The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, December 14, 1922, Image 6

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    *• * Î
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.E •
A •
V •
eful Gifts ât
Large Assortment of Toys
to Select From at the Right I Tices
i- ■
rneier farm, next Sunday, beginning
at lu a tn.
Albany ia planning to have a night tract of land and ia planning the er­
school, if sufficient sludeSls can be ection of a schoolhouse by means
enrolled, the same to »tart with the of private «ubacriotion.
first of the year.
Mrs. J W. Miller, of Shelburn.
Ed Gilkey has returned from ’ fell one day last wi-ek and broke
Aberdeen. Wash.. where he had one of her ankles
She ia getting
gone on business, ile plana to re. along nicely.
turn to Aberdeen in the near future
War Saving Stamps are soon due.
Mrs. Vilas PhilHppi was in town and the government is anxious to
shopping Monday
She says Christ­ have them redeemed and for the
mas holidays always brings her in. ,owners to again invest in govern­
because she has SO many friend" ment securities. Ask Postmaster
that must lie remembered.
Sticha for more information.
Don't forget th«- school meeting
next Thursday. It ia uf Importance
that all interested in keeping the
school up to the present high stand­
ard or even to its betU'rment be
<vc the Ixst line of APPLIANCES ever shown in Vi­
and any <<nc will »prea«l the Christm«« cheer through-
■ ......
■«>ut th«- year."1"
1 ■' ■
ilaton..... $10.00 to
IS.00 to
t oi rUrM.
6.00 to
’n ning Pads
or-tere ........... 2.95 to
l’iv um Clean-
e.» ....... . ......... 46.00 to
X UK>. I«an |W ... 0.25 to
< ««r'ing l»»»na... 3.56 to
Rear View Nirrnn
R o I h - a
21 >0
Automatic Windshields
Trouble I xutps
Extra Lstnii- Kite
Set of Spark P ugx
A Radio Set
be appreciated.
We have
complete seta and all parts
Ralálon Eledtric Company
XV ,( Second Street
About twenty Knights of Pythias
were present at the meeting Tues­
day night and partook of nice little
feed prepared by Dr. Hobson, Chris
Bilyeu and J«ms Rodgers. Several
were kept at home no doubt by the
severe weather, which is the coldest
so far thia year. At one place the
I' thermometer registered 26 above
Men of vigorous mentality and
bodies arc the ones who can
n-ally enjoy whatever worldly
success they obtain. If you
want strength and pep you
have got to take mesial to pre­
serve it. t he chiropractic way
will help you.
Consultation Free.
Drs. Scott & Scofield
Mondava, Wednesdays and
1 ridays
Hours: 9 to 11 a, m.
Cooking Utensils "“.*' CLEAN
For quick results on
all metalware use
Cleans • Scours • Polishes
The following from here attended
; the banquet and election of officers
in the Santiam F ish and Game Prop-
I agation and Protective Aasociation
J at Albany Tuesday night: Dr. C.
president, a Mr. Worrel was elected
i secretary-treasurer and C. C. Hall
I as field secretary
The hanquet
was a venison feed, which was pro-
i vided for by Ed Hawker, district
Many excellent
speeches were delivered by Sen a tor s-
[ elect Garland and Flak. Slate,Game
Warden Burghduff. Ed Hawker.
Waid t Anderson, Mr Worrel and
SobBcnbe for Tntw»»-41.74 a
Chiropractic Tallis
xero on both Monday and Tuesday
i j mornings. Hydrants are frown
| and owners of autos took good care
11 to see that radiators were drained.
j Ficq, Dr. E. H. Hobaon, Dean Morris,
i Tony Faultus and I. V. McAdoo.
F. C. Stellmacher was again elected
Former Prmdent Wilson will re­
tire from law practice with Ibun-
Foi Sale S, v«*i pigs, four montl s
bridge Colby on the last day of De­
old. whole bunch for $45 00. !*>•
cember. He is said to have an
quire of Frank Cutych. Scio, Or.
nouneed taking up other lines mor*
Score Cards Gat your *‘500** score
to his liking
cards at the I'KlMt'NK office. 2c
The Pythian Sisters gave a big
per card, or 2} cents per card by
feed in honor of the visit of the
mail, postpaid
Grand Chief. Mrs W H. Hogan, of I For Sale -About 10 gallons No. *
Albany, to Leodas Ixxige
ZeroleM motor oil. with contempt,
Price right. If you can use it. l> -
all Sir Knights were present, and a
quire at the Tribune office.
splendid reception is reported.
For Sale--About 30 cord of 4-foot
Wyndham Buren, eon of Max O
wood at West Scio. It la oi l
Buren the furniture man at Salem,
growth dry balm. Price right.
