The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, December 07, 1922, Image 5

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    Budget Meeting Main Topic I ted
1922 23 except in
Mill (Ttv where the salary it «till
$ 155 uer month
In Harrisburg all
teacher* were raised 95 per month,
in larlomon 1 High School teacher
waa raised 17 50 per month, and in
Tangent there waa a raise of 915
per month to 9140 in the teacher*
«alary. The average* for the »late
for three size* of High Schools are:
91311, 11293 and 91343. The«*
signed. •» • X" ¡tot of the eat will and
The students of Scio High School average« are for lady teacher*
tratamcnt of Laura I * Ambrwu». <)<•
ceMcd, ha» filed in th« county court of j under the present leadership have salaries for men range above 11500.
Linn county, Oregon, hn final account
Concerning the number of teachers
aa such executor. and that »aid court i for the first time made themaelw.«
ha* appointed Monday, the lxth day of j felt in th* state of Oregon, They ncci —ary, the State School Super­
December, 1923, at the hour of two
o’clock in the afternoon of said day aa j have developed a football team of intendent sayt in his latest bulletin:
the time for hearing objection* to »aid good reputation for sportsmanship
i’leaae note also that a High school
final account and the *et tiemen t thereof.
has lea« than sixteen pupils in
Any arid all persona having objection» and the best Basketball team in the
to »aid final account arc hereby notified county and one of the beat in the average daily attendance may do
to be present at said time in the county
the wurk with <>ne teacher. If a
court room, in the court house in the city state; and in debate won a decision
of Albany, Linn ( <>uuty, Oregon, and from a team that defeated Salem High School has more than sixteen
then and there make such objections.
They have cquiDped their school pupils in average daily attendanoe
E. D. Mvtiw,
Executor of th.' will and uatats of with athletic equipment and shower there must be two teachers. When­
Jjxura L. Ambrose, ileceased.
j baths and remodeled the stage in ever there arc more than thirty-two
H ill & M arks ,
i the assembly room. They have lire puoils in average dally attendance
Attorneys for Executor.
sentad some of the best of the coun- the schools must have three teach­
itry’splavs, published school notes ers. and so on.” The average daily
Notici ol School Electron to Increase rated higher than anv in the stat«-, attendance in Scio is 49.5. The
T h Mort than Sii Per Cool Over tfcat published their first school annua! school might be required to have
of the Previous Year
and a school paper that is bringing ( ur teachers. It Is unwise to con­
Notice is hereby given to the l«-gal in a good Income each month. They tinue the agitation for only two.
voter* of School District No. *.*■’. ol
3 Grade Teachers: The average
Linn County, Mate of Oregon, that an have organized a stiong student
election will lie held In «aid Distnct at body organization and a measure of «alary in Scio is 91035 or 9115 per
the Schoolhouse, on the 31st day of
December, 11*22, at 2 o’clock in the af­ student self government. The gym­ month. The average for the state
ternoon, to vote on the question of in­ nasium is a lasting monument to for 1349schools repotting is 9118.39
creasing the amount of the tax lew in
»aid District for th« year 11'23 by more this changed Student Body of the for the town schools. The Linn
than six per cent over the amount of school.
County School Superintendent says:
• u.-h levy for the year in.mediately pre­
Let us take the proposed budget There are no marked decrease*
It is necessary to raise this additional item by item in fairminded analysis: this year and many increases. I
amount by special lew for the following
am sure that when I average the
1 —Principal: The Scio Principal
I or installation of heating plant and
alaries the average will be higher
receive* each month 9166.66 and has
needed repair of the buikling.
Dated thD 2»th day of November, worked on an average 5| days a than last year. I believe that next
year salaries will remain stationary
week exclusive of evenings and has
increase slightly. ‘The «alarie*
Chairman Board of Directors.
taken no vacations free from school
if grade principals have been in­
business. No other male principal
creased tn Albany and Brownsville.
in Linn County receives to small a
District Clerk.
salary per month. The lowest any I The salaries of ail grade teachers
have been raised 95 per month in
other male principal receives Is
Harrisburg. I a* ba non, Mill City,
$177.77 per month. By the year
Attorney at Law
tine salary was lowered In Shedd
the average salary of heads of schools
Cusick Bank Bldg.
and two salaries were averaged in
in Linn County is 92**27
For the
OREGON state the average is $2000 exclusive Tangent, otherwise there was no’
change in the county. Grade teach-
of Salem and Portland.
