ANNOUNCING! Original Estimate and Accounting Sheet School District No. 95 Thia original estimate is made in compliance with section 231-A of th« school laws ef 1921 and shows in parallel columns tlic unit coats of the several service«, material and supolie* for the three fiscal year* next |»rvirvling die current year, the Actailcl expenditures for the last «me of said three preceding fiscal years and the budget allowances and expenditures for six montha of tlic current year. ("Nix months of the current year" means six months of the last school year.) I he opening of a Poultry Feeding Station EXPENDITURES We feed, dress, buy and ship chickens also pay the highest market price. Get our prices before selling. hi il ITFM Can't Handle Cropie Chickens LARGE & HACKELMAN Second year <1 ve yearly totals Budget allow­ ance in detail Ka pendi turno in detail First year give yearly totals Personal Service 2. Principal a. Teachers Scio, Oregon Old Butcher Shop Stand Expsnditurrs and builgrl allowance for six months of last school year - O' 990 1'IHO 450 W ‘I 4 . Janitor, .............. ... 6. Clerk.................................... 7. . Other service» ........ Livestock and Feed « »«•«-SS«« » 9010 00 Personal Service Material and Supplì«-« I. Furniture 73i »V' 3. 63 9 6718 on UO 00 IW 30 28 ....... . 56 «2 SCIO, .... 45o 60 » 9 8717 s 48 65 50 43 00 1 w 00 uu 25 100 uo 24 <*0 366 ii 252 40 66 96 50 M 2 50 _____ i 00 I 169 50 9 641 96 «76 00 5Ai 00 i 1226 00 * 84 87 9 166 6« I 83 11 9 84 87 S IM 66 9 350 00 I 26» 64 260 ou 9 25» 64 » » 2*s. 66 266 66 I 9 324 »7 9 • 50 no So 00 i 9 46 SO 45 60 I 75 OU 9 76 UO 6 4 85 lOo 24 18 38 I Inaurane» ...,. 9 Miarellantwu« Printing and advertising. Supplies for D. Science . Freight and hauling . Total Miscellaneous OREGON i 5064 98 26 00 59 90 Insurance DENSMORE’S FEED STORE m oo <10 uu 135 72 Indebted nesa Interest on w arreni» .. Total— lixiebU-dne»» . Total 660 rju »XI 25 » I Maintenance and Repairs Heating plant Buildings and grounds .. Total Maintenance A Rep. you out. 00 0U 0U W 9 • 5 100 2U 126 0Ü 00 00 00 I 13 46 «7 62 I HO 97 r< » 6.34 36 » 362 85 I 104 96 I 766 Ml 9 324 97 9 186 16 I 76 00 118 47 9 164 63 87 00 »12347 9 $ 7066 M 6 9965 98 »10132 76 I Emergency Total- Emergency.... GRANI* T<>TAI FARMERS I » < * 9 517 42 9 617 45 911992 42 4 6279 38 t 8406 M I, Annie I). Fkirtu, ill» hereby certify that the almvc estimate of expenditures for the year 1922-1923 Mas preparrd by me and that the expenditure« and budget allowance for six moiitlui of th«-current vr.«r and the cxpriuliturc* for the three liwal Year» next preceding the current year av shown above hasr l»cvii compiled from the records in my charge and arc true and cor­ rect copies thereof. ANNIE I). BAR I C. District Clerk. Clean up Sale on Lumber in the state on his rewsrch work, much of it being accepted at the University of Oregon as authority in the classroom. We have a large stock of No. I and 2 common to be sold under market prices. First Served. First come Home From Vacation Scio Logging & Lumber Co fAre You Looking Ahead? X X A.- ♦ Spender The saver will ooon be abb to own hie own fan J I Hi. *u< < .as is assured. The spender ha* a good tm><-< arly in Ilf«-. m - vm I- me all, and too late realises the truth of th«- saying "’ll.- S ■ >-1 <-f Mx rear I WHIsH Ono Are You? Rave a little each week and ♦ |.r. par- for the future. X i* | fee the future, or spending all as vou go? Saver or X X The First Savings Bank Albany, t the of numerous birds Oregon making their Tells of Linn's Birds "WHtHI SAVINGS ARC SAFE*- 4 «4 laUnMsal so *eny summer home in these lakes. | «♦♦♦♦♦♦eeeeneeoooooeeoooooooeeeeeaee«««««-• « »oooot-a«♦ Dr. A G. Prill of 8cm npjiears in print in the W ilson Bulletin printed at Oberlin. Ohio, in the last issue in I which he presents to the Wilson Or­ nithological club, a story of the nest­ ling birds <>f lake county with spec­ ial reference to Warner valley. Ths- valley lira in the extreme southeast­ ern part of the state and at some 4500 feet elevation. The valley con­ tains numerous lakes, many of which contain numerous islands and bv virtue of the isolation has long I m en the brooding grounds for thou­ sands of birds, that migrate north and mu th as the season of the year changes. Dr and Mrs. Prill visited this section of the state last year for several