The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, November 30, 1922, Image 1

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NO. I«
11.75 11IE YEAR
Wa* Splendid Meeting
Stanley Hoffman Die»
The regular bi monthly meeting
Stanley Hoffman. Crabtree mer­
of the Scio Busmens Men’s Associ­
chant, died at his home in that place
ation was held Monday night, and
Monday night following a lingering '
Shell >lirn is the Next Place to a large number were pr«<a»-nt The Taxpayers decide on Retrench­ illness
Exercises by I. O. O. F. Pro veil
Eniertain the Club and
Drawing Card—K. of P.
ment. and
meeting, «he Hon. S H. Goin and
and came to this state with his par­
Everyone is Invited
Teachers Sila rie»
lx>dge Gave Dance.
i Mike Kelly, father of our enter­
ents 15 years ago locating at Crab­
prising druggist.
trev. where he has been in the mer­
When the Forks of the San iam
The annual budget meeting of the
The plana of the high achool
The committee recently appointed
chandise business for several years.
Community Club meets in Sheloura i
taxprvers of this sch-xd district. No.
students, together with the help of
tn look about getting the road from
Besides a widow, who is a daugeter
next M inday night, it will have
96. was held at the Scio High School
the I 0. O. F. and K of P lodges,
Scio to Green's bridge paved, had
of Horace M unsell, he is survived
before it the matter of paving the
building Saturday afternoon, and
for the dedication of the new gym,
its report in and Its action so far
by one daughter. Audria, who is still
road I m - tween Scio and
after defeating the request of the
was a howling success, if that word
‘ was approved. The committee has
at the family home.
bridge, and thia is a matter that
school board fur a permit to l«vy a
can tie fully appreciated. The con­
I been to Salem, secured the cooper-
He Is also survived by his mother.
will require considerable thought
tax in excess of the six per cent lim­
tents of the iron box. which contain­
' ation of the Salem Commercial (Tub.
Mrs. Jsmes Hoffman of Crabtree,
and planning to get accomplished.
itation, also proceeded to further re­
ed a history of the gymnasium up
land will soon make a trip to Port
snd four brothers and two sisters.
On Monday night. Nov. 20. ac>m
duce taxes by chopping from the
to Saturday night. Nov. 25. 1922.
land to interview the State High-
The brothers arc Arthur and Edward
mitt*-«- from the Scio Business Men's-
teachers salaries the sum of approx­
was placed in the cornerstone of the
way Comm i sari on It is confidently
Hoffman of Crabtree. Joseph Hoff­
Asaociation met with a like com­
imately 11095
I he vote was con­
building nt 7;46 p. m . ami then fol­
man of Hillsboro, and James Hoff-
¡expected that some worth-whi.e
mittee of the Salem Commercial
siderably on»-»id«*»l on both these
lowed the dedicatory address by the
man of Ashland
i promise can tie srcuied from the
The sisters sre
Club, and a working agreement was
Questions. 47 t ■ 23.
Hon J. K. Weatherford, of Albany.
Commission. In fact, everything is
Mrs J P. Quigle* of Harrisburg
planned, whereby the interests of
While granting that it is necess­
The address of Mr. Weatherford
jin favor of the desires of the club.
and .Mrs W. K. Bartholomew of
lK»th communities could be coordin­
ary to reduce taxes, wherever and
full of encouragement to the
The club willattemi the Community
Baientme. Montana. The funeral
While at thia time it is im­
whenever possible, the procedure
nu-n and women of the school,
Club rnwimg next Monday night
services were conducted nt the
possible to give all the details con-
of the meeting in taking from one
highly <• »mm- <d»-d them and
and request the Cooperation of it
church in Crabtree at I «’<•’>.
nectci with the movement for the
; item alone all the dectea»«' is a tra­
of Scio upon I hi« won­
with the«« in this laudable under­
Wednesday afternoon hy Rev. Erank
Having of this road, it will have taking.
vesty upon the school district and a
id d
Het¿ar assisted by the Modern Wood­ derful undertaking and ths
»rained considerable momentum by
While it
< '
The question of Consolidated hardship on the teachers
men. Burial was ms«’e in the Frank­
next Monday night, when it is ex- schools was also diM-usm-'i, but then- is true this reduction will not affect
lin Butte cemetery.
