4 -J xt ' ’Vk >• ' • • Vï>Z 4 -» ■ * a ' ¿.’V »* r* ‘ w • * I f. THE SCIO TRIBUNE We have Everything OPTICAL EVE STRAIN ii the cause of many HUMAN ILLS in high school« are in demand and can get more money than reduction allows the board to pay; so Scio would not get trained high school teachers. Study the budget. From county and ’state funds thia school receives 15400. and the amount to be raiard by taxation for salaries, re­ pairs and Interest is $6592.42. If the school should not secure outside pupils because of our actions, moet ' of this outside money would stop and our taxes would go that much higher. Think Hover. BANCROFT Optical Company SIS W. lid St.. Albany SUGGESTIONS Men« Silk knit ties ®). 69. 75. and 90 cents Mens pure wool heavy socks 35 to 80 cts. per pair Moccaaona 25 to 40 eta. |>er pair Bergman shoe oil best in the world 35c a can DR. A. G. PRILL. GILKEY STATION PHiiciai act SQTfMi ▼ * ♦ ♦ ♦ Calls Attended Day or Night Don’t forget our complete line of mens wool under­ i wear price« right Ladies Heather hose 35c to SI. 15 Dec. 5 Boys and girls knit caps B5c to $1.25 Mr« Cora Smith has received a letter frow Mrs. Charles Apple, We need th«- road to Jeffer'on saying they are now living in Bend. paved, if th btimp- :«• i »baking up Oregon, and are doing well. one gets is any evidence. This road The following attended the Forks is inter-county and is a necessary of the Sautiam Community Club strip to be paved. meeting in Shelburn, Monday eve­ ning: Miss Margaret Serfling. S. P The standpatters are ximplaining Crenshaw, Ixio and Herman Zeiier against the "blocs" in congress. Mrs. Cora Smith. Mr. and Mrs Quite probable some programs are . Leanord Gilkey. being effectively blocked which they The people of this community have been interested in. , feel the loss of the t'rsbtree mcr- Till RXOAY. hr • 7, IV22 L. BI. HUM Care of Y ick So I ong taa Meiicine and Tea Has medicine which will cure any known disease. C l Not Open on Sunday« l.i South High Street Salem. Oregon Phone 2S3 THE SCIO STATE BANK i chant, Stanley Hoffman, as he was W. A. Swing, A. F Randall Vice Pres. ' If the progressive« in congress an upright and progressive citizen,' I'rwi.lcnl E. l>. Myers. Cashier I can succeed in putting over progres­ a credit to anv community. The Htart a bank account today and sive legislation, it will be proven we following attended hie funeral. provide for your future. You will find a checking ac­ do not need the third party, but to Mrs. Will Serfling, Helen and Ira count very convenient for your Mrs. keep on cleaning house until the Serfling. Peter Peterson. business transactions. We psy interest on time deposits. two old i>arties become progressive, W. A. Gilkey, Mrs. Cora Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mcs(elt. Flovd j Crenshaw. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Riley, j By the way, have you joined the Knox Butte. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Davenport Community Club yet? You are Mr. and Mrs. James Riley. Mr. and missing some splendid meetings and Mrs. Leonard Gilkey. and little son Donald, were visiting your membership and heln is need- Mr. and Mrs. Jack ■ tion will meet Monday night, and this live organization is taking hold i of many timely subjects. It is co­ operating with the Community Club and the two ought to make this old welkin ring. Fred Mespelt home Thanksgiving day. Baby Helen Gilkey has received a beautiful silver spoon with her name and date engraved, as second prise in the baby contest at the j Linn County Fair. She was entered HAROLD ALBRO, in the two year old class, and scored ' With the Community Club meet ­ Manufacturing Optician ing for an all-day session in Scio on just one-half a point below the firs! New Year's Day. with a basket din­ prize baby of her claas. The following enjoyed a turkey ner at noon, many good resolutions \\ right & Poole should be made and adopted, and dinner at the Mae Higginbotham MORTICIANS then carried out. Sure, everybody home in Silverton Sunday: Mrs is invited to meet with the Club, F. A. Serfling. Margaret. Helen and lest I • «Tvice. both Professionally Ira Serfling. Mrs Ida Preaver. Joe but bring well filled baskets. and in Etineral Conducting. Prokop and Gene Kelly. ady Assistant always. Beet of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kelly. Mr. Equipment and Priccw Guaran­ The Tribune is exceedingly torr y teed Right for Everybody. that so much ill-feeling has been in­ and Mrs. Ernest Kelly, were dinner P romb 15 jected into the school question be­ guests at the home of Arthur Kelly, Ei'vNON OREGON cause of the budget and the MV of I at Ijebanon. