■ > * I •r • t -•.Mr * r,V • A-.e • 1 1 • • / f V a •* •• ’. . « — M.. I -»• •» - I »? . JP» ♦ V ’ X «a *V • r* ♦ 1* - » r - *4 t * LsSblSrltoJt 3 - -J * S. G. BROWNE, M. D. and therefore her grandson, and that rneit ms grandfather of my •tep-br<>lh«r. Then mv wife hed a aoo. ao my mother in-law. the step­ sister of my son. is also his grand­ mother, iieeat.se he is her stepson's si n I » child. Mv father-in-law is the &.4B brother of my child because hie step sister is his wife, I am the brother of my own eon who ia also 'be son of my step-grandmother; I am my mother's brother-in-law; my wife ia her own chi Id'a aunt, my eon is my father's r. phew: and I am mv own g ran' I fat hr r." Do yon blame him for going crazy.- Exchange. Nope, wc don't blame him a bit. THE SCIO TRIBUNE Physician and Surgeon Rr*.«teiK-r Ofhr« at Both Good I coking and eye a k- or» ih« glass«« we sup­ ply, tnzt's why p. o|>le »«■«• so well with our well while wear- EDITORIAL ETIQUETTE i * ^eade T hursday , Feb 22. IV2.1 Evil thoughts, like green apples, upset the whole system. You should read every advertise­ The man Aho lives up to his con­ ment In the Tribune, as they carry tract coih -t« interest on hia invest­ real live news to every reader. Our a . zr a /V r ueiro ment as long as he lives. advertisers are worthy of patronage, HAROLD ALRRO. This country i* never too poor to and thev will appreciate it if you Manufacturing Optician buy m»re autornobilM than it did tell them you Mw their ad in (hr the year before. Tribune. Wlien You Need Glasses Remember .'. th the 5A enta for exam- i inr♦ • ; I! ■ . . . • ’ ini! K 4Sbea. ! Satisfaction GuarsntosS Pries» 'wry Raasonakle S. T. FRENCH Gra udU With F.M. i r ‘rich & Sons : Jewelers and Opticians ALBANY. ■ OREGON nsssseess«ossssesessseaee j r) à / rum imitiij T kw A great » . rj- -• for the home knitters of Or- . t n fact Further­ more th"- - o- i, «l-aolutely virgin wool yarn, li » • -I *«« grown in lami count) « . r» to the i »re- gon W. r«t>-i i any imilla located at Sellwood). made t- worsted yarn by Roy T i i- >> of C. I‘. Itiahop. prspriviur it M. :->n knittera try this yam out. All per ball of 2 osa Fami dr i -- nt ■ a . I ration. Address C. P. I>i»h< i ' •'&. baiem. Oregon, Wright 6c Poole MORTICIANS Un dry lai WR A. T. Powell spent a few days in Salem last week attending the legis­ lative assembly. He says several asked him what the prayer was that hie father at one time delivered lie- fore the senate, and he repeated the prayer- "Lord forgive these legislators for they kn>>w not what they do." The present legislature proves the utter useleacncs« of granting a long­ er aeasion nothing of real impor- anrr has vet been done, and a 60- day period would I* worse. The Be chi-erf ul at breakfast rest of the day will take care of il- aelf. Blow your own h«»rn. but for g-xdn««- -ake change the kev once tn awhile Eternally blowing on Women are entering the b - >tleg­ the key of "I” liecumes monotonous. ging business on such a scale that Lota of fell -»« save up something the U. S. Government ie puzzled on f>>r a rainy day and then give it to how it is going to care for the fair a bootlegger for a wet night. aex. The federal penitentiaries are Get up front, it ia the rear car now overcrowded with women wh<> which gets bumped, have i>een lured into the bootleg­ Dr. Prill, who recently installed a i ging game, according to the ('. & radio, »ays "win«-, women and a«>ng" Attorney General. will have to lie changed now to read "gtngeraie. woman and radio." According to a recent decision of The pi «tofficr department aaysthe U m United State« supreme court, a average man gets 113 letters a year, full bl»«*! hindu cannot liecome a but. in the opinion of an exchange, naturalised citizen of the United this is a ni stake if he pay a hia bills States, because he is not of white The man who has something to blood. The question came up thru sell and doesn't advertise, is like the Oregon having granted citizenship man winking al a pretty girl in the i»apert to Bhagar Singh Thind. who dark. served aix months with the Oregon troop« the war with in Germany and MR MERCHANT was honorably discharged. You need the Newspaper. The new«{iaper of today is the most powerful medium of advertis­ I ady U»i»Unl always, Best of Equipment and Pricra ouaran- Try this. Take a list of member­ ing on < arth. In the old day« the tevd Right for Everybody. ship. by states, of the labor unions merchant may have thought he was P homs IS of America. Then compare th«- a benefactor and that hr was con­ LEBANON OREGON wage« of different trades in the tributing hisbit "as a public-spirited well organized states with those citizen” whm h«- carried a two-inch lining paid where the unions are «pace in th«- village newspaper every weakest you’ll find that with every week in the year and gen- DR A. G. PRILL scarcely an exception wages are eiallv without change of copy. highest where organization is I'oezibly be was. Pliv.ii ar.i SuneoB strongest. But that