of IS years bad City Daily’s Eggs and Cream Possibly Didn’t Know never regret it. To be effeetiv« it must ba put on hatetoad, or which develop the tion at the aame time. Z J