•4 o. -•f. L*j¿ Ideas WO Murk* were u«-«iiug. il< • a youug stork—«ad oarru - Kduded Before bo mar­ ried be bad '-»maurted mainly with atrlpiii gs of hla uwn kind and bad given O" th" .til tu tbe laiUew, «libar mal'l or mairuu After h<- >.".irrfed hla atteutlou was conc- utiu—»tlncta and pr-< »•••»■• of motín i - l.-> v rrn-rrti- <-. Iat<-n«e admiral: . hla h»-wrt for Her of tbe M- ll n> N'« -i Ib-r of the Gleam lug TrvMKire of .smooth Egg». Her of Um I'»' • I' ■•»Hug Breast, the Warming WTngg» tbe downy wide- mouth r«i ■c- tlvity It II-'- "Ir I- 1 »If. -lev 'Illy be perf^rtm-l ir» n- of the bro-dlng When while «lie hunt- d M her turu be wa» a wing be thought continually of Her a» •■tie with the Brood—Hla Bromi When he »«» on the neat he thought all the more of Iler, who aat j there «o Ituig, ao loilugl,. tu auch uto!» ' anda Tbe happy »taya fl»w by. fair Hprtng —aw set Hutatncr gantie Autumn. Tbe ' yuung •»>> ,r> •* larger and larger; It era* more and m»re work to kr»rp their I nUtry Qraham Bonner T •I longthetilng widening beak« »hut lu cuutetitm'-nl Both parents flew far afield to feed them. Thou the da»« grew ahorter. tbe «by grayer tin- »Ind •older; there was large hunting and amali «tic.««»« la bla dt*anu> lie l« «uu to are «unahlne. broad, bun Ing »uiishlne day after day; aklee of llmltfc*» blue ; dark. yet full of fir«; ntid stretch«« of bright water, aliallew. warm, fringed with tall re*d* and ruahua. teeming with fat frog« They were In her dreams, too but be did nut know that. He atrvlchm! hla wings and flew farther evety day; but hl« wings were But aattofi*-d. In hla dream« came a •eli»e of vast heights and boundlsaa gpacea of th«- earth «treat»11>( away beneath him . black water and white land, gni) waler and brown land, blue water nml grtwn land, all flowing back­ ward from day to day, while the cold le«w»uu~l and the warmth grew. He felt the empty «i>a riti Ing nlgtita Mars far atiuve, quivering, burning; Mara far below, quivering more In tbe dark water amt felt hla great wings, aride. Mrtxig, all aufll' lent, carrying him on and on. Thto »■» In her dn-atns. too, but he did not kn<>w- that Tt to timo t* g«f' hr cried «u»e day. “They are coming! It to upon ua! Tee I must go' Good by. my wife! Quod bv ii ■ children t" For the Pas- •ion of Wlnr» whs upon hhu. Mbe was i -r.-il to the bi-ert. “Yea, It Is time io got" »he cried. "1 am ready! C«m.e" He waa atim-ked. grieved, aatonlehed "Why. my d«er !' Io- »aid "How pre postarmi«! You cannot go an the Orest Filet’ Y"-tr wln»-s are far br—>dlng I m * r little .»nes ! Your body Is for the Wonder of the Gleaming Treasure' not for day« and nights of ténsele-- -ir!» g' Ton cannot got" She did nol he»--l him Nhe spread her wide wli • and swept and circled far and high »I.-».---aa. In truth, »he had been doing for many days, though be had not "oil • d It. Sb« dropi « d to the ridge-pole beside him where h" »«■ alili muttering ob Jectlon« “to It noi ,;lor1«ua!" «he cried. "Cornel Th»-» are nearly ready!" “Too Übnatural Mother!" be burst forth. "You have forgotten the Order •f Nature' T»n have forgotten your Olldrw ! Your loving precloua. ten der, helple-v Utile Ones!" And he we;>t for hl« hlgheet ld»»al« were »bat fared But the Procinti« Utile Ou«m stead ta a row an the ridge pole and flap|>ed their strong young wing« In high de­ rision They were aa big as be was. aeariy . for as a matter of fact be waa but a Young Stork hlmaelf. Then the air wa» beate« white with a tbou««n<1 It waa like «now and silver ai d «-a f -am ; there waa a flashing «bri wind, a hurricane of wild Joy. an-’ then the Army of the Sky •pread wtde In due array, and at reamed Ronthward Full ef remembered Jay and moro Jayón» hope, finding the high «untight better than her droama, abe swept •war to the far -ummer land; and her ehlldr-A, m»d with the happiness «if the Flrat Fll m »wept beside her "Hut v » mi »re a M- rhcr!" he panted, aa he caught up « ttb them -Tee- »le retad F-youtrty. "but I waa a Stork before I waa a Mother - •ad Afterward and All th« Timar Aad tha Ktnrka «rara nyfa» 4 ahd Baiar acted aa tl-uugb the, fait th«, Were old or tir» «oto* 111 t’M Year t d totlcng •bout that and th* Old Year told ma h o» the feeling« of older p»--pl« could be tiurv. “Yeo. let « wtoh ererjooe ■ happy New Year and happln*»« all through tbe year and let a keep wiahlng It la our heart» all tbe time Whea w« think cd n>«aa or rroaa or Impatient thing» to >a. le« u« any 'Happy New Year* to oarerlv ATTENTION Nineteen Twenty-Three F HAM blip a *rry >»p»ua day." mid the New Year "It has been my Brat day here •nd I tnilst my I have great­ ly enjoy «-d It. “Old M«b It Inter la not at ■II the chilling, cold rrva- tare I el|>erted him to be By m> m«,.mt. Of »nurse It la true he 1« cold but bi» »pfrtl Is • nice one He has tbe kind «f Coldness ■ I hiui him that I like It d<»«-»n t make Hut II win ba wall