■■ Labor Cominiaaioner Report* Cozy and Comfortable There Mw*re 3.726 industrial plant» in Oregon Septemlwr 30. Via the Shasta Route n th«- earn« da'«- two again-d 3 '••- a net gain of 672 plant»; years agu after allowing '• * * ut during misaioocr, and (he r«*»ult of the first ah<>ws a investigation ¿■ a -5; Observation Cars and sleeping cars with •«•••lion», drawing rooms and c»m|>artmenta faciliat«- the enjoyment of scenery They afford privacy, rest, sleep, relaxation, and pleasure. Excellent meals tastily prepared and served In attractive dining earn appeal to the most fastidious. «1 ' *A 'll- For LOW ROUNt) TRIP FARES, Train schedule», Meeping Car Reservation. and I h autiful feliior». ask railroad ticket agent» ur write. the term of the present Labor t'«>m- biennium's ■■ ■ ?■ for which had long bean urged by th<>ae aware of the danger* ftom d«neclive boilers, wa» brought 3 ‘t Equipment of Southern Pacific trains is nwd«-rn in appointments and contain all the features conducive to comfort an.! luxury. request of the State Sui>erintcn * tOMsawr e tdaSBi > Xi n.7 HUTHl1 iV through 'he adoption by the state them away and walk ufT like bovs John Griifln is tuteli front hi» trip Industrial Accident t'ommi»i«»n of Blind men cumt- out as good as new to Eugene. a« a witness in a divorce the co«ic of boiler regu!>tion prom Our weather still hangs on ctxil •uit. ulgated by the American Society of and foggy, causing lute of sickness. PIE EATE1L Mechanical Engineers. The Acci- We are anxiously waiting fur ■ dent Commiasion is aulhorixed to Thanksgiving so we can have a good ' fix regulation« i as observed how differenti« it •• I«-- ■ i >• r> nt illff.rent land» nrx«« <>n their steeds The British etick their I«-» . i the Norwegians make s sound lr> a kiss; the Arabs roll a Ion« "r and the Neapolitan eoa, binali » «-I. Il a dog tected and those not insured but in­ -> -A* . spected *““• ranged through the 1 t) 11 ( ■ the State, by was ar­ it Labor Bureau that all boiler inspector» should qua­ ■ under a voluotar» lify 5 1 board of mechanical engineers. The report shows the intrumen- tality of the l»ibor Bureau in the collection of small gregating wage claims ag­ S22.397 40 of which NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School I list riel No. 96, nt Linn County, State of Oregon, that a 8CHOOI MEETING of said dis­ trict will be held at the m*H<>OL HOUSE, on th«- 21st day of Uecember. 1922. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon for the purfxieo of rrronshlt ring the budget here­ inafter aet out with the levying board, and to vote on the proposition of levy­ ing a special district lag. The total amount of money needed by the said school district during the flscal year beginning on June 22, 1922. and ending June 30. 1923, la estimated in the following budget and includes the amounts to be received from the county school fund, state school fund, elementary school fund, special district Hi, and all other moneys of the district : BUDGET $3,296.56 was in tiehalf of women. Whiledn the majority of thesr claims, th* amount j r '» ï)v involved usually represents all that pqy'f ¡it \eay — « * is small, it the claimant has. and the principle involved on the part of the employer in refusing a» reprehensible as to pay. is just though the claim amounts! to thou­ sands uf dollars The claims refer­ red to are such as are above the Saving Jud limit of those small claims court but too small in warrant prosecution. themselves to HE Lan^.wtxxl i& a Strictly wood burning ran&e. Designed v pec tail y for Western conditions, its const . action enables it to cut fuel cos.s to u n uumum. Make your next stove a Lnn^wocd and cut your fuel bills in two.’ the collectible by The Labor Bureau has no authority to force collection and ita sueceaa in these caars was through "reason and persuasion only.** Be­ cause of the lack of authority about fifty percent of these claims, many of which »re apiarently just, are not paid. Commissioner Gram sug­ gests three ways in which the Lag- LANG*.? Laro, emidu««. I».«nr<-«dtohvm TWICE a* long aorh («NJ./lA/J- fAe ■»»<( required Ay anv.^V-run«. « tu buy invest^ ite a torneys to act without coat to etai- mants, (S) invest the Labor Bureau to take assignments uf the claims and proceed with their collecUun through district attorneys without cost to claimants. • • •• • • + « • ♦ i SANTIAM FARM NEWS ! R. M. CAIN All on the aick list with a fearful SCIO OREGON. Real E fiate Broker and Notori/ Public diu-atit Obtained, jL.J • • • cold. O. P. Korinek Rilev Shelton Veterinarian l OivLGOK Nov. 27 Furniture Phone 76 Hardware ......... ♦«»»♦»■»■» Mrs. Sutherland Albany Sunday to Healer on her went try the goiter. over U> Ihivine The report him with oaiCOON cancer It fails out and roll* on the 1 floor, men with wooden Is*» throw < all» answered l*ay ee Night STAYTON. ... is when men g«. around E stimatkd Einrsorrtnuui P riuona I. Saavunt Principal.................. , Teacher»................. . • • • s s s a • • ' « « IS • • Janitor» ... ......... Clerk ....................... Total.................................... M atbhial and Svrruga Fumitura (desks, stoves, curtains, etc.) Supplies (chalk, eraser», sic.)................. I ibrary books . ..................................... . Laboratory supplies........... ........................ Janitor's supplies......................................... Fuel . .. 7................................................ i-kht ............................................................. Hater ... ................................................. Footage and stationery .......................... Total . .............................. No. 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 Salary per year |2l)0t> IX) 1215 00 IIU on lire) oo SM 00 4M) no 50 00 Total 43WO I 126 00 <«0 00 <» Retiring warrants ........................................ > 617 42 TuUl I.. 17 IT- Total estimated amount of money fur all |l year................................ ............................... 24i»i <») Total estimated receipts, not Including proposed ta«,. 45400 i < q kaCASHVLAnoe Total estimated ewpenses for the year • 11992 42 Total rs lima led receipts not including pro posed tai ....................................................... 5400 00 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax I 42 paled Hus >th day of November. 19Z2. Attesi; ANNIL l>. BARTU. KRANK HARTU »* rai * ' V-«. J "