'• » V* Tjf • % • » « ■V *■ » ». » I ■l"k ■S ' • w 5 » I S. C BROWNE. M. D Physician and Surgeon : Scio, Oregon offic. »I Keeidencs THE SCIO TRIBUNE PsteaM. fivonr Thandar to ta Tiuauxt rt»i nuuuo compamy st Ma lUasCesatr Urassa L V. MsAAm. ASItoe A »«a«—» M oms B.eB»aeee»aee»+ Worm. Rev. Denksnapeil gives th* er. of the Trikune a SUGGESTIONS rend­ sermon on worms Dear brother, and sisters scatter­ ed abroad throughout DR. FICQ the domain wherever the Tribune is lead. i ientist W« greet you this lovely Lord’s lay morning to talk to you on Office Hours : »to 12 A. M. 130 t« 6 F M- all important subject of the Mem Silk knit ties 60. 65, 75. and 90 cents worms. Now my good brothers and siaters. Mem pure wool heavy nocks 35 to MO cts. |>er pair you know worm» are very pestiver- We >u. thing. Moccaaons 25 to 40 eta. per pair have ambisciuous Bergman »hoc oil beat in the world 35c a can worm., hairy worm., »ierk worms, I vM<« sll-sto*«» to s>, n«f sad ito, tu,-«» II* tar Vt><» l< ,UW<4*, «*> X*«M> tndivtMbto. «ri lb ld—1, ss* lin» ta* «fi • angle Sim Calls Attended Day or Night President ORE. is having Harding hard time in holding hia line, aa is evidenced Î party ■ I in report, from coming from Washington. It might be easier if he would recommend what i. go.«| f..r the whole people L. M. HUM and not Care of just a few. The latest oreak ia from hot recommendation \ ick So Tong to paM the »hip subsidy bill, giving private owner, of thip« a guarantee Chime Medicine ani Tea Ce. ••f million» of lias medicine which will < ure any known diaeas«. dollar, taken the and 14 South High Street Salem, Oregon Phone 2M h t- j I ‘ ■ ynii r« ad «-asily or embroider or "1 without <‘ye strain. HJnot, you ne->1 gi' •«•«. Neglecting »ye trouble is • i»ky h vine»« We fit eyes and faces wvn gl ' that will improve both the •>S 1 aid ihe appearance, 1 Optometrist CM« Boya and girla knit caps 85c to $1 25 in reprevents humanity a* Hut the particular worm, more be remembered. ” Now my beloved friends, we have many .kin worm, in thi. old world, J until the THE SCIO STATE BANE In a few year, at most, we’ll all lie BoUford-Constantiue C-ompany. the they have gotten, citv recorder’s office. ORBGON En’^gement Rings S' v I Special $50.00 and . ,*S.(0 diainvi’d ringg. r* priced from $25.00 * 00. I- ivnch & Sons: I« w, - rs and Opticians ANY. - • OREGON ; 1 Offrii Maia M m hitimi Taras Those who have studied the ques­ ........ Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats We buy Vaal, Pork &. Poultry Shelton & Co. Props 8< 1- > s from | better advertising for Oregon. th. Los Angele, jail some days ago I to the great need of more han baffled the grrat sleuth» of that , national advertising for Oregon pro- < > city u» lhev have never been baffled duct*. Many of our readers prol a-1 > before. She was under sentence of bly mw in last week’s issue of the < > from ten years to life for killing a Saturday Evening Post a double , > Even a little thing can carry with it a big thought. Cert a ini v the "one big thing" is moat to l>c desired but the -mall oik - will lie heartily appreciated if thought fully presented. women with a hamm r some months l«age center spread advertisement < > ago. How she ever mirrd her way ’ in colors for the Oregon Citv Woolen > out of jail with a guard in clues Mills. In two different issues of Evening Post thlsli proximity to her cell is also a mys­ the Saturday tery. Hut it take» some one of the i year the Oregon City Woolen Mills ■ In «electing the little thing* a« well a« the log <•>■.■<, make Mire they reilcct the right spirit. Get them here and he 'll t«c pleased, fur this is a man’s store lor a man’» gift. gentler »ex to »lip a big hood over have taken this great advertisement, i the eye. of the detective, of a great which is the largest and most ex- < city, and thi. is one of the enigma, pensive advertisement in the world, b of the times. Suspicion ha. pointed It’s cost is $17,OH) per issue, but ' Slippers Shirts Robes Archit-rar Hosiery Glaves ' Keech iefs Suva it rs Mufflers to Mrs. Obena^hein and to Mr. Phil­ the Oregon City Woolen Mills have ¿real mirpriM» for the borne knitter« lipa, the latter being held a» accom­ found, as have many other adverti­ -evnai, but still • fact. Further- plice of the escajie. Mr». Ol>en- sers. that by putting the merit of i* yarn is absolutely virgin > •chein had been freed of murder of their products squarely before the •. the wool ol was __ grown in Linn ' by Mr. >end»rs totheOre- a man named Kennedy the day he- nation, they have enlarged their bus­ •--1 Company (mills local«!at . mrdr into worsted yarn by fere the escape, and was being en­ iness and thus absorbed the coat of on of C P Bishop, tertained at the home of a friend. advertising in the ecomics of opera­ u t. r < f th«- M len Mill