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À Protein 19 p c ♦ Fat 8 per cent : : Cberre Scmlrb Protein 9 p C Fat 3 per cent A-h 2 red’ cent Fiber 2 percent Protein 11 p c Fat 24 per cent Ash 2 per cont Fiber 2 percent CUrrs CMak Fae4 Protein 11 p c Fat 2 per cent A«h 2 per cent Fiber 2 per ct Cherro Chick Mash Protein 16 p e Ash 4 per cent a Fat 4 per cent Fiber & per ct. Cherro Stock Feeds CkMra CK-W I’rnidn IS p e Pai 8 per cent A«l> 6 t*r cent Ftl*r 8 per ct. CUm h, CWw Protein 14 p e Ash 34 per cent Fat 34 per cent Fiber 5 per ct. Ch' ?ro Molasses Feed lu b c ’1 per cent A»h 9 per cent Fiber 15 per ct. Vanufactured by , i Oily Milling Co. stem Oregon DR. FICQ i kntist Office Hours: < to 12 A. M. 1» to 5 P M S. G BROWNE M. D. 0 I ' > Drop in and let Hagey. the jew­ eler. show you how nice the Edison LOCAL BREVITIES Fountain Pen works. John Brock was called to hie old h ■no- in Albert*. Canrda last week Meadow Shade Hutter on sale at I ail grocers. by the death of a brother. Mrs. I. V. McAdoo spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dale Poindexter and daughter, were visitors at the When you buy butter buy Meadow home of J H. i'oindexter and Will Shade Butter. Garland's, last week. Fred Bilyeu attend« I a F«rd gwet- Leroy Hoagland, son of 1. Hoag Ing In Portland last Friday. land, and who was in partnership Mra. L. D. Warmack, of San An with Otho E. Wallace. in the new tonio, Texas, is visiting at the home Novelty Manufacturing Co., has jof her aiater, Mrs R I. Hixson. 1 sold his interests to his father and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bilyeu and left Saturday for pointe in California Mrs. Jennie McKnight, were dinner He expects to locate in that state 'guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. if he can find a suitable location Frank Gill Sunday. We are sorry to lose Leroy from our midst, but wish him well. Meadow Shade Butter on sale at I at home. all grocers. Ira Morris, wife and Mrs Holmer. ¡of Dallas, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Morris’ mother, Aunt Peckj Morris, of this city. , Mrs. Dr. W. 3. Mott, of Salem. who was visiting her »tster, Mrs. Dr. S. C. Browne, returned home last Friday morning. Glen Clark, Pauline Sims, Gordon, Wesolv, Rose Jireeh, John Terhune and Leia Couey attended a dance In Salem Saturdry night. Mias Ina Parrish, who is employed with the telephone company at The Dalles, »(»ent Thanksgiving with her parents, J. W. Parrish and wife. When you buy butter buy Meadow Shade Butter. We have just learned that Roger' winter which is very aoacging Sull he M sbie tu out his regular eord of wood moot every day. George Griffin took Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. Lain Mui liger, which he to ns »ch enjoyed ae be is a two horse balchlor. John Griffin who makee his home with his mother. Mrs. S. W. Gaioes. went over Tuesday to take Thanks­ giving with his daughter at Staytoo. David Horsburg. wife and four daughters took Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. Horsburg's mother, Mrs. Eliza Crabtree, of Scio. Art Letonmaier, wife and babe, went down Tuesday to Oregon City, to spend Thanksgiving with his parents snd brothers. Newton Crabtree, after a week, called in Sunday at the Smith farm for a square meal. With the assistance of the high wind Saturday afternoon Ed Kalin* and the old Pie Eater, sawed down eleven large trees, as Ed ha* a sur­ plus of timber. Revis Graham, wife and two daughters, of Mooitor. called in Thanksgiving for an hours visit with S. W. Gaines, Mrs. Graham's father. I As they were on their way home they called on Bill Garland, of Scio, j for Thanksgiving dinner. Price Neal, of Richardson tian, called on Ed Kalina Wednesday, for a supply of potatoes at 75c per 100 lbs. We were very sorry to learn of the death of our good friend Stanley Hoffman, our Crabtree merchant, after two years of intense suffering. A* Ed Kalina and 1 returned from Scio Tuesday we found a wrecked auto belonging to Clarence Kruml.i on the Franklin Butte grade, as he had turned turtle, demolishing one wheel also the top. He escaped un­ hurt but loot his crate of eggs. David Horsburgh sawed his win­ ters wood Wednesday, Joseph and Ed Kalina, made a flying business trip to Albany. Mon­ day. I see by the papers the mule threw Olcott, as he had the saddle on the off mule. Pierce lit in the saddle, rode off with head and tail For Sale—About 26 bushels of corn on the cob, Cash price hOc per hundred weight. J. F.Weeely. Score Cards—Get your "500" score cards at the T ribune office. 