r F 4 ... -, (*¿4 Original Estimate and Accounting Sheet Remember School District No. 95 Thia original estimate is made in cumpliancw with section 231-A of the school law* el 1921 anti shows in (Mrallcl columns th* unit costa of the several service*, material and supplies for the three fiscal years next preceding the current year, the detailed expenditure* for the last one of said three preceding fiscal year* and the budget allowance* and expenditure* for six months of the current year. ("Six months of the current year" mean* six month* of the last school y ear.) e pav the highest prices for your Chickens. Get our prices before selling. EXPENDITURES LARGE & HACKLEMAN ITEM Personal Service 2. Principal 3. Teachers Scio, Oregon 9 2UUU 1216 1166 10W WO wo 00 00 00 00 6 luuO uo 810 7«V 720 MO MU 7» »O 26 63 M 00 00 450 00 60 00 low 4. Janitor................................. 6. Clerk................................... 7. Other »*rvlc*a.............. Total Material j rial and SuppttOS Supplies Furniture desk. ate.) Supplie* chalk, ate).. Library book*................ 4. lal«>rat<>ry supplias .. Janitor's «uppliee .... 7. Fuel...................... ................ Light..................................... " ater .... io. Footage and stationary i Total—Material A supplies Maintenance and Repair* Heating plant . ......... Building« and groutvia ... Total Total Indebtedness , Miscellaneous Printing and advertising. Supplies for D. Science . Freight and hauling.......... Total Miscellaneous tóo 160 28 12 20 I a. «. a a 1 Ou M OU UU 00 00 00 00 30 r wio uo Personal Service year* next preceding th* Budget allow anee in detail Expendi­ ture* in datali Poultry Feeding Station Old Butcher Shop Stand F xpenditurwa for three fiscal Expenditure* and bu.lgct allo wane* for ail month* of last school year • * 252 SO 40 % 5 00 2 50 8 45 60 8 45 6U 6 « >34 36 8 302 86 1 4M * 758 Ml 324 V7 8 324 97 8 75 OO C7»'* 1 75 UU I UH 47 '>41 f_8W> I« I 4 H6 _ 100 24 ___ 18 38 16 45 «7 62 r~w 9i «7 OU trr» m S 70W I* I 123 47 8 IM 62 Emergency • 617 * Total— Flmerg^ncy,,.. GRANI» TOTA! FARMERS 811W2 42 I s MK> 98 110132 75 $ H4 M I. Annie 1). Bartu, do hereby certify that the above estimate of expenditure« for the year 1922-1923 was prepared by me and that the expenditure» and budget allowance for six motitl « of the current year and the expenditure* for the three fiscal years next preceding the current year a* shown abuve have been compiled from the record* in mv charge and are true and cor­ rect copie» thereof. ANNIE L). BARTV, District (. lerlt. Clean up Sale on Lumber APPEALED TO THE BURGLAR8 We have a large stock of No. 1 and 2 common to be sold under market prices. First Served. First come. Heusebold In glttenSerf, Austria, Firmly of the Opinion That It Pays to Be Polita la Politenees pays, to judge by an incident told by the Vienna corre- «pondent of the ixiudon I lady Fix- pres*. Hou^breaker* have been ao active in the neighborhood of Nittendorf that the owner of a villa before go­ ing away for a few days decided to prepare for their entrance during his absence otherwise than by the »••••••♦♦•♦< Are You Looking Ahead? ***••••••••• usual lock* and bolts He left an J ¡open letter worded thus on his deck : ' Are you saving for the future, or «pending »« you go? Saver or ’ Spender Thv -aver will soon be able to own hi* own farm or bu itw -«. J; “My Osar Burglars: I am putting ' Hi« surceM is ar«ur«d. Th* spender haa • good time t ariy in life. sj.<-nd- ;• 300 kroner for you within roach, i ing all, ami too late rvabxe« the truth of the saying."I he Secart of Suc- . > al«o some * Springs, Leghorn* ¡Other springs, under li Ibe Cocks.____ _____ I Stag* I Veal, fancy no. 1 MAY RIRLACI CgLLULOID Dressed pork. no. 1 blockers Figgs. cash. 40c trade Not so long ago cvnaidsrabls in­ Figgs, white select ___ teract was aroused in this country Butter fat by the announornirnt that a profes­ Ducks. 10c an is a gelahth made of th* glucine of Ground or cracked com ___ 8.00 soya beans, coagulated by formalin. Growing feed taken away except the money and cigarettes tndiiwted As 800 kronor are worth about atipenoa, the ruse was a aheap oae. It is stated to be produced much more cheaply than ordinary cellu­ Hard wheat loid.—New Tort Herald. Soft wheat Local Market Qaotatioas POULTRY. VRAI. AND E g G8 llene. 4 Iba and over F lock - ___ 2.26 1.65 Why not eend tho Tribune to vour relative* or friends for a Chrsitmaa present By JAÇK WIUON H*. >«» CX *| Mamie* I 'W .. «