r * > » t " J»“ É ■ -.x i'/, I • ' ' A * - •- SHELBURN NEWS j Dec. & A Summer Clime Tlie Humdinger Club elected of­ ficers lg»t Saturday afternoon, nt th* borne of Mrs. Cecil Ashbaugh.' The president will appoint her com­ mittee* next week. The girls fin­ ished the blocks they were embroi-: dering for a comfort, and begun another, which they hope to have ready for their entertainment and ' Fill a good oil heater with Pearl Oil. At the touch of a match you have a cheery, friendly heat for very little coet. And you can easily carry this cotnfortable warmth from room to room — wherever it is wanted — with no heat wasted in unused rent Thanksgiving with hia mother and brothers. Mrs. Claud Churchill and two °)7Ì/r Zr lhe '(Mure daughters, of McMinnville, were visiting at the Quincy crume» W cor/r home last week. John Grey Ransom was home from O. A. C. to spend Thanksgiving with his parents. W. H. McLain and wife returned from Belfountain Saturday where they had been visiting with Mr*. Mellin’s brothers. Quite a number of Shelburn people have attended the Price meetings in Albany. C. V. Ashbaugh is home for a few days awaiting for another call from the S. P. He has been working in a depot near Wheeler, Oregon. The Forks of the Santirm Com­ munity Club, met at the Shelburn school house Monday evening. Be­ tween eeventv five and one hundred people braving the rain from Scio and the surrounding community were present. The school children gave a veiy pleasing program fol­ lowed by short talk» from several members. The main object of the meeting was a wider advertising of the club. The next meeting will be at Scio. ' Al KY LANG RANGE manufactured is built around the famous HOT BLAST, principle and . contain* the LANG HOT AIR DRAFT, both ) uncinai, patented feature*. Forcuift the heat en- n.ely around lhe over., utilizing every particle of furl and hcutinA ev»O' inch cooking iur- f* e. the LANG run/w is by far the most euonum- i. al kitchen run A* on the market. Today LANG ■ love* are used end et dorwd by thousand* of American housewives. I . show you a R. M. CAIN Phone 76 Hardware Furniture SCIO OREGON. Riley Shelton Real I'.stale Broker and Notary Public jib»'rafts Obtained. Examined JCIO - . . OREGON O. F. Korinek ■•war« *f CarwUI A bone In corset* recently cauaed th* death at a young woman who waa akllnt In R wit Borland. Nhe fail over The bona 8TAYTON, - . . OREGON a ledge Into deep allow. pierced her heart an<1 aha (t!»4 Iraiue Calte answered Day or Night I alitate Veterinarian lubereuMu Teete» J «lately 96. of Linn County. State at Oregon, that a SCHOOL -MEETING of *ai«l die- triet will be held at the HCHOOL HOUSE, on the 21»tday of December, 1922, st 2 o'clock In the afternoon for the p<>rp<»<- nf roro’i-idenng the budget here­ inafter aet out with the levying board, ami to vote on the proposition of levy­ ing a special district tax. , The total amount of money needed by the »aid school district during the fiscal year beginning on June 22, 1222, and ending June 30, 1923, is estimated in the following budget and include* the amount* to be received from the county school fund, state school fund, elementary school fund, tax. and all other money» of the district: special district BUDGET E stimated ExrssprruRk* PnSOMaL Saavtcn Principal...................... Teacher» .................... • « «« «• Janitor».................... Clerk ............................ No. 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 Salary per year »2000 00 1215 00 1155 oil 1080 00 990 00 450 00 50 Total ..................................... MATgaiAt and 8umiag Furniture (desk*. stoves, curtains, etc.) Supplies (chalk, erasers, etc.).................... 1ibrary books...................................................... Laboratory supplies ..................................... Janitor'* »uppltae................................................ Fuel.............................. ........................................... I .ight........................................................................ Water .................................................... Postage and stationery ................................. Total tax*o 1215 1155 2160 110*0 450 50 «S010 2 275 65 HO 50 25 150 28 IX » Total ....................................... asp R imm Heating plant................ Repair* on building... « Total... iNMmnNBM Interest on warrant* Total... I ssvsancs Insurance ........................ Total.. M1SCSIXANBOP* Printing and advertising .... Supplies for Domestic Science . Freight and Hauling ................. Total ...................... I 7o5 M sintknanck » «75 M0 oo 00 00 (io 00 00 00 00 00 00 U0 00 00 00 oo no 00 00 00 »1235 <« » 350 00 S 350 00 » I 5» 00 50 00 » 5 00 100 ( V 20 00 I 125 00 E mb * u * m CV Retiring warrant*. ............................. _ t . Tot>1......... 1” ................................................................................. Total eatimated amount of money for all purjxxw-» during the year 1517 42 I «7 3 »11922 42 ErriMaTaii R xckifts From county school fund durine the coming school year »1500 00 Front state school fund durine the cornine achool yeas........................... .. 00 From elementary achool fund during the com­ ing achool year.................... 12« 00 Estimated amount to be received from ail other aourvea during the coming school y ........................................................... 2400 no Total estimated receipt*. not including proposed tsx.. »Moo <0 RacArrnuATios Total eatimated expense* for the year 211992 42 Total eatimated receipt» not Including pro­ pound tax .............................................. ,,, 5K*l 00 Balance, amount to bo raised by district tax I 65M2 42 Dated thia 28th day of November. ¡922. Attest; ANNIE D. BARTU. District Clerk. FRANK BARTU, Board of Director*.