' o-S *•*. • s ’ ’iti . r* i " Notice is hereby given that the sndsr- aigne’1 aa administratrix of the estate of Anton Kamos, deceased, haa filed in the county court of Linn county. Ore­ gon. her final account aa such admlnia train» auj the said court ha* lived Munday, the tth of day of Ikecember. | 1922, at the hour of two o'clock in the 1 afternoon of that day as tne time for the hearing of objections to -aid final , aretsMil sod the settlement thereof. An\ and all |wr»uu* having objection» j to said final account are hereby notified to be pieaent at said time in the county court room in the Unn county court lM*u»e. in the city of Albany Linn * gon. an * th. •«: and there make such objections. A nna K arxim . Administratrix of said Batata. Illi i. A M arks , Attorneys for Administratrix. First publication Nov. 2, 1922. luut publication Nov. 30. 1922. Miet ol R h I SttllMttt Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed. aa cK-cutor of the last will an.* testament of I .aura L Ambruoe. de ceMed. haa tiled in U»e county court of Linn county, Or« gon. his Anal account aa suc h executor, and that aald court haa apt«ointed Monday, the IHth day of • >ecemt«er. 1922. at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of Mid day aa the time for hearing objections to said ,’inal account ami the settlement thereof. Any ami ail ptirsona having objectiona to »aid final account arc hereby notified to tie present at said time in the county Court room, in the court house in the city of Albany, Linn Couuty. Oregon, and then and there make such objections. E I) M ykm . Executor of the will and estate of Laura I.. Ambrose. deceased Hll.t. A .M arks . Attorneys for Executor. Notice ol School ilectiea to lacrosse Tn More thu S ii Per Coat Over that al the Previous Year t Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 96. of I inn < ountv, State of Oregon, that an election will be held in said District at the bchoolhouse, on the 2lst day of 1922 at 2 o'clock iri the af­ ter r»~.n, to vote on the question of in- creasing the amount of the tax lew in said I'istritt for the year 1923 by more than six [er cent over the amount of such levy for the year immediately pre­ ceding. It i necessary to raise this a Albany Friday evening to attend the Price healing service but were unable to i gain admittance Paul Bartmk has returned home from Mt. Angel whet«* he ha* been employed for several months Orville and Alvin Gilkey drove to Match Jay aapawiaoy for fewe- v«*o*vg- men headed for a party, one after crank­ ing for long time found his batlerie« dead, one run out of gas. and one had a blowout, while another could i nut find his way there. SHELBURN NEWS AT Wesely Hall Nov. 27 Thursday night. Mr. and Mra. A L Powell, daugh­ ter Maxine and Walter Rice were visiting with Mr. Powell's («arenes in Jefferson Sunday. November 30 Lm McLain an i Joseph spent Sunday at the T. M home Chas. Olson of Albany, vs. Chas. W. Richards of Scio Finish match. 2 out of 3 falla * <*• Mr*. Hoppe.Com Osborne’s mother is staying there for awhile this winter. Her health is very poorly. * «K ■*< Be Sure It’ Willard Battery Bennet Rosati The Shelburn school children di ' 1 reeled by their teacher are prepar-> Make sure of fhaf ing a program for the Community you’re sure of full value Club wmeh will meet their Dec. 4 every battery dollar. Portland Saturday, returning home Sunday. Mrs I N Isernon, of Corvallis, i- Fast preliminaries have b«*« n ar- visiting her sister, .Mr» S B Holt. I ranged. General admission 25c Ringside seals |1.