This is Al wow|. Inquire of R.
committed suicide Tuesday night
H Mcl) naid.
just as he left his sweetheart. He
For Sale The Maple Spring Kami
was about 22 years old. and no mo­
ia for Sale, 1 <*3 acres
tive for the rash act ha» been dis­
wishing to buy. will give satisfac­
tory terms at 5 per cent, Seo
Frank Summers, Scio, or write to
The Commercial Club of Lebanon
C. H. Wain, Junction City, Ore.
and the Santiam Fiah and Game,
Propagation and Protective Awocia-I Money to L»an at fij’ .
The Feder­
u n have endorwd I’. A Y«»n«»w.
al I ami Hank of Spokane, Wash.,
Mayor of Albany, for one of the
will) make loans ’hmugh th»-
Forks of the Sant lam National
highway commissioners, which are
Farm lx>an Association in amount*
to be appointed by Gov. Pierce.
from $|Oi) to $10.000, for a peri
F. F. Sims, a young man of Mill
od of 5 to 33 years, on first m<-rt
gage security. Inquire of W. II
City, and hit brother, Roy. attempt­
Mcl -ain, Scc.-Treas . rout« No. 2,
ed to rob a store at that place Wed­
Scio. Oregon.
nesday morning about 1:20, and the
former wa» shot in the ride by the
They attempted
to make their escape, but the wound
was too severe, so both gave them­
selves up to a farmer bv the name
of Charles Dall. The wound»-»! may
recover and Roy is in jail at Salem.
The sale of Christmas seals ia being
conducte«t by the school children
this week
This is a worthy cause
and everyone should buy enough to
seal their Christmas packages
proceeds go to help tubercular
The Knights of Pythias have been patients in Oregon.
the recipients of a large rnnge from
A double header basket ball gam»-
Chris Hilveu, and now it is hoped
will l>e played here on Dec 22. be­
Read every ad in this issue— they
that some splendid feeds will be ar­
tween the Scio high school boys and
a message of Interest to every
ranged for member» from time to
girls and Stayton high school boys
In fact, each issue is full of
and girls. It promises to be a good [
good things for the people of this
The ladies of both aids will give a game, and all should hold this date
district A pr»*sent that will be
bazaar and c<»oked food »ale Friday. in mind*. The mimisrion will be 20c
appreciated for a whole year would
Dec. 15, both afternoon and night, and 35c.
be to send the Tribune to some ab-
at the K. of P. Hall. Short prog­
Senator McNary has introduced I »ent member of the family or to a
ram at night. Every one cordially
a bill in the senate appropriating friend that has moved awav. It
$3,000,000 for the relief of Astoria, ■ would be a letter from home each
C, E. Kendle. the blacksmith, because of the recent tire, assisting w«?ek. Make us happy by renewing
we» mw i*<MMM»«wmaBB»sDaa«aRB
has purchased the property of Wm. in rebuilding. Congressman Haw­ your subscription.
Hemstitching done while you wait I Reed, and has taken possession. Mr. ley has also introduced a bill for
Next week we will have some­
Mrs. C. A. Everett.
Kendle is rapidly becoming assimi­ $1,000,000 for immediate relief
thing to say about the lady invited
Art Chandler transacted business lated with the growth of Scio and work. Both bills are approved by by the Bu»iness Men to come here
President Harding.
the community.
in Albany last .Monday.
New Year's Day. She is said to be
Authorisation for a new school
The revival nieetimra at Albany a splendid speaker, and will bring a
N, I Morri*>n was in Lebanon
dlctrlct. to be known ax district No. have come to a clone, and it ia said message of world conditions to us
last Friday* on business.
139. was given last Saturday by th«- that over six hundred have been that will be eve-openers. She has
A. W. liagey has been adding
district boundary board
The new converted and been healed of sin« traveled for the London Times in­
i me more nice jewelry to his stock
district will compose the west ride of and ailments
The collection, ac­ vestigating world trade conditions
for the holidays.
what was formerly district No. 40. cording to the Albany papers, taken in all part» <>f th«- world
She SOfl • -
Laurace Bilyeu who has been or Harmony district, near Peoria. on the last day. amounted to $2471. here on Jan. 1. for an ail-day com­
v rking in Kalama. Wash., for tome It is reported that the new district 37. a pretty good sum for four munity club meet.
t e, is home for a few days visit.
has already been given gratis a week's work. Rut if one’s soul has
la-en saved, this amount is not U*o
Practical Gifts Are the Ones f
That Please
You’ll Hnd Tour Want Here
Il'M fcwt
/• e
Albert Couey. of Canada, is here
If y eu are in need of good «pac­
visiting hie uncle. J B Couev.
aci«*. see Harry, the Jeweler, he
A turkey shoot will be held on ha* the best line to be found in any
th« Moor« place, near the Struck- etnall store.
Meals now 35c to 50c, at the
All funerals given personal atta-ntmn by Mr. I owe
Services and I ners Guaranteed to Satisfy Every < ustomer
lady Attendant if desired
N. C. Lows
M. 1. Moaaiaoa
Phon.- -Hay. 397
Phone 9