watice if F ail SaDitmtni High School Notes 1 Notice is hereby given that the under- •Mri.ed. as executor uf the last sill end testament uf t.aura L. Ambruoe. de- rea* and Scio will meet in the new gym on this date. fresh men. Executor of th. will and estate of The assignment for 3rd year Eng­ I aura L. Ambt.se, deceased. lish. Wednesday was an oral discus­ lIiLX & M asks , sion of some local problem bach Attorneys for Executor. BRYANT Attorney at Law member of the class gave an inter­ esting talk. I An umbrella was found in the gym after the game Friday. The Turner High Schooi l>asket LBANY OREGON ball team was defeated by the Scio High School five by a score of 17 to - »♦»♦♦♦»♦♦eesaeeeaaeoaeee 16. Thia was a very hard and in­ WE DO DYING teresting game, it lieing the first defeat suffered bv the Turner t--am Hl B < LEANING WORKS. INI I this year. Among those who have Master Oyer« and Cleaner« tieen beaten by Turner an- Wiliam HS Lyon Albany. Oregon ettc University Freshmen and S ph­ WE DO PLEATING omores. The Scio team h •pc«, by th«- u«' of more team work and by Local Agent. Mm, Nell I loll» plenty of practice, to win by a larger score when the two team meet in Turner Feb. 2. After the game a fine lunch was served by the Girls Ratkct Pall team i and an enjoyable evening was «pent Fresh and Cured Meat—- by playing games in the school house * Bacon ldtrd Sausage Several tests have been given the past week. Two tn Civics, two in Algebra 1. ami one each in Physio­ logy, Social Problems. Geometry I. Holechek Bro»., Props. Domestic Science, English I, and Scio. Ore. General Science. » m * mw »* w **< The School library is now up to Cusick Bank Bldg Scio Meat Market We Buy Your Hogs Mt. Pleasant Dec. 11 Honor these Seals Milo Isaak, of Idaho, visited with hi- uncle. Lorenz Isaak, over the A MATloM-winR movement ta carrying on a warfare against the scourge of Consump­ tion. In saving over KM),(MM) lives last year, it actually cut the death rate from tuberculous mi half. Each year these organizations sell Tuber­ culosis Christmas Seals. The proceeds from these sales are devoted to the work of caring for and curing tubcri ul<*is patients and to educational and other work to prevent the dread disease. Buy these Seals and urge your friends to buy and use them. To do this is both Charity and Patriotism. week end. The party at Charlie Leffler's was well attended and every one enjoyed a good time. .Mi 4 Nina Darby spent a week in S’ayton visiting her cousin, Svlvia. returning home Friday. Mrs Roberta w visiting her sister o. Albany, also is attending the Price meetings. Elmer Limbeck and Dave Aeger- •r made a call on Montgomery’s Wednesday Eve. Pr icher Steves visited at the Ed Roberts home Sunday. Stamp Owt Tu ber cult is is with Christman Sr ah I -in-t Aegerter spent Thanksgiv­ ing with his folks. Mr. and Mrs. Ben 1 Darby «pent Saturday with Roy Parton and family. Ivan Leffler was on the tick list Saturday so could not attend the • lance, but on Sunday visited at Bill Miller's fully recovered. A dinner was given by Nina Darby Sunday. The young folks present ail enjoyed a good time. Arnold. Frank and Nick Senx were Sunday guests at their brother Joe's home. Nina Darby left for Mill City Monday. She expeit* to be employed there for a while. Frank Senx and his secretary in- -•Dected the saw mill owned by Ed Roberta, writing down a few of the For Christmas We have stocked a fine line of Fresh Mixed Candies All Kinds of Nuts The Best Fruits and Fancy Christmas Boxes Don’t Forget Us good punts. The Little Dairy Cow” Oregon dairy cows have done their part better than those of any other «late, but Oregon butter used to be the bunk for quality. That was not "the little mortgage lifters” fault, « I the better class of Oregon dairy- men insist that she be given the iH-it and wisest help possible in boost­ ing for Orrgon. S<> lota of Im­ provement has been made lately In the quality of butter and there is. should not no good reason why it I high rank ' of be brought up to I Oregon cheese Care of the « ream is the start for high grade butter, This means bacteral as well a* general, eleanli- pasteurization of sweet and »ur cream, ripening tiie cream, use of starters, and churning. Milk a id cream testing, moisture of but­ ter, salt and fat determination, need be understood. These are all taught bv instruction and laboratory pract­ ice in the big commercial creamery at O. A. C. in the short course, Jan. n Hollis Confectionery Christmas Suggestions For Men Slipper» d>tt