nut ta put too much p«-«.ple fori unhappy, but It Uu»k«*ra low T*oa muli, been the nrst day Th« youth repiM. I roa of thr year, aa ev­ eryone known tCv- GREETED WITH COLD WATER eryime ha» wl»hnl everyone ei»e such delightful wt»t,a. armed with a little year, 1 cheerfully resolve to obey all It If everyone felt that they were wish­ ing the beat for everyone else al all or other evergreen plant. The greet- Ing consists of th* words, “Will you time* take thia New Year's water I«. "It would be so nice if people could tdaaseK No true native of th« dla feel happy toward other« all the lima trict would dresm of refusing, for thia "For example It would be tut nice water la suppom-d ta bring good luck not to have any Jealousy about. It for the ensuing year If the child's would be so nice nol ta have torn» request Is granted, he send« a »pray envious of others of try water Into the face ef the gen­ “It would be wonderful If when one tleman or lady of the hooae, ad th tha person heard that some friend bad had worda. "I wish you a happy New good luck for It to make then» happy Yrar!“ Every mrratier of the house­ too. hold moat participate In the luck­ "That would make th«- very air full bringing water a* the child to brought of happlne«» and ch«*er I don I mean up to the metuliera of the family «till that I think everyone slc-uld „•» i I out abed •nd the formula to repastad with a silly grin That would be fool- ■gain. lah and tiresome. "My Idea la for them tu have their MAKING THE YEAR heart» «millng ao that tto-lr wenla would be cheer, and no that the, would feel ao much fixulwUI toward A New V « ai I» «he »(«itine pia««. I« l«av» K wWh a «mlllBf fare. each other. I*< • »tari Riil. Iau»n tomorrow romra •I'ffig. "I had a talk with the Hid tear Just !-><*• time tr all out happy »ays before be wuM. Until wa'ra bmlt a of da y a “He told me that the utie thing And waaka and m>>ntha of failli and rhaer. which had made him really «ad at times had been the aeaaeli-M ipmrrvls And mad« of it a happy year -iwtroit »«• l*ro«a. ■ nd ugly words and mean »{im-lies which once In awhile he had heard "Much things he said had made him cry. And when a year crie« there la TAKE RIGHT CARE OF CREAM sorrow in the air, During Hot W«ath«r It Should Ra "tie told me that the reason, or at CSiVS Mora Allent on— Cool Soon least one of the reasons, why every­ •a Poaaibl«. one wa« «■> happy at Christinas time [itirlng hot wrath», cream must re­ wss txM-auae every­ one felt ha|ipltieaa trivo better care on the average farm. A« « ooq after a<-|Hirnting aa jHMi’Ible •nd w toiled frieoda c»«i| the cream h, setting the can In happiness and cold water Never mix the freah merriment. warm cren tn with th«- cream from pre “And It le the Chrtatmaa i spirit vlou» separation until cooled aa low •« powellite. Ivi not krep cream too and the New Year g>ng at the farm Mend It to the spirit that I would Creamery or take It to the rreatn «ta like tu »re kept up tlon at l««l twliw a week, and three ■Il the year. times a week when tlw weather get« “As I »a, these hot, Poor. «tale crvain will not make may not l»e new g««el butter. If th»- and that s tax levy of a little more than 91 mills will be neceaasry for the expense« of the city. Thia debt tk occasioned by the building of the new light plant at Jordan. The new officer« «worn in Hokk fire Ion0 c»«.L^ /axvA 0/ ihankç to the hot dir ^clmji HE HOT AIR DRAFT and the HOT RLAST PRINCIPLE are exclusive p>itcn:»d featurx-» »if •very LANG ranjur manufactured. Forcing tha flamro entirely around the over, thorou&hly and uniformly heatin,\ every inch »if cookinft surface, this principle of stove construction has proved itself the moat economical, convenient and ier- ally satisfactory heating method ever invented. The Alaska runfte pictured above is ideal for tha smaller kitchen, poam-Mitift all the fvaturv» of our larger model*. Every heat unit i» utilised, cnal»> linA LANG stoves to operate at L » fuel expense than any other ran Ac manufactun L A vi»it to our More will convince you that your next Move will be a fANG Zlsl Us About Them R. M. CAIN Hardware Phone 76 Furniture SCIO OREGON. >—♦«••»»« ST.1HT SOM KTHISQ ................. If you would make progross atari something worth while. There is nothing you can »tart that will contribute more to your pro­ gress and happtnesa than a bank account. Money in the bank creates eonfMence. ••Confidence begets enthuai- asm and enthusiasm conquer« the work!. '* Start a bank account and keep it growing. 1 The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon ; "WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE” tbeI* < . * k’íW*« ¡ ' K- . « Mayor, A. G. Prill; recorder, Mylo Bartu; treasurer. E. D. Myers; marshal. N. I. Morrison; council­ man. Frank Bartu, jr.. R M. Cain. W. J. Chramv, E. A Wagner, F. T. Thayer, I. V McAdoo. The new council meet« tonight. *• 7 P* J JI