;* THE SCIO TRIBUNE VOL. XXVI. NO 17. SCIO. ¡.INN COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 7. 1922 11.75 THE YEAR ■E MEETING WAS WELL ATTENDED ***->musM* * Shelburn Hout to the Commun­ ity Club and Royally En­ tertained the Visitor«. Monday night saw ooe of the largest attendances ever al the Community Club meetings, and it was full of interest from start to finish. The large school house was well Ailed, despite the rain» night. The meeting was opened with a well arranged program bv members of the school, under the guidance of the teaeher. Mies Margaret Serf- ling. The gathering joined in sing­ ing "America.” then a song by six girls, a recitation, another song by the girls, another recitation, song by the audience "Star Spangled Banner,” a recitation, and then the business of the evening was taken up. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved. Also the report of the secretary­ treasurer was read and approved. This report showed a total receipts, including those of the evening, to be S162.10, with a total expenditure so far of $119.15, leaving a balance on hand of $43.95. The spirit of the evening was co- opertion, and it was reported that from Shelburn there were no ship­ ments of cream going to Portland or other places. It was urged that the best way to build up a commun­ ity was by patronizing the buaine«ses and industries in that community. Talks’along these lines were indulged in by many present. The road question waa taken up. but in a mild menner, because of some things having entered into the plana that made it impossible to divulge. The need of the road and the help required was vouchsafed by the meeting. Road mgns were ordered, and the publicity committee waa In­ structed to see the county court and procure all the small signs needed in order to direct travelers to every point within the Forks of the Santiam. It was also Instructed to see the State Highway Commis­ sion about getting sign room at Jefferson where the Scio road eroeeee the railroad and eaters the highway. Also a resolution committee waa appointed to assist the Seto Business Men's Association committee la ee- curing the help of the State High­ way in paving the road from Green's bridge to Scio. Shelburn people are interested in getting lights from Scio, and «oon will have plans formulated and a committee appointed to wait upon the Seto city council looking toward lighting Shelburn and the residents on the route, as well as furnishing power to the creamery and other industries there. Arising vote of appreci.itl n be a County Superintendent of Linn good game as Turner has a« large county. Oregon, will hold the r< gu an enrollment as Scio this year, and lar examination of applicant« f»r the teams should lie prettv evenly State Certificates at Albany. Ore­ matched. gon, a« follows: Commencing Wednesday, Decem­ ber 20. 1922. at 9:00 a. m., and continuing until Saturday, Decem­ ber 23, 1922. at I o’clock p. m: Wednesday Forenoon. U.S. His­ tory. Writing (Penmanship) Music, Drawing. Wednesday Afternoon Physiolo­ gy, Reading. Munual Training.« <>m- position. Domestic Science, Methods in Reading. Course of Study t r Drawing. Methods in Arithmetic Thursday Forenoon: Arithmetic, History of Education, Psychoh ¿y. Methode in Geography, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art. Course of Study for Domestic Art Thursday Afternoon: Grammar, Geography, Stenography. American Literature, Physics, Typewriting, Methods in language. The«» for Primary Certificate Friday Forenoon: Theory and Practice, Orthography (Spelling), Physical Geography, English Litera­ ture, Chemistry. Friday Afternoon; School 1-aw, Geology, Alegra. Civil Government Saturday Forenoon: Geometry. Botany Saturday Afternoon: General His lory. Bookkeeping. Dell Sutherland, our yell leader, is wearing a new sweater given her by the students for her faithful ser­ vice. City Budget Adopted With just four member« of ths city council, and the budget com­ mittee, meeting, the proposed bud­ get of the city was adopted, after one little item was eliminated. Thia took the magnificent «uni of |32 from the original interval eatimats, so the city really reduce« the amount I» I mi paid by the taxpayers. It is deplorable, when the -ity asks for cooperation in maintaining a low rate of expenditures, in its manage­ Wahl Pens Nothing Better for • Xmas Gifts Dance Saturday Don’t forget the dance Saturday night at the Z C. B. J. hall in Scio. Linn County School Superintendent. Arnold'« orchestra will furnish the ——o mu«ic. Come and have a good time. --------------- o --■— ■ Christmas Present Price* from » $1 to $8.50 Kelly’» Drug Store Thr RcxaU Storr Cesmlc Oust. !t has bwn only lately discover«* that cosmic dust forms layers at the bottom of the deep« «t seas. Het wren DOLLARS to each and every man. Iloti, lulu an> vance for one year, whether it is new or renewal. There is no string» to thia, and all are eligible to entry Thia offer expires with Saturday night, Dec. 23, «9 you had Ix-tter hurry You have leisure time now and you can put it to no better ad­ vantage than by earning this amount. It is cash - no other premium. The price of ths paper is Si.75- and worth every cent of it. Now is your opportunity to earn your Christmas money. Will pay 25c for every subscrint on under ten. so you cannot lose, except the big­ ger amount. F ob Saur- Old papera. 