ia changed now A new Calls Attended Then try this. Take a list of order has arrived. People read ad­ bay or Night membership, by sections, in wheat vertisement« Many find their growers' associations. Then com­ grrat«*«t interest in looking over the pare price being paid for different1 advert*- ng pages to get news that varieties in those sections with will mv «- them money and take it prices in unorganized communities from John l> Rockefeller, the way DR. I ICQ 4ou'll find, with scarcely an «-xcep- to save your dollars i« first to save risT tion, that the organized communiny I your pennies. other- Hours: quotations are from five the fif­ Advertisements today are right 9 tn 12 AM I to 6 P. M teen cents a bushel higher. up to the minute They are a« fresh Doesn't it prove something’ The a* the news of the world or the Producer. latest bast-ball «core. Live mer­ chants cater to live people and they know they must not alone be up to WHY HE WENT CRAZY. BTAYTvN. - - - OREGON the minute, but tuey must be some Calls ans* ■ red bay or Night They muet antici A gentleman was one day visiting distance ahead Tubereuhn testing a lunatic asylum, and walking thru pate the wants of their customer«. And they do. Turn tn the ad ver- the grounds he met a patient to B« My good man. tiaementa in this paper right now. whom he said: • 9 how did you get here. He an- Just read what the merchants are swered as follows: "Well, sir. you offering. Notice the invitations for see. I married a widow with a grown you to do business with them. N'o- dzughter. then my father married tiee h«>w attractively the advertiae- I that same stepdaughter, and that menta are «et up and how inviting made my wife the mother-in-law of they arc. her father-in-law. and my father lie- Do you know that tome firms Then my step- think so much of a style of type came my stepson. mother, the daughter of mv wife. that they buy serie« of it just for had a son and that boy. of course. their advertisements? my brother, because he was Busin«*«« men that ia the eueeeea- father's son. but he was also ful onea know advertising pays big F ob S alk - -Old pai*ra. 10c per of my wife's stepdaughter 1 returns Utmurcissful men don't buodle at the Tribune office. Best of Service, both i'rofraaiunally «nd in Funeral Conducting. HERE'S SOME MORE PROOF G. F. Korinek Veterinarian ¿»’M*« Great Woolen Blanket Selling! The Greatest Blanket Selling Event in the history of the Willamette valley stores has been in progress at our store since Nov. 1. 4 EXPLANATION. it We own the mills, we buy the wool direct from the wool grower. We manufacture it into blankets and sell direct to you. the consumer. No middleman or commission man stands between you and the grower. In buying our line you buy direct from manufacturer. We do not sell any eastern blankets of any kind or qual­ ity. but m H our own make only. We employ, special blanket salesmen that can talk and present them to our trade intelli­ gently. We shall sell them at as near the manufacturer’s price as it is possible to handia then. Salem Woolen Mills Store C. P. Bishop, Prop. t Spring Sprays Now is the time to plan your pruning an«! spraying. For your sprays we are prepared to serve you with the beet on the market. < i Lime and Sulphur Arsenate of Lead Bordeaux Mixture i i All are priced right. i » J. F. WESELY, Grocer < ► i * i ► (larden Seed Now in Stock. advertise because they are unsuc­ cessful. That's the answer. Look over vour town right now and pick out the big Arms Thev’re the ad­ vertisers. Advertising is the tonic that puts dividends in the banka Everybody reads advertisements today. Mr. Merchant, is your ad­ vertisement in this newspaper? Motherhood Receipts Mary Carr has the following '‘tried recipes" for successful moth­ i » fsngled freedom. t 2— Take a careful stock of your materials, ikin't try to make a lemon pie of potato««, or a minister of « boy who wants to lie a police­ man. 3— Make your children always proud of you. 4 —Try tn eomprenend new view­ points; don't have your children say. "Don't tell mother, she wouldn't understand". The "easiest way" mother spoils her children in babyhood, then won­ ders why they are ao wilful in later years. erhood. She ought to know for she is the real mother to a brood of six and is recognized as the ideal screen mother. Erle Phillip« has purchased a new 1- Mix a little old fashioned watch Ford truck, which will shortly be fulness with an allowance of new- delivered to him by Fred Bilyeu. Poultry Prices this Week Hens, 4 pounds and over .. Hens, under 4 I pounds ____ Young RcxM-ters Roosters .................. Stags Stags ........................................ Old Roosters ....................... Capons. 6 pounds and over Capons, under 6 pounds 1»C ...l»c 14c 18c I Me 12c ... . 7c ...25c 25c 3k: ..3k ..12c ..12c 12c 23c Geese ............................................. Geese Ducks Turkeys, alive ........... ........ LARGE & HACKLEMAN Poultry Feeding Station OM Butcher Shop Stand Scio, Oregon *.