lM-cte»i that a large crowd of mem- was a lack of data f-r the club t<> the present contracts with
achievements of men and women
ers of the cluti and its friends will definitely outline a program. A teachers now employed, it dues en-
tie fore them, and urged that they
be present and thus materially assist committee was ap[xunlt*d to c»ioper tail a burden upon the district l>e- Jordan Plana Consolidation keep up the good work here started.
the business men of Scio in this ate with th»- Scio school board for cause ot the necessity of forcing
Owing to the largeness of the room,
A new move in educational circles
Several the purpose of securing a ra consid­ the sch'xil board to issue warrants,
it was hard f ir those in the rear to
plans are under discussion, but these eration of the taxpayers at the and these warrants wdl draw sis is being discussed by the voters of hear the speaker, and they missed
the Jordan country with the view
cannut now I m - given because of the school mt-eting hel<l last Saturday per cent interest from the time of
much good resultant from it.
of consolidating six school districts
tact that neither of them have been The busini-Ms men went on record a» presentation for payment until paid.
The gymnasium is one of the lar­
having a total a*s«-M*»-d valuation of
definitely decided upon and will not favoring the movement, and the The policy of the meeting seems to
gest in the valley, being 00x120 feet.
I m - until after the meeting next committe
The business take from the wage-earner ail re­
The plan of the promoters is to It was crowded most of the time
Mondav night, Dec. 4.
The meet men felt that the schools should not ductions, but leave other items as
conduct the schools of the six dis­ after the dance starter], and all
ing will be held in the eshool at be hampered in their great work. they looked. Had the reductions
tricts with three teachers instead seemed to fully enjoy the evening.
Shelburn, and we understand that
Another committee on electric i tieen made from all items in the of six and also to grade th«* school Promptly at 12 o’clock the orchestra
the Shelburn people are planning lighting and power fur prospective ' budget, there could have lieen no
much better than is possible under player] "Home, Sweet Home,*’ and
some surpri**it.
customers oatside of the city was I objection.
all repairer) to the place where the
the pre»-nt system,
I*et every Bi an and woman Inter­ also appointed, and this committee
A prominent citizen of Scio, in
Tran ixirtatmn will l»e provided vats were for sale, and this partic­
ested in good roads be present. will have something resi good to of­ commenting upon the action of the
for students living tieyund a certain ular part of the program all present
Complete cooperation in the matter fer in the very near future
meeting Saturday, said "it seemed
ar-vmed to enjoyed most.
The feed
distance from the school.
will bring results no other plan
All the above was throughly dis­ funny to him that on the 7th of
It is believed that by having the was under the direction of the Far­
can or will tie worth while. There cussed before any definite move November the community voted for
I one school a stronger «-durational ent Teacher Association, and ther
will be other things before the was made
cummitte»-s. the public sch»Mil by an overwhelm­ center can I m * established and a more certainly known how to please the
meeting, but the road question it Many subjects were als»* discussed ing majority, but on the 26th go to
m<M]em buildiing provided for the inner man. Moat of the foot] was
parmount at this time.
snd these subjects will lie announced the school meeting and vote exactly accomm<Mjation of the children Die of course donated, and thia added a
as they develop
It was a good opposite to their vote on the 7th. If school building, according to the considerable sum to the fund.
Officers Nominated
meeting and all present spent a very ! we are to have one school, why not propose»! plan, would also I m - used
profitable evening. The next meet­ Keep it up to the highest standard as a community house for the enter­ the
There was a large attendance at ing will be h« Id <>n Monday night, possible, but It seems the schools
tainment of the eon nunity socially, lack of a atove for the
suffer most.”
the K of I*. lodge Tuesday night, lire 11, at the Sei-» hotel
and for the discu»»n>n of questions of keeping those who did not dance
when the business of the order was
of public interest
in a comfortable feeling. There
1 —
to nominate officers foi the ensuing Junes; inner guard. Verne Neal, H.