weeks to study bird life and secure pictures at first hand x>f Dr. Prill drew a map of Warner valley showing th«- relative positions of the lakes and some of the isolated mountain peaks which stand at an elevation of 7,000 fret and stand as sentinels guiding the migrating flocks <>f fow Is to and fro. Dr Prill has given a graphic description of the lake regt-m and many of the birds found In that region. The sand hill crane not often found, makes its home in the interior lake region, which Dr. Prill found and had the privilege of taking a k-*dak picture of some of the young birds and also some of the nests. This section of the state is regarded as one of the moat fertile in the U. S for the acientut. Dr. Prill is re- Ye editor has returned from his two week's vacation in Vancouver. W ash . and at Chemawa. He is feeling much improved in health and hopes to soon be giving better service to his constituents ’han ever in the past While at Chemawa, he had an opportunity to see the Indian students at work there, and the discipline is most excellent and of a character to make a lasting im­ pression upon their minds The school haa the largest enrollment this year in its history, more than 700 children being registered. They come from almost all over the en­ tire domain of Uncle Sam. and from | Alaska. The government gives the students free education and clothes Last Thursday night he and eats attended a party given by Supt. Harwood Hall and his estimable wife,and he had a must enjoy ble time, The evening wa« «pent in a contests musicaie and guessing musically. All the attendants of and all teachers the institution were guests Mrs. Ann Cannon Dies daughter of W. B. Carey, an Ore­ gon pioneer who cioased the plains by ox team in 1847, ami settled in what was then called "Crackers Nack.*' let wren Thmas and Crab­ tree creeks. Two daughters and two eons sur­ vive. They are George W Cox of RiverMde, Arthur W. Cox. of Port­ land. children by a former marriage; Mrs. Laura Belle Tyler, of Portland and Mrs Ida Nei nger. of Seattle. Mr. Cannon died in Dttffl. County Cork, Ireland. He will at­ tempt to motor there from Dublin, although he believes he may en­ counter difficulties tiecauar of dis­ order in the county. "I expect to visit Sir James Craig, the Ulster leader,’* said the colonel, before his departure. "Some of Sir James’ leaders were in my reg­ iment and I knew the Ulster premier when he served in the Boer war. 1 hope also to see Swift McNeill. Tim Healv. John Dillion and other Na- , tionalist leaders.** I he Leaders have made no plans Returns to England to return to Or«-g<>n, and their de­ parture was an occasion for a great Col. John A Leader, former com deal of regret. Mrs. Leader took mandant of the Officers* Training leading parts thia winter in two Camp at the University of Oregon. UnlveWity of Oregon plays present­ Mrs. leader and their three sons.' ed in Guild Theatre on the "Can- will sail for England from St. John, Alice-Sit by-the-Firs” and " Ths New Brunswick. on Dec. 10. plan­ Scarlet Pimpernel.*’ ning to make their home there per­ manently. Col. Leader baric fare­ When buying butter, buy Meadow well to hie hundreds of friends'on Shade butter. the campus, Friday. He will spend the week end in Portland and then proaed to Vancouver H. C. Mrs, OrccaUfc Inaurane» f'mnpsmy Leader will join him there. H omo Or—.» teoanon Brno SomuwS The former commandant hasfmade arrangements to see the Univirsity of Oregon—University of W ashing­ ton game in Seattle on Thanksgiving Dav. His farewell to the team will take the form of cheering for Shy Huntington's men After arrival in England. Mrs. Leader will go at once to her father's home. Blackmoor Hail. Sidmouth. Devon. She has not seen her father Col. the Hon. John Pleybell-Bouverie. formerly the commander of thej Seventeenth Roval l-ancere. since Burial services were conducted by Rev. D V. Poling at th«- Riverside cemetery, near Albany, Saturday for Mrs. Ann Cannon, a former Al­ bany women who died in Portland 1*17. Friday. Col. Leaders estate it at Mrs. Cannon was the youngest gaid«d aa among the best authorities a See D. M. John About your LIFE INSURANCE. The new 3-in-0ne Policy iaaued by the Oregon Life will interest you. WE DO DYING HUB CLEANING WORKS. INC Master Dyers and Clsaasrs JJ5 Lyon St.. ARxny. Oregon WE DO PLEATING <