Demonstrated Burner A Summer Clime A naw stumo burner method of lend clearing waa shown in the Ore­ gon Agricultural college display at the Pacific !nter national livestock exposition tn Portland recently. My» For your Winter Outing the Benton county Courier. A huge stump with its complicated root system, appliances, and explanations or the method were on exhibit This method has been under Invest- ¡gallon by the Oregon experiment ¡station for the past seven years. | Many inspected the exhibit and the errand the Children's Baths Let a cheery oil heater filled with Pearl Oil drive the chill from the bathroom. Its comfortable warmth will delight the kiddies and safe­ guard their health. You can easily carry the heater from room to room — wherever you want its friendly that’s— California many questions asked have shown the interest aroused. The stump exhibit showed the massive root system hidden below ground, ami the method of apply­ ing the Zywu'l burner in destroying the stump and roots complete. A . series of illuminated photographic transparencies showed each step in the procesn and the conclusion» of | the experiment station regarding Use many other« at thi. »ra«on of the year von are tniokrng of * tnp to a winter clime. California ia ju»t th<- place for your winter outing. Here the days are flooded with bright warm »unanine. You may enjoy all outdoor recreations or simply relax and rc»t in com­ fort under sunlit »kie». There are noted golf course«, polo field«, ten ma courts, miles of »pkndhl highway» ami countk-*» place« of scenic and romantic charm tro now and take advantage of Excellent Train Service and Th rough Sleeping Cars to han Francisco and lax Angeles. I the coat and practicability of the method. H. D. Scudder, professor of farm management at Oregon Agricultural college, prepared the exhibit and hu conducted the in­ vestigations of the method. “The stump alone weighs nearly 4000 pounds and is typical of those found on thousands of acres of agri­ cultural land in the Pacific north­ west. which now may 1* »uccess- | fully cleared with this new burner glow. Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by our special process —which makes it clean bunting — no smoke — no odor—no waste. Sold in bulk by dealers everywhere. Insist on it by name —Pearl Oil. LOW ROL’ND T»LT TICKETS NOW ON SALE For faro», train schedule«. sleeping car rvsorvationa or descriptive folder*, ask local railroad ticket agent«, or write JOHN M. SCOTT General I’anacnger Agent. (KKROSKNK) HEAT Ford Touring Car, good tires and in fairly good condition $125.00 One 1918 Model Ford, touring Al condition Fred T. Bilyeu CUSTOM SET BY PROMETHEUS AND LIGHT S not complete without a LANG Hot Blast Range. Constructed to cut fuel costs. Thick solid top - two lids o«/y - heat and tlmus forced entirely around oven, utilizing every heat unit. Made of Armco poli*h*d trufla Equipped with hot v atcr coils. 7'Ar I.^N6 PtKTfk kangt « bnrnung tbt *»it f ./ii’jte rangt in tbt Writ Iti uni- plbit) an J newarv •/ »prraibn. ftgttbrr ufb ill affraratri' art tramai ftr ill to- ring pnpnlartt) Us About 1 hem— R. M. CAIN Phone 76 Hardware Whan it was noised about a cer­ tain Maine town that laxsv Norton waa going clear to Nova Scotia to I teach, everybody had something to •ay, and a few »hook their wim hea Having £«tabl>»h»d th» Fashion of Wearing Ringo. There it a l«g»-nd for mo«t thing«, story kept going by repetition. There is one onmvrning the Greek tale of the way men came to wear jeweled ring». These ornament« commemorate an important advance in the climb up from Mtagvry, since they mark the bringing of fir» to th» earth, or rather th» punishment of Prometheus is cumnwmorated. Prometheus »tole the sacred fire and brought it down to earth so that •avage man could have fish fried in­ stead of raw and have something to see by at night, a New York Sun writer recalls. Thia fire «tooling wm a terrible enmo in heaven, ao for his audacity ho wo* sentenced to »pciid 30.UCK) years ohaiaed to a rock. He started to servo the »entenco, but in a few week» Jupiter woo in a bettor temper and wanted to par­ don him. Somebody with a legal mind figured it out that Prometheus could wear a link of his chain on hia finger and a piece of the rock could bo fastened to it. So ho come to wear th» first s«t ring. To ke»p him from feeling peculiarly orna- mentod other« started to wear nngs I TWO BARGAINS J method,” save Professor Scudder. George W Kable, of the O. A. C. extension service, will start demon­ strating the new method some time this month in the stump land coun­ ties of Oregon. PEARL Portland, Oregon Are You Looking Ahead? Are you saving ' 1 *♦♦♦•••••< «pending all aa you go? Saver or Spender The saver will soon be able to own to« - v n in. <> orhuines«. IIi» tuccea« is saeureii. The spender hu a good tin < . ai y n lift si. nd . Ing all, ami too late realise» th- truth of th- >yi . eeM !e having.** Which On» Ar» You? s> ve >< t i prepare for the future. - u-t ofSuc- ( K, h week and 1 ; The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon ■ WHERE SAVINGS ARK SAFE** 4 lehret« 1 a. werrT ♦♦♦♦♦•••••••••♦♦••••♦••♦♦•••♦♦♦♦♦»»•♦•♦♦♦««*♦♦♦♦♦• ♦« ••••••♦♦••»♦»♦ FARMERS Clean up Sale on Lumber We have a large stock of No. I and 2 common to be sold under market prices. First come First Served. Scio Logging & Lumber Co. ♦ ♦ ; : ♦ :