PEUPLES COLI'MN *«fl*|i»4e« *|5*»|»*eUmj*a •»’ P»Aef*e i»e..|ei |«||»*4* ••* <-<|i .y»»«.«»» m». (Editor's Note We are glad to give apace tv the people of our C -n munity on topic* of the day, but ask them not to become per*, nal or abusive. Each contributor must sign name, not for publication, but for our protection ) •• «sy Tlaaa* *• *•**! «•’1»“ sa *ty»y«g a»yi •• «MU* V*ifi •»• Ssfyi ■l»w,*e*f *>ee||* • Ifieefi »»es ■*•♦•* pusdl sq» *f || pews^e Spi e se t*f|«ep yifa •»•f* • *|a»«a |Sie44» ••»•«•■»y *» ••••if • *1 I» «•’UM» "•»Il s»»|»y |*eMef»»»|a| •y e» *4sa|» Massa|>as Sa)||a. -••»., »y» '**,>g* i.em y» se» -sseiy »y» «t **fs»|S» y es» ■», |i »»Heu. 4 am s pus pu» i.wu j» S siism » ayi ue«|| laiiMpu |» 4aa *»|»** “• »»«f IJ I"«»«» yu,yi •» de»* »4 »»y« uw mms » S »1 4»ru»|*> -4M. 1. ■I uld never try tv defile the »ane- ' ec. 21. c*lm and serene this morning as we where you mention my name in con­ MVQN31V3 3HJL - >rne bnfore you to talk about nection with the Price controversy iaojM j> “Ki ><*ker.” "KMXkn" what a From the manner aa that piece has been put up, I can aee that it is not word, unfortunately we have no Let the Tribune do your printing text in Holy writ, to quote you and the product of vour pea, for as an must use the word as we find it in experienced editor you «urely u >uld Netici of hill StllltMil have understood th«- argument and common parlance. In the dictionary Notice la hereby given that the under­ it :» defined aa “one who knocks" truthfully signed, as administrator of the estate would have reported of Henry Ixffier. deceased, ha* filed in The writer, however, shows that he ‘ A hinged met al striker fastened to| the county court of Linn county, Ore­ the door.” “One who with confi- i gon. hi* final account as auch adminis­ did not understand the argument, < nee knocks advancement and pro- trator and the said court has filed but he should never have tried t Monday, the 29th of day of January, 1’1 had it» knockers, since history Any ami all |>er»on* having objections Now all th«* argumente which I to said final account are hereby notified begun. to be present at said time in the county have advanced in the Albany Dem­ All great undertaking*, all great court room in the Linn county court house, in the city of Albany Linn ocrat were directed only »gainst the a I vancement in the Arts Sciences. county, Oregon, and then and there perverted method of desception, I location and Literature, have had make such objection*. which was displayed, and mv argu­ J ohn F. Lgrruta. ah kers, l'< rhap* the race* of Administrator of said Estate. ments never were diiected agmmtt earth would not have advanced j Hut. & M aiiks . religion, or any particular church, Attorney* for Administrator. a to ut them, because opposition First publication <>ec. 28, 1922. or any stand of Price m reiigi- «•• .«•times begets energy to go a I.*s«t publication Jan 25. 1923. matter. Hut 1 say. if any church ’ ■ < I or perchance our advancement or any preacher attempts to d«,criv- niL’ht have been much greater if we the common people, they should r> bad not had them. member that such desorption will the I You remember brethern surely revenge its»-If. and will d'­ day. knockers in Dr. Harvey’a STAYTON, - - • OREGON more harm to their church and to (. alia answered l>ay or Night among the supported learned Phys- religion in general than anythin/ Tuberculin Testing , Lins, you remember the knnckenr else You need only to read my of ( >lumbus among the navigators editorials as they ain>earef hi« day. remember the conflab Albany Itemocrat's editions of De«* •ver the adoption of the Constitu- Real Estate Broker 9, Dec. 18, and Dee. 22. and you lion of the United States, when the and Notara Public will see at once that by my »cien- kn cker» said they will never sign Jlbitratls Obtained. Examined title explainatiom I gave on the »ob­ it. On and on we might go telling 800 - - - OREGON ject I have rendensl a great < rvlc« you of things that have L>een done to religion as well is the community. in the midst of a multitude of Many people of eisaaervativc judf knockers and we wonder some times ment. and even many preacher* from WE DO DYING if the knocker is not the great urge the stale, have written me apprai t hut causes the onward march of ; HUB Ct-EANING WORKS. INC ing the good work I have done, and pr «gross Hie smooth placid waters Mui« Dyer* and (. leaner* beside* «eve ral arguments in oth< 1 ; tcquire no rugged steel ship, toplow >15 Lyou M, Albany. Oregon papers have been advanced by ila billows, eu when opposition arises WE DO PLEATING era) other I earned nndairm-re |> >p>«- ■ gr< .iter must be the effort to over-, of the »am e opinion as 1 am. De­ Ixx-al Agent. Mm, Nell Molli» , me. Now brethern I believe; ceiver s of course just hate publicity . there is such a thing as going to the knowing that such puidicity wi extreme aa a “knocker" and I believe j W, A. Ewing, T. J. Munksrs, bring about th«- truth sooner or there is such a thing a* going to the President Vice Pres. later, b ut will bring it out very extreme as a Pro®restive. If we E. 0. Myers, Cashier effectively. What your writer how can stand together on a happy me­ ever m intions about Iwing arre-t.