(M). Harry Jon«-«, of Stayton, cam« and 50c. over Saturday to spend hi* vacation Pr«*lirninarus start at 8 p. nt. Ladies patronage appro- with hi* grandparents. Mr. and Mr* | .sharp. ! dated. JG Holt M um Nora Holt, of Albany, spent I th«* week end nt th«* |>at«*rnal horn«* Ortftft Midi H om hill'q Tarns .Mrs. Fred Mespeit is soliciting A great surprise for the home knitters of Oregon, but still a fact. Further­ for the Red Cioaa drive. more, thia yarn is absolutely virgin Alvin Gilkey left .Monday for wool yarn; the wool was grown in Linn county, sold l>j Mr. Senders to the Or«* Eugene. 5on Worsted Company (mill* located at Leonard Gilkey and wife drove to ell wood), made oito wurst«*d yarn by Altiany Sunday, via Jeffet» *. to at­ Roy T. Bishop, eon of C. P. Bishop, proprietor of the Woolen Mill Store of tend the afternoon meeting h«*ld n Salem. Oregon knitter» trv thia yarn the Armory. Prof Tobte. wife and out. Alt color». I.w per bail of 2 ««s* ■-ani|.lni sent on api I • ation Addn-aa children accompanied th«*m C. p. Illshop. Box <5. Salem. Oregon. Mr. arid Mrs. Fred Me» twit at­ eoeeeoeooeeeeeeooeeoooooa tended th«* Price meeting at Albany Sunday. Scio Mill Ä Elevator Co. í ¡I The following children attended the children’s meeting and healing services held at th«* Albnoy armory: Opal Mesprlt. Maron Gilkey, Allen Gordon and Hnr<«ld Gilkey. Eugene Kelly kill«! a wild goose while hunting «n the Sant lain River. .Mr and .Mr*. Janie* N. Riley , Scio Mill & Elevator Co. R M Russel and wife of Albany spent Sunday with Mrs. Rumell*» l«arents. Hi Jones Alfred Powell has traded his ford touring car for a new coupe. Fred Shilling and neice spent Saturday and Sunday relatives in Salem Opal, with We’re headquarters for Willard Threaded Rubber Bat­ tery. We give authorized Wil­ lard Service. Drive around. Let’s get ucquainted. Bartu Motor Co. Scio Oregon l*>n McLain was visiting his nephew, .Mr and .Mr* Clair McLain in Salem last week. Sut>acritie for the Tribune Thanksgiving We are appreciative of the bit-suing« we have received during the past year, and hope that our many friend» also have much to be thankful for. We will close our store at 10 o'clock for the day. chopping 5c and 6c R. M. CAIN celebrated their 25th wedding an­ niversary Nov. IO. Relativi«*« from Portland and oth«*r pia«*« » were pre­ sent for the occasion. .Many use- ful presents were given, gifts were receive«! from their daughter. Mrs. Fiar I Brock, of Loa Angeles Mr. Riley presented hi* wife with H diamond ung and wedding ring to match. i—-—, •WtNCNtiTlH Saturday Special Roiling meat 8c Roasts.......................... 12*c Round Steak i Mt. rleaiaat Hamburger Pork Sa uan ge Nov 27 Special Price for 15c .............. 13c 15c All other meats have name 1 hanksgiving Tony Giesler sts-nl a couple of big reduction. days visiting in Portland, returning Thursday. Elmer Limbeck made a business trip to Altiany Friday. SCIO. .... OREGON F rank Sent and Elmer Limbeck waeeeeeeaeeeeeeeweeeeewe w eeewa+eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee made a flying trip to May tun Sal- urday. »♦»♦♦♦♦♦MS S MSS SSS SS S SS S SS S S SSS S SSSS S S SM S S SSSSSS SS* A program and pie social m id at Kingston school house lav evening. A good tune was ported by all. Hariy Darby and Roy Bate« arr now sawing wood on Darrel .Mont­ gomery’s farm south of town. AND THE A farewell surprise parly was given for .Maud Smith, who is going to Albany to work. Nettie Ebeshardl who is working at Oregon City is expected home have always gone hand in hand. WEED OUT the tuis week to spend Thanksgiving boarders, provide shelter from cold and stormy with her folkat weather, put away an ample supply of well balanced A party given at Lorenz Isaak’s rations and thereby insure a maximum How of was well attended and everybody had a good time Mr and Mrs Nick Sens motored to Altiany Saturday, to have their tonsils removed. The singing Sunday evening at Ben Darby’s proved a success Condenaery, Scio, Oregon lwa( Saturday was an unlucky Holechek Bros. Prop. PROSPERITY DAIRY COW Milk and a Higher Test Oregon Milk Company