Store of Hers try this varo ! Probably Clara took wings and flew tion. ' iSc twr ball of 2 oa* awav, who knows the police don’t This advertising for the Oregon Addito*« >»an < nt on City Woolen Mills ia hard led by mem to know anv way. C, 1*. I iUsMp, l*<*> (A accrct, wuincnfolk( A new suit or overcoat is « tine a gift as oik - can imagine: but y«u may want to gin- him something else in we<>ring ap|Mrcl. MAY WE SUGGEST Anything and everything he would buy 1>,r himself. Quality, sty Ic, service Watch for your gift, BLAIN CLOTHING COMPANY VALUC FIRST "The Store With a Square Deal for Every Purchaser” ALBANY, ( ■4 Romans First Pleasure Tourist» Traveling for piesaure came Into Manufacturing Optician people have been duly warned. For this is the end of ail flesh we vogue In the peaceful years of the Ro are told. T ria is aa it should be. There i. no man empire, says the Scientific Amer­ •r ap judgment taken, ami wholesale According to Job, in a book that is ican. Historic places end natural curiosities wore sou ► » I I W. A. Ewing, A. E. Ramisll. and many sinners too. and we should President Vice Pres. E. D. Myers. Cashier be consoled in the thought. "They Htart a bank account today and •hall no more be remembered." provide for Your future. Halleluja! You will find a checking »c- count very convenient for your We hate to admit wo are so mor- busines» transactions. We pay interest on lime deposits. rally rotten. forgotten, < I < < WESELY leading national advertising agency ■ tumble us in. of the Northwest, with office, at Christmas I. but devm day. sway "Where the worm, will crawl out, Portland and Seattle. Botsfurd- •nd the worm» will crawl in. nnd Santa Clau. i* looking for Constantine Company are also con­ Will be crawling about, all over our and girl, of ail good boy. ducting large advertising campaigns chin nges. But where will he find them? in all parts of the country for «uch There is a beautiful lesson in thi. They will invite all their neighbors, products as Tillamook Cheese. Hood and their friend’, neighbor.toe." ea*on of good cheer, nnd few there River Apples. Snowflake Crackers, To feed on the carkam. of both me are who remember, it from season to Albers Cereals. Mapleine. Jantzen and you. reanon. How much better it would Swimming Suits. Goodyear Rubber Our goal will lie reached, and our l*e If the happiness and good cheer Footwear, and others. funeral, preached. •nread at thi. time coule tie extend­ Oregon is rapidly approaching ed over the whole twelve month». And the worms will be tickled, to the point where we should have have such good eats. We have decided not to publish any many other nationally advertise«! Then at the last, when they've all souvenir edition thi. year. l>ecau»e products, particularly our fruits. gotten through. the one of last year coat ua more salmon, lumber, etc. It is aati- than we received out of it. but we They will shout halleluja. they've mated that California coo pt-rat i ve had such a chow. wi.hall a Merry Christmas, association and such product* as the The chill» and the shiver., crawl up Del Monte canned good* are •|>erui- our backs. In another colum will be found an around six million dollors a vear announcement bv City Marshall When we think of these gruesome, for national advertising. This has cold solid facts. N. I. Morrison, calling attention to helped to build the wonderful rep­ Who cares for our bones, or our the enforcement of city ordinances utation for California product* flesh when it* rotten. and state law. He has given this which exiaU in all part*’oo the world. P lblic notice and taken no .tep. Or envv the worm., for the feast toward enforcing them HAROLD ALBRO, b wear price, right. ing off of other worm., which worm*. < > < > Don’t forget our complete line of mens wool under­ ljulie. Heather hoae 35c to Si. 15 A hole in the ground, where they lockets of the taxpayer». Not Open on Sunday» ALS A At It worms we want to call your attention to fallen Astoria will arise ■ bigger this morning is the ".kin worm.’’ and Iwtler city, and the people of and wish to call your attention to the stale will render all assistane, paiwage. in holy writ found in the poeailde While It is deplorable book of Job. 19 26 verse. "And that ac large a lose should be entail­ though after mv akin worms destroy ed. it will reflect Itself with more thi. bodv. Yet in my flesh, shall substantial buildings and a cleaner I see God?" Job. 24:20. ‘The worm, city. •hall feed sweetly on him he shall no DR. A. G. PRILL .y grub worm, and lean worms, worm, liv­ similitude Out of the calamity which ha. be­ SCIO worms, worm, of many kind» and colors. I juv worms, industrious worm., fat 14. 1922 THt'RStiAY. Dr PMiiciaii ani ♦♦♦♦ ♦ .... ORbXiON v hi »**» mh >* vv v v vi vvvm » v < vvh i hm ii mv > » v « vm v < 1 I