Today is Thanksgiving
It is the
were as many present who do not
year. The following were named, E ToMe; outer guard, Kenneth day upon which we are to render
Albany’s Healing Meetings dance as there were of those who
and will I« elected next Tueedav Bims, Clarence letfler, H A Ballin; thanks unto Almighty God for the
do. and no doubt in the future
night: Chancellor Commander. W. keeper of record* and seals. Prank blessings of the past year. To this
More than .3000 people. It is esti­ there will be provided some sort of
W. Miller; vice chancellor, Gilbert Barto, E G. Arnold, Rolla Shelton, <-n»i The Tribune wants to. comply mated. were turned away from the
way for keeping the guests warm.
McDonald; prelate. Edwin Holland; J. S Sticha; master of finance, J. with the request of the President Albany Armory last Tuesday night
It was a moat magnificent gather­
Master at-arms. Glonn Holland, Jess W. Chromy; master of exchecker, of the Unite«] States an<l the Gov* at the second healing services living
ing, a splendid time was enjoyed,
Rodgers, Gordon
Wesely, Fred Sam Stoller; master of works. Guy ernor of Oregun in properly cele­ held by Dr. Charles Price. evangelist,
despite the uncomfortable weather,
Johnston; trustee, Ira Bily. u. Jew« brating th«* day by refraining from but more than 2500 witnessed the
and nothing but words of praise
Rodgers. Fred Jones, E G Arnold. work, by stopping long enough to continuation of his miraculous heal­
have liven heard sincr the eventful
After the bumne» of the » vetting, take ctignixanee of the blessings of ing through the power of Christ.
a chille cm earn«* supper was served, the year, tu forget and forgive our
The audience consisting of men.
Too much praise cannot tie given
enemies and to praise our friends. women and children, brought their
and ail had a good time
who took a leading part in
We are thankful for all that has lunches and waited all day for the
the exercises a success,
Basket Ball
t«en done for us during the last evening services. At 6.30 p, m the
and without mentioning any names,
year. Therefore, the |»a|M?r is reach­ Armory was filled to capacity.
the Tribune wants to take off its
The first basket ¡bull game of the ing our readers a day ahead of
Among the 3N that were anndnt
hat in recognition of their services.
season will be played at the new schedule.
ed. there were parties from many
They contributed much to encourag­
gymnasium Tuesday night. |Dec 6.
Eos S alk —Old papers. 10c ptT of the smaller towns around Albany.
ing the youngsters to remain loyal
at 8 o’clock la-tween the HiehtScboil
It was also announced by Dr. Price
bundle at the Tribune office.
to *he public schools, to keep ever­
vs Kmehtsof Pythias teams Every­
that there would be a davaet aside to
body tome.
lastingly at the fountain of knowl­
be known *s "stretcher day," On
edge, and thus make a name for
thia occasion all the seats will be re
Because of a small debt owed the
themselves. If not in the hall of
moved from the lower floor of the
city of Jefferson by the contractor
fame, al least in their own commun­
armory and the audience will lie al­
who placed the pavement through
ity and state. The receipts were
lowed only in the balcony, as the low­
that city, the defit being *27 50.
over *300.
floor will lie converted into a pine»-
the city has held up the completion
for receiving the persuu« who art
of the road there. The contractor
Read the ads in this I <-u»-. it id»
unable to attend the meetings tie­
claims the city owes him *1.400.
the republished budget for
cause of their inability to ariae from
and that the hold up is aorenrM on
District No, 96. The call is
bed. He will also annoint and pray
the part of some members of the
for a reconsideration
for these persona. Stretcher day
city council. He savs he is bonded
the meeting held on
will b* announced later hy Dr. Price.
for 50% of the contract price, and
the 26th. The coming meeting will
that the city is amply protected. It
be held on Thursday, Dec 21, at
is Haimed that a few members of
the school house. This is bv the
the city council is with the contract­
All business honses In Scio will
authority of the county school r'F*
or. But Jefferson must keep its
close from 10:00 a. m Thanksgiving
reputation up at all hazards, even
day and remain closed the remain­
if fc to a small debt amply secured I
Give thanks today.
der of the day
Piene» shop early.
Come in & make
your selection
while the line is
Kelly’s Drug Store
The KfxaU Store