The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, January 04, 1923, Image 4

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Wool Shirts
Every Japanese Child
. ................................................... a
Larwood Items
(Continuad from pare 1 )
+ * ♦ • •
♦♦ ♦ w • ♦
• ♦ ♦ ♦ • • •
to the rope». When children «re
Jan 2
of school age. especially boy*, thev
Gru. Tictgien wife and sun Ray,
arv drvmed in military uniform» and
•I San Francisco are visiting
arv thus drilled in duty to the coun­
Whether it be work cb lh-
with relative* in this vicinity.
try of their birth. Dir speaker mid
ing of durability that poa*
S P. Stringer ami wife, ami Re*
every child born of Japanese par­
sessi-a long wearing quali­
Perry and wite. *|<ent Christmas
anta in any country is a secret w-r
ties, or auita and coats of
I iiilav* with Mr. Stringer’* and
vice agent for the Japamwc govern
the highest grade and new­
Mrs Perry’» brother, Ed Stringer
meet. Every year the u iv»r* t
est styles. We have the
ami family, of Hillsboro.
of Japan send* twelve «indent* t »
garment you are looking
John A. White intend» to leave
the United State* to learn some one
for it it is for men or boy*
M»>n for Dmgvicw, Wash., where
thing, and each. sai«i the »peaker,
lie will lie employed by the Long
ia drilled to study just one item
Bell Lumber Company.
For instance, they wnnt to know
Mis* Berime Davenport
how to build an automobile, on«-
' the Christmas holiday* wi
will concentration the wheel, «noth
lativca in Portland.
er on the engine, and so on until
Geo Curry, jr., ami family, of
Men’s wool mixed shirts,
all part* are well understood. Thi-
were visiting with home
brow and green mixed, the
also applies to any other vehicle or
Sunday ami Monday.
popular low collar; a garment
whatever it ia the Japanese govern­
sure to give satisfaction
Ihe ruck crusher was »lartevl
ment want* to know
But it >» dif
up last week.
frrent if you want tn know
O. E Curry, who has Ixen work*
thing of what they are doing
fur the Whitney logging Co..
Men’s wool shirts, medium
made a profound impr«-«aion up
•-I i'illamook. spent the Christmas
weight, in either brown or
her hearer* and received a risir.g
gray color, low or military col­
oiiday* with his (Mrenta here.
vote of thank* fur het splemb
lar. All sizes
Mi** Haxcl Howard who attend*
c Crabtree high school spent the
The next meeting of the club w|l:
week eml with home folk*.
probably be held at Crabtree, ar,
1). Westinghouse ami wife took
Pendleton wool khaki ahirta. a
the date will lie the first Monday in
full cut garment, being extra­
■ ¡inner with S P. Stinger and wife
ordinarily tailored of all wool
;.ist Saturday.
On the plana of Mr. Riley Shelton
khaki. Choice of military or
Win. Smith has been having
flat collars. Some have two
for organizing the boy* and gir -
• »me work done on hi* residence.
pockets while othera have but
milk club, thia will be discus« :
i garment that will wear
Miss Bernice Davenport wa*
■ further at the next meeting
and give more than satisfac­
»isiting w sth Miss Hasel Howard
wa* lamentable that Mr. Shelt >n
it the latter’* home last Sumlay
had U» leave before the mrvtuw ■»•!-
journed, ao that further step» t*>-
less Chaatine ha* lieen »uffenng
I ward organizing could lie undertak­
Dress wool shirts of checks
from an abiess on his arm, but i*
add plaids in fancy colors.
licttcr now, as he has had it
Some are made of the ever
The Community Club feel it *••••;
popular California worsted
be negligent in It* duty if it «lid i
reduced to
Marshall Powell, son of Mr. and
sav something atxiut thedonati a of
l. F. M Powell, of East Knox
coffee and paper plat»* by J i
Butte, was visiting at the Howard
Wesley and milk by the Scio <
home last week.
denaery. It is such unselfishneas a*
Mis* Haxcl Howard called on
this that makes the world brighter
M s. Conard Westinghouse last
ami a better place in which to livt
Sunday afternoon.
