The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 01, 1923, Image 1

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11.76 I HE YEAR
lliTR>l>AY. FEBRUARY I, 1923
Odd Fellow» Initiate
The high achool pupils weie all
very sorry to lone their achool mate
and friend.
Peggy Copenhaver.
M ■*» Copenhaver ha* moved to Ca»-
tl* Rock, Wash.
The boy a and girl» basketball
team» played Mill City Friday eve-
ning. The Mill City team» won both
Don’t forget the boy’» basketball
game here Wed., the Slat. Scio v*
.Mute boy».
The entire school waa honored by
a visit from Mr». Edna Geer. County
School Supet intendant. Wednesday
Ddlarea Sutherland. Editor of
the Sphini. and Miss Humphrey will
Card From Dugger
High School Notes
leave for Eugene Thursday evening,
where they will attend the pre*»
conference, held under the auspice*
of the University of Oregon School
of Journalism.
The third dande to be given bv
the student body in the new gymna-
hii n it advertised for Friday. Feb. 2.
-iJ. -* winning the basketball
game, the center of the Mill City
high school team also won one of
th Scio girl». Someone should use
di-ereti<M>, because according to the
old theory, blondesand brunettes do
not match very well. We wonder
why Buena has adopted the by word,
"Oh! Shaw?”
In the school meeting last Wed-
nt lay the need of education for a
few of the voters was evident. We
are t<<rrv they did not have a chance
to gain more knowledge but hope
they will remedy the cause and see
that every bov and girl in Scio re­
ceive» the liest of education in the
About 7.» m< isim-r« >7 * G* I O O,
■F. lodge. of ,\- mv. L-. .
.- i\.
The Tribune is in receipt of the
following card from T. L Dugger,
ton ami Jeff*-r n. vi» !••>! th>-
former editor of this paper, which
lodge Saturoav night W ork in thv With Half of Session Gone Only •ays:
Los Angeles. Cal . Jan 21. 1923
fir»t degré*- w - put ,n 1>> Allai y
Six Unimportant Measures
Friend Mac
lodge and in ih«- w< ni degrrv ï.y
Have Passed Both * Houses.
Kindly change our address from
la-ban on lodge, thr«— candidat* » be-
503 Western Avenue. S.. lo «02
ing initiated
Ralem—■ Wh n th* lr»1«Uti>re »•■ New Hampshire St.. 8.
I gu«n*
After th<> r ■ ■ ting a l>an<j>i«t wa»
»«mbled Monday for the fourth week you nearly hod Thoms» creek in the
aerved bv the m*-tnl*er* <*f Rei *-ka
of Ike aeaaloa there waa very little
office again from reports. We had
lodge and th-- r-wimg cp vil w>th
to Its credit In 1h■■ way .-t bill* pa***d
speech«** by R. prem-ntativ*-Gain ami vol «eat up lo the governor Only »1» warm, balmy sunshine while you
Looks like ram now.
othera. Dr Pri . m-iing a-* t'i-tnav unimportant blit* had pa»<-d both had storm
Most of the failure to ac- but have had o*> rain in January up
ter. Ali rep ut a g< -i urne
•ppll»b result* during the first three
My health
health has ! been
until now. tf;
Community Club To Meet
The next mo-ting *»f the Fork* •>'
the Snnti.t'i (
■ mn i > u w-' U
held nt Cra it - oi. next M .n ij
night. Tli-
ui.i want* it d. ■ t l
understood (ha ev«-rv I. > lv is invitc-l
to the meet
d tn> -ulj . I-- :
interest to th*- • . en i of tinroi
munlty will t«- d
¡--- 1. and every­
body given tn -utp >rtunity t<> ex-
press thert ■ upon any sul jeer
of interest t*- i-- -'"tiwnuntty
tnen.ber t'rii»t-<e. Motufa' night,
Feb. 5. and nyer , i> >d> invit etl
Mt. Pleasant
--- ♦
Jan. 30
Elmet Ray a I fannly *i • nt Sun­
dag nfturaoon at the Roxie Shank
A nu mber of the young folk»
gather** I at th* I n Minien placo
Sunday ev.-m ;
I n«- evening *«<
»pent in playing cardii. and all report
a splrt.d id time
Henry S* > - va le a burine»* trip
St»- i < *n Tuc
Word haa i»een received in thia
w i- given a'
city by friend» announcing the mar-
place Sat­
riage of Miss Alice Prill, a former
domestic science teacher in the high
achool, that ahe waa married on Fri­
All th <
day. Dec. 26, at Pima. Armona, to was »»t v. I at n
James Homer Shrewabury. Mr» prese nt report a g<- <i. lit .
Harley Darnv
* • •<» 'tn<-d to h
Shrewsberry ia a cousin of Dr. A.
of ehi< k«-n p x.
G. Prill. Scio friend» »end come at-
i» on th*- ick
hat with a - nd «• 1.
