V- a * V » ... 5 • . «A . When you buv butter, Meadow Shade butter buy Mr» Kiley Shelton entertained the lady teacher« of the Scio «chool« Some of the merchant« in Seto at a dinner the flrat of last week, are complaining about good« dia and ad report a fin« feed and a good appear.ng from their counter» im- ' time. Th<>— present were: Mi—»« mediately after «ome of the larger Marie Stagi. Etta Morcom. Esther girl« of the town are in their »tore«. Humphrey, Ruth Wirth, France« We are sorry to hear of such depre­ , Eckert, and Mi— Grace Hovenden. dation« being committed by girl«, of Portland. who is « cousin of Mi— and hope thia little warning will I Humphrey. »nd w«* on her way cause them to tie more considerate I home from the "homecoming .» gt of other people*« properly and leave . Corvallis. *....... a - . * « . K their hand« off. These merchant« •ay that they do not want to be com­ pelled to retort to the law. but foar they will have to if thia warning ha« no effect. ' • ' ■ •• llen<- n,<>t.,r oil, w ¡th container. ed out. In «ome manner he found Price right, if you ran use it In­ quire at the Tribune office. hi* way to D. C. Thoms' home, and Mr. Thoma took hi« car out to a—ist For Sale Prune*, orchard run. in relieving the situation. He also! good clean prune«. 10c per pound. Order» may be left and called for got mired, and they hail to «end for at Densmore« Feed Store. G. L help from «ome of the garage«, and Muuy 17p toon were track in town all covered The Feder­ with mud. Mr. Harrang proceeded Money to I .-■an at f>i'- al land Rank of Spokane. Wash . ion h41 way Sunday morning, glad wiill make loan* »hr >ugh the | of the help he had received here. Fork« of the Siintiam National Tuesday alrout noon a large buck Farm l/>an Ao»«'iation in amount.« from ||00 to $10.000, for a peri­ and doe brvexed into town and found od of 5 to Xi years, on first mort­ it iie«t to travel on the walk of H. gage -curitv Inquire of W. H. I A. Halim, at hi« home. They were McLain. Sec i rea* . rout. No. 2. ; somewhat «cared at the stghla they Scio, Oregon. 11-p m * and soon made their way out I of town. Mr. Ballin notified hi* ¡friend« of hi« visitors, and they I turned out in large number* to try and ketch them, but the |»air was too wily for the pursuer«, Il is I thought that the heavy snow in the •• « r i r .< <1S i I 6 Chiropractic Talks g , t\erver i mountain* drove them out where they could get something to eat. it i t>eing reported that «now ia over | two feet deep at Quartaville, and i. '1 ,. r ■ '«. Cdr/y. 1 /è e tW/y fart c/ ! other places. Russell Give« Figure» v .nA— .. According to figure« compiled by Connty Clerk Rusarll for the «late highway comini—ion, Linn county this year haa received S5K2.214 56 i for county toad purpose« and ha* »Dent $424.766 42. The figure« for I 1921 are Receipts. $623.017 09. ex­ penditure« I5K9.HS2 39; 1920 re­ ceipt« S615.3H9 12, expenditures $565.324. The discrepancy between receipt« and expenditures 1« ex­ plained bv the fact that the court had requisitioned fund« from various other fund« for road purposes, and the balance« are covered bv out standing warrants totaling more than 1200,000. — Albany Herald If the nerve« an- impeded in this vital work by abnormal pre—urea, your body will not receive the *u|>ply of energy needed to keep vour health •nd it reng th at normal. Be­ ware of |>h>«ir«l decline! Consultation Free. Drs. Scott & Scofield AT SCIO HOTEL Monday», Wednesdays and I ridays Hours: S to 11 a. m. z t 1 b i- ’Xrf M LOCAL BREVITIES Alvin and Orville Gilkey drove to r >k Bartu was in Albany on Portland Friday. When you buy butter, buv ue—»Monday. Meadow Shade butter. V McAdoo was in Salem on Frankie Snyder, of Orchard. Wn., e Monday. Hr wa* rewarded •>m- new bu'ineM that can be 1« visiting relative« here thia week. «1 butter for «ale Mr*. J. Morcom, of Corvallis, came over to attend the dedication of the gym and vi»it her daughter. Mi«« Etta Morcom. MAKING HOUSEWORK EASY Gean steel knives and forks, remove stains and grease with SAPOLIO Shelton & Co. hrve been keepi * carpenter* busy the past few day« installing their refrigerating Dlant. n in ibi« i—ue. Many resident«. of Scio and vicin They hope to have it in operation r and Mr«. D. C. Thom, ar d I If «re at-ending the healing meet- within a uhort time. .Mi » « Frances Eckert and Ruthl'n,r* ’* A,hanf- th Art Shelton and wife are «pend­ U r h • ¡Il spend Thanksgiving in The married folks dub held their ing their holiday vacation with rel­ Mil w th Relatives. second dance in the Wesely Hall ative« in Camas and other point« in P rhursday night. Washington. Owing tn a »lacknewt b b DR. FICQ DENTIHT t VC Ì I Meadow Shade butter for «ale at Meadow Shade at all grocer*. all grocers. office Hour« : • to li A. M. 1.30 to 6 P. M. Cleans • Scours • Polishes Large cake No waste Hagry. the jeweler, ia stocking a ,n ml,k industry. Art was laid tine line of The Edison Fountain oiT st lhr Coadenaery until there ia more of the product coming in. Pen« and Ever Ready Pencil«. Sadie Marie Chamliers and Ruth F. T. Thayer and family went to Colin«. teacher« at Foster, and Portland yesterday to visit other* friend* of Mi— Eckert «nd Mi— of their children over Thanksgiving. Wirth, of the local school«, are c. C. BRYANT The l>en«more Feed Store has just •pending the week with them here Attorney at Law finished buildin* an office in the while attending the institute in Al­ north-west comer of their buildin*. Cusick Hank HMg. bany. coming out every evening ALBANY OREGON Some front door that the Rartu I The picture for next Saturday Bros juat hun* at their place of night and Sunday none of the finret S. C. BROWNE. M. D boMneaa. Gue— no Studebaker will ever screened, «nd the People« knock thia one down. Theatre is fortunate in aecuring it Physician and All of you who have not noticed for hi« patrons. The title i« Surgeon the high coot of living going down "Human Heart«." and is ten reel«. “cio. < Trsgon Vf •• «1 R idencs will do well by looking up Ho l «e h «k The price is 20c and 36c. and no Brow ad M Uui mm . one should mi— seeing it. Meals now 35c to 50c, at the THE SCIO HOTEL LOWE &. MORRISON RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS All funerals given personal »■■ ■ Service« and I ne— Guaranteed to Satisfy I verj < iistomer led y Attendant if desired Lowg Auto 'i- *■ Moaat««»« non >e » •______• Phone -tiny. »7 Fqsipment Night, , ' ooooooossaaoaooooooaeeooeea«««»*»««««««»»»seat -s- 4 * »