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. S, H. Holt, attended tiie teachers. The public school is the Dr. Price meeting Friday eve­ the nucleus around which a prosper ­ »eseeeeeoooosg«««« ous and contented community is ning. Mrs. A. Mitchell and Mrs. Hanke built, if that school is aS good or a arc staying in Albany, attending the little better than schools of nearby ; ir Special $50.00 and I Armory meetings. districts. If we are inferior to anv 2 E g a gement Rings ; | i7.. lamond rings. Oil i priced from $25.00 ! I. French & Sons: uid Opticians Al : Y. • • OREGON ! e*«*e eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeai 1 V L VNt Homi Kniìti»! Tari* il - ,r| ri'* for thehome knltt»r» "i, bui stili a faci Eurther- h - yarn i» absolutely Virgin ri tb» wool sai grvwn in Lino ti - I hjr Mr. Benderà t<> thè Ore- tv Gii Company imills locateti at i msde loto wooted yarn by «on nf C. P lliahop, i of thè Woolen Mili Store or •regun knitter» try thia vam ■ -l ini. 45r iier ball of 2 OU 'i rnt on aiinl'cation. Addreas h p. Box *3. Salem. < >regon. other school, parents will go to that school to educate lheit children and thus build up that community. The teachers we now have may not lie the best, but as good as moat. The budget calls for just what is needed I by the school board to meet con­ tracted obligations and repair the school puilding which cannot be de­ layed longer than the close of the present school year. It is a reason­ able budget in view of the exigen­ cies. If we must reduce taxes. and we ahould, let’s find other channels to do so. We cannot go back to the wages paid before war- in the first place the law fixes the minimum wage for teachers at 175 a month, in the second place, the man or wo­ man who equip themnelves to teach Fresh and Cured Meats We buy Veal, Pork &. Poultry Shelton & Co. Props SCIO, OREGON Jones and with relatives in Portland last week. I ring your boy bere ami lia ve us exam- The loyal voters of Koad Dist. ii hie rii» Very likely he w behind ' <«d. If you live in the Forks of the Harry, of Stayton, dined at the J. In hi» «tinhc» becauas hm <-yes hurt him Santiam. it is your duty to affiliate. G. Holt home Thanksgiving. No. 21». met at the Gaines school, t" reto! I‘ro|»-r glaaac« supplied now Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kitchen, of I house on Nov. 25th. for the purpose wdl probably «ave rum from the neces­ sity »■ »ring any glasses later on The Scio Busin»**« Men’s Associa­ Albany, were dinner guests at the of voting a special road tax. A, * i iii.« •s ; <-l stronger. (Dpt&m etrhst ALAA.HV Dealers in - Larwood Items +• ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • » ♦ ♦ • »• ♦ ♦ ♦ » • • » Dec. & Mrs. Wilbur Fleming and son Le­ roy. were visiting with home folks and old friends here, last week. Mr Sid Stringer was very much gratified on returning from a trip to Scio one day last week, to find a nice juicy liver of a fat porker se­ curely attached to his pump handle. Sid says he is an ardent believer in scripture, especially in the verse which reads "The Lord will pro­ vide." Albert Howard was viaiting with his old friend. Wilbur Fleming, on the Pinnacle, last Sunday. After the year’s strenuous labors, we are informed that O. E. Carry, has hied away to our metropolis to «(•end his much needed vacation and also try to recuperate for the duties of life which await him on his re- turn. Mrs. Oliver Howard, is visiting ¡ for a few days at the home of Mr J and Mrs. Frank Powell. of East $3000 lax was voted, with a major-( ity of 24 votes. Wilfred Elliott. of Portland, has iieen visiting with friends and rei- «lives of thia vicinity. - O'—' —- Mis Choles. Tommy was permitted to «e In and see his new twin brother«, After looking st them a moment hs said. -he«p tl>e redheaded <>ne. ma. 'cause he'll be the l>est fighter.''—Boston Transcript. CARINO FOR SPRING CALVES That Voungatsre B« Kept Thrifty an« Free From Disease Chiropractic Talks iff/tr (ÁtnfinxíorÁyÁiS w/fo mmt bonrfrmum I w/tttk fo slrantf/r rterres a/ /for out/rt¿otris /¿rouj/i //fe ■sfttna/ cofo/rtrt There Is nothing complex or hard to understand alieut our methods. We would like an opportunity to explain at length just what results we can obtain by their appliance to your («articular condition. and Sickness. The good dairy ■'elves horn thia spring ar» needed as milk row» two years from now, so the dairyman should do his (Mirt by giving these ani­ mals a chance to live and develop. Nprlng calves are usually harder to raise than fall calves, and since the dairyman has less time usually during this busy season to care for the calves. It Is very necessary that the attention given be (but moat neclcl to keep them thrifty and free from disease and sickness Consultation Free. Drs. Scott & Scofield AT SCIO HOTEL Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays Hours: 9 to 11 a. m, ♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦ooooeeeoeooeoee Your Gift Number? For the last two years at Christmas time we have ar­ ranged gifts, and numbers on each gift; and have sent cards bearing these numben to persons in the vari­ ous neaiby communities. On Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings of each week, beginning Friday morning, the 8th, and con­ tinuing until Christmas, the««* numliers on all gifts ''not taken” will be changed. Numbers from each locality will be represented each time, so everyone has an equal opportunity to win some gift. Articles from every department of the store will be included among the gifts, suits, shoes, hats, and all kinds of furnishings. Any articles may be exchanged for merchandise of like value. Write or call for a gift card, request. Gladly mail one on BLAIN CLOTHING COMPANY VALUE FIRST ’’The Store With a Square Deal for Every Purchaser” ALHANY ORI’XION eeeeeeee