And to all those who t- k part,
Albany, Oregon.
A. Rockwell ami Ihck Craft, of
whether in speech, in song or instru­
I astern Oregon, arc visiting rela­
ment, the Club extend* it* most pr
tive* here.
found thanks
On last Monday night Hickory
Mt. Pleasant
The club feels and went on record
Craft’» hounds made an attack on
a* being in favor of palr -niztr.
at the Itoy* who examined the
«home industry when in keeping with
Jan. 2
track claim was a cougar. The
goval business and of et|ual value >
M ls * Mary Hora and Nina Dar­
Cruft boy* killed a cougar near the
elsewhere. At great expense, tin-
by, came home from Mill City
same place some year* ago.
Standard Oil people hav<- erect»rd a
Sunday, for a few Java vacation.
Mrs. Conrad Wertmghou* ha*
substation at Weal Scio for the <-■ n
A party was held at the Ed
■ « n »¡tending a few «lav» recently
venience of the people here, and
Smith home Satunlav evening, and
v is i ting at the li«imc ot her | mi re nt*
this step ha* re»luce<| the price of
all rciM»rt a good time.
Mr. ami Mr». Geo. Rodgers.
gasoline to it* present low price
Robt. Elliott has taken over the
Miss Nettie Elicrhanlt come This should be patronised tn help
!• irl < r shop at Crabtree where he
home from Oregon City, last week help keep thepr:cr down.
work* on Saturday afternoon ami
to *|ieiid the Christmas holiday*.
Mr. Elliott at one time
A New Year Party was given at
shop in San Fran-
Dcrril Montgomcrv’s home Sunday
has lieen
High School Note*
evening. Those present report a
good time.
t i.(> to date !■ .ns..t tai |>url<>rs
Mr. Bill Ix-fTler i* re|K»rted very
School began Tuesday after a
ill at Present. We all hope that
of nearly two weeks.
Real Clothing Value* at Bishop's.
he will mover in the near future.
An interesting talk was given by Salem. Two Pant Suita, made of
Mr*. E«l Roliert» visited at the
.Mias Batt, of Portland. t<> the high Bishop's Pure Virgin Wool Fabrica.
B F. Darby home Sunday.
school and pupil* of the grade» I-in«- tailoring and style* and $30
A singing was held at the W. F.
She spoke about the two countri«- is a mighty low price. tome in and
Kay home Sumlay evening. ami
21-t 2 c
of Japan and Australia.
*ce them.
all the Song Birds icport
The Sci»i High School library re­
old time.
ceived a beautiful copy of "Th*
Mrs. Howard Montgomery
History of Oregon” by Charle* Har
staying at the lx-flier home
rv Carey, a* a Christmas pre-, r I
from the author. He is giving a
Jan. 2
A sad misfortune happened to a copy to each standard High School
young gentlemen from this cum-
com- in Oregon.
Another year of life has gone by
Practice on our play liegan Tue»- m ver to return, many the one of
munity while going toa party Sun-
day evening. Upon arriving there day eveninig. Watch for the date us who will fail to sec the second
he fourni that he lost one of hi* of ita presentation.
day ot next year. We should
A large, number was present at strive to do all the good we can
shoes, »»■ it wa* not <>n account of
deep muti, but lircause he packed the gym »lance which was held Mon- and make all armimi ha¡>|»v. so life
them in his |KM.kct*. He wa* seen day night.
will be worth living.
Remenitier the l»a-iketbail g»m<
looking for it Monday morning.
The ol« I man is hating a fine
with the mute school here the loth. time <>f his life with a fearful col«i
with hi* hound*.
aii«l an extra d»*M- ni brnonchitia
Mr. anti «Mrs. Joe Sen* visited i
with all tlir toughing he iaable to
at the Roy Pearson home Sunday
f>a*scd the worst day of
I Blankets now going on at Bishop’s. Ids life Sunday.