-1, dium. we shall d<> well. I remember you can read my editorial* for a •n« incident in "Holy writ." when Doe* a (¡«neral Banking whole day. and you never will find ¡•«•rating together by all the! Business. Interest paid that exprajaiuon at all in any of them t -ople, built a magnificent temple on time deposits. Whi’ther this was intended for ■ r towers. Of course the towers slander by your correspondent 1 fell because it hail no specific use- do not konvr. however I do kn-iw fullness, but it show* what working that he produces something by stat­ I /ether can do for things of worth. J > ing that, what we usually caa a li . lhe happiest man that can be . t • •' ♦« t ’* .“T ? .4 Bt/p e AS • ••»‘1 *,a. L. rs : A-- fît *•* »• a»» The Furniture Man R. M. CAIN Bring | OUT jOD Printing to Tribune The Furniture Man DR. J W. GOIN, Veterinarian. Authorised Auction Sale and Interstate Inspector. Phones:—Palace Feed *hed, IM J Residence. fiM> It ALBANY. OREGON G. F. Korinek Veterinarian Riley Shelton Bring Y our Battery to BatteryHeadquarters No matter what make of Lattery y "U hate on your car, bring it regularly to Battery ! leadiiuartcrs, where wr operate according to the Willard Standard 01 Sen ice. We have the necessary equipment and the know ledge, and an pu p.ireil to see that you get the moat out of your battery n<> matter what the make. Ford Special Willard Battery •»••♦••••••••••••••••«•» THE SCIO STATE BANE Wr wish you a Happy and Proapcroue New Year. Bartu Motor Co ilari * Shelton & Co. Props 8(10, OREGON C. C. BRYANT Attorney at Law Cusick Hank >Udg. OREGON ALBANY Scio Meat Market Fresh and Cured Meat — Bacon— Lard - Sausage We Buy Your Hogs Holeehek Bro«., Scio. Or*. Prop«. Further I wish to mention that I believe th. at we all have equal rights, that we have also the right |of expresra« g our honest opinion in (public matt« -rs which affect the com­ munity. W » have tn be chant . de. too. Charvt y is the most nec< » sry 'virtue, of a mrse But if any one tries to poiai -n th«* wells or tries to burn the t*«♦ charity will demaml that we ao«M» d the alarm. In fight- ing decepttaa 1 am not al«>ne in the arena. Then ■ are many n>>bleminded men on ray e •rie. Reae mirade men indeed have ariaen «during the past centur- 1 ies. they has e fallen, and many of them end's! In the prisoa Cell, where they really d o belong in all ytiaritv. I Men who pr rform cures by sugges- t»o»». or hva not ism may have their io d own-town corner*, but found. |< Is he who builds, but never tears down. Now mv good friends I thank y ou for your presence here thia mor­ ning,we hope you have been amused if not lenefited by our little preach­ ments to you through the Tribune. I don't like this word “ k . nuckkr ” and if it has an application to any !« t us change it to "BUILDER,” It » •uni» so much better, it carries with it the idea of usefulneaa. If things nee«l improvement let us help. If mistakes have been made, let u* help remedy them, and and all pull for the highest and beat. Amen. Our next wdl lie "Builder” Keep Tight H«M on Temper. The man wbn loses bl* temper ta la the p.-sftloo nt admitting to all who Mines* hl* exhibitions that he la net master of hlmeelf. A Io»» of temper r»n» loss of «elf cntrol. No maa cun enjoy the luxury of losing hla tam­ per regularly and enjoy long Ufa Neither ran such a man win the lor- Ing loyalty of hla aa^xialaa.—'Tam frreiar la Feches The Cow in Agriculture of Every Country Wher* ths cow has taken h> r rightful place, »nd man has done hi* part, we find the highest type of farming wr find farmers living on their own farms, raising crops in rotation, which is the way the lord intend ed no to farm. We find on the farm*, him« with mow« tmd Inn* »nd silos - regular factorieo working the year round. ». tting th«- v-ry moat from the farm’s crops and furnishing an Incom«- every wwk of th«- year. Ws find boms* with conveniences. We find intelligent, thrifty, «iebt-free people with minds and hands alert frase steady employment We find • good eltisonship, a good agriculture. Oregon Milk Company Condenaery, Scio, Oregon The Scio Tribune $1.75 the year ” < -