Riley Shelton mys the boy» and
I rs it Ray and Z albert Eiierhuidl
cirla ar»- not taking hold of the
•pe at Sunday at
the lien Darby
dairy c. w and calf club liae he would hoi gie
hope, but aa » now ia th« time. It
' 3uy Gle« n *• as »• <-n going to Scio
emta nothing to enter, and all boy»
af tar a load of f* ■ d Egida*.
and girl» now have a chance to get
Mi mh - Anna
p . L><**a Hochh« -
into bu«>neM for themaelvea. See
t-»r atxi R--■* ( - •
»•» n - r* I Io
him and learn more about the club.
B fill City >
i ■
Subscribe to the Tribune.
» rith their m-
. n
d>. it. r
i «nd Mars H
1 oilet
1 Oc bar
See our wmdow
Kelly’« Drug Store
The Bcxall Sfare
Mi»* Doris Mr<**-r. who teachen
aeho.d near Gi Ik*
* *ii S jnd«y at
the W. V.
Ilufirv »nd Alex Mint
* went to
Scioafttra load ; *, iy Frt.l»>.
For MVural dava the train se r-ice
through Lx .iu>.
li.*,. .,*-* .* *1. *- n-
tinned, bu* b*-gi>.n mg fu. ■: tv the
bridge at Levar- o has (torn » uffi-
cientiy repatre*! to
iow trains | sw­
ing over. Th-- tn on pier of the
ibridge wa» dama ged by the re­
i cent flood.
trains have be en
'Coming from Alber
over the Mu n-
ker» line to She It*** .
: into West Scio an I
Hon. S. H. Cetn
mental in gettine
through the leg-»»
providing for e-*oi
tuberculin in dai re
bill, and one that
advantage to the A
haa l>ern inatru •
one of hia hill •
iature. that o«’
Albany is rej .icwg
duced it» bonded k
over SlOO.Outi. an. g
that it haa re-
bt to a little
.ys it is io go«-*!
ity testing for
cow». A good
will be of great
airy men of Linn
»<■•» I* attribute*! to failure of the
cot;. ulttee» to report out bill* referred
to them for attention
V. ith oto-half of the *««*lon gon»
Without any
- n of n-ajqr
loportaao». both hi u. a uniat turn la
I do some real work tht* week If
tb-y wiah (o k«.p the leglalativa
■<. h>-. Is from being cl< used late ip the
*ee«!un. houbt!*»* 1»>th house« will
qua cutting out Saturday's hereafter,
a I In the future work Haturday mora­
lnit» and hold a short afternoon •«•-
n. Instead of »uapondlng actlvltle»
Friday aftevnoou.
At the dose of ths third week of
the »eralon the h
« had a total of
l»1 blils before II a 1 th" -n.ite 104.
a grand total far lea* than any »ea-
si- a tn recent years
Not many of th" bill« before either
i*e are of much < ntrov«ratal mo
meat, and aught not to require much
time tor their dt»p-.-*iti >n once they
g..t out of commit tex aud up for final
Insurance Bills Mlsamg.
Roma big p."- - >f l*. » atli>n much
4 of t>*>fora lh<
n have nut
u de their app- -> ‘.....
the measure* bear
on the industrial
ai hl.-nt * .b.n, «upect to come
ft m both sides <>t t * fen>-». have not
b.. n put In. Ou« of th. *e bills from
the labor aide wo i I lx» to propoea
a co i«tltutlonal am* ndment to make
>li. act eotnpui *r
and the other
from the employer«' *lde would open
the act further to stock Insurance
<-* opanlee and s«.f n-un»noe
m■■.i«ur«s coverin« I th of these have
b«-<n prepared, and have been al the
capltoi for some little llm*. appear
am «a indicate that neither may ma
Practically all of th« general ap
prution bills have yet to ■ >iue IB. only
one d«f1ci«ncy bill having bean put
through to save int'-reat ehargas, and
one of the meaaur*» to provide par
tlally for legislative rvprusee.
The Hall consolidation bill will taka
its place upon the cals far of the
a.-n.te for final p. -
this week.
R. nator John
- bill was
• !■ -ached by the committee In favor
of the Hall measure, abandoned his
plan of attempting t>. substitute his
bill for that of Senator Hull The Hail
hl!l received the In
«nt of Oor
cr or Pierce In a *p—<• h tn Portland
last week
« nterbo k >tg ’
looking to
the ■
- i .lat >i
I «1 ruination of
state department», boards and commie
one. were latroduced by donator
Consider Incom* Tas Bills.
Actual considerate » of the three In
r. ru* tax bills Introduced In the legie
«tore began Monday niaht when the
Joint committee on assessment and
taxation began a r< riss of session»
with member* of th* *t»i>- tax invontl
(Continued on png* 3.)
People’s Theatre
Presenta JACKIE COO­
GAN in
Bad Boy
And a 2-reel
Tooserville Comedy
February 3 and 4
g>Mxi ail winter, excepting a cold in
December. Give regard» to all the
iwooie in the Scio country, and suc-
c « m to The Tribune.
Yours truly,
T. L. Dugger.
Silk Bargains
We bave Ave beautiful ailk pat-
terna, regularly priced at Bl 90 thè
Fard, lo eloee oul qutck. our prie*
oew »3*. Alao twu natterna of
Fogline to go at 50* per yard.