Rev. Allier*, of Albany,
The Big
Rig Sale of Pendleton Wool Salem.
up. ..»er Sumlay ami delivered a ser-
Blankets now going on at Bishop's,
Bishop’s, >»
Sa lern. Worth
savings. When in town be sure and see our im>n at our school bouse to a fairly
Sale price«
prices $6.60 pair and up,
up. display of Virgin Wool Products, goo«l crowd.
Fai Kalina is fit ing up his kitch-
When in town be
ba sure and see oar
our made from Oregon Wools 21-t 2 c
with all kinds of hot water sys-
display of Virgin Wool Products,
F ob S*Ut-Old paiirr*. 10c per
ami sinks for the accnsnod»-
21*4 2< bsmdie at the Tribune office.
made from Oregon Wools. 21«*
from the Store for Men
X if j
Blain Clothing Co
; - M
' W
’*’ S ’
Clean up Sale on Lumber
í '
.a m w,)
We have a large stock of No. I
and 2 common to be sold under
market prices
First come.
First Served.
Men’s Shirts
Scio Logging & Lumber Co
Mr. ami Mr». William Weinlwrg
tion of hi* wife. Hr alm sent hi»
»inter in Portland. two line dre*»ed arv the parents of a mn. bom Dec
chicken* and two sacks of po'atoc» 27. The little one h*» l>**n named
by hi* brother Jo*. •» hr went William Frederick.
Clifford Kelly, of Poet, who ha*
down to enjoy Christmas with the
i been visiting here, ha* gone to
M. C. Gaine*, of Crabtree, Salem to visit hi* »¡»ter. Mrs.
bought Henry Shelton’» (of Scio) Maude Moore and family.
\V. A. Gilkey’* have iiutalled a
tine cow. Henry met M C. at
the Santiam farm with the cow water system.
h’red Sommer drove to Salem
Saturday. receiving hi* $60
Some fellow report* • cougar try Friday.
An appraiser for the Federal
to Jump on hi* auto then chased
him, near Eugene, trying to
in Iximl Bank of Spokane, was here
the auto for a ride. Has he got helping to appraise land last week.
A party was held at the S. F.
the paper* for the cougar wanting
to nde?
Zysset home Friday evening in
John Griffin went over anil »pent honor of Miss Kate Hank, of
Sat unlay night with Da» id II orse- Albany.
burg ond family. Also Clifford
A mistake wa* made last week
cam* down to the farm to «pend by your humble correspondent, in
the night with hi* mother Mr». S reguard* to the Farmer* Union feed
W. Gaines.
in Lebanon on Thursday. The
Ed Kalina and good wife and feed was furnished by the Linn
mn. went to Scio Monday to »how County l.<*. and not by just
their new »on (3 month* old), the this one local, as it was stated.
first time out of the house
The following
enjoyed the trip to ace his grand­ Cainmunity Club meeting in Scio
New Year* day
Mr. ami Mr*.
James Mulligan hauled a load of I K. Kiley. Mr. and Mr», Ix-onanl
hay to Scio Tueaaday for which he Gilkey and family, Mr. ami Mr*.
received $26.00. a goml price for E. F. Krelai. Mrs. Cora Smith,
Mr. ami Mr*. W. A. Gilkey ami
Art Lettenmaier is preparing to
Marion. The day wa* gseatly en­
grul> out somestum)» now and as
joyed. Thanks to our good editor
he haa a grubbing machine ready
and others who are live wires in
for the job. He want* to «tart in
Scio, ami arv putting her on the
with the New Year.
map as never l>efore.
Jan. 2
A Happy New Year to all.
- ■
A frsveliwl frl. nel ha» observed how
itlfferrnltj th» h"r»*tnen of «ttffwnt
l»n<ta urge <*> their st er«)» Th» Hiitl»h
click their toogUMt th» Norwegians
tusks a aountl like a kin; th» Arab»
roll a long “r" and th» Neapolitan
eoschmnn bark» Ilk» a dog.