2c per card, or 2| cents per card by mail, postpaid For Sale—About 10 gallons No. 5 Zerolene motor oil. with container. Price right, if you can use it. In­ quire at the Tribune office. For Sale-Prunes, orchard run. good clean prunes, 10c per pound. Orders may be left and called for at Densmores Feed Store. G. L, Muxxy. 17p For Sale--About 30 cord of 4-foot wood at West Scio. It is old growth dry balm. Price right. This is Al wood. Inquire of IL H. McDonald. |8p For Sale The Maple Spring Farm is for Sale, 163 acres. Anyone wishing to buy. will give satisfac­ tory terms at 5 per cent. See Frank Sommers. Scio, or write to C. H. Wain, Junction City. On. 17tf. Money to Loan at 5j ' The Feder­ al Land Bank of Spokane. Waxh , wiill make loans through tho Forks of the Santiam National Farm Len Association in amounts from $1<><> to 910.000, for a peri­ od at 5 to 33 years, on first mort­ gage security. Inquire of W. H. McLain, Sec.-Treas., rout«* No. 2, Scio, Oregon. Il-p Chiropractic Talks I ___ o/ J 'Jt'tfiCU TÇpluril/ytf fob ~ g 97P iS Í ■*f àis/aca/eà or ^Suhlurolfò^tii <4l Snowi a norma/terre Q/oerung /hot íí maóa snta//¿y Suh/uta/eò ¡Ser/e/>. rut li it any wonder that such an A Thanksgiving dinner was given abnormal condition reacts up­ at the home of Will Garland's. Those on the genetai health of a hu­ present were: Mr. and Mrs. N. R man being? And. if this con­ Graham and daughters. Merle and dition is allowed to remain, Letha. and Mr. Earl Koon lx, all of what does the future hold of Monitor; and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. health. Our methods elimi­ Gaines, of Crabtree; Mr. Charley Hunl of Lebanon, and Mr. and up. nate such causes’ Joe Kalina is getting tired of Mrs J. H. Poindexter and son. Consultation Free. laurence, and Mrs. Clara Griffin, bachelor* life, and still snuffing along on a cold track, as eociety The Linn county farm bureau will women are getting so fast he is hold its annual meeting beginning at afraid of them. They trv to make 10:00 a m. o'clock Saturday. Decern* the husband take their place while AT SCIO HOTEL her 9th in the Linn county court they are out for a good time, too Mondays, Wednesdays and house. All members of the bureau much for the income. arc urged to be present. The ex­ Fridays PUBATKR. ecutive committee will recommend Hour«: 9 to 11 a. rn. that the farm bureau dues for the Subaeri be for the Tribune coming year I* reduced to $5.00. There may be some who will object to this. It is also expected that a representative of the state farm bureau organisation will be present to speak and the annual election will be held. Clean wooden floors, linoleum, I M. Cain was also a prize winner at the Pacific International Live Stock . Fair, winning first premium on ButT Hagey, the jeweler, is having a Rocks stormy time these daya. Ho is sell­ Will Parrish, jr., was in Salem ing Cyclone Alarm Clocks. Saturday night, and brought home Quite a number from here are with him a brand new overcoat. It taking in the Albany meetings and is a beauty, and says he saw Rov are staying over in the hope that Shelton while making the purchase. the evangelist will be able to help them physically. It is reported that Parent-Teachers will meet again a few have been able to receive the tonight in regular monthly session. blessings of this noted man and My All parents interr«traeen in flu. is now well because of the heal­ the service for three years, serving ing influences of this divine at two years io Germany, and one year Albany. Others, whose names we in Georgia, gave his parents a big 1 do not konw. are also reported to surprise as well as a happy