The People’s Slorv, Scio
‘------------------------------------------------------ -
Jan. 30
The snow storm Saturday night
was quite a oarpriae Sunday morn­
ing to find twu Inches of snow after
a month of uauaual warm winter
Our called pho»M* meeting Thurs­
day night proved a auccem as all
united in setting »uu>*- new poles
and putting our lute in first class
order at once.
The intelligence received from
t'larenoe Lovejoy, of Dalias, is that
his wife, Mr». Jeonie Lovejoy, js
ouite Mokvwith a fever and M undwr
the care of a doctor and nurve, but
it waa thought with dbreful nursing
she would aeon be oat of danger.
A» the Ru is passing around it
called in en Jantes Milligan and also
Uncle Tom Smail the past week us­
ing them qoite rough for an intro­
Mr. Theodore Gaine« came down
Jan. 30
Mi»» Hasel St. Clair, of Eugene.
*• «Pending a week at the Water
Morris home.
Hr and Mrs. Bert Edmund »on,<>f
Troutdale, and V. Prokop were din-
ner guests at Prokop Brothers Sun-
Mrs. Edmundson is a slater to
the boys.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Whe stone
and Lloyd, and Mi»» Nora Holt, of
Albany, visited at I M Holts and
Erol Sommer's homes Sunday
Claude Rex and Venus Hollv. of
Albany, were married Jan. 20 at
the Eyangelu-al patsonage
returned Monday from Portland.
Mrs. Rex is a sister to Mrs Will
Mesjielt. She ia a talented pianist
and violinist. Mr. Rex needs no in­
The »incere well wishes
of the entire community go with
thia young couple. They are at
h<>me in Albany, where Mr Rex has
a good position in the car shop«,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones and
Harry, of Slayton, were dinner
guests at J G. Holts Sunday.
A son wa> born Saturday Jan. 27
to Mr and Mrs. S. P. Crenshaw,
Thia is the sixth son born to the
family, and three daughters alao
grace the home.
Orville Gilkey drove to Salem
Monday, taking Marian down to
have her eyes fitted with glaaaes.
Arthur Kelly, of Lebanon, is as­
sisting with the new house being
erected by Fr«-d Mespelt.
Alvin Gilkey returned Monday
from Forest Grove.
Rev. Emil Heleeth. of Eugene,
preached at the schoolhouse Sunday
Velma Gearheart. Helen
Elkins. Wanda Bilyeu and Ix-e Pow­
ell attended from Crabtree.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gilkey and
W’. A. Gilkey attended the speak­
ing bv Rev. Allison In S< io Tuesday
A target shoot waa held at the
Prokop place Sifnday.
Nee, Cora Jeffery, haa written
hor name sake. Mrs. Cora Smith
that she it now Mis Jones and lives
al Troy. Montana. Her husltand is
■ b’ackamith. and ts a brother to
the postmaster of Portland.Oregon.
Saturday from Kingston where he
has been the paat week with his
Now ia a good time to purchaae
daughter. Mr«. Hilda Scheman. work­ fertilhiera needed fur Spring
ing in their mill. The timber bus- ta.Iona are low, due to large receipt»,
inee» waa too much for his j»mme<l and report» indicate a rise in price»
uo hip.
a« stock* are reduced
Best results
Mr». Nina Myer» was called to are obtained by applying fertilisers
the bedside of her father-in-law at early in the apring while there ia
McMinnville the past week. She is moisture to carry them in aolutiuo
Tom Smail’s daughter.
and to the plant». There waa a
Our Sunday School and Chrietian shortage of land plaature laat apring.
service» were well attended and wa» Fooled order» through the county
real interesting. Preaching by Rev. agent and farm bureau reaulted
in material aaving io Benton county.
Our young folk» and »everal of —O. A. C. Exp. station.
the older one» gathers at neighbor’s
house» quite often for a social game
of cards where the delight in play­
ing Highlo Jack and the Game.
Geo. Griffin and Ed Kalina sent
to Montgomery Ward for a supply
of blacksmith tool» ao they can save
paying such exhorbitant price» for
a little job.
The Telephone Co. 16-12 and 9,
all went out Tuesday morning to
put up new poles and tighten UD
the wire, eo we will be assured of
Dr. Scofield, the chiropractor, says
he waa aorrv he had to give up hi«
regular viaita to Scio, aa he had
learned to like the people here fine,
but that a growing business in the
office and other piacea visited, made
the change neceaaary. He says he
will tie glad to meet hie friend» at
the Salem office.
K E Mentor, a former resident
of Scio, and well known to moot of
our citiirna, has lieen named deputy
warden of the penitentiary under
better services.
Warden Smith. A worthy recog­
Mr« Rebecca Morris, of Scio, i«
nition of a good man for the place.
billed to reach the Sentiam Hospital
H* will make good, we predict.
Tuesday for a week's viait with tier
W, J. McCaffrey. of Portland
«•ter, Mrs. S. W. Gaines
here over Sunday on bueineaa
Our cold woatber to greatly fesred
James Oupor. Mr. McCaffre*
on account of the floe grain, as we
the paint department of
never bad better prospects
the Montgomery Ward Co.
A. U