10c per I handle al the Tribune office. K. of P.'s Elect After the basket ball game, be­ tween the K. of F. member« and the high «chool team, in which the •core was 19 to 7 in favor of the latter, and which was played in the new gymnasium, the member« of the lodge repaired to their hall and immediately proceeded with the election of officer«, which reaulted a« follows: Chanceller commander, W. W. Miller; »icechanceller. Gilbert McDonald; prelate. Glenn Holland; master of arms, Gordon Wesely; inner guard. Verne Neal; outer guard. Kenneth Sims, keeper of re­ cords and «eals. E. G. Arnold; master of finance. J. W. Chromv: master of the exchecker, Sam Stoller, master of works. Guy Johnston; trustee for three years. Ira Rilyeu. It was also voted to pay the kee|w>r ment. in progressing, that it is im­ of records and seal« and the master possible to get a corporal’s guard of finance 25c per member per year out. Rut on the other hand, when for their work. A lunch was served it comes to educating our children by J. L. Kelly. Sam Stoller and and a sufficient fumi Is needed to Clarence Leffler. The basket ball carry on this laudable work, there team of the high school was a guest is always plenty present to curtail of the lodge at the close of the meet­ the workings of the «chool- a public ing. school at that. FIGHT IF YOU’RE RIGHT E dna G kbk . Eversharp Pencils The wrestling match between Chas Olson ami Chas. Richard«, wm wit­ nessed by a fair sized crowd on Thanksgiving night, and all who were present witnesse d a good bout. The preliminary was staged by Bennie Froepal and Ed Boyanovaky, and they showed adeptnesa in the art. The boys are light weights and have the making of good wrest­ lers under proper training. la the main event, th toe holt was adopted, and in this Richards feels that he loet hie points. In a former wrvetiing bout in southern Oregon. Richards won hi« bout on the toe holt, and he thought he could do the same with Olson, but he reckoned without his host. Olaon won by throwing hie opponent two best out of three. The referee was an Albany man. whose name we did not learn and Mr. Richards was un­ able to tell us. Mr. Richards want« a return match with Olson for thia coming Saturday night, and he will insist upon eliminating the toe holt if pos­ sible. He showed that he hod pep and under proper rules for him ought to win. People’s Theatre Malie! Normand in “MOLLY ’0” Seven Keele alno a COMEDY and WEEKLY Dec. 9 and 10 Admission 10c-30c Eveyhody Interested in Recon­ sideration of the Meeting Held by Diet. 95. Elsewhere in thia issue will be found the republished budget of School District 95, which calle for another meeting on the 21st to re­ consider the action of the taxpayers at the meeting of Nov. 25th. This budget was read, discussed and fi­ nally defeated bv an overwhelming vote. To the shame of the district, there has been much ill-feeling engendered in this controversy, and this paper l>elieves it is because there is a lack >f understanding by a major! y of the taxpayers. The Tribune does not believe the people want the school to become non standard by elimination of one teacher, fort his would d<> untold injury to the dis­ trict and to the children of our citixens. Contrary to the statements heretofore that it is neeesMry to have the domestic science in the school to make it standard, the law is that three teachers must be em­ ployed to make It a standard high school. Domestic science is one of the required studie«, and the school board acted wisely in incorporating this branch in the curriculum. Besidrs teaching domestic science, this teacher also teaches two other studies, and her time is well taken up. In no other manner does the girl* of our community, or any other community, secure so thorough a knowledge of the proper arrange­ ments of food and their preparation. It also carries sewing, dressmaking and other studies necessary to a well rounded girl to do her home work well and economically. There are six districts in the vi­ cinity of Scio that have a total val­ uation as shown by the school au­ ditor,s report, of over 1100.000 valuation of apiece, or a total 1795,523 more than two times of the Scio the valuation six «chool« District. These support six teachers and care for the elementary education of an average of 110.4 pupils. The Scio 1‘:sti ict with a valuation of 1253,139 listed in the official High School Di­ rectory for 1920-21, has to support seven teachers and an average of 13N.5 pupils, elementary and secon­ dary. Thia unfair distribution of wealth makes the burden on the Scio School higher accordingly than it should be. Angered at this sit­ uation the taxpayers of the Scio dis­ trict have decided to strike them­ selves a blow in the face tn secure revenge because nature has denied Fight if yon,re right, And don't be afraid of God, man beast, or devil. It gives you a vim that will make you win If you know you are on the level; A erook may look like a eham pion. And be claeeed as a wonderful fellow. But right means grit and you'll them equal wealth. make him quit During the peat two years 19 pu­ For his crooked streak makes him pils have been graduated from the "yellow.” Scio System. Five of these became suecewiful teachers and seven are Don’t be too proud in any crowd. If your tight la against an oppres- continuing their education. The re«t are engaged in useful work, «or. Just make Right Might then Might and ail. we are sure, will become useful citixens. The school v as is Right And you’ll eonquer the trans­ listed at the State Superintendence office as having insufficient ocientifle gressor. equipment two years ago. This For thia to an age when the wisest lack was met immediately by the l-aat year it Will tell you "Red Blood” to new administration. was discovered that the library lack­ needed. For just ooe drop will go "over the ed sixty books. On D-eember 1st a shipment arrived which put this top” Where words have never succeed­ department on the standard basis and removed Die lest deficiency ed from Seto’s claim to be a standard Mies Remedian Shumaker, pf Jeff­ school. Last year Crabtree was erson. was * guest at the Frank dropped from the list of standard Ihayer beate, teal wak. iCwitinoed on page 4j