■ rs in Tangent receive 9110 per
School teachers:
month and 9100-9115 in Sweet Home.
the average salary for
Authorised Auction Sale and Interstate 1921-22
4 Janitor: This salary is a dis-
high school teachers in Linn county j
to expensive equipment— $50
Phone«:—Palace Peed t-hed. 184- J
was 11222 while the average fori
Residence, 500 R
a month.
Scio was 91135. There has been
5 Furniture: Each year until
this year, during the present admin-
istration, there has been an increas­
ed enrollment of 10 or more pupiis
in the high school. Last vear there
were only 58 wat* for 65 pupils.
This year it was justly decided to
avoid this condition and a uselew
extra filoor was removed from the
rear of the assembly room and seats
put in this area. The aeala of all
rooms were rearranged to fit »ize»
of the pupil*, and new wata were
placed in the 3d and 4 th grade
r<. <m where pupil* are smaller than
in former years when this room waa
j-d for higher grades. Adjustable
seats should have been ordered but
a saving of 950 was made by getting
plain reats. An additional 950 waa
saved by salvaging old seats that
had been discarded.
There is In the high school thia
year one claw of 29. and each year
at least one of similar size. Only
<>ne recitation chair was in good re­
pair. and whi n repairs were made
■nly 19 were available for these ;
irge clause«. Twelve more had to I
be ordered.
The debt waa reduced >2000 dur- '
ing the paat vear, and thia debt was <
outstanding warrants, there living ;
no bonded indebted against District ]
N > <5
It has lie-m the custom of <
directors to use the amount of in- J
terest paid during the past year in ]
making the estimate for the new <
budget, and 1 ecause a large amount I
was paid, etmwquentlv a large e*ti- ;
mate was made for thia year.
to higher institute >fis with« t
and m t«r<> wars five
(Continued from page 1.)
I Scio graduate* have availed them
schools and thia year others will fol­
. wive* of this privilege. Hasel Lbil-
low but Seio will remain unlew the
, lipp'. Kenneth H irons. John Ran »mi,
third High School teacher should be
Row Chromy, and John Densmore
removed. The graduate* of an ac­
' Do the people of Scio wish their
credited standard school arc admit-
High School to be a standard school
or not’ Shall w« diamunt our di­
attici it hail Stnintat
i ploma* or shall we et m tin ue to give
Notice t» hereby given that the under- them real value.
no decreases for
Master Dyer» and Cleaners
B5 Lyon « . Albany, Oregon
When the Seals Come,
Buy Them
LITT 1,1’. before Christmas, you will
be offered some Christmas Seals.
Keep them and use them on envelopes and
packages. Send a check or money order
to cover the small sum they cost.
Hhen you do this, you help in the
fight against tuberculosis. You help save
human lives. Your help goes whore help
is most needed — to the
house that is clouded with
the threat of death. W hen
the seals come, buy them.
Stump Out TubcrculniH
with Ckristmax Sen/»
For Christmas
We have stocked a fine line of
Fresh Mixed Candies
All Kinds of Nuts
The Best f ruits and
Fancy Christinas Boxes
Don’t Forget Us
Hollis Confectionery
Saturday Special
Boiling meat
. ......... Sc
Roasts ......................... 12*c
Special Price for
Round Steak.............. 15c
Hamburger ... ................ 13<
Pork Sausage................ 15c
All other meats have samo
big reduction.
25c pound
Holechek Bros. Prop.
There is a Place for
The Cow in Agriculture
of Every Country
Where lb* cow ha* taken her rightful place, ami man hu done hi»
part, we find the highest type of farming, we Ami farmer* Hying on their
own farm», raising crop« in rotation, which la the way th« Lord Intend­
ed ua to farm.
We find on the farm*, barn» with mow» am! bin* ami ailo«- regular
factories working th* year round, getting th«- very moet from the farm’s
crop« and furnishing an income «very weak of the year.
W« find home« with convenience*.
We find intelligent, thrifty, debt-fre« people with mind« and hands
alert from «toady employment
W« find a good citizenship, a good agriculture.
Oregon Milk Company
Ix*al Agent. Mr*. Nell Udito
Condensery, Scio, Oregon